Category Archives: Government

Contact Utility Companies If Past-Due On Bills

The Cold Weather Rule takes effect November 1

TOPEKA – The Cold Weather Rule, designed to help Kansans who are behind on their utility payments avoid disconnection during the winter months, will begin on November 1 and remain in effect through March 31.

The Kansas Corporation Commission, the agency that regulates public utilities in the state, encourages Kansans who are past-due on their utility bills and at risk for disconnection to prepare for the colder weather by contacting their utility company to make the necessary payment arrangements.

The Cold Weather Rule was first enacted by the Commission in 1983 to prevent utility companies from disconnecting a customer’s natural gas or electric service during periods of extreme cold. Utility companies are prohibited from disconnecting a customer’s service when temperatures are forecast to be at or below 35 degrees within the following 48 hour period.

The Cold Weather Rule also requires utility companies to offer a 12-month payment plan to allow consumers to maintain or re-establish service. Any residential customer with a past due balance will qualify for payment arrangements; however, it is the customer’s responsibility to contact their gas or electric company to make those arrangements.

Payment plan terms to maintain or restore service require that customers agree to pay 1/12th of the total amount owed, 1/12th of the current bill, the full amount of any disconnection or reconnection fee, plus any applicable deposit to the utility. The remaining balance must be paid in equal payments over the next 11 months, in addition to the current monthly bill.

The Cold Weather Rule applies only to residential customers of electric and natural gas utility companies under the KCC’s jurisdiction. More information about the Cold Weather Rule is available on the Commission’s website ( Kansans may also contact their local utility company or the KCC’s Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at (800) 662-0027.

Specialty Crop Reimbursement Available

KDA Offers Reimbursement to Specialty Crop Growers


MANHATTAN, Kan. —  The Kansas Department of Agriculture has funds available for reimbursement to Kansas specialty crop growers who attend an educational conference with a primary focus on specialty crops. Qualifying conferences may include sessions about production practices, specialized equipment and technology, pest and disease management, specialty crop marketing practices, or business principles for specialty crop producers.


Applicants who apply for the reimbursement will be required to attend the conference and to complete surveys before, immediately after, and six months post-conference prior to payment being issued. Conferences not eligible will include those within the state of Kansas and the Great Plains Growers Conference. KDA will reimburse Kansas specialty crop growers up to $850 each in order to offset the cost of their conference registration, mileage/flights, hotel, meals, etc. The award is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The deadline for application is December 15, 2019.


Examples of conferences that may be eligible for applicants to attend include, but are not limited to:

  • North American Strawberry Growers Association Conference; January 19-22, 2020; San Antonio, Texas
  • North American Raspberry & Blackberry Association Conference; March 3-6, 2020; St. Louis, Missouri
  • Great Lakes Expo Fruit, Vegetable, & Farm Market Conference; December 10-12, 2019; Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention; February 28-30, 2020; Hershey, Pennsylvania
  • Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference; January 9-12, 2020; Savannah, Georgia

This program is made possible by a U.S. Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant (SCBG). The SCBG makes funds available to state departments of agriculture solely to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops. According to USDA, specialty crops are defined as “fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops, including floriculture.”


This grant fits KDA’s mission to provide an environment that enhances and encourages economic growth of the agriculture industry and the Kansas economy. For application details, go to the KDA website at Questions should be directed to Lexi Wright, From the Land of Kansas Program Coordinator, at 785-564-6755 or [email protected].

Bancroft Returns as Fort Scott Finance Director

Susan Bancroft is the new Fort Scott Finance Director. Submitted photo.

Susan E. Bancroft, 44, started as the new City of Fort Scott Finance Director on October 9.

However, Bancroft is not new to the City of Fort Scott.

“I left the City of Fort Scott as Assistant City Manager/Finance Director to work for USD 234 as the Business Manager in 2012,” she said.  “I was employed by them for three years when I realized I wanted to chase my career.  I then went to work for NPC International as HCM Director in Pittsburg.  NPC employs roughly 40,000 employees and is the largest franchisee for Pizza Hut and Wendy’s in the nation.”

