This is part of a series introducing the candidates in the November 6 election
State Representative, 2nd District (vote for one)
Adam J. Lusker Sr. 452 S. 210th St. Frontenac 66763 Democratic
Kenneth Collins 102 E. 1st Street Mulberry 66756 Republican

Name: Adam J. Lusker Sr.
Age: 46
Position running for: 2nd District Kansas State Representative
Residence: Frontenac, KS
Occupation: Mason
Community involvement:
Member of the following: American Legion Post 43, Frontenac Rotary, Frontenac Unified Methodist Church, Sacred Heart Church, Elks Lodge, Masonic Lodge 187, Mirza Temple Shrine, Scottish Rite, Former Member of Frontenac Education Foundation and USD 249 School Board, 25-year business owner
Party affiliation: Democrat
What is the biggest issue, if elected, and how do you plan to address it?
- Maintaining a consistent revenue source, to ensure our budget is balanced and meets the needs of our community.
Give your views on the sales tax.
- Sales taxes are regressive taxes. Higher sales taxes affect people’s buying power in a negative way, especially our lower and fixed-income citizens. Therefore, food sales tax impacts these same folks adversely. Our sales tax also puts border counties like ours at a disadvantage economically in regard to retail sales, food, mercantile, equipment, etc, with our neighboring state. I think we should work to reduce food sales tax, as well as sales tax in general as other sources of revenue, are realized.
Give your views on legalizing marijuana.
- I do not believe Kansas is ready for legalizing marijuana. Several states are still continuing to deal with legal marijuana. We were a test site for a very costly tax plan; I think we should let other states be the petri dish on this experiment.
Give your views on health care for our state, including Medicaid.
- We should continue to find ways to reduce health care costs, increase access to medicine and promote wellness in our state. Regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Affordable Care Act, it is law and Kansas has to take advantage of all we can to keep our hospitals open. Kansas taxpayers have sent over $3 billion of our money to other states to expand Medicaid. The numbers show that expanding Medicaid would have a positive impact on our healthcare systems and our communities.
Give your views on abortion and Planned Parenthood.
- I have a pro-life voting record and will continue. I think we should continue to invest in adoption and education to prevent unwanted pregnancy.