Category Archives: Government

USD 234 Students Start Aug. 19: Masks Are Required

Ted Hessong. Submitted photo.
This week USD 234 students will start school on August 19.
Today and tomorrow are professional development days for teachers, followed by a work/plan day on August 18.
There is mandatory wearing of masks guidelines in the district due to the recent surge in the COVID-19 virus in the county.
There are three new USD 234 Teachers hired in July and August:
Johnna Walls, who will teach 4th grade,  Justin Robinson who will teach middle school and high school band and Carlee Campbell-McCullough who will teach preschool.

Below are the USD 234 – Fort Scott School Operations Guidelines for school year 2021 – 2022, provided by Superintendent Ted Hessong:

● Mandatory masking of K-12 students and staff starting August 16th while indoors. USD 234 School Board reevaluate at monthly board meetings
● Federal order – masking on buses or other group modes of transportation
● Masks will be available for students and staff
Hygiene Measures
● Hand washing emphasis will continue
● Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms
● Social distancing (3 feet) when possible
● Cover coughs and sneezes
● STAY HOME WHEN FEELING ILL (2 or more symptoms)
○ 100.0 ℉ = Must be fever free w/o medication for 24 hours to
return to school
○ No attendance based incentives
● Signage will be present
Cleaning of Facilities
● Cleaning regimens and protocols are established
● Cleaning solutions that are rated to eliminate COVID will be used
● All classrooms and buses will have cleaning supplies
Contract Tracing and
● Contact tracing and quarantines will be done in cooperation with Bourbon County Health Department
○ Positive or symptomatic = 10 day isolation
○ Close Contact at school (3 feet more than 15 minutes)
■ High risk – unmitigated = 10 day quarantine
■ Low risk – mitigated = do not have to quarantine
● Staff and students who are vaccinated (must have proof) and
asymptomatic will not have to quarantine if they are a close contact.
Diagnostic Screening and Testing
● Screening and testing options are available to parents from the Bourbon County Health Department and Community Health Center. Over the counter COVID-19 test kits will not be accepted as valid.
Vaccinations to school communities
● Vaccination opportunities are available to students, parents, and staff from the Bourbon County Health Department, Community Health Center, Walmart, or Walgreens. CHC has vaccinations for students 12 years of age and older.
● Vaccinations were made available to all staff last Spring
Accommodations for children with disabilities
● Students with an IEP, 504 Plan, and other documented student supports will have all appropriate accommodations and supports made available to them.
Coordination with state and local officials
● USD 234 School Board will consider all state and local health guidance.
Continuity of Services
● Academic needs will be met through continued full-time, in-person
instruction. Summer learning opportunities were offered. Virtual learning opportunities are available.
● Social, emotional, and mental health needs will be met through social and emotional curriculum and counselors.
● Student health and food service needs will be available for all students. All students will have access to free breakfast and lunch daily as well as school nursing services.
● The USD 234 Operations Guidelines could be changed at any time, with school board approval, to ensure the safety of students and staff.
Updated: Aug 9, 2021

KDOT resurfacing K-65 in Bourbon County


The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) has started a resurfacing project on K-65 in Bourbon County, from K-3 east to K-31.  Project activity includes a mill and overlay. Flaggers and a pilot car will guide one-lane traffic through the work zone; expect daytime delays of 15 minutes or less.   Shilling Construction of Manhattan, Kansas, is the primary contractor on the project. Check KDOT’s updated traveler information website,, for more road condition and construction details. Persons with questions may contact Area Engineer Troy Howard, (620) 901-6557, or Public Affairs Manager Priscilla Petersen, (620) 902-6433.

KS Dept. of Commerce Virtual Trainings

Commerce announces upcoming Certified Sites workshops

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland today announced a series of upcoming training sessions for the Kansas Certified Sites program.

These three virtual trainings will provide an opportunity to learn more about the process of getting shovel-ready sites in Kansas certified for development.

“The Certified Sites program is a major game changer in the race to attract new businesses and bring more jobs and more dollars to Kansas,” Lt. Governor/Secretary Toland said. “Spreading the word and helping more site owners get certified will show developers the incredible amount of shovel-ready space Kansas has to offer. Join us and learn how to get your site certified.”

In addition to general information on the program, attendees will be invited to ask questions about their specific applications. A step-by-step guide to complete the certification process also will be provided.

All training sessions will be virtual and take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Registration for each date can be completed at the following links:

The window to register for each session closes five (5) business days before the date of the event.

“This program exists to help site owners get developments started quickly,” Certified Sites Program Manager Jonathan Clayton said. “These training sessions have been designed to make the process as easy as possible. We want to get your site developed now – and we’ve got the tools you need to get it done.”

About the Kansas Department of Commerce

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses. Through Commerce’s project successes, Kansas in 2021 was awarded Area Development Magazine’s prestigious Gold Shovel award and was named Site Selection Magazine’s Best Business Climate in the West North Central region of the United States.

Immunocompromised People Now Authorized For Additional COVID-19

Additional Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Now Authorized for Immunocompromised People

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment announced that effective immediately Kansas providers may now administer an additional dose of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to individuals who are moderately or severely immunocompromised and have already been fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines. This follows Thursday’s expansion of the emergency use authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration for these mRNA vaccines, today’s recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and acceptance by the CDC Director. This EUA does not apply to those who received the Janssen/J&J vaccine as there is currently not enough data to determine if an additional dose of Janssen/J&J vaccine will improve immune response in people who are immunocompromised.