Bancroft’s husband died this summer, which changed her life priorities.

” Unfortunately, life threw me a curveball when I lost my husband in June of 2019 in a car accident east of town,” she said. ” My life’s priorities changed and I started looking for something closer to home.  I am thankful that the City of Fort Scott welcomed me back to work in the position of finance director.  I have a lot of catching up to do but am very excited to be back.”


Bancroft replaces Rhonda Dunn, who resigned for a job in private industry.


Bancroft earned her bachelor of science degree from Missouri Southern State University in business administration.


Her family includes daughter, Bailie Hughes and son-in-law Victor Hughes; son- Gunnar Brown: step-daughter – Kynleah Bancroft and daughter – Allie Brown.




Bourbon County Commission Meeting Minutes of Oct. 8, 15

October 15, 2019                                           Tuesday 9:00

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioners Oharah and Fischer present.  The County Counselor Justin Meeks and the County Clerk Kendell Mason were also present.

Jason Silvers with the Fort Scott Tribune, Nancy & Kerry Van Etten and Julie Saker each attended a portion of the Commission meeting.

Michael Hoyt met with the Commissioners to clarify his request from the last time he met with the Commissioners; he said he would like for the County to engage Emergency Manager Will Wallis to test or evaluate all EOP plans in place to see if there is room for improvement.  Mr. Hoyt said the USD 234 plan fell apart in two areas on September 3, 2019 when there was an intruder; the 911 system and notifying the parents of students of the incident.  Lynne Oharah said he had a conversation with Will Wallis and asked what the County’s responsibility was for those plans; Will said he was asked to critique USD 234’s plan, he said he did and felt it was a good plan.  Mr. Hoyt said they had an event or incident and said there was no reason why the County leadership couldn’t take control and evaluate the plans.  Lynne said he would discuss this with Will Wallis again.

Jim Harris and Jerad Heckman met with the Commissioners; Jim said they are mowing and crushing.  He said they are making chips at the Beth Quarry.  The County is making 1,400 tons of asphalt for the City of Fort Scott.  He said they did a 23,000 ton blast.  Jim Harris said they will be doing a snow drill this week.

Lynne said there are potholes at the north end of Devon that need filled and said a culvert may be needed; Jim said they would send the pothole patcher to the area.

Jeff made a motion that Kendell Mason send all department heads a memo asking that they watch and control their overtime since we are over budget in employee benefits (taxes and KPERS are based on compensation, and are elevated due to the extra overtime), Lynne seconded the motion.  Jeff said we need to be good stewards of the taxpayer’s money and said if we don’t reduce expenses it will require a reduction in force.

Jeff discussed the work done on Ironwood and the collapsed culvert there; he said the County did an amazing job there; he complimented the work that Jared Lord did.

Jeff discussed Mr. Phillips property on Justin Lane; he said there is water running from a spring or from a runoff, Mr. Phillips asked that ditching be done there.  Jim Harris said he would view the area.

Lynne reported that 125th & Osage going east and west needs gravel.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships, Jeff seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners Justin Meeks and Jody Hoener).  No action was taken.

Bill Martin, Ben Cole, Bobby Reed and Leslie Herrin (who was videotaping the meeting) met with the Commissioners to discuss a bill the Sheriff’s department received from Noxious Weed.  Bill said he had requested gravel (which they have not received) for an area on the north side of the Sheriff’s building.  Bill said they received a $566 bill from Noxious Weed for chemical spraying done by the Sheriff’s building.  Bill suggested that the bill be written off since the property belongs to the County.  Jim Harris said Noxious Weed has to purchase the chemicals and said if Noxious Weed sprays at the Landfill then the Landfill pays for the chemicals.  Jeff questioned how the bill for spraying is different than the bill for fuel delivered to the Law Enforcement Center for the generator; Bill said the fuel for the generator should be paid out of operations.  Jim Harris said they mow the area, but do not send a bill for mowing.  Lynne said they would discuss the bill for spraying with Nick Ruhl when he returns.  Jim Harris said there is a $506 delinquent bill owed from the Law Enforcement Center to Road & Bridge for fuel that was delivered for the generator; however, it was later stated that the $506 bill had been paid.

