Category Archives: Fort Scott

City Commission moves forward with rezoning

The Fort Scott City Commission approved two zoning changes on the south side of town as well as decided to move forward with a conditional use permit during their meeting Tuesday evening, which drew a full room of residents with differing opinions on the land’s use.

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Deputy Chief and Fire Marshal David Bruner presented the requests to change a piece of more than 50 acres just south of the Kansas Department of Transportation from agricultural to heavy industrial, and a second, smaller plot south of the Jayhawk and Liberty Bell Road intersection from agricultural to commercial.

“This is an open and transparent government, and this is what it’s all about,” City Manager Dave Martin said. “Our job is to encourage development and to look at ways to help us move forward as a city, and sometimes developments are not going to viewed as good as others.”

Martin and Bourbon County Economic Development Council president Steve Buerge both said the city is always trying to find businesses interested in purchasing the land near the Industrial Park to continue building the city towards the south. But in recent years, few businesses have shown interest because of the nature of the terrain as well as the lack of a workforce in the city with an unemployment rate of only 4.3 percent.

But the Kraft family and others involved have expressed interest in using some of that land to bring a vet clinic and a dirt bike track to the community. The rezoning and special permit approved by the commission allows them to begin planning for those projects.

“Great West Vet Clinic is something we feel like will be a great addition to Fort Scott,” Nathan Wells said during his first presentation concerning the new veterinary services they plan to bring to Fort Scott.

The clinic will provide care for both small and large animals, such as through surgeries, dental care, grooming, boarding, water therapy and radiology. It will also host laboratories for the study of artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) for cattle, attracting students interested in training in that field.

Wells said their goal with the clinic is to keep business local, such as that of owners of horses who said they often travel hours and out of state for such care for their animals, and also to make it a destination since the place for studies on AI and IVF will be one of the only such places available in the country.

“This would be such a huge opportunity,” Nikki Traul said, pointing out local rodeo and livestock judging teams could benefit as well. “And what a neat thing to say we even have it in our town…We’d be getting in our way if we’re not providing additional business in this community and providing something that we’d be proud to stand up for and say that we have this as a business here.”

The second piece of land was rezoned to make it possible for a tiller track to be put in for dirt bike races, which Wells said would be held several Saturdays from March through October each year according to their current plan, bringing in racers and their families who would utilize local businesses while in Fort Scott.

A number of citizens present at the meeting raised concerns over the track due to noise, dust and the atmosphere it might bring, while others spoke in favor of it because of the new business it would bring and its entertainment factor on a piece of property no other business had shown interest in because of its uneven terrain.

Wells said those invested in putting in the track will do everything possible to cut down dust, such as through using sawdust and spraying water on the track regularly, as well as the sound by setting specific regulations on the bikes and also using vegetation and other barriers to help shield the sound.

Some residents said they did not believe those steps would have a significant impact on the sound, which could decrease property values, interrupt quality of life for the residential areas there and could deter other business from coming.

“If we get this wrong, this could have, I think, a very devastating effect on our community,” attorney Charles Gentry said, speaking on behalf of the Countryside Addition residents.

Buerge said the economic development council takes seriously their responsibility of bringing businesses into that area, and said he trusts the Kraft family to handle the project carefully so the community benefits from it. But as with most developments, Buerge said there is “give and take.”

“I have mixed emotions about it,” commissioner Sam Mason said, but he and commissioner Randy Nichols both said they are in favor of moving forward with the zoning and the permit to give Wells and others involved an opportunity to continue their planning so they can bring further details to the commission.

“We need to work together as a team to ensure that this is successful and that we continue to take care of the people and the concerns they have,” Wells said of the importance of their partnership with the city.

The conditional use permit for the track will be drafted by the city staff, including any regulations they desire as well as an expiration date of the permit, allowing them to reverse the decision if the track seems to be hurting the community. With the draft complete, the commission will then decide to approve that permit or not.

“This is by no means the end of the discussion,” commissioner Jim Adams said, saying the members of the commission have a lot of information to digest and consider.

