Category Archives: Government

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran Newsletter March 21



Visiting Eastern Europe

This weekend, I traveled with a bipartisan group of my Senate colleagues to Eastern Europe to gain further insight on the needed military and humanitarian support for Ukraine. We met with NATO foreign officials and American military leaders, visited a refugee center on the Ukrainian-Polish border to witness firsthand the humanitarian crisis this attack has created, and I had the opportunity to speak with Kansas soldiers stationed in Europe.

Discussing What I Saw with America Reports
This afternoon, following my return to Washington, D.C., I joined Fox News to discuss my visit to Poland and Germany. As Vladimir Putin continues his tragic and immoral invasion, the United States and the rest of the world must do everything it can to ensure that Ukraine can not only fight back, but can win.


Click here or below to watch my discussion with America Reports.




Bipartisan Press Conference Following Visit 

This afternoon, I also joined my Senate colleagues to discuss our visit. What I saw was inspirational, tremendous leadership from President Zalenskyy and a country that is willing to die in sacrifice for freedom and liberty.

This visit was also a reminder that the stakes are massive. If freedom and liberty do not mean something in Ukraine, where will we decide that it is valued? Every day matters in this fight against Vladimir Putin’s aggression. Our slow, bureaucratic march to provide aid is not keeping up with the Russian forces bearing down on Ukrainian cities. We can’t just provide support for the Ukrainians to get by; we ought to make certain the Ukrainian people have the tools to defend their freedom and win.



Refugee Center
On the Ukrainian-Polish border, I visited a refugee center with our bipartisan delegation. Over three million refugees have had to flee their homes, including 700,000 student-aged children, and many are coming to Poland for help. This is the most rapid refugee exodus ever recorded. These Ukrainians’ lives have changed drastically in a matter of weeks, and it was devastating to see families torn apart as we heard of fathers, brothers and sons staying behind to fight for their country.




We also attended a humanitarian briefing to hear about how nations, non-governmental organizations and volunteers are coming together to provide much-needed aid to those displaced and received an update on how the humanitarian aid Congress approved last week is supporting their mission. I was thankful for the opportunity to visit with these leaders and thank volunteers for their work around the clock to care for so many in this time of crisis.

The circumstances these people have found themselves in – forced to leave their homes, their family members and adopt refugee status – are the result of Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked decision to attack a sovereign nation. However, the strength and resiliency of the Ukrainian people was evident in every refugee I spoke with; it was inspiring and only furthers my resolve to do everything we can as Americans to continue to stand firmly with Ukraine.




Meeting with American Troops Stationed in Poland
In Poland, my Senate colleagues and I also visited with servicemembers from the 82nd Airborne Division, where the United States is offering support. Major Gen. Christopher LaNeve and Lt. Gen. Christopher Donahue briefed us on a tactical level, as Russian forces continue to move towards Kyiv, and as strong Ukrainian resistance has caused failure for the Russian military.

Because of my role in the Senate as an appropriator for the United States’ defense and intelligence, I was able to receive classified briefs from our intelligence services in Europe.

I appreciated hearing from our military leaders, as well as our NATO partners. As Russia’s unprovoked war with Ukraine threatens European stability, a unified NATO is essential to deterring further threats and preserving American peace and prosperity.



Thanking Kansas Soldiers
In Germany, I met with troops from the 1st and 3rd Infantry Divisions. Big Red One Commanding General Douglas Sims provided an overview of their mission and current training exercises, and soldiers provided my colleagues and I with an operational brief. We had the chance to view live fire training where tanks maneuvered to stop enemy targets and provided cover fire for soldiers on the ground. This demonstration was led by SFC Javelin Mills of Pomona; I appreciated speaking with him, and I thanked him for his service as he remains far from home.

Thank you to MG Sims for his continued leadership. I greatly appreciated being able to speak with Big Red One soldiers, and I thank them for the sacrifice and commitment they make for their country and for the American people. Their presence in Europe demonstrates to our NATO allies that the United States is here, and we are committed.





Briefing at Wiesbadan Army Airfield in Germany
On Friday morning, I visited Wiesbadan Army Airfield (WAAF) in Germany where I was briefed by General Christopher Cavoli, USAREUR-AF Commanding General. He updated me and my Senate colleagues on the Army’s current operations throughout Europe and Africa. This Special Operations Command Europe brief also covered the latest on Putin’s assault on Ukraine and an overview of the NATO response, including the humanitarian efforts that are occurring at the Polish border.

