Category Archives: Government

Snow and Ice Seasonal Workers Are Needed: KDOT Is Down 30 % in Employees

Hwy. 69

Though the temperatures have been extremely mild for Kansas winters, it is probable in the next few months that ice and snow will be covering our roadways.

The Kansas Department of Transportation agency has dealt with reduced staffing in the past, but the shortages are greater this year.

KDOT is about 30-percent off of snowplow operators needed to be fully staffed in offices across the state.

“We WILL BE clearing the roads,” Priscilla Petersen, KDOT’s Public Affairs Manager said. “We are concentrating on pre-treating the roads and bridges with our salt brine.”

KDOT is needing ice and snow seasonal workers in 2021. Taken from its’ Facebook page.

“We will also be shifting crews to affected areas when possible,” she said.

“We are off about 29 percent in employees,” she said. “We need seasonal and full-time help. We have an ongoing staffing concern.”

Snow and ice seasonal equipment operators will earn $25 per hour and are eligible for overtime, Petersen said. A pre-employment physical is required, along with drug testing.

Snow and ice seasonal temporary operators start at $19.55 per hour and also are required to take a pre-employment physical and drug test.

There are many different criteria for wages, Peterson said, and one can view and submit an application online or at a KDOT office.


The closest offices are in Pittsburg and Chanute, she said.


Bourbon County Commission Agenda for Dec. 28

Bourbon County Commission Room 

1st Floor, County Courthouse 

210 S. National Avenue 

Fort Scott, KS 66701 

Tuesdays starting at 9:00 


Date: December 28, 2021 

1st District-Lynne Oharah                                                                Minutes: Approved: _______________ 

2nd District-Jim Harris                                                                      Corrected: _______________________ 

3rd District-Clifton Beth                                                                              Adjourned at: _______________ 

County Clerk-Ashley Shelton 





Call to Order 


  • Flag Salute 
  • Approval of Minutes from previous meeting 
  • Susan Bancroft – Budget Amendment 
  • (9:30am) Bourbon County REDI Executive Session – KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships. 
  • Ashley Shelton – Cereal Malt Beverage License 
























Justifications for Executive Session: 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(1) To discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(2) For consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(3) To discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(4) To discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(6) For the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property 

          KSA 75-4319(b)(12) To discuss matters relating to security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures. 

Double Murder Investigation

A double homicide is still under investigation in Fort Scott.
All the press releases are coming from the KBI, according to Fort Scott Police Chief Travis Shelton.
The following is a press release from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation’s Facebook page.
On Tuesday, Dec. 21, at approximately 7:40 p.m., the Fort Scott Police Department received a 911 call from a subject who came home to find a female family member had been shot.
When police officers arrived at 402 Main St. in Fort Scott, they located 48-year-old Melissa L. Mitchell who had died from a gunshot wound. They also discovered inside the home, 53-year-old Leonard D. Zimmerman, who had also been shot and was deceased. Both victims were pronounced dead at the scene.
At approximately 8:30 p.m. the Fort Scott Police Department requested KBI assistance. KBI agents and the Crime Scene Response Team responded to Fort Scott.
The victims’ son, Dawson J. Mitchell, 23, of Fort Scott, was a person of interest and was wanted for questioning connected to this case.
Mitchell was arrested at approximately 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 22, near the intersection of 5th St. and Judson St. in Fort Scott.
He was arrested for theft of a firearm, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and unlawful possession of controlled substances.
He was then booked into the Bourbon County Jail.
Currently, Mitchell has not been charged related to the murders.
“Mitchell has not yet been arrested for the murders.” Melissa Underwood, KBI Communications Director, said. “Since he can be held on the other charges, I don’t think that is likely to happen quickly. Additionally, the decision on charges will likely come from the (Bourbon)County Attorney’s Office after we submit our case findings to them.”

The investigation is ongoing.
The jail is known as the Bourbon County Law Enforcement Center, Fort Scott.

KDOT requesting comments on STIP amendment

KDOT requesting comments on STIP amendmentThe Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) requests comments on an amendment to the FFY 2022-2025 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) document.
The STIP is a project specific publication that lists all KDOT administered projects, regardless of funding source, and includes projects for counties and cities as well as projects on the State Highway System.   In addition to this list of projects is the January Administrative Narrative Modification (#2) for updates that have occurred in the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Programs, Federal Lands & Tribal Transportation Programs and Recreational Trails narrative sections of the STIP  The list of projects being amended to the STIP can be viewed at

The approval of the STIP amendment requires a public comment period, which concludes Jan 5. To make comments on the amendment, contact KDOT’s Division of Program and Project Management at (785) 296-3254.