“The data shows us that the vaccine efficacy in some people who are immunocompromised is significantly lower than in people who are not immunocompromised,” said Lee Norman, M.D., Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. “Additionally, people who are immunocompromised make up to 44% of hospitalized breakthrough cases in the United States. This additional dose may enhance the immunity for those who need extra protection from COVID-19.”

This additional dose is recommended for people who are moderately and severely immunocompromised due to a health condition or medical treatment. This includes

  • Active treatment for solid tumor and hematologic malignancies
  • Receipt of solid-organ transplant and taking immunosuppressive therapy
  • Receipt of CAR-T-Cell or hematopoietic stem cell transplant
  • Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency
  • Advanced or untreated HIV infection
  • Active treatments with high-dose corticosteroids, alkylating agents, antimetabolites, transplant-related immunosuppressive drugs, cancer chemotherapeutic agents classified as severely immunosuppressive, TNF blockers and other biologic agents that are immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory

KDHE continues to urge people who are immunocompromised, including those who receive an additional dose of mRNA vaccine, to continue to follow prevention measures including

  • Wear a mask
  • Stay six feet apart from others they don’t live with
  • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces

Close contacts of immunocompromised people are strongly encouraged to be vaccinated against COVID-19.


Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers

Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers

Moderna Vaccine Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers

Moderna Vaccine Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers

CDC Statement

FDA Press Release – Thursday, Aug. 12

Vital Statistics Services Remains Open, Closed for Walk-In Services


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) announces that its Vital Statistics Office lobby will close to walk-in services due to COVID-19 effective Monday, Aug. 16. Those needing vital records can visit the KDHE website at to order via online, phone or mobile app.

To order certificates eligible for Will Call pickup, visit our website Select the type of certificate and then complete the ordering process under the Will Call section. You will be notified by email when your certificate is ready to be picked up. Those customers using Will Call pickup should wear a mask when entering Vital Statistics.

For more information, please visit the KDHE website at

Vital Statistics Services Remains Open, Closed for Walk-In Services


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) announces that its Vital Statistics Office lobby will close to walk-in services due to COVID-19 effective Monday, Aug. 16. Those needing vital records can visit the KDHE website at to order via online, phone or mobile app.

To order certificates eligible for Will Call pickup, visit our website Select the type of certificate and then complete the ordering process under the Will Call section. You will be notified by email when your certificate is ready to be picked up. Those customers using Will Call pickup should wear a mask when entering Vital Statistics.

For more information, please visit the KDHE website at

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of July 27

July 27, 2021                                       Tuesday 9:00 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioner Harris and Beth present, the County Counselor and the County Clerk present.


Also present were the following: (some were present for a portion of the meeting and some were present for the entire meeting), Nancy Van Etten, Clinton Walker, Deb Needleman, Anne Dare, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clark, Michael Braim and Rob Harrington.


Clifton made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meetings, Jim seconded and all approved.


Justin Meeks reported that Lynne Oharah was sick with COVID symptoms and would not be at the meeting.


Jim made a motion to approve the installation of a culvert for Jeremy Budy at 1221 240th and for Joseph Yoder in Devon, Clifton seconded and all approved.


Eric Bailey gave the Commissioners a thank you letter from Stephen Plaster – an appreciation letter for his road pavement request.


Eric reported that last week they reclaimed the bad areas on Yale Road.


The County had heavy rain a week ago; Eric said he has been working with Emergency Manager William Wallis, in case they get a declaration regarding the road damage.  He said they are low on asphalt chips, but said they are running the crusher 13-14 hours a day to catch up.  He said they did asphalt work yesterday on 250th and said that some residents in that area are requesting a 45 mph speed limit on that road; the Commissioners questioned Justin Meeks about this and he said it would be whatever the State Statute is regarding speed limits.  Clifton will talk with residents there and this will be discussed again next week.


Eric said they are doing repairs to the asphalt machine, but might be asphalting again today.  He said they are close to being done crushing at the Beth Quarry and said the blast resulted in 42,000+ ton of material.


Eric said they would be installing Gordon Parks signs this week.


Eric said they had a speed limit request on a gravel road on 130th between 39 and Arrowhead, he said there is a lot of traffic here due to the bridge being shut, he said 2 residents in this area would like it to be 30 mph.  Jim made a motion to allow 35 mph signs up on 130th between 39 & Arrowhead and that Eric report back to the Commissioners on this after the construction is finished, as well as 35 mph on Cavalry between 130th & 7 Hwy, Clifton seconded and the motion passed.


Eric said he and Jim Harris had met with the Bureau of Waste Management regarding the soybeans; he said they have identified an area for a composting site, but said they are still waiting to hear if they will make the County haul the soybeans off.


Eric said the KDOT off system bridge project (80/20) is due by the end of this week and suggested that the bridge at 160th & Fern and 120th & Birch both be bridges for this project.  He estimated each of them to be $400,000 projects with the County portion being $140,000 each; Eric asked the Commissioners if they wanted him to submit an application for the bridges.  Eric said the bridge at 160th & Fern has a higher traffic count.  Jim made a motion to allow Eric to apply for the 80/20 grant with KDOT for the bridge at 160th & Fern if Eric can know by Friday if the County can back out (if the budget doesn’t support it), Clifton seconded and all approved.