Julie Saker briefly met with the Commissioners; she announced that she was planning to run for Sheriff in 2020.

Jody Hoener met with the Commissioners; she discussed the event center, she said she and Rod Markin had attended a work group meeting and did site visits.  She said the next step is to do business (to see if there is a need for the facility) & resident surveys.  Jody said she needed to put out a press release to businesses and residents to identify long term property tax goals. Jody said the average mill levy for Bourbon County is 180.77 (which is the 11th highest in the state of Kansas).  Jody suggested adding value to help reduce the mill levy and to obtain a long term goal (by 2030) of an average mill levy of 158.61.  Lynne made a motion to accept this goal, Jeff seconded and the motion passed.    Jody said that Jim Keller and Steve Buerge had both made contributions towards having the market demand study done.

Jeff Fischer discussed the St. Martins Academy on Indian Road; he said he had met with Daniel Kerr, Mr. Kerr said they did not want regulations or restrictions, but asked that the County place school zone signs (without restricting or reducing the speed limit at this time).  Jim Harris recommended 45 mph since this was the current speed limit in the area.  Jeff said that St. Martins had constructed a bridge and pathway for the students to use to keep them from walking on Indian Road.  Jeff made a motion to direct Jim Harris to install school zone & warning signs with a 45 mph speed limit, Lynne seconded and the motion passed.

William Laporte from Hidden Valley met with the Commissioners; he said they have received good service from the Sheriff’s department.  He said recently the club house alarm had gone off, but it was a false alarm; he said he wanted to contact the Sheriff’s department to notify them of the false alarm so they didn’t make the trip to Hidden Valley, but said he had to call 911 to cancel the call, but said his 911 call went to Linn County.  He questioned if it was true that only 2 deputies were on duty at one time and asked if it was too expensive to add more deputies; Lynne said the tax payers do not want their taxes to go up.  Mr. Laporte asked about Yale Road; Lynne said it would eventually be paved.

Sparky Schroeder met with the Commissioners and Jim Harris; he said the base on 230th is coming apart, Jim Harris said the asphalt came apart but said the base did not.  Jim said they did a good job on the base of the road and said if it fails they will fix it.  Mr. Schroeder said if it’s a blacktop issue, what are they doing to fix; Jim said it is unpredictable in what asphalt will do.

Mike & Judy Wilson met with the Commissioners regarding Unity & 75th Terrace; Mr. Wilson said the gravel had washed off of the road and said the road needs a crown or peak so that the water can run off.  Jim Harris said they would view the road.

Justin Meeks reported that the City of Uniontown had accepted the real estate contract for the Noxious Weed building in Uniontown; he said he would discuss this at the next Commission meeting when Nick was present.

Lynne gave Justin Meeks permission to attend the KAC conference in November, Jeff seconded and the motion passed.

Justin Meeks discussed the tax sale and said that the tax sale is progressing; he said the publication for the tax sale cost $10,000.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Jeff seconded the motion, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks).  No action was taken.

At 11:23, Lynne made a motion to adjourn and Jeff seconded.



Lynne Oharah, Chairman

Jeff Fischer, Commissioner



Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

10/21/2019, Approved Date


October 8, 2019                                             Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners, the County Counselor and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Rod Markin with Markin Consultants met with the Commissioners and Jody Hoener regarding a multi sport indoor arena in Bourbon County.  Nancy and Kerry Van Etten were also present for this meeting.  Markin Consultants specialize in multi sport indoor arenas.  The first phase for Markin Consultants is to do a market demand analysis, look at possible sites, demographic trends, look at competitive factors, determine who would use the facility, talk to producers and promoters of events then develop a program or plan for the facility. Once phase one is complete, they would share this with the Commissioners to see if a complex is viable.  Phase two is to do a market and financial feasibility study and look at the related economic impact.  Phase one will cost $15,000 (this will take approximately 10-12 weeks) and phase two is $6,000.  Mr. Markin said we need support from the local community.  Jody Hoener felt the arena could help retain our population, businesses and help with sales tax.  Mr. Markin discussed the fairground and the FSCC rodeo arena, he asked how those would be impacted if a multi sport arena was built; it was stated that they wouldn’t be affected since they are smaller and there’s no room for them to grow.  Lynne suggested since Bourbon County was located at the crossroads of two highways and close to major cities this could possibly be a good option for our area.