Uniontown City Council Minutes of Dec. 14

These are the draft minutes of the Uniontown City Council

The Regular Council Meeting on December 14, 2021 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Josh Hartman, Amber Kelly, and Bradley Stewart. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Kandyce Cox, Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan, City Superintendent Bobby Rich, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.



Kandyce Cox requested permission to have a fourth adult dog. After some discussion, the council declined her request. Clerk Johnson will send her a copy of the ordinance limiting the number of adult dogs per household.


Treasurer Bolinger was absent. November written Treasurer report presented. Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $350,214.68, Receipts $29,230.09, Transfers Out $3,026.00, Expenditures $28,195.21, Checking Account Closing Balance $348,223.56. Bank Statement Balance $349,966.93, including Checking Account Interest of $28.57, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $1,743.37, Reconciled Balance $348,223.56. Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $27,033.20, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $17,493.63, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $23,317.91, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $416,068.30. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $340.75 and Utility CDs $311.83 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $652.58. Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of November 2021, Beginning Balance $195.75, Receipts $0, Expenditures $195.75, Ending Balance $0. November Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00, from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00, Total Transfers of $3,026.00. Net Loss for the month of November $1,991.12, Year-to-Date Net Loss $52,874.91. Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $103,267.64 (103.5%), Expenditures $98,167.62 (79.3%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $33,763.44 (97.2%), Expenditures $32,681.90 (74.9%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $134,210.29 (103.9%), Expenditures $248,727.85 (75.2%); General Fund YTD Revenue $132,245.25 (115.5%), Expenditures $134,793.23 (82.1%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $9,287.36 (155.3%), Expenditures $12,368.20 (82.8%). The December 2021 estimated payables, including End of Year transfers, in the amount of $67,987.50 were presented.

Mayor Jurgensen handed out gift cards to employees in attendance and will personally deliver to those not in attendance.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to approve Consent Agenda:

  • Minutes of November 9, 2021 Regular Council Meeting
  • Treasurer’s Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables


Superintendent Rich reminded the Council they approved giving a gift to Matt Wells, Bob Hull, Inc for all the assistance he has volunteered, but they never specified what type of gift or monetary value.

Motion by Hartman, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to gift Matt Wells with a $200 Visa gift card

He reported the tractor has an engine noise in the area of the water pump. It also “hesitates” when put in gear after it is first started or restarted. PrairieLand Partners estimated $1,600 for water pump repairs. He also talked to Ol’ Boys Tire and Auto but they decided they didn’t want to work on it. It was suggested to check with FSCC John Deere program and Councilman Stewart offered to contact a mechanic they use.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to allocated up to $3,000 for tractor repairs out the city streets and special highway funds

Rich gave the Council a list of trees available from Travis Russell, Traveling Trees. Two Autumn Blaze Maples and two Autumn Fantasy Maples were decided upon with one of each to be planted at the pond and in the park. Clerk Johnson will contact the school district about the location for planting at the pond.

Codes Enforcement Officer Coyan gave an update. 205 Washington now has utilities on; 104 Fulton does not have utilities on; a letter was sent to 210 Sherman to remove or replace the awning; 103 Third St wants to replace the sidewalk in front; 201 Fulton, 204 Fulton, 103 Sherman, new owners; 401 Sherman building permit for privacy fence behind house. Storage containers and buildings (306 Washington, 402 Washington, 302 Sherman) were discussed and what requires a building permit and what doesn’t. Clerk Johnson was directed to check with other cities to see what they have regarding storage containers, storage sheds, and fences.

Clerk Johnson has received complaints about traffic on Hill St. One citizen suggested speed bumps or all way stop signs at Fourth and Hill.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0 to table discussion until January 10, 2021 meeting

She asked the Council if they wanted to participate in the Low Income Water Assistance Program through Kansas Department of Children and Families.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to participate in the Low Income Water Assistance Program through Kansas Department of Children and Families

An update on natural gas winter pricing was given to all.

An email was received today regarding submitting Statement of Substantial Interest annually. She will check to see into statutes and check with the County Clerk.

A discussion was had concerning the January meeting conflicting with the School Board meeting.