At WAAF, I also visited with two Kansans: Sergeant First Class Kevin Jensen from Manhattan and Private Efren Benitez from Maize. Our servicemembers’ mission while stationed in Europe has taken them far from their families as they assist partner nations before and after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. They stand ready as a key deterrent to our adversaries, and I appreciate their dedicated service.





Joining the Senate NATO Observer Group
Ahead of traveling to Eastern Europe, I was appointed by the Senate to join the Senate North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Observer Group, which serves as a bridge between the U.S. Senate and NATO allies. As Russia’s unprovoked war with Ukraine threatens European stability, a unified NATO is essential to deterring further threats and preserving American peace and prosperity. Through my role on the Senate Appropriations Committee, I have regularly met with NATO military leaders stationed throughout Europe, and I am pleased to now join this group to continue strengthening this transatlantic alliance. Through this bipartisan group my colleagues and I will track the implementation of NATO initiatives, assess its military capabilities and review NATO defense spending to protect democracy and safeguard freedom for the U.S. and our NATO allies.


President Zelenskyy’s Address to Congress

President Zelenskyy’s address to Congress on Wednesday morning was a powerful and moving reminder that the United States must continue to take action to aid Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s unprovoked attack, assist refugees fleeing Ukraine, support our NATO allies and make certain Vladimir Putin pays for his aggression. The United States has the capability to provide further resources to Ukrainians through defensive military equipment, food aid and medical supplies, and we must demonstrate through our actions that we stand with Ukraine and our European allies in the fight for democracy. America should do what America does best – protect freedom and liberty for our own citizens and for people around the world.

Following President Zelenskyy’s address, I spoke at a press conference regarding the war in Ukraine. The United States of America needs to do more today than what we’ve done to date. Watch my remarks here or below.



I recently saw this Ukrainian orphan’s story on the news, and he has been on my mind since.

America has a special role in this world. Sometimes it’s easy to look away. But we must not. When we do, we often leave the world a much more difficult and deadly place.
My Legislation Honoring Women of Six Triple Eight Signed Into Law

On Monday morning, President Biden signed my legislation to award the Six Triple Eight – the only all-black, all-female battalion to serve overseas during World War II – with a Congressional Gold Medal.

The women of the Six Triple Eight have earned a special place in history for their service to our nation, and as of today, their sacrifice is enshrined into law with the highest distinction Congress can bestow. Though the odds were set against them, the women of the Six Triple Eight processed millions of letters and packages during their deployment in Europe, boosting troop morale and helping connect World War II soldiers with their loved ones back home – like my father and mother. Our nation will always be grateful to the members of the Six Triple Eight and now, nearly 80 years after their service and during Women’s History Month, we are finally able to recognize these extraordinary women on the national stage.

It has been an honor to meet members of the battalion and help lead this effort to soon award the Six Triple Eight with the Congressional Gold Medal – the highest expression of national appreciation from Congress.

Thank you to the President for acting quickly to sign this legislation into law, to Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Congressman Jake LaTurner for leading this effort in the House and to Col. Edna Cummings for her tireless work advocating for the Six Triple Eight to be honored on behalf of a grateful nation.




Urging the U.S. Mint to Expedite Production
Following the Six Triple Eight Congressional Gold Medal Act being signed into law, I asked the U.S. Mint to expedite production to make certain the remaining six women who served in the World War II Six Triple Eight battalion can accept this medal on behalf of their fellow soldiers. Read the full letter here.


Meeting with Kansas Community Leaders

National League of Cities
I met with officials from Lawrence, Mission and Clearwater this week on behalf of the National League of Cities to discuss issues facing Kansas municipalities. The community leaders discussed the importance of the federal COVID-19 funds provided to state and local governments, as well plans for infrastructure investments in the future. Thank you to the Lawrence, Mission and Clearwater city officials for visiting with me in our nation’s capital.





I also met with leaders from Wichita to discuss issues facing the city, including infrastructure investments and transportation priorities, such as the Heartland Flyer. These investments would provide new opportunities for surrounding businesses and residents, and I look forward to continue advocating for them. Thank you to Mayor Brandon Whipple, Vice Mayor Becky Tuttle and local Council Members for meeting with me.



Additionally, I met with leaders from Lenexa to discuss issues facing their city, including infrastructure, COVID-19 funds and mental health services. I appreciated learning more about investments the city is making to attract new businesses, as well to improve the daily lives for Kansans living in the area. Thank you to Mayor Mike Boehm, Council Members Dan Roh, Melanie Arroyo, and Julie Sayers and Assistant City Manager Mike Nolan for coming by.