Jim Harris met with the Commissioners; Jim discussed tires and the Landfill, he said he was going to reach out to other Landfills for options on disposing tires.

Jim said they were going to blast at the Beth Quarry this week and will then make asphalt chips.  He said they are patching and hauling gravel around the County.  Jim said he recommended to not lay anymore asphalt this year, he said the Sales Tax fund is done; Jim said they completed close to 18 lane miles of asphalt in 2019.

Nick made a motion to give Jim Harris permission to hire a replacement mower employee, Jeff seconded and all approved.

Jim said he met with Will Wallis; Will asked Jim for a burning station at the Landfill, Jim said he is getting the location ready.

Nick reported a plugged culvert on 145th North of 54 Highway.

Lynne asked Jim to look at an area between 85th & 95th and Xavier Road.

The Commissioners approved reclaiming the road to get some ditches, install culverts and cut tress (out of the County’s right of way) on the North side of KOA Campgrounds.

Jeff Fischer attended a renewable energy conference; he said wind and solar energy were discussed.  Jeff suggested that Counties obtaining windmills should pay attention to roads; he said Allen County has approximately 60 windmills and are now doing the road restoration after the installation of the windmills.  Transportation innovation was also discussed.  Jeff will attend an APEX wind energy meeting on October 10th.

Jeff did a presentation about the Forward Kansas Visioning Transportation Futures meeting he attended; he said the meeting discussed many items and needs involving planning for future transportation.  After his presentation, he questioned what the Commissioners should do differently to plan for future transportation.

The Commissioners briefly discussed the overtime to be paid on October 11th; for a two week period the Sheriff’s department had 199.00 hours, the Attorney’s department had 67.75 hours, the Correctional Center had 116.75 hours and Road and Bridge had 99.00 hours.

Lynne made a motion that the Commissioners approve Gold Mechanical to fix the HVAC system at the jail for $65,500, but want a contract to do the work and the contract needs a timeframe for completion and needs to have a guarantee that it will fix the problem, Nick seconded and all approved.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Kendell Mason).  After the session, Nick made a motion to authorize Kendell to replace a full time employee, Jeff seconded and all approved.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks).  No action was taken.

Jeff made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks, Deb Schoenberger and Kendell Mason).  No action was taken.

Jeff made a motion to give Lynne the authority to sign the Savvik Buying Group contract, Nick seconded and all approved.

At noon, Nick made a motion to adjourn for the day, Jeff seconded and all approved.



Lynne Oharah, Chairman

Jeff Fischer, Commissioner

ATTEST:                          Nick Ruhl, Commissioner

Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

10/21/2019, Approved Date

New Info Sign Coming to Courthouse

The north wing of the Bourbon County Courthouse houses the county clerk, treasurer and commission offices. A digital message sign will be placed here in the near future.

A new digital message sign will soon be placed on the Bourbon County Courthouse north wing.

At a recent Bourbon County Commission meeting, Emergency Director Will Wallis told the commissioners that the Garland Fire Department sold him a digital sign for displaying emergency messages.

“Garland Fire bought this sign several years ago,” Wallis said. “When the new management of Garland Fire Department took over they discovered it. After some discussion, the department decided they really didn’t have any practical use for it.”

“They called us and wanted to know if we had a use for it and also gave us an idea of what they wanted for the sign,” he said.  “After several months of discussion and deliberation  Shane (Walker, Bourbon County Information Technology Director)and I decided to purchase it and use it to display messages to the public such as CodeRed signups, Red Flag fire warning days, Weather warnings such as ice storms, snowstorms,  etc.”


