Bourbon County Commission Minutes of May 10

May 10, 2022, Tuesday at 9 am
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioners Harris, Commissioner Oharah, Commissioner Beth and the County Clerk were all present.
Matt Quick, Shane Walker, Susan Bancroft, Matt Crystal, and Rob Harrington were also present for all or a portion of the meeting.
Clifton made a motion to approve the minutes from last weeks meeting as well as yesterday’s meeting. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Eric Baily reported that they had one permit completion for Don Garrett at 35th North of the old bridge.

Eric informed the commission that it was time for the annual review of the solid waste management plan. He said that they have a plan to submit, but it will need to be signed by the
chairman and attested by the clerk, no changes were made in the renewed plan. Clifton made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign and the Clerk to attest the plan for solid waste
management. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Eric said that the rain caused some issues last week
with the trees down and washouts on roads, but they are taken care of and back to normal road maintenance.

Eric said that Keith Browning will be here today to go over and discuss pavement plans. Next week Eric and Dustin will be attending the Kansas County Highway Conference in Dodge City. They will be leaving Sunday and will be back Wednesday and that if anyone needs anything while they are gone to contact Chad Brown.

Eric asked if they felt a work session would be a good idea for the Elm Creek issues. He said that there is a group of people talking to
Todd, but he isn’t sure what the commission is wanting to do out there. Justin said that he was done some more research on public-private partnerships and that he will be working with Susan
next week to get out RFP’s. Jim said that he would like the RFPs to be included in the work session.

Eric stated that if they are going to move forward with repairing the building at Elm Creek that they also need to address the two leaks that are there as well.

Eric informed that the new crusher will be delivered Wednesday at noon, and they will be at training on Thursday.

Eric said he spoke with Jeff Spangler; they have been reseeding the roadway where the windmills are but it is getting late in the season and some may not take so they will be back in the fall to reseed
anything that is needed.

Clifton said he had someone ask what the flags at Tomahawk, east of the blacktop at Hammond were for. Eric said that he wasn’t sure but would look into it and let him know.

Clifton made a motion to go into executive session under KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual
proprietorships regarding the hospital. It will be for 10 minutes and include the threeCommissioners. They will meet in another location and reconvene in the commission room at 9:20 am. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 9:20 am with action. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Clifton made a motion to move forward with a negotiation of contract with Via Christi Hospital to add specialist to our building on a month to month basis. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Justin Meeks stated that a KORA request from a patron came in last week. He commended Susan and Ashley for doing their due diligence with regards to it. I spoke with Ashley yesterday
and she has procedures in place that she didn’t have before. Hopefully, in the future this situation won’t be so time consuming.

Justin stated that the 2017 demand letters have gone out.
There were around 180 to 200 demand letters sent. Clifton made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign the contract with the title company for the 2017-2018 tax sale. Lynne seconded.
All approved. Hope to schedule the sale for the end of July or early part of August.

Justin stated that Patty said collections are up so the letters are doing what they are supposed to be doing.
Lynne asked about parcels at Hidden Valley Lake. Justin stated there isn’t much you can do.
Justin stated that Patty and I talked about going and testifying about having a minimum collection amount. For example, if you owe $100.00 or less, (imaginary number) those parcels
would stay dormant for 50 years almost. Lynne stated they tried to get the Lake Association to take over the parcels themselves but they didn’t want to do it. Justin stated with so many lots
they wouldn’t be able to afford to do that. Jim asked about the county taking ownership and getting it off the tax roll and give it to folks like the land bank does. Justin said there would be a
lot of due diligence to be made. That would be a big undertaking and a cost associated with that including road maintenance. He also said the covenant of the Lake Association is iron-clad. It would take the entire association to agree and that probably won’t happen.

Susan Bancroft requested an executive session to discuss personnel matters including 3 commissioners, Justin. Clifton made a motion for an executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual, non-elected personnel to protect their privacy for 10minutes including 3 commissioners, Susan Bancroft and Justin Meeks returning at 9:42am.
Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to return to normal session at 9:42am.
Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion for an executive session KSA 75- 4319(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their
privacy for 15 minutes returning at 9:58am including 3 commissioners, Susan Bancroft and Justin Meeks. Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to return to normal
session at 9:58am with action. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Lynne made a motion to give Susan Bancroft permission to handle all HR issues. Clifton seconded. All approved. Clifton
made a motion to make Mark McCoy an interim Medical Building Director. Lynne seconded.
All approved. Clifton amended the motion to allow Susan Bancroft, Chief Financial Officer to negotiate pay with Mr. McCoy. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Shane Walker, CIO, stated that the medical building has to have a fire system inspection to comply. Johnson Controls and Simplex handles this. The cost will be $12,000.00. Shane also
stated that the parking lot deal. Frank is coming this morning and will finish that. Starting next week are going to start redoing the website. Ashley, Courtney and I are going through it and will
make some changes. Adding new information for different departments and removing some information no longer needed.
Public Comment: No Comment
Elected Official Comment: Bill Martin asked for clarification on what HR is and what Susan will be handling when all elected officials are responsible for their own employees.

Justin Meeks stated he was not comfortable with answering in regards to any legal questions as Sheriff Martin
is represented by council. I need a waiver from his attorney stating that I can talk to him and answer questions. Bill Martin stated that he does not have legal counsel. He sought advice for
some issues that have come up. Justin answered the question regarding Susan Bancroft and HR
issues. Susan would have no authority over the sheriff’s department. Clarification of the motion should have been this would only be for employees directly monitored by the commission which
would be Road & Bridge, any department of nonelected directors. Hopefully, elected officials will use Susan as a resource to help with HR issues. Justin also stated that all claims need to
come through Ashley’s office. KCAMP wants claims coming from Ashley. Ashley is the elected official and statutorily needs to know what’s going on.

Bill Martin stated that he has a standing order with his employees that no county officials talks with them unless I am present or they have permission from me. Bill stated that he enters any
claims information in the KCAMP portal and then Ashley receives a notice of the claim. The system works well. Ashley stated that she is the only person with login capability. Department
heads can go in and make a claim. Justin stated that we can’t make an elected official do anything, but the procedures that were in place in the past worked well. The KORA request we had last week took way more time than it should have.

Commission Comment: Clifton stated that we are expecting the feasibility study next week.
Discussion was had regarding the time of the meeting. Plans had been made to have the meeting at 6pm at the courthouse for the May 17th meeting. It was determined the meeting would be held
at regular scheduled time of 9am. Clifton stated that there would be KORA requests for a copy of the study. Ashley stated copies are .35 cents per page. Clifton said this study could be
approximately 600 pages. Justin stated that the KORA request discussed previously was not charged for as there were procedural issues discovered. So we didn’t charge what we actually
spent because it shouldn’t have taken that long. Discussion continued regarding the feasibility study and the possibility of putting it on the website. Justin stated he wanted time to review the
report as there may be proprietary information. We can redact confidential information from the report that could have direct impact.

Lynne made a motion to allow Susan Bancroft, HR Director, to handle all HR and employment matters that report to the commission. If the elected officials wish to visit with Susan regarding
issues in their department they may certainly do so. If an employee under an elected official wishes to make a complaint they should be able to go to Susan. Susan stated that we are about
12 months away from having a revised handbook. Clifton seconded. All approved.

Clifton made a motion that the meeting for May 17th will be held in the Commission Room at the Courthouse at 9am and the meeting for May 24th be at Garland Community Building at 6pm.
Lynne seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion to adjourn at 10:22am. Lynne seconded. All approved.

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