Announcing a Grant to Support K-State Ag Research Initiatives

This week, I announced research grants awarded to Kansas State University by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The three research initiatives will focus on early detection and containment of African swine fever as well as improving hard red winter wheat pathogen diagnostics.

Agricultural biosecurity is increasingly important to our farmers and ranchers in Kansas, as well as the larger American economy. These federal resources will support Kansas State University’s efforts to expand our capability to effectively respond to biothreats in crops and livestock, or prevent them altogether. As a member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee with jurisdiction over USDA, I will continue to advocate for programs that improve our agricultural biosecurity.


Urging SkyWest to Continue Service to Kansas Airports

Last week, SkyWest announced it would be ending air service to Dodge City, Hays, Liberal and Salina in the near future. Following this news, I, along with Senator Roger Marshall and Congressman Tracey Mann, urged U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg to require SkyWest to continue its contracted level of service to four Kansas airports until a new carrier can be secured.

Given the urgency of this situation, we requested continued communication with our regional airport authorities on the ongoing efforts to find a new carrier to replace SkyWest Airlines. Additionally, we conveyed our support for the DOT’s requirement that SkyWest retain their contracted level of service until the conclusion of the Essential Air Service selection case and for the DOT to uphold their commitment to bar SkyWest from ending its contract until replacement carriers can be found. Read the full letter here.


Banking Committee Nominations 

Advancing Jerome Powell’s Nomination to be Federal Reserve Chair
On Thursday, I joined my colleagues in voting Jerome Powell out of the Senate Banking Committee to be considered for Chair of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors before the full Senate. Since being nominated by President Trump in 2018, Chair Powell has resisted attempts to politicize the Federal Reserve. The American people deserve a central bank focused on its dual mandate of low unemployment and stable prices, not political issues outside of its jurisdiction.

Sarah Bloom Raskin Nomination Withdrawal
Due to bipartisan opposition, Sarah Bloom Raskin withdrew her nomination to be the Federal Reserve’s Vice Chair for Supervision. This sends a clear message to the Biden administration: Americans deserve apolitical nominees to lead the supervision of our financial system and institutions.

It is inappropriate for unelected bureaucrats to advocate using the power of an apolitical institution to achieve political ends. The Senate Banking Committee did its job in vetting a nominee for one of the most powerful posts for financial regulation. Read my op-ed on recent federal reserve nominees from the Washington Examiner here.


High Fertilizer Prices

This week, I led a letter with U.S. Representatives Tracey Mann and Cindy Axne, along with 83 of our Congressional colleagues, to the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) Chair Jason Kearns regarding the price and supply situation for fertilizers in the United States. We urged the ITC to reconsider the duties placed on phosphate fertilizer products imported from Morocco and suspend the current process to impose new duties on urea ammonium nitrate fertilizer from Trinidad and Tobago. Skyrocketing input costs, and particularly record-high fertilizer prices, are damaging Kansas farmers’ ability to grow a crop and earn a living. This commonsense solution would increase the availability of fertilizer products and provide needed relief for Kansas producers.


Meeting with the National Association of Development Organizations

Last week, I met with Randall Hrabe, the Executive Director of the Northwest Planning and Development Commission and member of the National Association of Development Organizations, to discuss what the federal government could be doing to improve economic development in Kansas. As the Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the Economic Development Administration, I understand the important role the federal government has played and will play in local economic development projects in Kansas. I look forward to continuing to work with Randall and other Kansans who are working to boost local economies and provide opportunities for our people.





Veterans’ Affairs Committee Work

Introducing the Elizabeth Dole Act
This week, I introduced the Elizabeth Dole Home and Community Based Services Act with several of my Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee colleagues. The legislation expands access and invests for much-needed resources into VA programs designed to keep homebound veterans in the community as long as possible. These alternative home-based programs help delay the need to institutionalize veterans for long-term care and enables veterans to maintain their independence in their own homes and communities.

More specifically, the Elizabeth Dole Act would increase the amount VA is allowed to pay for alternative programs to non-institutional care, establish partnerships to conduct certain home and community-based care programs, expand access to these programs to veterans living in U.S. territories and native veterans enrolled in tribal health programs, among other things. This legislation is named after honorary Kansan, Sen. Elizabeth Dole, who has worked as an advocate to honor and recognize our veterans and their caregivers.


Welcoming Kansas Students to the U.S. Capitol
It was a beautiful day to visit with students from Frontenac Junior High and Eisenhower Middle School on the Senate Steps on Wednesday. I always look forward to speaking with Kansas students here in our nation’s capital.




