Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition Meeting Minutes of March 2

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Minutes

March 2, 2022

  1. Welcome: Billie Jo welcomed ten members representing eleven agencies. She shared that applications for the 2022 Family Swim Pass program would be available at Buck Run and Beacon within the next week. She also noted that the Coalition Board was seeking a volunteer to fill the board position left open by Nancy Van Etten’s resignation.
  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:
  • Michelle Stevenson sent word to the group that FSECP was thriving and growing; she now has ten pre-natal clients participating. She continues to accept referrals to her programs.
  • Sandy Haggard, RSVP, announced that she had just received word that her grant had been extended for three additional years; her grant goals continue to be focused on food distribution and opioid cessation; she is also looking into partnerships with area museums as a place for seniors to volunteer.
  • Sandy also updated the group on the Recovery House in Iola, SEK Substance Misuse Prevention Coalition project spearheaded by April Jackson.
  • Christine Abbott, SEK Works, reminded members that she has funds available to help 16-24 year old young adults with GED funding, work experience, etc.; there are public computers available for use at the Fort Scott office.
  • David Gillen, Beacon, noted that they were gearing up for an inspection from the food bank organization; he also invited members to come view the new concrete drive on the west side of the Beacon building.
  • Allen Schellack, Fort Scott Compassionate Ministries and Salvation Army, mentioned that he is able to help with emergency lodging, taxi passes, etc. He also has heaters, bedding, towels available.
  • Hannah Geneva, SEK Multi-County Health Department, shared that the department had received a generous donation of diapers from the Nazarene Church. They had also received a Tiller grant that allows them to provide birth control for uninsured women. Hannah also reminded members that Holly Fritter continues to hold “Mommy and Me” classes on the third Thursday of each month.
  • Gabby Gier, CHC, 620-223-8015, is partnering with the Healthy Bourbon County Action Team and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to work on tobacco cessation in Bourbon County. Gabby will present our May program to give details.
  • Patty Simpson, Fort Scott Housing Authority, does have vacancies for two bedroom apartments; there is a waiting list for other units. If members have clients who might qualify for the KERA program, Patty is willing to help with those applications.
  • Tonya Cliffman, Evergy, shared that LIEAP applications can be found at; deadline for applications is March 31.
  1. Program: Tanya Cliffman with Warming Hearts. Warming Hearts was organized by a group of caring individuals who have a heart for the homeless community. Through research and word of mouth, they were able to secure initial funding, gain permission from the City Commission, and build and place one “pod.” The group’s goal was to keep the homeless person off the ground, dry, and out of the weather. Although they were not able to place a homeless person this winter, they have learned about the obstacles and are working to eliminate those obstacles in order to grow the program.
  1. Open Forum: Nothing further was discussed; Billie Jo reminded members to sign the attendance sheet.
  1. Adjournment: Next General Membership meeting will be April 6, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. The program will be presented by Josh McCloud, Donor Relations and Community Outreach Coordinator, Comm

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