Community honors Martin Luther King in discussions

Fort Scott Community College celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday with their annual Lunch and Learn event, welcoming members of the community to participate in group discussions on the needs of the city and county.

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“I think it’s a good time to take a day out and talk about topics,” Gordon Parks Museum director Jill Warford said to the nearly 80 people that attended.

The Rev. Dr. Jared Witt led the group into discussion questions, pointing out that despite diverse backgrounds, different political opinions and religious beliefs, it is important for members of the community to have conversations about how to move the city forward.

To be able to overcome those differences, Witt said people must focus, even though it is “a very noisy time,” and also grow up, taking responsibility for their own lives instead of remaining passive.

The people present discussed topics including what changes they would like to see in the community, how to make those changes happen, why is the holiday celebrated and what assets they can use to help such as their time and influence.

Some points raised during the conversations included the need for both mental and physical changes, such as the need for honest conversations concerning issues such as racism and tolerance, recycling in the county, a support of the arts, improving connections with college students in town and the need to involve young people in similar conversations.

“Talk isn’t enough,” Witt challenged those present, saying discussing these changes just once a year will not accomplish much.

Warford and Witt both said they are interested in beginning Sunday Suppers in upcoming months, when groups of residents interested come together for a meal to share ideas. Roundtable discussions will also be held for younger college and high school students.


Presbyterian Village seeks Art is Ageless entries

Submitted by David Sorrick

Fort Scott Presbyterian Village has issued a call for entries for the Art is Ageless® juried exhibit to be held April 14 – 24, 2017.

Presbyterian Manors

Entries of artistic works will be accepted from any area artist who is 65 years of age or older to exhibit and/or compete for an opportunity to be featured in the 2018 Art is Ageless calendar.

Artists may choose to enter the exhibit only. For the competition, works are to have been completed in the past five years (since January 2012). There are nine categories, as well as designations of amateur or professional. Works to be entered for judging need to be at Presbyterian Village by April 6.

The Art is Ageless® Program encourages Presbyterian Village residents and other area seniors to express their creativity through its annual competition as well as art classes, musical and dramatic events, educational opportunities and current events discussions throughout the year.

Local competition winners will join winners from 16 other Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America communities to be judged at the system-wide level.

Entry forms and information can be picked up at Fort Scott Presbyterian Village, 2401 S. Horton or by contacting Anicia Robinson or David Sorrick at (620) 223-5550 or by email at [email protected]. Or go online to to view rules, download an entry form or enter online.


Shoe Sensation Brings Retail to Fort Scott

For almost three months since their November 3 opening, Shoe Sensation has provided a new retail outlet to Fort Scott by providing a wide selection of shoes in various brands and sizes that were previously difficult to find.

1-13 Shoe Sensation

While hosting the weekly Chamber Coffee Thursday, manager Rosie Peak and assistant manager Anthony Nelson said they are continuing to try to expand their reach in the community, saying they frequently hear customers say they forgot the store was there.

“Sales have been really great,” Nelson said. “We still try to promote and get the word out since people still don’t know that we’re here…We’re still trying to get our name out there.”

Each month, Shoe Sensation holds sales on specific shoes, such as work and safety shoes this month, whose prices are often cut at least 10 percent. Other coupons are available and sales are held regularly, with the sale items changing every couple weeks.

On purchases of $50 or more, customers can also participate in a layaway program at $20 down and the full price paid off within 60 days. Sizes up through 15 for men and 12 for women are available, along with size wide for children and adults.

Shoe Sensation provides jobs for two full-time and five part-time employees.

“We’ve had really good support from the community,” Peak said.

Peak said they also regularly get customers from neighboring towns such as Pleasanton, Uniontown and Nevada.

“How important was your opening, and timing was perfect,” City Manager Dave Martin said, saying the city is trying to bring in other retail stores in their efforts to become a destination town. “We hope that people shop here and buy your great selection.”

The store is located near Hibbett Sports at 2420 S. Main Street and is open Sundays from 12 to 6 p.m. and Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. through 8 p.m.