Remembering Kansans

Dick Hedges
In Kansas, we talk often of community, and how important it is to the fabric of the smaller towns that dot the state. Because in Kansas, knowing your neighbors and making the effort to get involved with those around you is what ensures our small communities’ survival.

Dick Hedges was a man that took that need for a strong community to heart and helped build the fabric of Fort Scott in so many ways. He impacted the lives of so many throughout his life, and his life gives me hope for others like him in towns across our state.

My prayers are with his wife, Jan, the Fort Scott community, and his entire family and loved ones. Watch my remarks on the U.S. Senate Floor in his honor here.

Sonny Rundell
On Thursday, I paid tribute to Kansan Sonny Rundell on the U.S. Senate Floor.

In 2002, while I was still a member of the House, I was pleased to honor Sonny with the Recognition of Korean Service. Then and now, I thank him for his dedication to our state, and I thank him for his service to our nation. My prayers are with his wife, Verna, and to his entire family and loved ones. Watch my remarks on the U.S. Senate Floor in his honor here.

Honored to Serve You in Washington
It is an honor to serve you in Washington, D.C. Thank you to the many Kansans who have been calling and writing in to share their thoughts and opinions on the issues our state and country face. I appreciate the words of Kansans, whether in the form of a form of letter, a Facebook comment or a phone call, who wish to make their voice heard.

Please let me know how I can be of assistance. You can contact me by email by clicking here. You can also click here to contact me through one of my Kansas offices or my Washington, D.C. office.


Very truly yours,

To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please click here.

Emergency Rental Assistance remains available

More than $125 million in rental, utility assistance awarded
TOPEKA, Kan.— Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance (KERA) funding remains available to support Kansans at risk of eviction. KERA provides rent, utility, and internet assistance to households that have experienced a financial hardship during the pandemic.
“More than a third of Kansans rent their homes, and many have struggled to cover rent and utility bills since the pandemic began,” said Ryan Vincent, Executive Director of Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC), which administers the KERA program. “The financial repercussions are far from over for our most vulnerable families. This crucial assistance is still available to keep Kansans safely housed throughout our economic recovery.”
The KERA program has disbursed more than $125 million in rental, utility, and internet assistance to 17,633 eligible tenant households in Kansas. These funds have prevented 45,674 Kansans from experiencing evictions and utility disconnections and helped make 6,656 landlords whole.
One frontline worker described how KERA assistance kept her in stable housing during the pandemic. While on short-term work leave, she was unable to return to her health care job after twice contracting the virus. “I am beyond grateful for the rental and utility assistance provided by KERA while I recovered so I could get back to work,” she said.
The KERA program supports Kansas tenants and landlords experiencing financial hardship. Recent updates have made the program more inclusive, allowing the state to serve even more Kansans:
  • Households that have experienced financial hardship at any time duringthe pandemic may now qualify for assistance.
  • Eligible households may receive up to 18 months of assistance, an increase from the previous 15-month maximum.
  • Eligible households may receive a lump sum of $900 in past-due or future internet assistance, an increase from the previous $750 limit.
Previous applicants who have not hit the 18-month maximum are eligible to recertify for additional months of assistance.
A Topeka property manager witnessed how KERA funding has helped both the complex and her tenants thrive in hard times. “Since emergency rental assistance has been available, we have provided KERA documents and Shawnee County income guidelines to any tenant that receives an eviction notice,” she said. “I tell tenants, ‘It’s always worth a shot to apply.’”
Tenants and landlords can apply jointly online via the KERA application portal. Tenants must answer pre-screening questions to determine their eligibility before accessing the application. KERA applicants must meet income guidelines and must provide:
  • Proof of identification;
  • A signed lease or equivalent documentation;
  • Documentation or self-attestation of housing instability;
  • Documentation or self-attestation of financial hardship; and
  • Proof or self-attestation of household income.
Once an application has been submitted, households can track their application status and respond to communications by logging into their KERA dashboard. If applicants have additional questions, they can contact KERA customer service by emailing [email protected] or calling 785-217-2001, Option 1 for English; or Option 2 for Spanish.
KHRC launched the KERA program in March 2021 with funding provided by the Coronavirus Supplemental Relief Act of 2021. Continuing funding is provided through the American Rescue Plan Act. The measures have provided a combined $23.4 billion in emergency rental assistance to rental households nationwide, with nearly two-thirds of those funds serving extremely low-income households.
For more information and to apply, visit
Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC)is a self-supporting, nonprofit, public corporation committed to helping Kansans access the safe, affordable housing they need and the dignity they deserve. KHRC serves as the state’s housing finance agency, administering essential housing and community programs to serve Kansans.
For more information on Kansas rental statistics, visit the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s report, Out of Reach 2021.

