A local helping agency will continue food and financial help but discontinue the distribution of clothing.
The Beacon Board of Directors voted last week to not accept clothing for distribution to its clients.
“While grateful for the years of generosity of Fort Scott citizens in their donations of clothing and household items, the Beacon Board of Directors has regretfully chosen to end receiving of donations of clothing and household items,” according to a press release from the Beacon.
“The board voted unanimously to continue offering only food service and financial services as it has in the past,” Carol MacArthur, president of the board told fortscott.biz.
“The Beacon will no longer distribute these (clothing) items effective November 1, 2018. This decision not made lightly and only after careful assessment.”
“Food and monetary donations are welcome and essential, as these needs are endless,” according to the press release.
“The Board would also like to thank all those who have worked in the Beacon for their tireless efforts in serving the community.”
At a recent Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition meeting, it was stated that these agencies still provide distribution of clothing in Fort Scott: Mother to Mother Ministry and Communities In Schools, with qualifiers.

I do not like this ideal because so many rely on the clothing to send their kids to school and a lot just need them to clothe their own back. A lot have relied on the beacon for food and clothes.