FSCC Announces Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observance

Submitted by Heather Browne

Fort Scott Community College will observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with a “Lunch and Learn” presentation on Monday, January 16, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Gordon Parks Museum.

9-25 FSCC

The program will feature a talk by Reverend Dr. Jared Witt, pastor of the Fort Scott First Presbyterian Church, followed by a discussion about service projects needed in the area.

Celebrated on the third Monday of January, the holiday is a time when the nation pauses to remember Dr. King’s life and work, and to honor his legacy with a day of community service—“a day on, not a day off.”

“Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is about serving others and particularly people in our own communities,” said Jill Warford, Gordon Parks Museum Director. “Rev. Dr. Jared Witt will speak on Dr. King’s Legacy and then we will have participants talk at their own tables about service projects that are needed in our community. Those who are part of a service organization with needs and those who would like to volunteer are encouraged to attend.”

The Lunch and Learn is free and open to the public. Participants should bring their lunch with them; drinks and desserts will be provided. Participants are also asked to bring an item for the Beacon food pantry. For more information, contact Warford at 620-223-2700, ext. 5850.

Calendar of upcoming FSCC events

Monday, January 16

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Lunch & Learn, 12 – 1 p.m. in Gordon Parks Museum

Saturday, January 14

FSCC Women’s Basketball vs. Labette CC, 2 p.m. at Arnold Arena

FSCC Men’s Basketball vs. Labette CC, 4 p.m. at Arnold Arena

Wednesday, January 18

FSCC Women’s Basketball at Johnson County CC, 5:30 p.m.

FSCC Men’s Basketball at Johnson County CC, 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, January 19

FSCC Women’s Basketball at St. Mary’s JV, 7 p.m.

Saturday, January 21

FSCC Women’s Basketball vs. Hesston College, 2 p.m. at Arnold Arena

FSCC Men’s Basketball vs. Hesston College, 4 p.m. at Arnold Arena

Monday, January 23 

FSCC Women’s Basketball vs. Southeast CC, 4 p.m. at Arnold Arena

FSCC Men’s Basketball vs. Southeast CC, 6 p.m. at Arnold Arena

Wednesday, January 25

FSCC Men’s Basketball at Washburn JV, 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, January 28

FSCC Women’s Basketball at KCKCC, 2 p.m.

FSCC Men’s Basketball at KCKCC, 4 p.m.

FSHS Thespians Earn State Honors

Submitted by Angela Bin

The Fort Scott High School Thespian Troupe #7365 joined 2,000 other theatre students at the annual KS State Thespian Festival January 5-7, in Wichita.

Photo Credit: Angie Bin
Photo Credit: Angie Bin

FSHS is proud to receive the award of Gold Honor Troupe, the highest state award given to Thespian troupes.  The honor is achieved through production of multiple theatrical performances, participation in the International Thespian Society and community, and through promotion of theatre in the community and schools. The troupe Treasurer, sophomore Hunter Adamson, gave a presentation of the notebook detailing the troupe’s yearly achievements in order to receive the award.

FSHS had two seniors, Cire’ Miller and Hunter Parker, audition for college scholarships.  Parker received eight college call-backs with Miller receiving five.

The following troupe members competed in individual events:  sophomores Daniela Belcuore and Alyx Brooks, juniors Xavier Watkins and Kiel Hall, and sophomores Adamson and Mary Gladbach competed in Duet Acting; Miller competed in Musical Solo and Parker competed in Monologue.

Thespians attended five main stage productions of the best high school plays in KS.  They also participated in six workshops varying from acting and improvisation to lighting design to sabre combat for the stage.  FSHS also competed in improv acting, charades and costume design during the late night activities.

In addition to the 25 high school students who attended, Fort Scott sent eleven middle school students to the first ever KS Jr. Thespian Festival on Jan. 7.

The Thespian Troupe is directed by Angie Bin who presented a workshop at the festival entitled “Let’s Play! Growing Theatre Kids” and is an adjudicator for KS Thespians.