Motion by Kelly, Second by Ervin, Approved 5-0 to change meeting time for the January 10, 2021 meeting to 5:30PM

Mayor Jurgensen has been researching splashpads and outdoor exercise equipment. Three designs for recirculating splashpads were received from RainDeck and distributed to all. The Council will continue discussion on splashpads and outdoor exercise equipment at the February 8, 2021 meeting. Ruritan did receive $10,000 grant from Bourbon County REDI for the splashpad project. Healthy Bourbon County Action Team’s Placemaking pathway could be used for the splashpad and there is $10,000-$17,000 allocated for Uniontown.


Councilman Ervin – Thanked Frankie & Sally Johnson for the lights in the park.

Councilwoman Esslinger – Lights around town look nice, especially Clay and Hill Streets.

Councilman Hartman – nothing

Councilwoman Kelly – Wants to review dog ordinances at next meeting. Thank you to BBCO Sheriff deputies monitoring traffic on Fifth St.

Councilman Stewart – Inspected fishing dock walkway, it appears the east railing has only been spot welded. Rich will inspect and contact vendor if needed.

Mayor Jurgensen – nothing


Pond Improvement Project – The contractor installed the walkway and has been paid in full. Bourbon County Public Works has brought rock for the riprap. Some is north of the pond and the rest is on the railroad right-of-way.

City Utility Low-Interest Loan update – Two closed accounts have been finaled, but not paid. If not paid by January 10, they will be submitted to Collection Bureau of Kansas for collection. She was asked if she had received an update on the Attorney General’s investigation of pricing during the February extreme weather event. She has not but will check into.

American Rescue Plan Act update – US Treasury has opened the portal for NEUs report submitting.


CMB License Renewal – Union Station – application and fees for off-premises consumption received.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0 to approve the 2022 off premises consumption CMB license renewal for Union Station

Water Rate Increase – notification of a 7.5% increase ($0.55/1000 gallons) was received from Bourbon County Consolidated Rural Water District #2. Discussion ensued about the possibility of finding an alternate supplier.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0 to adopt Ordinance No. 195 – inside city limits a minimum charge of $25.81 for the first 1,000 gallons or part thereof and $12.11 per 1000 gallons after the first 1,000 gallons and outside city limits a minimum charge of $26.99 for the first 1,000 gallons or part thereof and $12.65 per 1,000 gallons after the first 1,000 gallons

Moved by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 9:35PM

Kansas Tax Rebate Proposed

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Proposal to Provide $250 Tax Rebate to Kansas Resident Taxpayers

~Governor Kelly proposes a one-time $250 tax rebate to all Kansas resident tax filers who filed a tax return in calendar year 2021~ 

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced a new proposal for a one-time $250 tax rebate to all Kansas residents who filed a tax return in the 2021 calendar year.

“Since 2019, my administration has carefully worked to get Kansas’ budget back on track after years of mismanagement,” Governor Kelly said. “Thanks to our fiscal responsibility and record economic development success, we can return money to taxpayers and give every Kansas resident who filed taxes in 2021 a $250 rebate. These are significant savings for every family to be delivered by summer of 2022.”

Governor Kelly is calling for a one-time rebate in the form of a non-taxable direct payment of $250 for every Kansas resident tax filer. Resident tax filers who filed as married and filing jointly will be eligible for a $500 direct payment. All other filing types will be eligible for a $250 direct payment.

Under the Governor’s plan, Kansas will return approximately $445 million to over 1.2 million Kansas resident taxpayers. Additionally, as a one-time payment, this will have no impact on the state’s ongoing ability to collect revenues that fund critical services. The proposal will be paid for with Kansas’ current budget surplus and is intended to provide relief to tax filers who are Kansas residents.

