Category Archives: Government

Where The Bo Co Resident With COVID 19 Frequented

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Bourbon County, Kansas



March 24, 2020;

The Bourbon County, Kansas resident who tested positive for COVID-19, on 3/22/20, had recently frequented Fort Scott’s Walmart store and a local bank. These locations have been notified and are taking precautions to prevent any spread of COVID-19.They also visited the Kansas City, Kansas area and Independence, Kansas, within the last 2 weeks.

This is all the information that will be released on the resident, unless other areas of contact are identified.

The Bourbon County Health Department is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will continue to update the public with current information.

As on previous notices, please continue to follow COVID-19 precautions with social distancing (greater than 6 feet for less than 10 minutes) and proper hygiene practices.

Please contact the Bourbon County Health Department for questions or concerns (620)223-4464. You can also look for updates on the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Dept. Facebook page, the Bourbon County Corona Virus Updates Facebook page. Or you may also contact the COVID-19 hotline at (866)534-3463.

SEK Multi-County Health Department Administrator

Bourbon County Public Health Officer

Governor: Executive Orders Limits Gatherings, Provides Essential Framework For Communities

Governor Kelly signs Executive Orders limiting gatherings, providing essential function framework for local communities


As she discussed during a press conference Monday, Governor Laura Kelly today issued Executive Order #20-14 limiting mass gatherings in Kansas to 10 persons, which replaced the previous order limiting mass gatherings to 50 persons.


The decision was based on updated guidance from the White House Coronavirus Task Force, and modeling from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) that projected cases of COVID-19 in Kansas could sharply rise to a range of 300 to 900 by the end of the month.


“While none of us wanted to see this Executive Order further limiting the size of gatherings, it is necessary to help slow the spread of the coronavirus within our communities,” Kelly said. “We learn more about this virus every day and we are seeing serious cases in every age group – not just among our seniors. The most effective way we can slow down the spread is to stay home and practice good hygiene techniques.”


She also issued Executive Order #20-15, which details the Kansas Essential Functions Framework (KEFF) that counties will be required to use if local officials determine it is necessary to issue stay-at-home orders.


Stay-at-home orders require that residents not leave their homes unless they are engaged in activities that are essential to the health and safety of themselves, family members or friends. Essential activities include, but are not limited to, seeking medical attention, purchasing food or filling up gas tanks.


KEFF was developed with reference to national critical function guidelines established for pandemic and other disaster response efforts and provides information on how to limit sustained personal interaction while providing for the continuation of essential infrastructure and businesses. If a local authority has issued a stay-home or similar order, businesses or organizations that fit a KEFF exemption for essential functions should contact that local authority.


“These actions will ensure as much consistency as possible as local communities make their decisions around these increased protections for residents,” the Governor said.


With the vast majority of Kansas counties without a confirmed case as of today, the Governor does not plan to issue a statewide stay-at-home order at this time.


“While disruptive and unpleasant, all of the orders I have issued to date are absolutely necessary to keep Kansans safe and healthy and to prevent overwhelming our emergency rooms and our larger health care system,” Kelly said. “We’ve all got to do our part and work together to protect our families and our communities.”


Please find the Executive Orders attached. Questions regarding local orders should be directed to the respective local officials.


To subscribe to daily COVID-19 updates from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, visit KDHE’s website at



Hospitality Business Loans Awarded

$5 million of HIRE Fund loans have been awarded to Kansas hospitality businesses


Topeka, Kan. – Within 48 hours of Governor Laura Kelly announcing the establishment of the Hospitality Industry Relief Emergency (HIRE) Fund, all $5 million allocated for the loan program have been awarded.

“The hospitality industry in Kansas was one of the first to be hit financially by the COVID-19 crisis,” Governor Kelly said. “Department of Commerce Secretary David Toland and the teams at Commerce and NetWork Kansas moved swiftly to stand up the HIRE Fund program and process applications in a short period to help us quickly get these critical dollars into the hands of hospitality businesses across the state.”

The initial response to the HIRE Fund program was overwhelming. More than 1,400 applications for funding were received, with more than 800 submitted within 24 hours of the program being announced.

In total, 344 Kansas hospitality businesses will receive HIRE Fund loans. In the Kansas City metro area, $2 million will be distributed amongst 136 businesses; in Sedgwick County, $1 million will be distributed to 68 companies; and across the rest of the state, $2 million will be distributed to 140 businesses.

“We know that many Kansas businesses are struggling right now, and we know that $5 million doesn’t come close to making up the losses that the hospitality industry and others have and will continue to incur,” Secretary Toland said. “But anything we can do – no matter how big or how small – to infuse dollars into Kansas businesses to help them make payroll, pay their electric bills or meet their mortgage obligations, we’re going to do it.”

The HIRE Fund, which was announced Friday, March 20, offers Kansas hospitality businesses including event and convention centers, restaurants, bars and lodging facilities one-time, zero-interest loans up to $20,000. The program is administered by NetWork Kansas, a non-profit with a system of small business loan underwriters across 64 Kansas counties.