Fort Scott to consider new development

Fort Scott residents spoke for and against further development south of town during a Fort Scott Planning Commission meeting Tuesday evening, expressing concern that their quality of life could be negatively affected.


Greg Fess gave presentations concerning two potential developments in areas near the Industrial Park. One for a vet clinic required a zoning change from agricultural to industrial while the second, a dirt bike track, needed a change from agricultural to commercial with a conditional us permit.

A number of residents spoke favorably of the Great West Vet Clinic that would like to open its doors by the beginning of the summer, offering care for both small and large animals. Not only would the clinic bring care such as surgeries, examinations and vaccines for animals, but it will also be only the second Cogent Breeding, Ltd., lab in the United States, bringing the study of bovine in vitro fertilization to the area from its United Kingdom base.

Concerns raised by the audience included the risk of disease, the elimination of waste and removal of deceased animals. Fess said the clinic would hold high standards of cleanliness and will have its own underground septic tank.

Residents spoke in favor of having such a clinic that would provide a local option for veterinary care for larger animals such as horses and cattle, instead of traveling outside of the city and even the state for such services.

“I currently travel hours to get to a specialized vet for our horses,” resident Nicki Traul said. “To keep that money local would be extremely important to our family…To have this in our own backyard would be a huge benefit to our community.”

But while the audience leaned in favor of the vet clinic to potentially be located south of the Kansas Department of Transportation building, residents were divided in their opinion of a dirt track being built on a piece of land near the Jayhawk and Liberty Bell Road intersection.

Fess said their plans are to put in a tiller track for dirt bike races, which would be hosted approximately three Saturdays a month except for a winter break. Fess said they hope the events would draw in as many as 200-300 racers, which would benefit the city of Fort Scott as those visitors stay in hotels and eat at local restaurants.

“We want to make it fun for kids as well as adults,” Fess said, saying they would build the track into the terrain, making corners and using rolling hills without building steep jumps that would be too difficult for younger riders.

Fess said they are aware of a number of concerns raised by the public and said they have taken strides to address those. Woodchips and specific products would be used to prevent as much dust as possible, since Fess said even the riders do not want to race on a track that raises a lot of dust. Mufflers will be required on the bikes and, though Fess said they realize that will not cut down all the noise, he said he believes the terrain itself, including the hills and the trees, will help block some of the noise.

Fess pointed out the noise of a dirt bike is comparable to that of the train which travels through Fort Scott regularly, and some traffic sounds are also just as loud. While they plan to have races regularly, Fess said they do not intend for them to continue into the evening hours, but only race during the day and limit any practice racing during the week.

Some residents attending the meeting said they believe the noise will diminish the quality of life in that area and could even prevent other businesses from wanting to come to town. Individuals who live close to the area in question especially said the noise would likely be difficult to live with because of the noise of numerous bikes as well as the crowd echoing through the valley.

“I think there’s a good reason why tracks are in the country,” Paul Brock spoke up, saying he does not believe it should be that close to the city because of the sound and bad air quality it might bring.

Other residents said features like the dirt track will help bring entertainment and visitors to Fort Scott, which is needed to help grow the community. Steve Buerge pointed out the community once complained about the sale barn being too loud as well, but said it brings large numbers of visitors from out of town and out of state as well as large amounts of dollars through the county.

“Industry is give and take,” Buerge said, saying both parties in such a business agreement have to make sacrifices in order to gain the benefits.

The advisory board approved recommending the zoning changes south of town for the Fort Scott City Commission, but said that approval is not based on their own personal opinion, but on the legality of rezoning the area. The commission will discuss the decision during their meeting Tuesday evening, January 17.

Fort Scott benefits from local trout release

Beginning in the fall of 2016, the city of Fort Scott and the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism partnered to release trout into Fern Lake at Gunn Park, providing a unique opportunity for anglers.