“We paid $1,200 for it and used grant money, no county money was used to buy it and no county money will be used to pay to have it installed. The sign will be against the outside wall of the courthouse/sheriff’s old office, facing east. People can read this sign when they pull up to the four-way stop at Second Street and National Avenue.”


Wallis is currently taking bids to have it installed.


“It may take a few weeks to get this process completed,” Wallis said.

KDOT requesting comments on STIP amendment


The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) requests comments on an amendment to the FFY 2020-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) document.

The STIP is a project specific publication that lists all KDOT administered projects, regardless of funding source, and includes projects for counties and cities as well as projects on the State Highway System. The list of projects being amended to the STIP can be viewed at

The approval of the STIP amendment requires a public comment period, which concludes Nov. 6. To make comments on the amendment, contact KDOT’s Division of Program and Project Management at (785) 296-2252.

This information is available in alternative accessible formats. To obtain an alternative format, contact the KDOT Office of Public Affairs, (785) 296-3585 (Voice/Hearing Impaired-711).

Kansas Prisoners Relocated to Arizona Correctional Center

Kansas Department of Corrections inmates arrive safely in Arizona


A group of inmates being relocated to provide relief for the Kansas prison system arrived safely in Arizona, the Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC) announced today.


The group of 120 medium- and maximum-custody inmates were transported to the Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, Ariz., by secure air transport, paid for by CoreCivic under the terms of a contract with the State.


Specific details about the transportation of inmates to Arizona will not be disclosed due to security and safety concerns.


“The KDOC has sought to relocate offenders who will be successful and most likely to benefit from the programmatic opportunities available through Saguaro Correctional Center”, said KDOC Deputy Secretary of Facilities Management Joel Hrabe.


KDOC used a screening process that identified offenders who have at least 24 months until release, low frequency of visitation, a need for education/vocational programming, and are medically able.


The KDOC has also posted information for family members at which includes specifics on visitation, mail and other essential information. A staff member in KDOC Central Office has also been designated as a resource for families who have questions about their family member or processes.


The KDOC Office of Victim Services (OVS) has also notified registered victims of those transferred.


“The plan we announced on August 9, 2019 was to move inmates sooner, and in larger numbers,” said KDOC Secretary Jeff Zmuda. “We have been exploring all available options to avoid sending anyone out of state, but ultimately concluded this is the appropriate course. It is my hope that this will be a short-term solution and that we will not have to move additional inmates.”


On October 17, 2019, the KDOC had an inmate population of 9,027 male offenders, which the Kansas Sentencing Commission projects will increase to 10,399 by the end of state fiscal year 2029.

Governor announces appointment to the Governor’s Military Council


Governor Kelly appointed Dr. Stephanie Davis, Lawrence, to the Governor’s Military Council.


The goal of the Council is to pursue initiatives to enhance the quality of life for our servicemen and servicewomen, veterans and their families. Council members help develop outreach opportunities for individuals discharging or retiring from military service to use their talents and skills as members of the Kansas workforce, and promote Kansas as a desired location for all Department of Defense retirees and separating servicemembers.


The Council also looks to optimize the military presence in Kansas. This includes efforts to recruit and retain new missions and force structure, and actively foster close, effective cooperation among the installations and public and private sectors throughout the State.


“Dr. Davis is highly qualified for this position,” Kelly said. “Her experience working in the Veterans Administration and her expertise working with veterans and their families will be an asset as the Council pursues initiatives moving forward. We are fortunate to have her on the team.”


Davis currently works as the Suicide Prevention Coordinator for VA Eastern Kansas. Previously, she worked as a psychologist for VA Eastern Kansas and for Christian Psychological Services. Davis received a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Kansas and a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Iowa. She is a licensed psychologist by the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board. Davis also is the VA Liaison for the Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge to Prevent Suicide Among Service Members, Veterans and their Families.


The governor’s appointments to the Council are not subject to Kansas Senate confirmation.