Updated Agenda for FS Commission Meeting Dec. 21

DECEMBER 21, 2021
6:00 P.M.
Call to Order
I. Roll Call:
K. Allen P. Allen R. Nichols T. Van Hoecke J. Jones
II. Flag Salute:
III. Invocation: Led by: Bill Downey, Sergeant, Fort Scott Police Department
IV. Approval of Agenda:
V. Proclamations/Recognitions: None
VI. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting of December 7th, 2021 and special meeting minutes of December 7th, 2021, and December 14th, 2021.
B. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1302-A totaling $417,420.09.
C. Request to Pay – Nuss & Farmer, P.A. – November legal fees – $3,269.00
D. Request to Pay – Pay Estimate #5 – $18,750.85 – Triangle Builders, LLC – Mayco
Ace Project
E. Change Request #3 – Mayco Ace Project – Decrease of $25,277.00
F. Approval of Certificate of Substantial Completion for Mayco Ace Project
G. Approval of Southeast Kansas Regional Planning Commission administrative fee –
H. Request to Pay – HDR Engineering, Inc. – River Intake Project – $6,238.87
I. Request to Pay – K & G Striping – $6,932.00 – Restriping on Wall Street
$6,000.00 – Restriping Double Yellow on Wall
(Credit) ($6,214.08) – Work not completed on National
J. Request to Pay – Earles Engineering, Inc. – $4,000.00 – City Engineer (Nov invoice)
$4,000.00 – City Engineer (Dec invoice)
$ 278.50 – Building Inspection (Nov)
$2,742.75 – Building Inspection (Dec)
$8,640.00 – 17th & Eddy Drainage (Nov)
$5,760.00 – 17th & Eddy Drainage (Dec)
$9,900.00 – Ft Scott WWTP (Nov)
$2,000.00 – Ft Scott WWTP (Dec)
$1,650.00 – Re-Route Old Faithful (Nov)
$1,650.00 – Re-Route Old Faithful (Dec)
K. November financials
L. Approval of Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses and Public Dance (originals on file in the
Clerk’s office)
2022 Package Sales:
Pete’s of Erie, Inc. #20 – 998 N. National
Pete’s of Erie, Inc. #27 – 605 S. National
Pete’s of Erie, Inc. #14 – 1902 S. Main
Pete’s of Erie, Inc. #28 – 1138 E. Wall
Hill’s Service, Inc. – 308 N. National
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. #39 – 2500 S. Main
Walgreen Company – 2229 S. Main
Casey’s General Store #3399 – 2216 S. Main
G & W 2, L.L.C., 911 E. 6th Street
Consumption on the Premises:
Debra Cagle DBA Fifthwheel Tavern – 206 Humboldt
Woodland Hills Golf Course – 2414 S. Horton
2022 Public Dance License:
Elks Lodge #579 – 111 W. 19th
Sharky’s Pub & Grub – 16 N. National
Liberty Theatre – 113 S. Main
Holmtown Pub – 206 N. National
Buck Run Community Center – 735 Scott
Memorial Auditorium – 1 E. Third Street
VII. Appearances: Fort Scott High School Speech & Communication students
VIII. Public Comment:
(Sign up required. Comments on any topic not on agenda and limited to five (5) minutes per person, at Commission discretion)
IX. Old Business:
a. Consideration to repeal Ordinance 2563 – Section 12.12.070 – Pavement – Approval of Ordinance No. 3587
Excavation-Procedure, Section 12-12-080 – Unimproved Street – Procedure
Exception – Approval of Ordinance No. 3588
Section 12.12.110 – Replacement of Materials – Exception – Approval of
Ordinance No. 3589
Replacing with Clay Brick Pavers, Pavement Replacement, and Trench and
Backfill for Utilities sections
b. Discussion of Lake Fort Scott Improvements – Doug Guns
c. Discussion of the structure located at 619 S. Ransom – Bill Downey
d. Discussion of School Resource Officer
e. Discussion of Landfill
f. Discussion of ARPA funds
g. Selling of Lake Property
III. Public Hearing None
IV. New Business:
a. Ordinance adopting the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and designating a Revitalization Area in the City of Fort Scott, Kansas and approval of
Ordinance No. 3600 and approval of Interlocal Agreement – Rob Harrington
b. Discussion of Tourism – Rob Harrington
c. Consideration of Land Bank Ordinance No. 3599 – Amending Board of
Trustees and appointments – Rob Harrington
d. Land Bank discussion – Rob Harrington
e. Change Order #1 – Union Lofts Alley Project – $25,955.00 – Rogers & Sons
f. Consideration to Pay – Skitch’s Hauling & Excavation, Inc. – Port-a-Potties – November – $3,210.00
g. Consideration of IT Shared Services with Bourbon County and approval of Memorandum of Understanding -Mark McCoy
h. Discussion of Brick Street and Alley policy – Pete Allen
i. Discussion of demolition of structures – Tim Van Hoecke
j. Discussion of the update to Codes procedures and policies – Bill Downey
k. Discussion of Airport Land Lease
XI. Reports and Comments:
A. Interim City Manager Comments:
B. Commissioners Reports and Comments:
C. City Attorney Reports and Comments:
XII. Executive Session – If requested, (please follow the script in all motions for
Executive Sessions)
XIII. Adjournment:

Final Report of Kansas’ Racial Equity and Justice Report

Governor Laura Kelly’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice Releases Final Report of Recommendations

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that her Commission on Racial Equity and Justice has released their final report, including recommendations to various levels of government on ways to improve racial equity in economic systems, education, and healthcare.