“Standing up a new loan fund within a matter of days wouldn’t have been possible without our partners at NetWork Kansas,” Secretary Toland said. “Their team spent hours over the weekend processing and responding to the hundreds of applications received, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their support to get these dollars quickly into the hands of those who need it most right now.”

While there are no funds currently available, applications are still be accepted should future dollars for the HIRE Fund be made available. Hospitality businesses should visit to complete their application.

Businesses also can apply for federal disaster loan assistance up to $2 million through the U.S. Small Business Administration at

For more information about the Kansas response to COVID-19, please visit: To access resources available to businesses, please visit


Money For Higher Ed. Assistance

Jake LaTurner. Submitted.

Home from school? Kansas State Treasurer offering new tool to help students find money for higher ed


With hundreds of high school students home from school for the time being, we at the Kansas State Treasurer’s Office have a great idea of something productive they can do with their time that will help parents and students alike. College deadlines are looming and with that comes the cost considerations for paying the high price of a post-secondary education. We are thrilled to announce to high school students and their parents that we have partnered with Sallie Mae to provide an exceptional way to find thousands of scholarships quickly and easily on our new Kansas ScholarShop website.


Fortunately, we were able to test out the system at a Kansas high school back in February, before schools were suspended for COVID-19, and it is now ready to be used by students statewide. At our first Kansas ScholarShop launch event, hundreds of Washburn Rural High School students found the site very easy to navigate and after quickly and easily setting up their profile, were able to get right to finding scholarships that they qualified for.


The tool is simple, after creating a personal profile and selecting areas of interest, the student is able to access over 5-million scholarships worth over $24-billion from Sallie Mae’s expansive nationwide database.


Aside from the benefit of having such a large number of easily searchable scholarships in one place, another unique feature of this tool is how customizable the search can be to fit the interests and talents of the student. After selecting from a long list of interests, skills, etc, the scholarship search engine then lists the scholarships which best match the student, tailored specifically to the student’s deepest passions, skills, and hobbies.


The Kansas ScholarShop is our proactive response to the crisis of student loan debt in America. We know the cost of college can be daunting, but we also know there are ways to pay for post-secondary education that don’t require going into debt.


It is our goal to bring the Kansas ScholarShop to as many high schools as we can with the hopes of opening up a world of scholarship opportunities our students may not have known about otherwise. We want all students to have the opportunity to reach their educational goals and scholarships can be a great help.


We hope this tool will be a great resource for our Kansas students and a fun and engaging way to pass the time while so many are home from school. We encourage students, parents, high school counselors and the like to utilize the website and feel free to reach out to us with questions. For more information on Kansas ScholarShop or to start your search for student scholarships, please visit our website


-Jake LaTurner

Kansas State Treasurer

Kansas WIC Program Now Available Without Physical Presence


WIC Physical presence requirement waived effective Monday, March 23


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kansas WIC program will continue to operate. WIC is the nutrition program for low-income pregnant women, infants, and children from birth to age five, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).


All current Kansas WIC participants will continue to receive benefits, and new applicants will be assessed, certified and issued benefits. Using telephone, computer and other technology, local clinic staff will be able to assess and certify applicants for eligibility and issue food benefits remotely to those determined eligible.


Typically, WIC participants and applicants of the program must be physically present to receive services. The USDA physical presence waiver is effective Monday, March 23 and expires May 31, 2020, or until extended. The waiver applies to areas impacted by WIC clinic closures and stay at home orders as well as to persons who are under quarantine, whether voluntary or involuntary.


Clinic operating hours and staff availability will be subject to local and state orders related to the pandemic. Applicants and current participants should contact their local WIC clinic to find out what options are available. Clinic locations are available online at: Contact your local health department for information on the nearest WIC clinic if you do not have access to the Internet.


More information about Kansas WIC


The Kansas WIC program provides services to an average of 47,000 program participants each month. The program is administered by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment through contracts with county health departments and three community health centers. There are 120 WIC clinics in Kansas where potentially eligible participants may apply for services. There are 359 stores in Kansas authorized to provide WIC foods to clients.


WIC services include providing supplemental food benefits, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health and social services. Currently, each woman and child receive healthy foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables with a retail value of about $37 per month and about $41 per month respectively. Infants who are not breastfed and receive infant formula receive infant formula with a retail value of approximately $152 per month.


Food benefits are purchased at approved grocery stores using an e-WIC card. The physical presence waiver allows eWIC cards and program information to be issued to participants through a controlled physical pick up, such as a curbside pick-up process or cards and information may be mailed directly to participants. Local clinics will determine the most appropriate way to issue materials based on staffing and logistical resources.


Information about the Kansas WIC program is located online at

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kansas Test Results

March 24, 2020 Public Update
For more information:

Updated 3/24/20 at 11 a.m.