Windmill update:  Eric said the components are starting to arrive and said they had completed the road use agreements for the components.  He said the staging location for the components will be at 30th & 39 Highway. Eric said during the heavy rains the water washed out some County roads and said the Windfarm employees had helped the County out with repairs on a few roads they weren’t using.


Jim asked Eric to come up with a master plan regarding ditches.


Matt Quick met with the Commissioners regarding the Appraisers office; he said that Bob Kent with the State had called him and requested the County to adopt a resolution making Matt Quick the interim County Appraiser.  Clifton made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for KSA 75-4319(b) (1) to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy to discuss salary and employee performance, the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room at 9:37, Jim seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Matt Quick and Justin Meeks).  At 9:37, Clifton made a motion to resume the regular session, Jim seconded and all approved.  Jim made a motion to adopt Resolution 22-21, a resolution naming Matt Quick the interim County Appraiser for a period of up to 6 months, and to give Lynne Oharah permission to sign the resolution when he is able to, Jim seconded and all were in favor.  Justin Meeks suggested the Commissioners make a motion to increase the salary for Matt to $55,000 annually; Clifton made a motion to increase Matt Quick’s salary from the current amount to $55,000, Jim seconded and all were in favor.  Clifton said this would be a savings to the County and said he was glad that someone that is from here would be the County Appraiser.  Justin said Matt wasn’t going to fill his previous position and would be looking at changes in his office; Clifton made a motion for the Appraiser to re-organize his office, Jim seconded and all were in favor.


Jim made a motion to remove Lynne Oharah and the subject of KCAMP from the agenda and move this item to next week, Clifton seconded and all were in favor.


Tiana Mcelroy the new Bourbon County Attorney met with the Commissioners; she said the County Attorney position had been part time and said she wanted to make the position full time.  She said with the other changes she plans on making with the other attorneys, the budget would accommodate this change.  She requested an annual salary of $85,000 for her position.  Justin suggested a 10-minute executive session for non-elected personnel.  Clifton made a motion to go into a 10-minute executive session for KSA 75-4319(b) (1) to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, regarding possible changes in the Attorney’s office, the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room at 9:57, Jim seconded and the motion passed, (the session included the Commissioners, Tiana, Justin Meeks and Angel Wilson).  At 9:57, Clifton made a motion to resume the normal session with action, Jim seconded and all were in favor.  Clifton made a motion that Brandon Cameron (the current full time Assistant County Attorney) be moved to a part time position on September 1, 2021 without benefits, Jim seconded and all were in favor. Tiana asked the Commissioners to make a motion to clarify that the County Attorney position is a full-time position and the wages be $85,000/year; Clifton made a motion to clarify that this is a full-time position, Jim seconded and all approved.  Jim made a motion that the Commissioners increase the County Attorney wages to $85,000/year, Clifton seconded and all were in favor.  Clifton said she would remain under budget by reorganizing her office. Clifton made a motion to make the full time start date as of July 26, 2021, Jim seconded and all were in favor.


Justin Meeks asked the Commissioners to have an executive session regarding the 3 hospital employees; Clifton made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for KSA 75-4319(b) (1) to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy to discuss job duties and job performance, the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room at 10:05, Jim seconded and all were in favor, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks).  Clifton made a motion to resume the regular meeting at 10:05 with action, Jim seconded and all were in favor.  Clifton made a motion to allow Susan Bancroft to fill a position at the hospital and to negotiate the pay, Jim seconded and all approved.


Justin Meeks reported the tax sale publication will be in the newspaper this Wednesday; he said there has been substantial redemption for these properties.


Justin Meeks discussed the equipment for the Cress Building (17 S. Main); he said that Rob Harrington and Kendell will have the receipts for items purchased with the Spark funds.  The Commissioners are accepting bids on the property, Justin said the Commissioners don’t have to accept all bids, but said hopefully the building will sell.


Justin said he would clarify comments regarding Lynne Oharah concerning the County Facebook page; he said they have never deleted anybody from the page and never censored anyone on that page, he said they are only fact checking their Facebook page and said more than one elected official can post on their Facebook page.  Michael Braim suggested having a written policy for fact checking. Justin discussed the gravel incident where two shovels of gravel were spilled on the road and it was reported as a semi load of gravel.  Jim said the goal is to have the facts as we know them.


Clifton made a motion to take a short break, Jim seconded and all were in favor.  Jim made a motion to return to regular session, Clifton seconded and all were in favor.