Bo Co Commission Will Meet at Uniontown City Hall on March 22

Uniontown City Hall.


County Commission Room
1st Floor, County Courthouse
210 S. National Avenue
Fort Scott, KS 66701

Date: March 22, 2022

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________
2nd District-Jim Harris Corrected: _______________________
3rd District-Clifton Beth Adjourned at: _______________
County Clerk-Ashley Shelton

Call to Order
• Flag Salute
• Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
• Eric Bailey – Road and Bridge Report
• Resolution for Liquor Sales in the County
• County Counselor Comment
• Susan Bancroft, Finance Director Comment
o End of Year Report
• Public Comment
• Elected Officials Comment
• Commission Comment
Justifications for Executive Session: KSA 75-4319(b)(1) To discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy KSA 75-4319(b)(2) For consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship KSA 75-4319(b)(3) To discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency KSA 75-4319(b)(4) To discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships KSA 75-4319(b)(6) For the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property KSA 75-4319(b)(12) To discuss matters relating to security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Continues to Spread in Kansas

MANHATTAN, Kansas — The Kansas Department of Agriculture has now identified two new counties which have confirmed cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) as the disease outbreak continues in Kansas and nationwide. Samples from birds exhibiting HPAI symptoms in a non-commercial backyard mixed-species flock (poultry) in Dickinson County and also in a non-commercial backyard mixed-species flock (non-poultry) in rural Sedgwick County were confirmed today by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa.

KDA is working closely with USDA–APHIS on a joint incident response in both of the new locations. KDA officials quarantined the affected premises, and birds on both properties will be depopulated to prevent the spread of the disease.

Anyone involved with poultry production from the small backyard chicken owner to the large commercial producer should review their biosecurity activities to assure the health of their birds. Find guidance on biosecurity on the KDA Division of Animal Health webpage at Going forward, any additional confirmed cases will be shared directly with local communities and announced on the KDA Avian Influenza webpage, rather than through a statewide news release.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is a highly contagious viral disease that can infect chickens, turkeys and other birds and can cause severe illness and/or sudden death in infected birds. Attentively monitor your birds for symptoms of HPAI which include: coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, and other signs of respiratory distress; lack of energy and appetite; decreased water consumption; decreased egg production and/or soft-shelled, misshapen eggs; incoordination; and diarrhea. Avian influenza can also cause sudden death in birds even if they aren’t showing other symptoms.

If these symptoms are observed in your birds, immediately contact your veterinarian. If you don’t have a regular veterinarian, contact KDA’s Division of Animal Health office toll-free at 833-765-2006.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the recent HPAI detections do not present an immediate public health concern. No human cases of these avian influenza viruses have been detected in the United States. Birds and eggs from the infected flock will not enter the food system.  As a reminder, the proper handling and cooking of all poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 ˚F is recommended as a general food safety precaution.

As part of existing avian influenza response plans, federal and state partners are working jointly on additional surveillance and testing in areas around the affected flocks. The United States has the strongest AI surveillance program in the world, and USDA is working with its partners to actively look for the disease in commercial poultry operations, live bird markets and in migratory wild bird populations.

For more information about HPAI, including current status of the confirmed cases in other states as well as more information about biosecurity for your flock, go to KDA’s avian influenza webpage at or call KDA at 833-765-2006.

Bourbon County Commission Agenda For March 22

Bourbon County Commission Room
1st Floor, County Courthouse
210 S. National Avenue
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Tuesdays starting at 9:00
Date: March 22, 2022
1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________
2nd District-Jim Harris Corrected: _______________________
3rd District-Clifton Beth Adjourned at: _______________
County Clerk-Ashley Shelton
Call to Order
• Flag Salute
• Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
• Eric Bailey – Road and Bridge Report
• Resolution for Liquor Sales in the County
• County Counselor Comment
• Susan Bancroft, Finance Director Comment
o End of Year Report
• Public Comment
• Elected Officials Comment
• Commission Comment
Justifications for Executive Session: KSA 75-4319(b)(1) To discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy KSA 75-4319(b)(2) For consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship KSA 75-4319(b)(3) To discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency KSA 75-4319(b)(4) To discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships KSA 75-4319(b)(6) For the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property KSA 75-4319(b)(12) To discuss matters relating to security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures.