“This is something that benefits all age groups, because we see people from children to seniors out there fishing and enjoying Gunn Park,” said Jessica Schenkel of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce. “The Park is one of Fort Scott’s greatest assets, so having the lake being stocked with trout is icing on the cake.”

Mound City District Fisheries Biologist Don George said each fall the Kansas Department of Wildlife stocks the lakes in his district with channel catfish, but in the winter months bring in trout, which is a more rare opportunity.

“Trout are really a special fishing opportunity,” George said, explaining they survive and are active in cold water when other fish are dormant.

While fishing is allowed in Kansas all year round, trout season only runs from November 1 through April 15, and a special permit is required. The money received for those permits regulates the purchase of the fish to be released in the lakes, not taxpayers’ dollars.

“Anglers pay for what they get,” George said.

Trout will be released in the east lake at Gunn Park every two weeks through March, which George said will allow anglers to find more success in winter fishing.

“It was a very neat experience to watch and help the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism release trout into the lake in Gunn Park,” Schenkel said of her recent participation in the event.

Presbyterian Village honored for achievements, to host piano concert

Submitted by David Sorrick


Fort Scott Presbyterian Village received a certificate of recognition from Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America for reaching goals in fiscal year 2016—July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016.

Presbyterian Manors

The recognition came through PMMA’s new Emerald Awards Program, designed to encourage its 17 locations to achieve high levels of resident and employee satisfaction, meet financial goals, build philanthropic support for the organization’s mission and meet marketing goals.

There are 11 areas measured for the Emerald Awards. To receive an emerald, a community has to meet its goals in all 11 areas. Certificates of recognition were given out to communities that reached their goals in one or more category.

Fort Scott was recognized for building philanthropic support of Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America’s mission.

“This recognition is a visible sign of Fort Scott Presbyterian Village’s commitment to the mission of PMMA of providing quality senior services guided by Christian values,” said Bruce Shogren, chief executive officer for PMMA.

Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America has been providing quality senior services guided by Christian values in Kansas and Missouri for more than 65 years.

For more information about Fort Scott Presbyterian Village, contact Marketing Director David Sorrick at 620-223- 5550 or [email protected].

Piano Recital

This Friday, Jan. 6, at 2 p.m., the Fort Scott Presbyterian Village will host a piano performance by professional pianist Kathleen Bradley-Najarian of Anaheim, Calif. The recital will be held in the community room and is open to the public with no cost.

City wraps up year of economic accomplishments

With the beginning of the New Year, city of Fort Scott staff took time in recent meetings to look back on all their accomplishments of 2016, while also considering what they hope to complete in 2017.

Fort Scott

“We’ve just got so much going on,” City Manager Dave Martin summed up the progress made so far.

During the city commission meeting held Dec. 20, Martin shared a list of accomplishments including projects such as the Woodland Hills Golf Course clubhouse, the quiet zone at Wall Street, the National Avenue project, the almost completion of the new access road to the LaRoche Baseball Complex, the completion of the Western Senior Living downtown and the Country Place Memory Care center as well as a number of other new businesses or expansions of existing businesses.

The city has also benefited from a balanced budget, technology updates and renovations made in the water and wastewater infrastructure, which Martin pointed out is key when taking care of the city and attracting new residents and businesses.

The Fort Scott Fire Department celebrated 125 years of service, the police department investigated a murder case and got a conviction and officers completed their training as the city continues to strive to protect its citizens.

“For this year, we’ve completed a lot,” Martin said of 2016. “We can’t stop. Next year what we’re working on is development, development, development.”

Martin said in order to bring in that development, such as downtown and along the Highway 69 corridor, the city needs to take a look at taxes, since that is a common complaint for both residents and potential businesses.

“We can’t take a passive role on taxes anymore,” Martin said. “We really have to communicate, teach and get everybody to the table.”

Martin said the city hopes to cooperate with other tax entities in the county in order to understand the taxes and see if there is anything that can be done to lower them.

The city also plans to keep a line of communication open with organizations such as school districts and the county to make sure there are no duplicates in projects being done. Martin said listening to the needs and desires of Fort Scott residents is important, even when those desires may not always be met.