Public Comment: Clifton said they would limit the time for this and asked that they try not to use non-elected personnel’s name, Jim asked that the public comment remain professional.  Michael Braim said he planned to discuss a few of Lynne Oharah’s things, but said he wasn’t here and said he didn’t feel right discussing this since he wasn’t here.  Mr. Braim said he thought that both Jim and Clifton were doing a great job.  He asked the Commissioners to give some understanding with what happened with the grocery store and the contract that was violated, he also said he felt that the executive sessions were being overused.  He suggested transparency so that people knew what was going on.  Regarding the Cress Building; Clifton said there were two bad options out of a really bad situation, he said they had a decision to make to call the grant/note back since it wasn’t performing under the MOU & at that point Baja Investments would have basically went bankrupt and left the building empty for 2 years since the Federal court is backed up.  Michael Braim asked why not get the money back and let them deal with selling the building, Clifton said the building would’ve still been in bankruptcy, he said by taking it they can get it back on the tax roll quicker.  Clifton said Rob was doing his job.  Mr. Braim said Mr. Michaud has assets, Clifton said Baja Investments is an LLC and a business.  Mr. Braim said he felt the business owner should’ve been held accountable as per the contract and should’ve let the bank deal with it; Clifton said the Spark money of $450,000 was spent unwise.  Mr. Braim said the State had a lot of concerns due to this being a high risk.  Clifton said his opinion was that they had two options and they took the lesser of the 2 options to put the building back on the tax roll as quick as possible.  It was stated that Baja was going to walk away free and clear with the easy way out.


Anne Dare regarding the County Facebook page; asked the Commissioners to rescind their previous motion and make a better motion that says they were going to fact check the Bourbon County Facebook page.  Clifton made a motion to amend the previous motion and stated that the fact checking is for the Bourbon County Facebook page and social media pages, Jim seconded and all were in favor.  Anne suggested that all departments put information on the website.


Clinton Walker suggested that the notification of meetings be placed on the radio.  He also asked for an update on the HR officer; Jim said he had been involved in the interviews and said they had some excellent candidates and said they were close to a decision.


Nancy Van Etten said she had spent time with the Sheriff and other law enforcement personnel regarding their budget; she suggested to consider a budget for them to include an additional deputy for the Sheriff’s department to help cut down on the overtime.  Nancy attended a FSCC meeting; she discussed a pay raise that was approved for some there with no discussion, Jim said people need pay raises, he said a salary increase is a good thing, but a mill increase is not.  The COVID cases are rising again, Nancy encouraged people to get the COVID vaccine.


Mary Pemberton (regarding the fact checking issue), questioned if you could turn off comments; Clifton said if someone wants to comment on the Facebook page they can.  Mary said if they wanted to fact check, she could name a lot of statements made by officials in Commission meetings that were not accurate.  Jim said their point is to inform the public of issues and make it better; Mary asked if they needed to spend time and money to fact check, why not have someone just clarify it.  Mary suggested being more open during a meeting and addressing someone when they ask questions. She said previous Commissioners wouldn’t respond or give answers.  She said previous Commissioners didn’t do a good job of overseeing these things or looking at contracts before they signed them, making a lot of bad deals. Regarding the Spark money; she said there was no way $625,000 should have went to the one building in the first place – she said this was done by the economic development person, but said the Commission had oversight to this.  Jim said as a Commission they spend a lot of time discussing items; he said this is a nice building that they want back on the tax roll.  Regarding budget, Mary said she appreciated hearing that a few offices were streamlining, becoming more efficient and not increasing their budget.  She said salaries make up 36% of all the money spent by the County and said for every dollar spent on wages it costs .70 cents in benefits.  She said she had heard that the County doesn’t attract people based on salaries, but attracts them on benefits.  Mary suggested giving employees a benefit statement so they know the true cost of their benefits.  Mary discussed what she had heard regarding the amount of time off employees get at the County; she suggested cutting time off and increasing pay.  Mary said she felt an advisory committee to look at the health insurance would be a good idea.  Mary said the County lost a lot of money in the agreements signed on the wind project; she said those agreements were not good for the County.  Mary suggested looking at the details on the budgets and said to look at where the money is being spent and look for areas where they can increase the efficiencies.  She said at times, it might be better to contract some work out.


Commissioner Comment: Clifton said he agreed that they needed to look at the paid time off and said the County time off doesn’t make a lot of sense.  He said he was more concerned about his check than his benefits.  Clifton said there were some mistruths/misunderstandings regarding the agreement (reopening study of the hospital) with Noble Health and the Commission meeting held Friday; he said that meeting was held for a clarification regarding a motion.  Clifton said he had heard that some people think the study could be done much cheaper; he said trained officials will be doing the study to get the needed information.  Clifton said they are listening to the experts and said they weren’t spending property tax money to do the study, but rather were spending money that was intended to be used for healthcare or broadband, (grant money the County received was used to pay for the County portion of the study).  Jim said he felt that Clifton and Rob Harrington had done an excellent job working with Noble Health.  Jim said as the Commission it is their job to do the best they can for the County and said he felt we need a hospital here.


Lora Holdridge stated that many employees only work a 35-hour week; she said years ago hours were cut from 40 to 35 instead of a pay raise in an effort to save money. Employee time off was clarified.  Regarding executive sessions and transparency; Lora said there were a lot of things that couldn’t be discussed in open session.  Regarding the downtown building – Cress Building; she said if a property goes into bankruptcy, it could take 2 ½ years.


Mary Pemberton said there is no law that requires the Commissioners to go into an executive session, but said they are allowed.  Mary said the Commissioners had the ability to discuss some of the items regarding the windmills in open session and said not everything had to be discussed in closed session.  Mary thought the study being done regarding the hospital is valuable.  She said if employees are only working 35 hours a week, then the hourly cost of their benefits would be higher.  She suggested finding out what a majority of the employees feel about their salary being better than their benefits.  She suggested setting pay structures that reward performance and not longevity.