To view the Bourbon County Bank Reconciiation for the prior year:

BB Co Bank Reconciliation Ending Dec 31, 2021

Drought Emergency, Warnings and Watches for Kansas Counties

Governor Declares Drought Emergency, Warnings and Watches for Kansas Counties

The Governor’s Drought Team examines conditions; and recommends updates to the Governor


Today, Governor Kelly approved updated drought declarations for Kansas counties with Executive Order #22-03. This drought declaration places all 105 Kansas counties either in watch, warning or emergency status.

“The majority of the state of Kansas has experienced drought or abnormally dry conditions for the past several months,” said Governor Kelly. “Unfortunately, these conditions are forecast to persist or get worse, so I strongly encourage Kansans to be mindful of drought conditions and work to minimize the threat of fires across the state.”

The drought declaration placed 19 counties into an emergency status, 61 counties in a warning status and 25 into a watch status. This action was recommended by Connie Owen, Director of the Kansas Water Office and Chair of the Governor’s Drought Response Team. Kansas has continued to experience drier than normal conditions all across the state. Most areas have a departure from normal precipitation of more than three inches over the last six months.

“We have watched drought conditions continue to get worse since this past fall or longer in some areas, causing concern with groundwater supplies, reservoirs, stream flow, crop production, elevated wildfire risk and more,” said Owen. “The Governor’s Drought Response Team will continue to monitor the situation and make recommendations to the Governor as necessary, as future outlooks call for drought conditions to persist as we enter spring.”

Through an interagency agreement between the Kansas Water Office, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and Kansas Division of Emergency Management, counties in emergency stage are eligible for emergency use of water from certain state fishing lakes. These counties also become eligible for water in some Federal reservoirs.


Individuals and communities need to contact the Kansas Water Office for a water supply request prior to any withdrawals from lakes. These requests will in turn be referred to the appropriate office to obtain necessary permits to withdraw requested water.


This Executive Order shall remain in effect for those counties so identified until rescinded by Executive Order or superseded by a subsequent Executive Order revising the drought stage status of the affected counties.

Effective immediately, Executive Order #22-03:


  • Declares a Drought Emergency, Warning or Drought Watch for the counties as identified below;
  • Authorizes and direct all agencies under the jurisdiction of the Governor to implement the appropriate watch, warning or emergency level-drought response actions assigned in the Operations Plan of the Governor’s Drought Response Team.


The Governor’s Drought Response Team will continue to watch the situation closely and work to minimize the effects drought has on Kansans.

For more detailed information about current conditions, see the Kansas Climate Summary and Drought Report on the Kansas Water Office website at

County Drought Stage Declarations:

Drought Emergency: Barber, Chautauqua, Clark, Comanche, Cowley, Finney, Grant, Gray, Hamilton, Harper, Haskell, Kearny, Meade, Montgomery, Morton, Seward, Stanton, Stevens, Sumner


Drought Warning: Barton, Butler, Cheyenne, Clay, Cloud, Decatur, Dickinson, Edwards, Elk, Ellis, Ellsworth, Ford, Geary, Gove, Graham, Greeley, Harvey, Hodgeman, Jewell, Kingman, Kiowa, Labette, Lane, Lincoln, Logan, Marion, Marshall, McPherson, Mitchell, Morris, Nemaha, Neosho, Ness, Norton, Osborne, Ottawa, Pawnee, Phillips, Pottawatomie, Pratt, Rawlins, Reno, Republic, Rice, Riley, Rooks, Rush, Russell, Saline, Scott, Sedgwick, Sheridan, Sherman, Smith, Stafford, Thomas, Trego, Wallace, Washington, Wichita, Wilson


Drought Watch: Allen, Anderson, Atchison, Bourbon, Brown, Chase, Cherokee, Coffey, Crawford, Doniphan, Douglas, Franklin, Greenwood, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Leavenworth, Linn, Lyon, Miami, Osage, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Woodson, Wyandotte



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USDA Updates Eligibility for Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program

WASHINGTON, March 17, 2022— The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has clarified the definition of a spot market sale and hog eligibility under the Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program (SMHPP), which assists producers who sold hogs through a spot market sale from April 16, 2020, through Sept. 1, 2020. Hog producers will also now be required to submit documentation to support information provided on their SMHPP application. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will accept applications through April 29, 2022, which is an extension of the April 15, 2022, deadline previously set for the program.