“With development comes change,” Martin said. “And with change comes being uncomfortable. Our role is to try to make change happen…but it is going to be at times controversial.”

Some projects for 2017 include the Highway 69 widening already underway, further renovations made to the water and wastewater systems and the completion of new facilities such as the Country Place Senior Living scheduled to open in upcoming weeks.

City approves airport capital improvement plan

During their final meeting of 2016, held on Tuesday, the Fort Scott City Commission received and approved an Airport Federal Improvement Program for the Fort Scott Municipal Airport as presented by airport manager Kenny Howard.


The document includes a five-year capital improvement plan, beginning in 2018, but also looks at some long-range goals reaching all the way through 2027, listing the costs associated with those projects. The plan will be submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration and will be completed based on the federal dollars available, which is provided at a 90/10 percent split, with the city providing 10 percent of the cost.

Some of the initial projects include replacing the runway and taxiway edge lighting systems—some of which Howard said have been there since the 1970s, purchasing more land to the south of the current runway and then completing surveys to prepare for extending the runway. Long-term goals include runway and edge lighting extensions, construction of a partial parallel taxiway and the upgrade of other systems.

The costs of the projects range from $90,000 to more than $3 million. No projects are planned for 2019 in order to build up funding for future, larger projects that cannot be complete at one time.

The city owns 25 acres used for the airport, but would like to eventually buy about 75 more acres. The airport has more than 20 planes, which are used regularly by local businesses and manufacturers, and also houses a new crop-dusting firm that built a hangar.

“The airport is kind of out of sight, out of mind, how much business we do out there,” City Manager Dave Martin said, pointing out that its presence and efficiency are key to further development in Fort Scott.

  • The city also gave Police Chief Travis Shelton permission to go out to bid for four new police vehicles. With that purchase, older vehicles will be replaced while two current vehicles will be transferred to the codes department.
  • The commission also approved a four-year lease for 30 new golf carts for the Woodland Hills Golf Course, which will cost almost $19,500 each year. The city will receive more than $14,000 from the company by trading in 16 of the golf course’s current golf carts.

Fort Scott welcomes downtown yoga studio

After a November soft opening, the Shiney Studios held their grand opening Wednesday evening at their location in the historic, downtown building that formerly housed St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.


More than two years ago, Fort Scott resident and commercial quarter horse breeder Dandelyon Vredenburg had a massive stroke that resulted in her right side being paralyzed. But through a recovery process that included yoga and meditation, Vredenburg recovered completely and is now a co-owner and instructor at the new yoga studio.

“Not only did it help me recover, but it gives me a different quality of life,” Vredenburg said of how yoga impacted her. “What I found is that this community didn’t really have a place to offer that.”

That period of her life marked a change that led Vredenburg to begin writing in an online journal and through a Facebook page that eventually reached more than 600,000 followers. With that newfound passion, Vredenburg began to turn her attention away from horses and to her writing and the idea of a yoga studio.

Inspired by the name of a horse, Twice as Shiney, which she had recently sold to a new owner in Brazil, Vredenburg and co-owner Carl Repp opened the Shiney Studio in the old Episcopal Church, using the location for yoga classes as well as for retail, selling items such as lotions, jewelry, candles and clothing.

The studio offers a variety of yoga levels, from beginning to more advanced. The students can also request private or group sessions. Future renovations of the building include turning rooms into a wellness center and even living suites.

“It’s a healing art,” Vredenburg said, adding yoga is not just for young people, but students of all ages. “I encourage everyone to try yoga…There’s a grace and an elegance and a strength that comes with yoga.”

Vredenburg and Repp said they look forward to preserving the historic building, even providing printed information about the structure and the artifacts that remain inside it. Repp said they hope the building will become a destination for others interested in participating in classes held in the previous church.

“We’re just excited about all your plans,” said chamber of commerce executive director Lindsay Madison, while City Manager Dave Martin said he is glad the downtown building is again in use and being used to further the arts in Fort Scott.