Richard Clark said avoidance is not a successful trait and said going into an executive session can be an avoidance.


Michael Braim, regarding Noble Health; asked if the Commissioners were aware of or able to offer clarity on the multiple breach of contract suits against them and aware of the officer that had a fraud issue; Clifton said he was aware of this and said this wouldn’t affect us.


Jim made a motion to cancel the 1:00 budget work session scheduled for today since Lynne and Susan were both absent, Clifton seconded and all were in favor.


Clifton said scheduling the RNR hearing allowed the Commissioners more time to go through the budget.  Jim said his goal is to reduce the mill levy and said he wouldn’t vote for a tax increase.


At 11:24, Jim made a motion to adjourn and Clifton seconded, meeting adjourned.




(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jim Harris, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

August 12, 2021, Approved Date

Bourbon County Commission Agenda For Aug. 18


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Wednesdays starting at 9:00


Date: August 18, 2021

1st District-Lynne Oharah                                                                Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jim Harris                                                                      Corrected: _______________________

3rd District-Clifton Beth                                                                              Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason






Call to Order


    • Flag Salute
    • Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
    • Eric Bailey – Road and Bridge Report
    • KWORCC – Voting Delegate
    • Cereal Malt Beverage License
    • Jim Harris – Executive Session – KSA 75-4319(b)(1) To discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy
    • County Counselor Comment
    • Susan Bancroft, Finance Director Comment
    • Public Comment
    • Elected Officials Comment
  • Commission Comment

Justifications for Executive Session:

          KSA 75-4319(b)(1) To discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy

          KSA 75-4319(b)(2) For consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

          KSA 75-4319(b)(3) To discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency

          KSA 75-4319(b)(4) To discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships

          KSA 75-4319(b)(6) For the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property

          KSA 75-4319(b)(12) To discuss matters relating to security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures.

Minutes of the FS Commission Meeting of July 6

Minutes are unapproved until that meeting.



Minutes of July 6th, 2021 Regular Meeting #13

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held July 6th, 2021 at 5:15 p.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room at City Hall, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners K. Allen, P. Allen, and R. Nichols were present with Mayor J. Jones presiding. L. Watts arrived at 5:23 p.m.

INVOCATION:, Diane Clay, City Clerk, said a prayer asking God for guidance for the City, our Government and City officials.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Jason Pickert, Bill Lemke, Michael Hoyt, Doug Guns, Rob Harrington, Judy Warren, Gregg Motley, Nancy VanEtten, Jimmy Kemmerer, Kateyna Braim, Michael Braim, Rachel Pruitt, Allyson Turvey, Andy Snyder, and Jason Dickman.




A. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of June 15th, 2021, special meeting of June 17th, 2021 and special meeting of June 22nd, 2021.

B. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1291-A totaling $555,302.20.

C. Request to Pay – ProSeal, Inc – $36,476.00 – Rejuvenator Application – National Avenue

D. Request to Pay – ProSeal, Inc – $24,684.00 – Crack Sealing – National Avenue

Discussion was held on the crack sealing and rejuvenator application project.

J. Jones moved to approve the Consent Agenda. K. Allen seconded. K. Allen, R. Nichols, L. Watts, and J. Jones voted aye. P. Allen voted no. Motion carried 4-1.


Public Comment:

(Sign up required. Comments on any topic not on the agenda and limited to 5 minutes per person, at Commission discretion)

Michael Braim – Mr. Braim informed the Commission that our parks look terrible. He said that the beach at Lake Fort Scott is in terrible shape and sand needs brought in. He challenged the City Manager to assist in getting sand to the beach at the Lake. He is scheduling a group of volunteers for this Saturday morning to work at the lake and cut brush and clean and work on the beach area. He asked who was responsible for the condition of the beach area and wanted a name of that person. He said that he called a couple of quarries in town and relayed what their sand prices are for 70 ton of sand. He said that this is the only place that citizens can go and cool off free. He would like this done by next week.

Kevin Allen told him that Doug Guns and the City Manager are working on this project already and have sand ordered to be delivered in the next day or so. He asked him to be patient with the City,

City Manager Report and Comments: Jeremy Frazier, City Manager, informed the Commission that he handed them his report and it was before them. He said that he attended a Southeast Kansas Regional Planning Commission meeting recently as he is on the Board of Directors. He met with A.D.M. officials about their contract renewal. His other updates are included in his report.

Engineering Firm Update: Jason Dickman, Earles Engineering, Inc. gave the Commission an update on several items:

Cooper Street – Plans are complete and this is ready to bid out.

Old Faithful Manhole- Plans are being revised currently.

National Avenue – Plans to overlay 13th to 17th are being prepared.


Jody Hoener – Bottle Filling Stations Presentation – Was not present.

Rob Harrington, Bedco Presentation -Mr. Harrington appeared before the Commission and gave them an update on Bedco which has been renamed Bourbon County R.E.D.I. He shared his visions and goals for the next five years. He is also working with Noble Health to bring a hospital to the community. He invited them to contact him with any questions they may have. He said that economic development is a top priority for him.

Director Reports: None

Old Business: None

Public Hearings: 6:15 p.m. Vacation of Durkee Street and Approval of Utility Easement for the North 50’ of Lots 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28, Block 4, Durkee & Stout Addition

J. Jones moved to open the Public Hearing at 6:17 p.m. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.


Ally Turvey said that a utility easement was drawn up by the City Attorney and Mr. Eden, the property owner has signed it contingent upon the vacation of Durkee Street being approved.