USDA is offering the SMHPP in response to a reduction in packer production due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in fewer negotiated hogs being procured and subsequent lower market prices. The program is part of USDA’s broader Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative and addresses gaps in previous assistance for hog producers.


Since opening signup for the Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program, we have heard from stakeholders and interested parties who have expressed concern and confusion about eligibility criteria, particularly as they related to the definition of a spot market sale and the definition of an eligible hog,” said FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux. “We have clarified the intent and scope of this program to target assistance to hog producers who were hard-hit by the pandemic but have not been included in other forms of assistance. In updating the SMHPP, we are working to provide new, broader, and more equitable opportunities for farmers, ranchers and producers.”


SMHPP Program Updates

When the pandemic disrupted normal marketing channels, including access to packers, producers sold their hogs through cash sales to local processors or butchers, direct sales to individuals and third-party intermediaries, including sale barns or brokers. The use of third-party intermediaries was the only available marketing alternative for many producers and are now included in SMHPP. The only direct to packer sales that are eligible for SMHPP are those through a negotiated sale. Hogs sold through a contract that includes a premium above the spot-market price or other formula such as the wholesale cut-out price remain ineligible. Hogs must be suitable and intended for slaughter to be eligible. Immature swine (pigs) are ineligible.

FSA will now require documentation to support the accuracy of information provided on the FSA-940 Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program application, including the number of hogs reported on the application that were sold through a spot market sale and how the price was determined for the sale.

SMHPP payments will be calculated by multiplying the number of head of eligible hogs, not to exceed 10,000 head, by the payment rate of $54 per head. To ensure SMHPP funding availability is disbursed equitably to all eligible producers, FSA will now issue payments after the application period ends. If calculated payments exceed the amount of available funding, payments will be factored.  


Applying for Assistance 


Eligible hog producers can apply for SMHPP by April 29, 2022, by completing the FSA-940, Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program application, along with required supporting documentation. Producers can visit for examples of supporting documentation, information on applicant eligibility and more information on how to apply. 


Applications can be submitted to the FSA office at any USDA Service Center nationwide by mail, fax, hand delivery or via electronic means. To find their local FSA office, producers should visit Hog producers can also call 877-508-8364 to speak directly with a USDA employee ready to offer assistance. 

USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit


USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

Pete Allen Resigns from the Fort Scott City Commission, City Begins Search To Fill the Vacancy

Pete Allen. Taken from his Facebook page.
Fort Scott City Commissioner Pete Allen resigned at the March 15 city meeting.
On March 16, during a special meeting at city hall, the rest of the commissioners voted to accept his resignation, except for Mayor Kevin Allen.
In an interview with,  Allen said “I’m done. Mission accomplished. I am 82 years old and I have other things I want to do.”
“I feel like I’ve given it my all…I worked tirelessly seven days a week since I was elected,” he said.
Allen took office in January 2020 and because he was the leader in the amount of votes he received, he won a four-year term, he said. His term ends in January 2024.
“We’ve accomplished a lot,” he said. “I’m not taking credit for all the things we got done, it takes at least three people on the commission. I was part of a team.”
At the regular city meeting on March 15, Allen said he “wasn’t happy with the reception I got….they didn’t want to work with me on a policy on how we use our funds.”
Allen listed all of the commission’s accomplishments on his Facebook page:
“I feel during the past 2 ¼ years we have made tremendous strides toward the movement of the improvement of our infrastructure.
We have hired an engineering firm and just think, we have more than doubled the funding for our streets as well as our sewers.
We have stopped the transferring of funds from our sewer utilities, and we now have sanitary sewer projects and a storm sewer project either under contract or awaiting contracts.
We also have three water line extension/replacements in the design stage with applications for grants being applied for.
We have undertaken the puzzle of the KDOT Connecting Link Agreement and stopped the proposed mill and overlay on Highway 54 (Wall Street) that was to be done fully at the city taxpayer’s expense under the previous administration. We are in the process of applying for a grant from KDOT that will fund that program at a 90/10 split, thereby saving the taxpayer’s nearly $160,000.
We have replaced a $200,000 per year out-of-town city attorney with a $48,000 local attorney, thereby saving the taxpayer’s another $152,000.
We have placed our insurance coverage through a local agency, keeping those funds in town.
A few short years ago we had to borrow $600,000 (each year over 4 years) to fund our street department and the budget this year is nearly $2 million, including the paying back of some of those funds we borrowed ($194,000). And these funds have come with no additional taxes.
We have done this and more, and we have not cut any “quality of life” funding. In fact, we have increased our parks budget by around $62,000. Our golf course is well on the way to becoming self-funded.
We have raised nearly $500,000 through the sale of lake lots (thanks to Mayor Allen’s expertise and guidance). Those funds are dedicated to improvements at the lake. More lots are scheduled to be sold soon with fund usage to be determined.
When I became a commissioner our street department consisted of two workers. Through the efforts of our newly hired human resources director, we now have three crews of three workers each, all being funded within the budget for 2022.
For our sewers, we have funded a new cleaning/camera machine so we can clean/camera/rate our aged sewers with our crews. We have also funded the inspection/rating of all our sewer manholes and our engineers are working toward providing a sanitary sewer master plan.
Our engineers have studied and made recommendations for alterations/replacements of our main pumping station (Davis) that overflows into Buck Run regularly with each major rain event. with cost estimates of $1.5 million to $2.0 million. The commission has authorized rate increases designed to fund these programs. Maybe you have noticed your water bill has gone up.”
Community involvement in city projects has also increased in the last few years, he said.
“Look at the 200 volunteers for parks cleanup under the leadership of Seth Needam, the 200 volunteers for the downtown spring cleanup led by Bailey Lions, and the 40 volunteers to repair cracks and resurface the Woodland Hills Tennis Courts (along with donations from others for purchasing materials).
Certainly, there are more improvements/changes I would like to achieve, but I feel I am leaving the commission, and the city, in a much better condition than when I started, and that I can be proud of! Again, thank you for allowing me to represent you in this endeavor.”
Fort Scott City Hall.
Those Interested May Apply For the Vacancy
People interested in applying to fill the position vacated by Commissioner Pete Allen are asked to submit a letter of interest to: City Clerk, Diane Clay at 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701 or by email at [email protected] according to a press release from the city.
These letters of interest must be received by the clerk by noon on Monday, March 28th, 2022.
The individuals must live inside Fort Scott city limits.
Once the appointment has been made, it will become effective at the April 5th, 2022 City Commission meeting and the term will expire in December of 2024.