Kansas Eco Devo Conference Oct. 24

Secretary of Commerce David Toland to Participate in Kansas Economic Development Policy Conference


The Kansas Economic Development Policy Conference begins at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 24, at the KU Memorial Union at the University of Kansas. Secretary Toland’s keynote address, titled, “Growing Kansas: A Look at Kansas Economic Development,” will begin at approximately 9:15 a.m.


At 1:00 p.m., Secretary Toland will be participating in a panel titled, “Conversation: Can Policies Spur Economic Development?” along with Rep. Jason Probst, Rep. Don Hineman and Sen. Julia Lynn.



What:             Kansas Economic Development Policy Conference

When:            9:15 a.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2019

                     1:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2019

Where:          KU Memorial Union

         The University of Kansas

         1301 Jayhawk Blvd, Lawrence, KS 66045

Kansas Transportation Priorities To Be Discussed

KDOT invites stakeholders to discuss transportation priorities at upcoming Local Consult meetings

A second series of Local Consult meetings hosted by the Kansas Department of Transportation will give citizens a chance to discuss regional transportation priorities and continue shaping FORWARD, the State’s next 10-year transportation program.

“Kansans are ready for the next transportation program to improve safety and grow our economy,” Secretary of Transportation, Julie Lorenz said. “We heard from more than 1,100 Kansans across the State who talked about the importance of completing T-WORKS projects, improving highways and making transit, aviation and rail work better. Now, as promised, we are coming back out for a second round of meetings to discuss specific transportation priorities in each region.”

All meetings will include an opening presentation and use facilitated breakout groups to:

  • Discuss transportation assets and needs at a regional level and gather feedback on priorities among KDOT’s various programs;


  • Share draft engineering and economic scores for highway modernization and expansion projects and gather feedback on those scores;


  • Discuss which highway modernization and expansion projects are regional priorities.


The meetings all will have a similar format, but the content will be specific to the region. KDOT encourages people to attend the meeting within the KDOT district where their community is located.

The Local Consult meetings are scheduled to take place in October and November in Pittsburg, Junction City, Topeka, Kansas City, Wichita, Great Bend, Liberal and Colby. A list of the dates, times and locations are below.

If possible, please contact Mike Moriarty, KDOT Chief of Transportation Planning, at 785-296-8864 or [email protected] to let us know which meeting you plan to attend.

Southeast Region – Pittsburg
Tuesday, Oct. 29
1:30-4:30 p.m.
Pittsburg State University
Overman Student Center
302 E. Cleveland
Pittsburg, KS 66762

North Central Region – Junction City
Wednesday, Oct. 30
1:30-4:30 p.m.
Geary County Convention Center
at the Courtyard Marriott
310 Hammons Dr.
Junction City, KS 66441

Northeast Region – Topeka
Tuesday, Nov. 5
1:30-4:30 p.m.
Capital Plaza Hotel
Maner Conference Center
1717 SW Topeka Blvd.
Topeka, KS 66612

Kansas City Metro Region – Kansas City 
Wednesday, Nov. 6
9 a.m.-noon
The Reardon Convention Center
at the Hilton Garden Inn
520 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66101

Wichita Metro Area – Wichita
Friday, Nov. 15
9 a.m.-noon
Century II Performing Arts and Convention Center
225 West Douglas
Wichita, KS 67202

South Central Region – Great Bend
Monday, Nov. 18
1:30-4:30 p.m.
Great Bend Events Center
3111 10th St.
Great Bend, KS 67530

Southwest Region – Liberal
Tuesday, Nov. 19
1:30-4:30 p.m.
Seward County Community College
Student Wellness Building
1801 North Kansas Ave.
Liberal, KS 67901

Northwest Region – Colby
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019
1:30-4:30 p.m.
City Limits Convention Center
2227 South Range Ave.
Colby, KS 67701


Bourbon County Commission Agenda Oct. 21


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: October 21st, 2019

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason


9:00-9:45 – Jim Harris –Road & Bridge

10:00 – Justin Meeks

11:00 11:30 – Bill Martin – Jail sales tax review