Michael Hoyt spoke in opposition to the vacation of the street due to concerns of drainage at Ironquill Estates.

Jason Dickman, Earles Engineering, explained the utility easement to him and to the Commission.

P. Allen moved to approve Ordinance No. 3579 vacating Durkee Street. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.


L. Watts moved to close the Public Hearing at 6:32 p.m. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.


New Business:

  1. Discussion and Approval of St. Martin’s Sewer Agreement – Susan Bancroft, Director of Finance, informed the Commission that this agreement is ready for approval. She stated on page two that there was a typo and twenty-three should reflect twenty-two. They have a meter on their lift station and it will be read monthly. They will pay all of their water usage in arrears to the City plus a $20.00 monthly fee.

L. Watts moved to approve the St. Martin’s Sewer Agreement with the City of Fort Scott. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Cooper Street Right-of-Way Easements – Jeremy Frazier, City Manager, said that he was working with the property owners to sign over the right-of-way easements for Cooper Street.

Discussion was held regarding the east and west sides of Cooper Street and right-of-way.

J. Jones moved to approve the right-of-way easements and allow the City Staff to work with property owners over rights-of-way. L. Watts seconded, All voted aye.


  1. Request approval to bid out Cooper Street project (Plans available at City Hall – link:

City Manager said that

City Manager said that this project was not engineered to start with, but it has been now. It is ready to be bid out to contractors. The City does need to obtain some right-of-way easements from property owners on Cooper Street which the engineering firm and the City Attorney are working on. He asked the City Commission to go out for bid on this project.

L. Watts moved to approve to go out for bid on Cooper Street. J. Jones seconded. P. Allen, R. Nichols, L. Watts. and J. Jones voted aye. K. Allen abstained. Motion carried 4-1.


  1. Request approval to bid out Union Block Alley – City Manager said that the plans are complete and this is ready to bid out. He knows this has been a long process but it has been engineered and is ready to bid out to contractors.

Jason Dickman, Earles Engineering, discussed asphalt versus concrete for the alley.

L. Watts moved to approve to bid out the Union Block alley with concrete. R. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Request to bid out Horton Street 6th to 8th – (mill and overlay) – City Manager said that this project is ready to bid out. He would like to send it out as well as the overlay on National Avenue from 13th to 17th to get a better price.

R. Nichols moved to go out for bid for the mill and overlay from 6th to 8th on Horton Street, along with National Avenue from 13th to 17th for the overlay. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Discussion of sale of First Source Building – Rachel Pruitt, Economic Development Director, informed the Commission that she is seeking approval from them on how to proceed with the sale of this building. It is anticipated the City will have an offer on the building by the next meeting in July.

J. Jones moved to seek Requests for Proposals for a Real Estate Agent. L. Watts seconded. P. Allen, R. Nichols, L. Watts, and J. Jones voted aye. K. Allen abstained. Motion carried 4-1.


  1. Discussion of sale of lake lots (deed restrictions, covenants, etc.) – J. Jones said that they need to discuss how to sell the lots, where the money from the sale of the lots would go, and what deeds and restrictions would be put on the property.

Discussion was held on soliciting Request for Proposals for a Real Estate Agent to sell the lots. K. Alen also mentioned using Lance Anderson and auctioning the lake lots. It was determined that the City Attorney should be consulted on this issue before proceeding.

J. Jones moved to table the discussion until the City Attorney can be present and consulted. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Discussion of moving City Hall to Bourbon County Courthouse building – City Manager said that a work session was held prior to this meeting about the possible move to the Courthouse. Pros and cons of the move were discussed.

Discussion was held regarding the savings that could occur with the move of City Hall to the Courthouse.

Discussion was also held about the possibility of the Police Department moving to the City Hall location. Also, all of the Commissioners have not viewed the space where City employees would be housed and they would like to view it. City Manager will take two of them over to view the building.

J. Jones moved to table this until the next special meeting next Tuesday, July 13th. K. Allen seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Discussion of potential City/County shared services for Information Technology – City Manager said that before them is a Memorandum of Understanding for IT Support Technician for Shared Services with Bourbon County. The agreement includes that the County will provide an employee, Jimmy Kemmerer, to perform day to day IT assistance to the City. Mr. Kemmerer will be paid by the County at 40 hours a week ($20,800 or $400 per week on a 26 pay period. The City will pay $13,500 per year. The Memorandum of Understanding will expire on December 31, 2021.

R, Nichols moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for IT Shared Services. K. Allen seconded. All voted aye.



  1. Discussion and request approval to bid overlay of 13th to 17th on National Avenue (See Item #5) – City Manager said that this was discussed previously. He asked for approval to bid this project out.

R Nichols moved to approve to bid the overlay of 13th to 17th on National Avenue. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Discussion of feasibility study – hospital building– City Manager said that Bourbon County has allocated funding for this feasibility study for the hospital building. The City will also receive A.R.C.A. funding in the amount of $550,000.

Josh recommended to the other Commissioners that the City donate $200,000 of their A.R.C.A. funding towards this feasibility study.