Total Positive Cases
Private Labs
Kansas Health and Environmental Lab (KHEL)
Deaths (included in above numbers)
Out-of-State Resident Positive Cases*
(not counted in Kansas numbers)

Total Negative Cases for Kansans

Positive Case Information
County Number

Linn County
Butler County
Cherokee County
Mitchell County**
Morris County
Douglas County**
Reno County
Jackson County
Johnson County
Leavenworth County
*Ford and Miami Counties reported positive cases in out-of-state residents.
**Douglas and Mitchell Counties had incorrect numbers in their updates for 3/23/20. It should have read Douglas County—6; Mitchell County—1 for a collective total of 79 for 3/23/20.



Age Range
Age range on patients is 7 to 90 years of age, with a median age of 52.

Senator Hilderbrand’s Weekly Newsletter

March 20, 2020 ∙ Week Ten
On March 18, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. the Senate was able to have a briefing on the Covid-19 virus from KDHE Secretary, Lee Norman and Adjutant General, Lee Taffanelli. I have held off on posting anything on this virus until now, because I wanted to make sure that I had all of the facts, and understood those facts enough to be able to relay them appropriately.
Please know that there isn’t a reason to panic over this situation. You do not need to stock up on 25 cases of toilet paper. But you do need to take this serious, and take the necessary precautions. Here are some things that you do need to do:
1. You need to make sure that you have enough provisions in your home to last you for at least 2-3 weeks. Please don’t hoard supplies. If you have enough to last you 2-3 weeks, allow others that are needing these supplies to be able to purchase them. Please consider the elderly and others that cannot travel from store to store, or town to town to get the supplies that they need.
2. You need to wash your hands frequently, especially right after coming into contact with anything. Keep your hands away from your face as much as possible.
3. You need to be really careful about being around other individuals, especially in large groups. Allow others and yourself some personal space.
4. You need to take every precaution with: The elderly, those whom have had their immune system compromised, and those whom are auto immune deficient. These groups are very susceptible to catching this and any other virus.
There are certain variations of the Coronavirus that have been around for a very long time. This particular strain is new, it is a novel virus(a virus not seen before). There are no treatments to cure it, or vaccines to stop it. While it is true that the mass majority of those infected with the Covid-19 virus will survive, it is also true that even if the percentage of casualties is 3%, the more people that contract the virus, the more casualties there will be.
The goal is to contain the virus, and to stop it from spreading long enough to give researchers time to develop vaccines, and treatments to cure this virus. There is also a large concern that if people do not take the appropriate precautions that due to the limited number of beds, staff, and supplies like ventilators the medical system can easily become overrun.
You can get up to date information on the COVID-19 virus in Kansas, by clicking on this link:
According to the KDHE website, Coronavirus is almost always associated with a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, fatigue can slowly progress to extreme exhaustion and a cough is also common. It differs from the influenza and the common cold because it rarely includes a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing or sore throat.
The following chart is a good summary in order to understand why health officials are more concerned about the COVID-19 than seasonal influenza. Although experts agree data on the new virus is limited, concerns come from a variety of differences which, combined, may put people at greater risk independent of mortality rates. One person infected with influenza seems to transmit the virus to fewer people than COVID-19 (see detailed transmission estimates). COVID-19 has a longer incubation period before individuals become symptomatic and more hospitalizations could strain our health care systems, thus limiting proper care.
Governor Laura Kelly issued five executive orders this week in response to the threat posed by COVID-19. Although the Governor publicly made the emergency declaration last Thursday, March 12th, the Executive Order wasn’t signed and filed with the Secretary of State’s office until March 16, 2020. Declaring a state of emergency makes it easier for the state to mobilize its resources, provide aid to local communities and contract for services. The Governor’s executive orders continued throughout the week and Kansas ultimately became the first state in the nation to close all K-12 schools for the remainder of the school year. The overriding theme of floor debate quickly became focused on the potential for the governor’s authoritative overreach. Here is a brief description of each executive order along with a link to the official documents with specific information including timelines.
  1. Executive Order 20-03 declares a State of Disaster Emergency.
  2. Executive Order 20-04 intends to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by prohibiting mass gatherings, defines the term “mass gatherings” to 50 people or more and lists exclusions.
  3. Executive Order 20-05 directs and orders specified Kansas utility and internet providers to not disconnect services for non-payment and lists the types of services included.
  4. Executive Order 20-06 directs and orders all financial institutions to suspend initiating any mortgage foreclosures, evictions or judicial proceedings.
  5. Executive Order 20-07 closes all K-12 public and private schools until May 29, 2020, lists exceptions and details suggestions for continuing meal programs, childcare and online learning opportunities.
With so many school children at home, here are some resources for children and adults, that are offered through the State Library.
World Almanac for Kids ( is an intermediate level resource that erases the line between learning and fun. Information is grouped by topics, videos, and games. The games section is separated into categories such as Social Studies, Geography, Health, Sciences, and Math. It also includes videos, science projects, and maps.
World Almanac for Kids Elementary ( is a fun resource for early elementary level students. The colorful, kid-friendly format also has topics, videos, the Letter of the Day, plus a games sections in 7 categories.
Both online resources of age appropriate material are made available by the State Library of Kansas.
BookFlix is an online resource from the State Library of Kansas for children in grades PreK-3 that pairs video storybooks with related nonfiction e-books. Imagine Curious George paired with a nonfiction book about monkeys. After reading the fiction, nonfiction pair, young learners can test their new knowledge with the Puzzler. Puzzlers are more than just activities. They help build critical comprehension, vocabulary, and other important early literacy skills. BookFlix requires Flash and is available at no charge through the State Library’s web site