“I want to thank the Commission for developing another round of pragmatic, well-researched recommendations to improve racial equity and justice in our state,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “My administration remains committed to working together to address inequities and improve the health and well-being of every Kansas community.”

In June of 2020, Governor Laura Kelly signed Executive Order No. 20-48, establishing the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice to study relevant issues in Kansas. The Commission, led by co-chairs Dr. Tiffany Anderson and Dr. Shannon Portillo, held bi-weekly meetings with information from guest presenters over the past year and a half.

“In speaking with local, state, and national experts, the Commission was able to develop a vision and pathway to move forward and improve equity efforts statewide,” said co-chairs Dr. Tiffany Anderson and Dr. Shannon Portillo. “We are all excited to see how different entities in the state will implement these ideas to improve Kansas communities for all residents.”

The governor appointed a diverse group of professionals from law enforcement, academia, public education, public health, local government, the justice system, and more to spearhead the Commission’s work. The Commission began its work focusing on law enforcement and policing, releasing a report in December 2020 with over 60 recommendations for improving racial equity and justice at different levels of government. Today’s release contains an additional 124 recommendations – some of which were included in the Commission’s July 2021 interim report.

Since their first report, the Commission has met with dozens of stakeholders and relevant professionals across the state and collected input for recommendations on improving equity in economic systems, education, and healthcare in Kansas.

The Commission’s final report can be found here.

A summary of new items added in the final report can be found here.

The Commission’s previous reports and other materials can be found here.

Johnson and Johnson Vaccine No Longer Offered at Health Department

Submitted byRebecca Johnson BSN, RN

SEK Multi-County Health Department

Administrator/SEK Local Health Officer

*411 N. Washington, Iola, KS 66749

*524 S. Lowman, Ft. Scott, KS 66701

P(620)223-4464 F(620)223-1686

[email protected]

On Wednesday, December 15, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated the emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Janssen/Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine with additional precautions related to a blood clotting disorder, Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), observed in a wide range of recipients. On Thursday, the ACIP met and recommended that “mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are preferred over the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19 for all > 18 years of age.”
Because of this update, SEK Multi-County Health Department will no longer be offering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as a COVID-19 vaccine option.
If you have questions, please call our office. If you received a J&J primary dose and would like a booster, we will still be offering the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines as an option. Both of these can be used as a booster for any COVID-19 vaccine primary series that has been given.
Investigation Of COVID-19 Cases Moves to State Level
KDHE will be transitioning the investigation of all COVID-19 cases from the local level to the state level. The Local Health Department will still investigate other communicable diseases as they occur, but not COVID-19. At the present, the Local Health Department works with schools and long term care facilities on COVID-19 cases as they come, on outbreaks, and on contact tracing. KDHE investigates a majority of the others, but this change will move all COVID-19 cases to the state level. We will continue to be in contact with the schools and long term care facilities until this transition is complete.

If someone has tested positive and has questions, they may call their Local Health Department, but otherwise if they would like answers on when they should return to work, school, etc. please call the COVID-19 hotline (866)534-3463.

Also, we will be adding a link to our website for COVID-19 cases by county for those interested but will no longer be able to post a weekly update of active COVID-19 cases due to this transition. Here is the link:

Please stay home if you are sick!!

Rebecca Johnson BSN, RN

SEK Multi-County Health Department

Administrator/SEK Local Health Officer

*524 S. Lowman, Ft. Scott, KS 66701

P(620)223-4464 F(620)223-1686

[email protected]

Bourbon County Commission Agenda for Dec. 21


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00


Date: December 21, 2021

1st District-Lynne Oharah                                                                Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jim Harris                                                                      Corrected: _______________________

3rd District-Clifton Beth                                                                              Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Ashley Shelton





Call to Order


    • Flag Salute
    • Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
    • Eric Bailey – Road and Bridge Report
    • Executive Session – KSA 75-4319(b)(6) For the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property (Commission, Susan, Eric & Justin)
    • Executive Session – KSA 75-4319(b)(3) To discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency
    • Ashley Shelton – Cereal Malt Beverage License
    • County Counselor Comment
    • Finance Director Comment
    • Public Comment
    • Elected Officials Comment
  • Commission Comment

Justifications for Executive Session:

          KSA 75-4319(b)(1) To discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy

          KSA 75-4319(b)(2) For consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

          KSA 75-4319(b)(3) To discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency

          KSA 75-4319(b)(4) To discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships

          KSA 75-4319(b)(6) For the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property

          KSA 75-4319(b)(12) To discuss matters relating to security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures.