Category Archives: Government

Fort Scott’s Middle School: Masks Required

USD 234 Board of Education Building, 424 S. Main
USD234 Superintendent Ted Hessong said in an email that as of Friday, January 7, the school district had 29 student active cases and nine staff cases.

 He gave the statistics of the number of COVID positive students and staff/total number of students and staff in a building as of Friday:

Fort Scott High School= 1.52%
Fort Scott Middle School= 2.26%
Eugene Ware Elementary School = 1.88%
Winfield Scott Elementary School= 1.30%
USD 234 Preschool = 2.00%
“According to the district’s gaiting criteria, any building that has a positivity rate over two percent and the community spread is over 30 new cases, that building will need to wear masks until the positivity rate falls below 2%,” Hesson said.  “Therefore, the middle school is required to wear masks at this time until the building positivity rate falls below 2%.  The preschool is not required to wear masks at this time because they have a lower student/staff population, but we are monitoring that building’s numbers.”
The school district has provided a way to follow  USD 234’s COVID Attendance Dashboard, he said, and this information is updated daily in the afternoon.
To view the state’s COVID-19 data:
Kansas has had 566,000 cases of the virus and 7,124 deaths. Bourbon County has had 3,192 cases and 44 deaths reported, according to
from the New York Times.

Virtual Job Fair for Open Positions

Kansas Department of Commerce Hosting Virtual Job Fair for Open Positions

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland today encouraged job seekers to participate in the January 12 KANSASWORKS Virtual Job Fair, which will feature openings at the Kansas Department of Commerce.

The virtual job fair will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, January 12, and allow job seekers to easily live chat and conduct interviews with Human Resources team members on computers, tablets and mobile devices. Job candidates also will be able to upload their resumes to their Virtual Job Fair account.

Click here to register for the Virtual Job Fair.

“We have an outstanding team at the Department of Commerce, with motivated and talented individuals doing an extraordinary job every day serving the people of Kansas,” Lieutenant Governor/Secretary Toland said. “We’re looking for new team members who are eager to contribute to our mission of advancing economic growth and prosperity across the state.”

The Jan. 12 job fair will seek to fill the following positions at Commerce: Director of Marketing and Communications; Communications Coordinator for the Marketing-Communications Division; Program Manager for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; Main Street Design Specialist for Kansas Main Street; Website and Database Manager for the Tourism Division; and other openings.

Numerous virtual job fairs have been organized by Commerce since the pandemic started, serving as a safe and convenient way to successfully connect Kansas job seekers and employers.

Any individual with a disability may request accommodations for this or future job fairs by contacting their nearest workforce center at (877) 509-6757 prior to the event.


KANSASWORKS links businesses, job candidates and educational institutions to ensure that employers can find skilled workers. Services are provided to employers and job candidates through the state’s 27 workforce centers, online or virtual services KANSASWORKS is completely free for all Kansans to use.  Learn more at

About the Kansas Department of Commerce

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses. Through Commerce’s project successes, Kansas in 2021 was awarded Area Development Magazine’s prestigious Gold Shovel award and was named Site Selection Magazine’s Best Business Climate in the West North Central region of the United States. Find the Department’s strategic plan for economic growth here: Kansas Framework for Growth.

Dawson Mitchell To Appear on January 20 For Preliminary Hearing For Double Murder

The double murder case in Bourbon County is moving forward with the defendant, Dawson Mitchell, scheduled to appear on January 20 in a preliminary hearing at 2 p.m. at the Bourbon County District Court, according to information provided by John P. Milburn, Public Information Officer for the Office of Attorney General Derek Schmidt.

Mitchell is charged with killing his mother and step-father with a gun stolen from his father, and is currently an inmate in the Bourbon County Law Enforcement Center, Fort Scott.

The Bourbon County Courthouse.

The case is being prosecuted by attorneys with the Kansas Criminal Litigation Division of the Office of the Attorney General at the request of the Bourbon County Attorney. The case number is 2021-CR-588.

Charges are merely accusations; defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty, according to the document provided.

The following are the charges against Mitchell.

The State of Kansas versus Dawson James Mitchell case alleges that

Count 1
On or about the 21st day of December 2021, in Bourbon County, Kansas, Dawson James Mitchell did unlawfully, feloniously, intentionally, and with premeditation, kill Melissa Hays Mitchell, which is murder in the first degree.

Count 2
On or about December 21,  2021, in Bourbon County, Dawson  Mitchell did unlawfully, feloniously, intentionally, and with premeditation, kill Leonard Zimmerman, which is murder in the first degree.

Count 3
On or between December 19 and December 21, 2021, in Bourbon County,   Mitchell, did unlawfully and knowingly possess a firearm, a Walther 9 mm handgun, and within five years preceding such possession was convicted of the distribution of a controlled substance. He was not found to have owned a firearm at the time of the prior crime, and has not had the prior conviction expunged or been pardoned for such crime. The charge is criminal possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Count 4
On or between  December  19, 2021, and December 21, 2021 in Bourbon County,  Mitchell, exerted unauthorized control over property: a Walther 9 mm handgun, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner Jerald Mitchell, of the possession, use, or benefit of the property of a value of less than $25,000. The charge is theft of a firearm.

Count 5
On or about  December 19-21 2021 in Bourbon County,   Mitchell did unlawfully and knowingly possess a weapon; which was a Puma pocketknife, and within five years preceding such possession was convicted of the distribution of a controlled substance. He has not had the prior conviction expunged or been pardoned for such crime. The charge is an aggravated weapon violation by a convicted felon.

Count 6
On or between the December 19-21, 2021, in Bourbon County,  Mitchell, exerted unauthorized control over property: which was Puma pocketknife and $200 cash, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner Jerald Mitchell, of the possession, use, or benefit of the property of a value of less than $25,000.

All of the above acts then and there committed being contrary to the statutes in such cases made and provided and being against the peace and dignity of the State of Kansas, according to the document.

The case was filed by:
CJ. Rieg, W21 0
Assistant Attorney General
120 SW 10th Avenue, 2nd Floor
Topeka, Kansas 66612—1597
Phone: 785276-9707
Fax: 785.291.3875
[email protected]

Openings on FS Land Bank

There are four (4) openings for the Fort Scott Land Bank Board.

The function of the Fort Scott Land Bank Board is an independent agency and instrumental with the City on acquiring, holding, managing, transforming, and conveying surplus City properties and other abandoned, tax foreclosed, or otherwise underutilized or distressed properties in order to convey these properties for productive use. This Board meets on an as needed basis.

These four positions will be appointed by the Fort Scott City Commission and is recommended, but not mandatory, that a position from each one of the following professions be applied for:

One individual who represents the banking industry

One individual who represents developers

One individual who represents real estate

One individual at large in the community

If you have a desire to serve on this board and meet the above requirements, please submit a letter of interest to the City Clerk, Diane Clay, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701. She will then submit your letter of interest for consideration to the City Commission. All of the boards and commissions serve on a volunteer basis and are not compensated. If you would like more information on this board, please contact Diane Clay, City Clerk at 620-223-0550 or [email protected]. Please submit your letter of interest by January 21st, 2022.

USD234 Agenda For Jan. 10

USD 234 January 10, 2022 Board Meeting

5:30 p.m. – Winfield Scott Cafeteria

  1. Open the meeting
  2. Flag Salute
  3. Oath of Office for newly-elected board members
  4. Consider official agenda
  5. Consider consent agenda
  6. Public Forum
  7. Consider Neighborhood Revitalization Renewal – Rob Harrington
  8. KNEA Report
  9. Presentation by Fort Scott High School administration on Individual Plans of Study
  10. Principals’ Report
  11. Director of Academics Report
  12. Superintendent’s Report
  13. Business Manager’s Report
  14. Consider KASB Board Policy updates
  15. Consider Resolution 21-10 – Establish Election of School Board Officers
  16. Consider desktop computer purchase (part of the initial ESSER II application)
  17. Consider Agreement of Cooperation and Partnership between USD 234 Special Education and SEK-CAP Head Start 0-5
  18. ESSER III Update
  19. Board member comments
  20. Executive session – for preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property
  21. Executive session – to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel
  22. Consider employment
  23. Adjourn

Agenda For Uniontown City Council on January 10




CALL TO ORDER AT ________ by


___ Jess Ervin ___ Danea Esslinger ___ Josh Hartman ___ Amber Kelly ___ Bradley Stewart


Administer Oath of Office to elected Mayor and two Council positions

Elect President of Council



Charlene Bolinger – Financial reports


A. Minutes of December 14, 2021 Regular Council Meeting

B. Treasurers Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables

D. Resolution 2022-0110-1 – 2022 GAAP Waiver

C. Destruction of records for 2011 and prior


Superintendent: Bobby Rich

Roots in sewer main –

Codes Enforcement: Doug Coyan

Storage containers/fences –

Clerk Report: Sally Johnson

Local Government Day at the Capitol – January 22 –

Mental Illness-The Silent Epidemic –


Councilman Ervin –

Councilwoman Esslinger –

Councilman Hartman –

Councilwoman Kelly –

Councilman Stewart–

Mayor Jurgensen –


Traffic control on several streets –

Dog/Cat Ordinance and amendments review –

Wholesale water supply –

Pond Improvement Project –

City Utility Low-Interest Loan update –

American Rescue Plan Act update–


Street Repair –

ADJOURN Time __________

To view the submitted financial reports:

2021 Financials – December

Unapproved Minutes of the Uniontown City Council for Dec. 14




The Regular Council Meeting on December 14, 2021 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Josh Hartman, Amber Kelly, and Bradley Stewart. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Kandyce Cox, Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan, City Superintendent Bobby Rich, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.



Kandyce Cox requested permission to have a fourth adult dog. After some discussion, the council declined her request. Clerk Johnson will send her a copy of the ordinance limiting the number of adult dogs per household.


Treasurer Bolinger was absent. November written Treasurer report presented. Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $350,214.68, Receipts $29,230.09, Transfers Out $3,026.00, Expenditures $28,195.21, Checking Account Closing Balance $348,223.56. Bank Statement Balance $349,966.93, including Checking Account Interest of $28.57, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $1,743.37, Reconciled Balance $348,223.56. Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $27,033.20, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $17,493.63, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $23,317.91, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $416,068.30. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $340.75 and Utility CDs $311.83 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $652.58. Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of November 2021, Beginning Balance $195.75, Receipts $0, Expenditures $195.75, Ending Balance $0. November Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00, from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00, Total Transfers of $3,026.00. Net Loss for the month of November $1,991.12, Year-to-Date Net Loss $52,874.91. Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $103,267.64 (103.5%), Expenditures $98,167.62 (79.3%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $33,763.44 (97.2%), Expenditures $32,681.90 (74.9%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $134,210.29 (103.9%), Expenditures $248,727.85 (75.2%); General Fund YTD Revenue $132,245.25 (115.5%), Expenditures $134,793.23 (82.1%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $9,287.36 (155.3%), Expenditures $12,368.20 (82.8%). The December 2021 estimated payables, including End of Year transfers, in the amount of $67,987.50 were presented.

Mayor Jurgensen handed out gift cards to employees in attendance and will personally deliver to those not in attendance.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to approve Consent Agenda:

  • Minutes of November 9, 2021 Regular Council Meeting
  • Treasurer’s Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables


Superintendent Rich reminded the Council they approved giving a gift to Matt Wells, Bob Hull, Inc for all the assistance he has volunteered, but they never specified what type of gift or monetary value.

Motion by Hartman, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to gift Matt Wells with a $200 Visa gift card

He reported the tractor has an engine noise in the area of the water pump. It also “hesitates” when put in gear after it is first started or restarted. PrairieLand Partners estimated $1,600 for water pump repairs. He also talked to Ol’ Boys Tire and Auto but they decided they didn’t want to work on it. It was suggested to check with FSCC John Deere program and Councilman Stewart offered to contact a mechanic they use.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to allocated up to $3,000 for tractor repairs out the city streets and special highway funds

Rich gave the Council a list of trees available from Travis Russell, Traveling Trees. Two Autumn Blaze Maples and two Autumn Fantasy Maples were decided upon with one of each to be planted at the pond and in the park. Clerk Johnson will contact the school district about the location for planting at the pond.

Codes Enforcement Officer Coyan gave an update. 205 Washington now has utilities on; 104 Fulton does not have utilities on; a letter was sent to 210 Sherman to remove or replace the awning; 103 Third St wants to replace the sidewalk in front; 201 Fulton, 204 Fulton, 103 Sherman, new owners; 401 Sherman building permit for privacy fence behind house. Storage containers and buildings (306 Washington, 402 Washington, 302 Sherman) were discussed and what requires a building permit and what doesn’t. Clerk Johnson was directed to check with other cities to see what they have regarding storage containers, storage sheds, and fences.

Clerk Johnson has received complaints about traffic on Hill St. One citizen suggested speed bumps or all way stop signs at Fourth and Hill.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0 to table discussion until January 10, 2021 meeting

She asked the Council if they wanted to participate in the Low Income Water Assistance Program through Kansas Department of Children and Families.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to participate in the Low Income Water Assistance Program through Kansas Department of Children and Families

An update on natural gas winter pricing was given to all.

An email was received today regarding submitting Statement of Substantial Interest annually. She will check to see into statutes and check with the County Clerk.

A discussion was had concerning the January meeting conflicting with the School Board meeting.

Motion by Kelly, Second by Ervin, Approved 5-0 to change meeting time for the January 10, 2021 meeting to 5:30PM

Mayor Jurgensen has been researching splashpads and outdoor exercise equipment. Three designs for recirculating splashpads were received from RainDeck and distributed to all. The Council will continue discussion on splashpads and outdoor exercise equipment at the February 8, 2021 meeting. Ruritan did receive $10,000 grant from Bourbon County REDI for the splashpad project. Healthy Bourbon County Action Team’s Placemaking pathway could be used for the splashpad and there is $10,000-$17,000 allocated for Uniontown.


Councilman Ervin – Thanked Frankie & Sally Johnson for the lights in the park.

Councilwoman Esslinger – Lights around town look nice, especially Clay and Hill Streets.

Councilman Hartman – nothing

Councilwoman Kelly – Wants to review dog ordinances at next meeting. Thank you to BBCO Sheriff deputies monitoring traffic on Fifth St.

Councilman Stewart – Inspected fishing dock walkway, it appears the east railing has only been spot welded. Rich will inspect and contact vendor if needed.

Mayor Jurgensen – nothing


Pond Improvement Project – The contractor installed the walkway and has been paid in full. Bourbon County Public Works has brought rock for the riprap. Some is north of the pond and the rest is on the railroad right-of-way.

City Utility Low-Interest Loan update – Two closed accounts have been finaled, but not paid. If not paid by January 10, they will be submitted to Collection Bureau of Kansas for collection. She was asked if she had received an update on the Attorney General’s investigation of pricing during the February extreme weather event. She has not but will check into.

American Rescue Plan Act update – US Treasury has opened the portal for NEUs report submitting.


CMB License Renewal – Union Station – application and fees for off-premises consumption received.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0 to approve the 2022 off premises consumption CMB license renewal for Union Station

Water Rate Increase – notification of a 7.5% increase ($0.55/1000 gallons) was received from Bourbon County Consolidated Rural Water District #2. Discussion ensued about the possibility of finding an alternate supplier.

Motion by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0 to adopt Ordinance No. 195 – inside city limits a minimum charge of $25.81 for the first 1,000 gallons or part thereof and $12.11 per 1000 gallons after the first 1,000 gallons and outside city limits a minimum charge of $26.99 for the first 1,000 gallons or part thereof and $12.65 per 1,000 gallons after the first 1,000 gallons

Moved by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 9:35PM

Governor Issues Disaster Declaration

Governor Laura Kelly Issues 15-Day Disaster Declaration, Two Executive Orders to Aid Kansas Hospital and Adult Care Home Capacity

~No new mandates or closures will be issued~

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today signed a State of Disaster Emergency to alleviate healthcare staffing shortages and facilities’ constraints caused by the surge in COVID-19 cases. Governor Kelly also signed executive orders 22-01 and 22-02 which temporarily suspend certain statutes and regulations for adult care homes and certain health care providers.

“Just as I did at the start of the pandemic, today I am again issuing orders to provide our hospitals and nursing homes with the necessary staffing flexibility to keep the residents, patients, and staff safe,” Governor Kelly said. “This disaster declaration provides a 15-day solution to give our front-line health care workers the support they need as they battle this COVID-19 surge. This action is temporary until the legislature returns, at which I time I will work with them to pass legislation to extend my executive orders through the month of March.”

The 15-day disaster declaration activates the state’s disaster response and recovery portions of the Kansas Response Plan. The declaration also allows for the Governor to suspend certain statutes, orders or rules and regulations that prevent, hinder, or delay in any way necessary action in coping with the disaster.

E.O. 22-01 provides temporary relief from certain restrictions and requirements governing the provision of medical services.

E.O. 22-02 relaxes or suspends licensure, certification, and registration for persons and licensure of adult care homes.

“I urge all Kansans to do their part by getting vaccinated and boosted, which will both help prevent COVID-19 transmissions and more severe cases that require hospitalization, and also help in maintaining our critical infrastructure and economy intact” Governor Kelly said.

Kansas is currently experiencing significant increases in COVID-19 cases following the winter holidays and from the new Omicron variant. Medical professionals anticipate that the numbers will worsen throughout the month of January and into early February.  Early data indicates that while the Omicron variant causes milder symptoms, it is more transmissible, even amongst vaccinated individuals.

Please find the state disaster declaration here.