As of March 18th, Tumbleweed Press has graciously provided the state of Kansas with access to Tumbleweed ebooks through August 31, 2000. This online resource of age appropriate material is provided by the State Library of Kansas.
·      TumbleBook Library, K-6, includes story books, read alongs, videos, puzzles and games.
·      TumbleMath, K-6. One of the most effective ways to teach math concepts is through stories. This format combines animation, narration, and sound to create stories along with educational games and quizzes.
Access at the State Library’s web page for digital books Scroll down to Tumblebooks. These will be available through August 31, 2020.
For older students and adults
Universal Class is an online resource provided by the State Library of Kansas. Universal Class offers over 500 lifelong learning courses in more than 30 areas of study at no charge. Join a full course with instructors and readings or just watch the lecture videos to brush up on a topic. Some classes will supply a CE Certificate upon completion of the course. The wide range of courses offers something for everyone: from accounting to yoga, babysitting to parenting, cake decorating to computer training. Easy registration and self-supplied password is necessary to use this resource and allows you to resume your work.
With MangoLanguages you can learn a new language right from your own computer or smartphone. This online language learning service provided by the State Library of Kansas is easy to use. Choose from 71 languages such as Spanish, French, Mandarin- even Swahili. Mango uses real life situations and conversations to more effectively teach a new language. Mango also includes 19 English as a second language options. Use as a Guest or register to track your progress (and for smartphone use).
The Senate adopted a resolution, SCR 1615, defining the timeline of the remainder of the 2020 Legislative Session. The Senate plans to remain in recess from Thursday, March 19 until Monday, April 27. Originally, the Senate only planned to break between April 3-27. Under this new resolution, May 1st is the new deadline for non-exempt bills to be passed. May 21 is the last day of session, otherwise known as “sinedie.” For the sake of adaptability, the resolution authorizes the Legislative Coordinating Council, made up of leadership from both the House and Senate, to call the legislature back into session early or push back the return date with approval five of the seven LCC members.
After a full day of debate on the Senate floor and three amendments by the Committee of the Whole, the Senate has moved to fund the state for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, to the tune of almost $8 billion dollars per year worth of State General Fund expenditures. The original bill, worked by the Committee on Ways and Means, appropriated a total of $18.5 billion (including both state and federal funds) to the various state agencies for FY 2020, including $7.8 billion from the State General Fund.
SB 368includes a recommendation to increase total all-fund spending in FY 2020 by $118.2 million yet decreases transfers from the SGF by $34 million when compared to the previous year’s budget.
During floor debate, amendments that were adopted by the body were offered by Senators Molly Baumgardner (R–Louisburg) and Caryn Tyson (R–Parker).Senator Baumgardner’s amendment is related to interest rates on bonds issued by a municipality or taxing subdivision of the state of Kansas. The first of Senator Tyson’s amendments requires budget estimates to be produced on a biennial basis, beginning with fiscal year 2022, and the second amendment relates to the scrap metal theft reduction fee fund.
This budget bill spends $350 million more than what we are currently projected to collect in taxes. With the current Coronavirus situation, tax collections will take a significant drop and will make our overspending even more. It sweeps $158.7 million from the “Bank of KDOT”. It uses $132.2 million in PMIB bridge funding. It will be the second year in a row that the state has not met it’s statutorily required 7.5% ending balance. It also funds Medicaid Expansion.
Senator Pyle offered an amendment that would have; Removed the medicaid expansion funding. Froze spending at last years budget levels with the exception of the school funding increases. This would have saved the state $200 million for FY 2021. This amendment failed by a vote of 14 – 25. This is how each senator voted on this amendment:
Yea – (14):
Alley, Baumgardner, Estes, Hilderbrand, Lynn, Masterson, Olson, Petersen, Pyle, Rucker, Suellentrop, Thompson, Tyson, Wilborn,
Nay – (25):
Berger, Billinger, Bollier, Bowers, Braun, Denning, Doll, Faust-Goudeau, Francisco, Givens, Goddard, Haley, Hardy, Hawk, Hensley, Holland, Kerschen, Longbine, McGinn, Miller, Pettey, Skubal, Sykes, Taylor, Ware,
Present and Passing – (0):
Absent and Not Voting – (1):
Not Voting – (0):
The Committee of the Whole voted to pass the budget bill just after 6 p.m. by a vote of 27-11. Senators voting nay included Alley, Baumgardner, Hilderbrand, Kerschen, Masterson, Olson, Pyle, Rucker, Suellentrop, Thompson and Tyson.
After being worked by a conference committee comprised of Senators Carolyn McGinn, Rick Billinger, and Tom Hawk and Representatives Troy Waymaster, Kyle Hoffman and Kathy Wolfe Moore, the budget was placed into SB 66. From there, several rounds of negotiations took place, with House and Senate members negotiating to work toward agreements on the bill’s nearly 200 sections.
A conference committee report was agreed to during the evening hours Wednesday, and both chambers adopted the report Thursday.
The profile for the budget that was passed is listed below.
The 10-year “FORWARD” plan for the state’s transportation infrastructure, proposed by Governor Laura Kelly then amended several times by the Committee on Ways and Means, was heard by the full Senate this week. On Monday the body debated the bill for a short time before ultimately voting to pass the nearly $10 billion dollar bill by a vote of 37-2. Senators Dennis Pyle (R–Hiawatha) and Mike Thompson (R–Shawnee) voted nay.
SB 375 was then sent to a conference committee where Senators Carolyn McGinn, Rick Billinger and Tom Hawk, as well as Representatives Troy Waymaster, Richard Proehl, and Kathy Wolfe Moore worked to create a compromise agreement that would be supported by both chambers.
After several rounds of deliberation and negotiation by the conference committee, the state’s 10-year transportation plan was rebranded from FORWARD, to The Eisenhower Legacy Plan, after Kansas native and 34th President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The legislation is now contained in SB 173.