J. Jones moved to donate $200,000 of their A.R.C.A. funding towards the feasibility study for the hospital building. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Approval of purchase of Sewer Camera for Utilities Department – City Manager said that the Utilities Department has looked at three different vendors for sewer cameras.

Jason Dickman informed the Commission that Michael Mix and Mike Embry have viewed these three different units. They liked the trailer with the sewer camera on it the best. The unit they liked the best is from Key Equipment at $140,000. The other two demos did not meet what they would have specified.

City Manager said that there was $150,000 budgeted for this item.

R. Nichols moved to approve the sewer camera trailer from Key Equipment in the amount of $140,000. P. Allen seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Discussion of future Lake Fort Scott repairs/upkeep – Doug Guns, Parks Director, gave the Commission an update on lake facilities improvements. These include improvements to Sciortino Park, the swim area, the beach area, and camping area, the two pavilions, and the docks and boat ramps.

K. Allen left the meeting room at 9:04 p.m.

  1. Consideration of Pay Requests – Skitch’s Hauling & Excavation – Port-a-Potties

April 2021 $2,267.20

May 2021 $2,536.00

June 2021 $2,640.00

J. Jones moved to approve the invoices for April, May and June. L. Watts seconded. P. Allen, R. Nichols, L. Watts, and J. Jones voted aye.


K. Allen returned to the meeting room at 9:05 p.m.

  1. Discussion of Golf Cart Ordinance – Josh said that he would like to see driving on National be approved and driving after dark provided they have the same regulations as U.T.V.’s.

City Clerk asked if the Police Department would be doing inspections on golf carts.

Captain Pickert said that the Police Department would be willing to do inspections.

Since Bob Farmer, City Attorney, was not present, discussion was held to hold off on approval until the new ordinance was before them to review.

16. Evergy Agreement for Electric Service – Michael Mix said that he asked that this be added to the agenda. There are two electrical services with one at the River Intake structure and one at the College Booster station. Entering into an agreement with Evergy would provide significant savings to the City. The City is able to get off the electric grid if needed, and run on generator. He asked for approval for the Evergy agreement. This would save approximately $15,000 a year.

L. Watts moved to approve the Evergy Agreement for the two locations for electric service saving the City approximately $15,000. K. Allen seconded. All voted aye.


Reports and Comments:

  1. Commissioner Reports and Comments:

L. Watts – Nothing to report.

R. Nichols – Asked the City Manager to review the City’s Blue Cross/Blue Shield contract.

P. Allen – Pete said that he has been on the Commission for 18 months. He said that the streets that were built in the 1900’s can’t all be fixed and that is his conclusion. He said that there are over 600 blocks in the City of Fort Scott. He said that the trash trucks have destroyed our streets as well as the concrete and dump trucks. The cost to rebuild those streets is in the millions of dollars.

K. Allen – Asked the City Manager to check sand prices.

He said that he wanted to bring up the removal of the stop sign at 3rd and National. He doesn’t think there is an issue now since the other stop signs have been removed.

K. Allen made a motion to remove the stop sign at 3rd and National going north and south. P. Allen seconded. K. Allen and P. Allen voted aye. R. Nichols, L. Watts and J. Jones voted no. Motion denied.


J. Jones – Josh said that he checked on skating at Buck Run. He said he would sponsor the next skating session for up to $250.00. He would like to see all the skating sessions sponsored by companies or businesses.

City Attorney Report and Comments: Not present.


R. Nichols moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 p.m. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane K. Clay, M.M.C.

City Clerk

FS City Commission Agenda for Aug. 17


AUGUST 17, 2021
6:00 P.M.

  1. Roll Call:

K. Allen P. Allen R. Nichols L. Watts J. Jones

II. Flag Salute:

  1. Invocation: Led by: (To be Announced)

  2. Approval of Agenda:

  3. Proclamations/Recognitions:

  4. Consent Agenda:

  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of July 6th, 2021.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1294-A totaling $598,879,75.

  1. Request to Pay – American Wrecking Services, LLC – Eagle Block Building – $44,550.00

  1. Request to Pay – HDR Engineering, Inc. – $9,470.39 – River Intake Project

  1. Amending of Resolution Numbers:

8-2021 to 18-2021 (14 S Margrave – Dangerous & Unsafe Resolution)

  1. Request to Pay – Earles Engineering

Building Inspection – $4,791.88

Building Inspection (Peter Earles) – $1,669.50

3rd Street Sewer Project – $2,306.00

City Engineer – $4,000.00

Public Works Director – $4,717.50

Wastewater Treatment Plant – $7,288.00

Re-Route Manhole #148 Proposal – $5,000.00

  1. Request to Pay – Nuss & Farmer $1,825.50

  2. July financials

  1. Engineering Firm Update:

  1. Public Comment:

(Sign up required. Comments on any topic not on agenda and limited to five (5) minutes per person, at Commission discretion)

  1. Interim City Manager Update:

  1. Old Business: None

  1. Appearances: Brenda Iverson – Consideration of Boy Scout Request

  1. New Business:

  1. Consideration of Supplemental Bond Agreement No. 1 amending a certain bond agreement for the 2015 Industrial Revenue Bond for Bourbon County Assisted Living Project and approving Resolution No. 20-2021.