COVID-19 Booster Shot and Additional Primary Dose for Immunocompromised Children

KDHE Expands Eligibility for COVID-19 Booster Shot and Additional Primary Dose for Immunocompromised Children

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has expanded eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine booster shot and additional primary dose for immunocompromised children following authorization from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). KDHE has authorized the 2,000+ COVID-19 vaccine providers across Kansas to begin administering the booster shot and additional primary dose to eligible populations.

“It has been proven that that the COVID-19 vaccine is effective and is the best tool to protect you and your loved ones from serious illness, hospitalization and death. Our hospitals continue to report that the large majority of patients hospitalized with COVID, particularly those on ventilators, are not vaccinated,” Janet Stanek, Acting Secretary, said. “Today’s announcement to expand eligibility opens up the COVID-19 vaccine booster shot to an additional 36,000 children who received their primary series at least 5 months ago. The Pfizer booster shot is shown to increase the neutralizing antibodies by 25-fold compared to just two doses. Now is the best time to get the booster shot or get the primary series if you have not gotten it to protect yourself and your family.”

The following updates were made to COVID-19 booster shot eligibility.

  • Children ages 12-15 are now eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine booster. Today, the CDC authorized the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 booster shot for children ages 12-15 to be administered 5 months after completing their Pfizer-BioNTech primary series. 36,474 of the 68,476 children who have completed the Pfizer-BioNTech primary series are now eligible to receive the vaccine booster.
  • Shortened booster waiting period. People can now receive a booster shot 5 months after completing the Pfizer-BioNTech primary series. This change comes following the January 4 announcement by the CDC. The waiting period for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (2 months) or the Moderna vaccine (6 months) has not changed. The CDC has listed the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna as the preferred COVID-19 vaccine. Additionally, the CDC allows for mix and match dosing for booster shots.

The following update was made to the additional primary dose eligibility for immunocompromised people.

Moderately or severely immunocompromised children ages 5-11 can now receive an additional primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine administered 28 days after their second shot. This change comes following the January 4 announcement by the CDC.

Click here to find the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility information for primary, additional and booster vaccines.

KDHE continues to urge Kansans to use the following tools to protect against COVID-19 and the Omicron variant.

  • Get vaccinated and boosted. Vaccines remain the best tool to protect people from COVID-19, slow transmission and reduce the likelihood of new variants emerging. The authorized COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing serious illness, hospitalizations, and death. The COVID-19 vaccines approved or authorized in the United States are expected to protect against serious illness, hospitalizations, and death in people infected with the Omicron variant, especially for people who have received a booster. COVID-19 vaccines are now authorized for people ages 5 and over. Moderately or severely immunocompromised people ages 5 and over should receive an additional primary dose of vaccine 28 days after their second shot. The COVID-19 booster shots are authorized for all people ages 12 and over. To find a vaccine near you, visit
  • Wear a mask. Masks offer protection against all variants. It is recommended that people in Kansas wear a well-fitting mask in public indoor settings, where COVID-19 transmission remains high, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Get tested. If you are sick or have been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, it is recommended that you get tested for COVID-19. COVID-19 tests are available across Kansas. Go to to find a free testing location near you.    At-home tests are available for purchase at grocery stores and pharmacies. If a positive result is received through an at-home test, people should follow up with a health care provider for a confirmation test.
  • Social distance. People should avoid large gatherings and stay at least 6 feet from others when in public settings, especially if you are at higher risk of getting sick.

Emergency Food Assistance Benefits Extended for 63,000 Kansas households


TOPEKA – In an effort to continue supporting Kansans as they manage the impacts of COVID-19 and the multiple variants of the virus, the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) announced the continuation of the emergency food assistance (SNAP) benefits to current participants.

The extension will increase the maximum monthly benefit for 63,000 households across the state and deliver an additional $14,591,000 per month to Kansas.

“Our goal at DCF is to protect children and strengthen families,” DCF Secretary Laura Howard said. “The extension of the emergency food assistance benefits will help ensure Kansas families continue to have access to healthy groceries and basic necessities.”

The continuance of the emergency allotment is effective through July 31, 2022, or upon the termination of the federal declaration of a Public Health Emergency, whichever occurs sooner. This is the second instance the emergency food assistance benefit has been extended.

No application is necessary to receive the emergency food assistance funds. The distribution will continue to follow the standard alphabetical schedule.

Those who do not currently receive food assistance, but are interested in applying, are encouraged to visit the DCF website at

Secretary Howard issued the Declaration of Continuing Benefits due to COVID-19 — under K.S.A. 39-708c, et seq. — which directs the agency to continue taking all necessary actions to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the State of Kansas.