The revised plan includes a mandate that all stalled T-Works projects must be completed before any new construction can begin in T-Works project districts, as well as a requirement for projects to be reviewed every two years instead of every ten years under the state’s previous transportation plan. The total cost over the life of the Eisenhower Legacy Plan remains at about $10 billion over a decade, and still includes language that would allow the Department of Transportation to fund certain highway projects using dollars collected from turnpike tolls.
Additionally, there is still funding for broadband infrastructure grants and improvements to the state’s short line railroad system.
The Eisenhower Legacy plan is now being sent to Governor Laura Kelly for her signature.
March 16, 2020
The following bills received unanimous support and were passed Yea: 39 Nay: 0
SB 454 Creating exemptions in the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) for election security records and cyber security records. Current law does not require an agency to disclose records of emergency or security information or procedures of a public agency if disclosure would jeopardize security of the public agency, building, or facility. The bill would not require a public agency to disclose records of emergency or security information or procedures if disclosure would jeopardize public safety, including records of or procedures related to cybersecurity plans, cybersecurity assessments, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities
SB 491 Expanding definition of “infectious disease” to include diseases designated as infectious or contagious in nature by the Secretary of Health and Environment through rules and regulations. Under current law, the court has the authority to order infectious disease testing solely for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B when it appears the transmission of body fluids from one person to another may have been involved given the nature of the crime or arrest. The bill would delete language defining infectious disease to include only HIV and hepatitis B, as it pertains to infectious disease tests the court would be authorized to order.
SB 432 Clarifying the license terms and electronic submission of tax payments, reports and documentation for holders of a special-order shipping license.
The following bill received unanimous support and was passed Yea: 38 Nay: 0
SB 417 Authorizing the sale or service of alcoholic liquor by a class A club for consumption on the licensed club premises by persons who are not members, their families, or guests during an event. Class A clubs include bona fide nonprofit social, fraternal, or war veterans’ organizations such as the American Legion.
The following bill was passed Yea: 37 Nay: 2
SB 375 Providing for the FORWARD transportation program. Although the Senate passed their statewide transportation plan 37-2, the plan differed from the House bill and was sent to a conference committee where negotiations could take place. Details were highlighted in the above sections. (I voted in favor of this bill.)
The following bill was passed Yea: 36 Nay: 3
SB 309 Placing the burden of proof on the county appraiser in certain valuation and classification appeal hearings before the district court. (I voted in favor of this bill.)
The following bill was passed Yea: 35 Nay: 2
SB 322 Making sales tax exemption permanent for certain cash rebates on sales or leases of new motor vehicles. (I voted in favor of this bill.)
The following bill was passed Yea: 35 Nay: 4
SB 474 Permits student athletes to receive compensation for the use of their name, image, likeness rights or athletic reputation when 15 other states adopt similar legislation.
The practice goes against current NCAA rules, but about 30 states are addressing legislation to make it possible. Examples include student-athletes being paid to autograph memorabilia, accepting gifts or meals, or even signing outright endorsement deals similar to the deals made by professional athletes.
As amended the bill would allow but not force any accredited non-profit institution to participate in the practice. The amendment aims to save smaller schools money because they would not be obligated to hire lawyers or fill out paperwork to opt out of the bill. (I voted in favor of this bill.)
The following bill was passed Yea: 31 Nay: 8
SB 406 Sedgwick county charter commission created to review and recommend changes regarding the structure of county government. (I voted no on this bill. This bill expands government.)
The following bill was passed Yea: 30 Nay: 9
SB 433 Allowing the director of alcoholic beverage control to suspend or revoke a license under the Kansas liquor control act or the club and drinking establishment act. (I voted no on this bill. This expands the role of the Director of ABC, and gives them more unregulated authority.)
The following bill was passed Yea: 29 Nay: 5
S Sub HB 2054 Updating field of membership requirements of credit unions and allowing privilege tax deductions on certain business and single-family residence loans. (I voted in favor of this bill.)
March 17, 2020
The following bills received unanimous support and were passed Yea: 39 Nay: 0
HB 2510 Special districts may be dissolved, and responsibilities assumed by a city.
HB 2702 Decoupling the KIT and KIR workforce training programs from the high-performance incentive fund program and enhancing the workforce training tax credit.
The following bill was passed Yea: 36 Nay: 3
HB 2595 Eliminating the 30-day delay before offering state surplus property for sale to the general public. (I voted in favor of this bill.)
The following bill was passed Yea: 31 Nay: 8
SB 346 Authorizing the insurance department to retain the proceeds of the sale of insurance department surplus real estate and any improvements thereon in the insurance department service regulation fund. (I voted no on this bill. This bill diverts the proceeds of the sale of the Insurance Commissioners building from going into KPERS, a allows it to go directly to the Insurance Commissioners.)
The following bill was passed Yea: 30 Nay: 7
SB 423 Establishing the Sedgwick county urban area nuisance abatement act. (I voted no on this bill. This bill expands government.)
The following bill was passed Yea: 27 Nay: 11
Sub SB 386 Appropriations for FY 2020, 2021 and 2022 for various state agencies. Although the Senate passed their state budget 27-11, the appropriations differed from the House bill and was sent to a conference committee where negotiations could take place. Details are highlighted in a separate section above. (I voted no on this bill. This was the compromised budget bill between the House and Senate. This budget was fiscally irresponsible, and it will cause very troubling financial problems for our state. This bill actually spends more money than the Senate’s budget bill that passed on a vote of 27-11 just a couple of days ago. This bill spends $1.2 billion more in total spending from FY 2020 to FY 2021. It spends $1 billion more in SGF spending from FY 2019 to FY 2021. The consensus revenue estimates that were used for this budget were from November of 2019, and by approving SB 66, over $.5 billion more than that estimated revenue will be spent. As a result of the Coronavirus situation, we will definitely see the actual revenues come in a lot less than what they were projected to be in November. All of this will leave the state in a dire financial situation, and faced with making some very tough decisions. It isn’t a matter of if they will slash budgets, it is a matter of how much the budget will be slashed. It isn’t a matter of if they will rob from Peter to pay Paul, it is a matter of how much they rob from the “Bank of KDOT”, KPERS, and other funds to try and balance this budget. It isn’t a matter of if they will try to raise your taxes, it is a matter of how much they will try to raise your taxes. In a time of financial uncertainty and the inevitable loss of income, we don’t increase our household budgets, we watch our spending, we bunker down and ride out the storm. The state needs to stop it’s massive spending addiction and start approaching the budget like we do in our households.)