  2. Consideration to Pay: Skitch’s Hauling & Excavation, Inc.:

July Port-a-Potties – $2,640.00

Hauling of Clay to 3rd Street Project – $5,100.00

Use of Skid Loader for Dunn property – $1,572.50

  1. Consideration of Bid – Water Treatment Plant Clarifier No. 1 Mixer Drive Replacement

  2. Consideration of Bid – Cooper Street Reconstruction

  3. Consideration of Bid – National Avenue Overlay – 13th to 17th

  4. Consideration of Bid – Horton Street – Mill and Overlay

  5. Consideration of Bid – Union Block Alley

  6. Police Department update

  7. Fire Department update

  8. Human Resource Update – City Manager search

XIII. Reports and Comments:

a) Commissioners Reports and Comments:

b) City Attorney Reports and Comments:

XIV. Executive Session – If requested, (please follow script in all motions for Executive Sessions)

XV. Adjournment:

McCoy Signs Agreement With City As New Interim City Manager

Mark McCoy. Submitted photo.

On August 10, local retired businessman Mark McCoy signed a contract with the City of Fort Scott to become its interim city manager, following the sudden resignation of Fort Scott City Manager Jeremy Frazier on August 3 after serving just six months.

The agreement states that McCoy is appointed by the city commission to be responsible for the administration and affairs of the city and perform duties as allowed by law and will work with the commission on its goals and objectives, according to information provided by the city.

McCoy will be employed month to month and started on August 10, 2021.

The city agrees to pay McCoy $9 per hour for up to 40 hours per week.

McCoy will receive no benefits, vacation or sick leave.

He will receive a vehicle allowance of $500 per month in lieu of mileage reimbursement.

To view the original document:


At a special city commission meeting on Aug. 5, Mark McCoy’s name was suggested for the interim city manager position, by Mayor Josh Jones. At that time the city commission asked him to consider taking the position.

McCoy has 46 years of business experience as a manager, supervisor, business development consultant, director, and owner in the McDonald’s Restaurant system, retiring in 2019.
He has been involved in the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, Fort Scott Community College Board of Trustees, Mercy Health Foundation, Kiwanis, SEK Multi-County Health Board, Highway 69 Project, Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church, and the Knights of Columbus.







Public Health Advisories for Kansas Lakes Due to Blue-Green Algae


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) has issued several public health advisories for Kansas lakes due to blue-green algae.

Active Advisories


Altamont City Lake “Idle Hour” Main Lake, Labette County

Ford County Lake, Ford County (new)

Gathering Pond at Milford, Geary County

Harvey County East Lake, Harvey County

Hargis Lake, Sumner County

Hodgeman County State Fishing Lake, Hodgeman County (new)

Jerry Ivey Pond, Saline County

Lake Afton, Sedgwick County (upgraded Aug. 12)

Lake Jeanette, Leavenworth County (new)

Marion County Lake, Marion County

Melvern Outlet Pond, Osage County

Melvern Outlet Swim Pond, Osage County

Milford Lake Zones A and C, Geary County

Neosho County State Fishing Lake, Neosho County (upgraded Aug. 12)

South Lake, Johnson County

Webster Reservoir, Rooks County



Brown State Fishing Lake, Brown County

Pony Creek Lake, Brown County

Milford Lake Zone B, Geary County

Altamont City Lake “Idle Hour” North Lake, Labette County

Big Hill Lake, Labette County

Parsons Lake, Labette County

Marion Reservoir, Marion County

Buhler City Lake, Reno County

Big Eleven Lake, Wyandotte County


Advisories Lifted 8/12/21

Overbrook City Lake, Osage County


When a warning is issued, KDHE recommends the following precautions be taken:

  • Lake water is not safe to drink for pets or livestock.
  • Lake water, regardless of blue-green algae status, should never be consumed by humans.
  • Water contact should be avoided.
  • Fish may be eaten if they are rinsed with clean water and only the fillet portion is consumed, while all other parts are discarded.
  • Do not allow pets to eat dried algae.
  • If lake water contacts skin, wash with clean water as soon as possible.
  • Avoid areas of visible algae accumulation.


A watch means that blue-green algae have been detected and a harmful algal bloom is present or likely to develop. People are encouraged to avoid areas of algae accumulation and keep pets and livestock away from the water.


During the watch status, KDHE recommends the following precautions be taken:

  • Signage will be posted at all public access locations.
  • Water may be unsafe for humans/animals.
  • Avoid areas of algae accumulation and do not let people/pets eat dried algae or drink contaminated water.
  • Swimming, wading, skiing and jet skiing are discouraged near visible blooms.
  • Boating and fishing are safe. However, inhalation of the spray may affect some individuals. Avoid direct contact with water, and wash with clean water after any contact.
  • Clean fish well with potable water and eat fillet portion only.


KDHE investigates publicly-accessible bodies of water for blue-green algae when the agency receives reports of potential algae blooms in Kansas lakes. Based on credible field observation and sampling results, KDHE reports on potentially harmful conditions.

If you observe a scum or paint-like surface on the water, small floating blue-green clumps or filaments in the water, or if the water is an opaque green, avoid contact and keep pets away. These are indications that a harmful bloom may be present. Pet owners should be aware that animals that swim in or drink water affected by a harmful algal bloom or eat dried algae along the shore may become seriously ill or die.

For information on blue-green algae and reporting potential harmful algal blooms, please visit