Effective March 16th, 2022, Harold “Pete” Allen has resigned his position as City Commissioner on the Fort Scott City Commission. Persons interested in applying to fill the position vacated by Commissioner Pete Allen are asked to submit a letter of interest to: City Clerk, Diane Clay at 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701 or by email at [email protected]. Letters of interest must be received by the City Clerk by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, March 28th, 2022. Only individuals who reside in the city limits of Fort Scott are eligible to apply. Once the appointment has been made, it will become effective at the April 5th, 2022 City Commission meeting and the term will expire in December of 2024.

Any additional information or questions may be obtained by contacting Diane Clay, City Clerk at 620-223-0550.

Kansas Senators Respond to Zelenskyy’s Address to Congress

Kansas Senators Respond to Zelenskyy’s Address to Congress

Senators will Travel to Poland and Germany This Weekend

(Washington, D.C., March 16, 2022) – U.S. Senators Roger Marshall, M.D. and Jerry Moran issued the following statements after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address to Congress this morning. Additionally, Senators Marshall and Moran will be traveling to Poland and Germany this weekend to gain more insight on needed security support for Ukraine and NATO readiness.

“The courage and bravery of the Ukrainian people have inspired all of us. President Zelenskyy challenged our nation that if you want to be a leader of the world you have to be the leader of peace. But, you can’t obtain peace if you are leading from behind – we need President Biden and Europe to step up and lead,” said Senator Marshall. “We have the ability to show more compassion and to get more humanitarian aid. But, there is so much more that we could do short of American boots on the ground and American pilots in the air. We can arm Ukrainians and get them MiG-29s and A-10s. But, our sanctions have to be real – right now our President is just shouting in the wind. Specifically, President Biden’s sanctions on Russian energy don’t go into effect until June 24th – once again our President is late to act.”

“President Zelenskyy’s address to Congress was a powerful and moving reminder that the United States must continue to take action to aid Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s unprovoked attack, assist refugees fleeing Ukraine, support our NATO allies and make certain Vladimir Putin pays for his aggression,” said Senator Moran. “The United States has the capability to provide further resources to Ukrainians through defensive military equipment, food aid and medical supplies. We must demonstrate through our actions that we stand with Ukraine and our European allies in the fight for democracy.”




Senators Marshall and Moran joined Senator Lindsey Graham (SC) in introducing a resolution calling for Vladimir Putin and members of his regime to be held accountable for the numerous acts of war crimes, aggression, and human rights abuses conducted under his watch. The resolution passed unanimously in the Senate yesterday.