March 18, 2020
The following appointment received unanimous support and was confirmed Yea: 39 Nay: 0
The Senate considered the appointment of Justin Nichols, to serve as a member of the State Banking Board. Nichols practices law with focuses in the banking and real estate industries.
The following resolution was passed Yea: 37 Nay: 2
HCR 5025 Ratifying and providing the continuation of the March 12, 2020, state of disaster emergency declaration for the state of Kansas passed 37-2 with an amendment from Senator Tyson and ultimately ended up passing through the conference committee where details are highlighted in the a section earlier in this report. (I voted in favor of this bill)
March 19, 2020
The following conference committee report received unanimous support and was adopted Yea: 39 Nay: 0
HCR 5025 The Senate considered and approved the conference committee changes to HCR 5025. Ratifying and providing the continuation of the March 12, 2020, state of disaster emergency declaration for the state of Kansas, which is detailed in an earlier section of this report.
The following conference committee report was adopted Yea: 37 Nay: 2
SB 173 The Senate considered and approved the conference committee changes to SB 173 – the Eisenhower legacy transportation plan. The bill was renamed to honor the 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who first signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act in 1956 which led to the creation of interstates and highways across the country. This 10-year plan allows for the maintenance and improvement of our roads and highways in Kansas and its legislative progress is further detailed in an early section of this report. (I voted in favor of this bill.)
The following conference committee report was adopted Yea: 33 Nay: 6
HB 2168 contains the provisions of SB 225 and SB 409.
Senate Bill 225 would take advantage of available federal funds to supplement the existing Medicaid fee schedule reimbursing physicians and hospitals at above the existing Medicaid fee schedule. The Medicaid fee schedule pays physicians and hospitals about 80% of the Medicare rate and about 50% of the commercial insurance rate. This bill allows for about $221 million of federal funds to be brought in to supplement the low Medicaid fee schedule. It will help keep hospitals and physicians from cost shifting to the commercial payers as they will get better Medicaid rates. The bill was amended to prohibit the use of the State General Fund to supplement hospital provider rates. (I voted no on this bill. This bill raises the taxes on all nursing home beds, and hospital services that are provided.)
Governor Kelly signed three bills into law Thursday aimed at addressing the rapidly changing public health situation due to Coronavirus.
The Senate did something with these bills that should never happen in this state or in our country. We voted on three bills that were never worked in a senate committee, never worked on the senate floor, we never caucused on them, and never had an opportunity to read the bills.
I could not vote on bills that I wasn’t given an opportunity to read and knew nothing about. Because of this, I passed on voting for all three bills. This was your classic, “You have to pass it, to know what’s in it” situation.
These bills include SB 142,which authorizes school districts to receive full state funding despite not meeting legally required student attendance levels. Governor Laura Kelly ordered all schools be shuttered with the possibility of web-based schooling to be revisited later. It passed the House 117 to 2, the Senate 30 to 4.
The second bill signed Thursday was House Substitute for SB 102, which authorizes the chief justice of the Supreme Court to extend or suspend court dates for pending cases in order to allow some judicial personnel to remain home amidst the current public health situation. The measure was adopted by the House 113 to 5 and in the Senate 27 to 7.
The final bill signed Thursday was SB 27. While this bill originally included provisions aimed at relieving local economic hardship due to Spirit AeroSystem layoffs, the current public health situation prompted the legislature to extend the 16-week limit on receiving unemployment compensation to 26 weeks. This extension is set to sunset on April 1, 2021. SB 27 passed the House 119 to 0 and the Senate 31 to 3.
Due to the ongoing concerns over COVID-19 and the desire of the legislature to expedite the legislative process, committee work was quite brief and composed mostly of final action on bills previously heard.
As of Thursday, March 19, the Kansas Legislature is adjourned until April 27, 2020. This measure extends the regularly scheduled “spring break” that was slated to begin on April 4.
When the legislature returns, an extended veto session will begin, lasting from (at this time) April 27 to May 21. However, the Legislative Coordinating Council can vote to bring officials back at any time prior to April 27 with a simple majority vote.
Members of the LCC include Speaker of the House Ron Ryckman (Chair), Senate President Susan Wagle (Vice Chair), Senate Majority Leader Jim Denning, Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, Speaker Pro Tem of the House Blaine Finch, House Majority Leader Dan Hawkins and House Minority Leader Tom Sawyer.
NEW calendar dates are as follows:
April 27 – May 21: Veto Session
May 1: Deadline for 2nd house consideration (non-exempt bills)
May 8: Final day for bills to be considered
Thank You for Engaging
Thank you for all your calls, emails, and letters regarding your thoughts and concerns about happenings in Kansas. Constituent correspondence helps inform my decision-making process and is taken into great consideration when I cast my vote in the Kansas Senate. I hope you’ll continue to engage with me on the issues that matter most to you, your family, and our community. If you are on Twitter or Facebook, I encourage you to follow along with the #ksleg hashtag for real-time updates on legislative happenings in Topeka.
Please know that I am fully committed to addressing the current issues in our state, and I am proud to be your voice in the Kansas Senate.

Bourbon County Commission Agenda March 24


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: March 24, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason

Special Meeting

11:00 am – The Commissioners are going to meet. A portion of this meeting will be in executive session (regarding non-elected personnel). – This meeting will take place via a phone conference. The meeting can be viewed on the Bourbon County Facebook page.

Legislative Update by State Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson

March 23, 2020

It was a busy week with the usual work in the legislature and because of issues arising as a result of the CODIV-19 virus.  One example, I had been working with a healthcare provider to get insurance payments for tele-medicine and reached out to the Insurance Commissioner’s office.  They helped in solving the problem and the Governor’s latest Executive Order (EO) also addressed the issue.  Together we can and do make a difference.


To mitigate spread of the virus, the Governor has issued 11 Executive Orders so far:

EO 20-03 declares a state of disaster, providing availability of additional resources.

EO 20-04 prohibits mass gatherings of 50 people or more and lists exclusions.

EO 20-05 directs and orders Kansas utility and internet providers to not disconnect services for non-payment and lists the types of services included.

EO 20-06 directs and orders all financial institutions to suspend initiating any mortgage foreclosures, evictions or judicial proceedings.

EO 20-07 closes all K-12 public and private schools until 5/29/2020, while continuing meal programs, childcare, online learning opportunities, and other exceptions.

EO 20-08 expands the availability of telehealth medical services.

EO 20-09 removes or lessens certain motor carrier rules and regulations if participating in relief or restoration efforts as a result of the virus.

EO 20-10 rescinds EO 20-06 and orders all financial institutions to suspend initiating any mortgage foreclosures, evictions of people impacted as a result of the virus.

EO 20-11 directs the continuation of trash and recycle removal services.

EO 20-12 extends driver’s license renewals and vehicle registrations.

EO 20-13 allows certain deferred income tax filing and payment deadlines until July 15, unless the emergency is lifted before.  Estimated payments due April 15, 2020, are due and not to be delayed.


It is not unprecedented for the legislature to pass a resolution extending the Governor’s authority during a state of emergency while the legislature is not in session.

What appears to be unprecedented about House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 5025 was the authority and length of time that was proposed.

During senate debate, three amendments were offered and passed.  The first was to decrease the length of time turning over legislative authority to the Governor, changing the date from January 25, 2021 to May 1, 2020.  The second amendment was to protect the sale of ammunition (firearm sales are protected by statute).  I offered the third amendment to protect us from government overreach.  It had several provisions including but not limited to protecting private property and protecting local government funds from being swept.  The HCR passed the Senate 37 Yes to 2 No votes with the amendments.  I voted yes.  After conference committee negotiations, the final product changed the third amendment somewhat but it does help protect our freedoms with oversight by the Legislative Coordinating Council (LCC), a committee made up of legislative leadership and the Governor, reviewing governing actions when the legislature is not in session.

The CCR HCR 5025 passed unanimously.


As President Reagan one said, “Can we solve the problems confronting us? Well, the answer is an unequivocal and emphatic ‘yes’”.  Yes we can in a constitutional way that protects our freedom – that’s why you have me here.


Take ownership of your situation and actions.  When growing up, I said a person made me mad. My Mom responded, “they didn’t make you mad, you chose to be mad.”  Let’s choose to be optimistic and respectful of others.  Stay safe.

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.


Recycling and Trash Continuation, Amends Eviction Order: Governor Kelly

Governor Kelly announces four executive orders to aid Kansans during COVID-19 pandemic

Addresses trash and recycling continuation, extends deadlines, amends eviction executive order


Governor Laura Kelly signed today executive orders #20-10, #20-11, #20-12, and #20-13, as part of her administration’s comprehensive response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


“The safety and well-being of Kansans is my top priority,” Kelly said. “During these trying times we need essential services to continue to function to secure our public safety and health. We also need some leniency when it comes to deadlines. These executive orders are necessary steps to help Kansas families during this crisis.”



Kelly rescinded Executive Order #20-06 and replaced it with Executive Order #20-10, which temporarily prohibits certain foreclosures and evictions. The EO explicitly requires that a financial hardship indirectly or directly caused by COVID-19 be the reason a homeowner or renter can’t make payments. In addition, no landlords can evict a residential tenant when all defaults or violations of the rental agreement are caused by financial hardships due to COVID-19. These measures are especially important because housing disruption inhibits the ability of the state and local communities to effectively respond to COVID-19 and the public health dangers it presents.



Kelly signed Executive Order #20-11, which prevents all Kansas waste removal providers, trash and recycling, from cancelling or suspending commercial or residential waste or recycling removal services for Kansas residences and businesses as a result of nonpayment due to significant loss of income or increase in expenses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Ensuring that waste and recycling services continue is essential to maintaining  public health, especially when personal hygiene and staying at home are the primary methods for slowing the spread of COVID-19.


Kelly signed Executive Order #20-12, extending deadlines for driver’s licenses and vehicle registration renewals and regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic. All driver’s license renewals and vehicle registrations extended by this Executive Order must be completed within 60 days of the expiration of Executive Order #20-12. Many Kansans may be unable to renew their driver’s license or vehicle registration during this time, but delivery drivers and other critical employees must be able to continue critical operations and drive without fear of licensing or registration issues.



Kelly signed Executive Order #20-13, extending tax filing deadlines to July 15, 2020, and waiving any interest and penalties for returns and payments made on or before July 15, 2020. In the event the State of Disaster Emergency originally proclaimed on March 12, 2020, is lifted or expires prior to July 15, 2020, the Department of Revenue shall continue to exercise appropriate discretion to make effective the waivers of penalties and interest for payments made up to July 15, 2020. This order is intended to bring Kansas’ tax filing procedures in line with federal IRS measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Bourbon County Commission Special Meeting March 25


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: March 25, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason

Special Meeting

9:00 the Commissioners are scheduled to meet for employee matters

Kansas Department of Agriculture Issues Fuel Waiver



MANHATTAN, Kan. —   The Secretary of Agriculture has issued an order to waive enforcement of a specific fuel restriction to help fuel retailers with continuity of business and prevent potential future shortages.


Due to the worldwide outbreak of  COVID-19, many business sectors are experiencing significant reductions in demand for products, including a reduction in the demand for gasoline. This has resulted in many gasoline retailers still holding an excess amount of winter grade gasoline in storage, which is required by law to be sold or reformulated by April 1 each year. The time and pipeline capacity required for reformulation of winter grade gasoline could negatively impact fuel supply in the future.


According to the order, gasoline meeting current standards for winter grade gasoline are permitted until April 30, 2020. The full order can be accessed at the Kansas Department of Agriculture website at