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Interim Guidance for Kansas Child Care Facilities

Interim Guidance for Child Care Facilities Licensed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment(KDHE)April 3, 2020
This guidance is based on what is currently known about the spread and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The purpose of the guidance is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among child care facilities, families, and communities. KDHE will provide updated guidance as necessary based on the changing situation.
Please check the CDC website and the KDHE website(COVID-19 Resource Center) periodically for updated information and guidance for a variety of settings as well as public health and health care professionals.
Visit the KDHE Child Care Licensing website for more information about facilities and regulations.
At this time, KDHE supports continuity of operations for child care. KDHE will communicate updates should our recommendations change.
Child care facilities (family child care and center-based care) that are willing and able to continue to operate are providing an important service for parents who must continue to work, particularly those whose jobs are considered essential for the well-being of the community.
Licensed child care, with its emphasis on healthy and safe daily routines, provides a stabilizing and often familiar setting for children while parents are away at work.
Although child care has been identified as an essential business and may operate in all counties, child care licensees may independently decide to temporarily close based on their own situation.
Governor Kelly issued a statewide stay-at-home order effective March 28, 2020,(Executive Order/EO 20-16 in response to the rapidly increasing number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and to increase uniformity in requirements across the state.
The Kansas public health system supports state and local shared responsibility and decision making in response to a public health emergency.
Local health officers have the statutory authority(K.S.A. 65-119, K.S.A. 65-129b, K.S.A. 65-202) to make decisions independently from the state public health officer. Prior to the issuance of EO 20-16, several local health officers exercised this authority and issued local county stay-at-home orders.
However, pursuant to Section 5 of the EO, the order supersedes previously issued local/county orders through April 19, 2020, or until the statewide order is rescinded. Local officials retain the right to issue isolation and quarantine orders. Any local order extending beyond the effective date of the statewide order will go back into effect upon expiration of the statewide order.
KDHE encourages providers to remain in close communication with their local public health department as situations regarding COVID-19 are changing frequently. Local health officials are able to provide community level guidance and recommendations that support the efforts of child careproviders to maintain healthy and safe environments.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

•KDHE Child Care Licensing will not issue blanket exceptions to increase capacity or eliminate other health and safety requirements as part of the COVID-19 response. This includes issuing temporary licenses for an existing facility to operate in an alternate location. We await federal guidance on any waivers for requirements related to background checks and initial health and safety training.

•Existing child care facilities are required to continue to operate within the terms of their licenses and to comply with licensing laws and regulations.

•If a facility’s license is issued for a location that is closed (e.g. school, church, community center), the licensee cannot legally operate at an alternate location because the authorization to care for children only applies to location/address printed on the license

•In the absence of more restrictive guidance from either state or local health officials, new enrollment is permitted in accordance to the terms of the current license (ages of children, group sizes, total capacity, etc.). When enrolling new children, it is critical that health screening happens prior to entry and ongoing for all new and existing children.

NOTE: Screening and monitoring for signs and symptoms of illness have always been a part of maintaining a healthy and safe environment.

Screening should happen prior to entry and on an ongoing basis for all children and staff. Strong exclusion policies and increased sanitation is essential. These provisions are in place in order to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

•Consider prioritizing care to children of health care workers and first responders. If your facility has multiple classrooms/units consider creating a separate classrooms/units just for the children of health care workers and first responders. No additional screening or exclusion policies apply to health care workers’ children or to children living in counties with confirmed cases.•Let your local resource and referral know when you have vacancies and are able to care for children of health care workers and first responders.

•Facilities closing temporarily must submit a timely renewal application to ensure there is no gap in licensure and that the license remains in effect and valid.

•Specific licensing questions should be referred to your local licensing surveyor.For more information about local licensing contacts, visit our website at click on Local County Contacts ( Planning and Preparedness Recommendations for Licensed Child Care Facilities The most important thing that child care facilities can do now is to prepare for the possibility of community-level outbreaks.Licensees should take the followingsteps to help stop or slow the spread of respiratory diseases, including COVID-19:

•Stay informed and know where to go forthe most current information. Sources of accurate information include the CDC, KDHE,and your local county health department.

•Developor update emergency preparednessplans to address possible disruptions in learning and program operations. Your local licensing surveyor is available to provide technical assistance.

Determine how to deal with high absentee rates among children and staff.identify critical functions and positions and plan for alternative coverage in the event of staff absences or closure.identify methods to communicate with staff and parents in the event of closure

.•Review your policies for the exclusion of sick children and staff. Caring for Our Children, National Health and Safety Performance Standards ( has information related to managing illnesses, including inclusion/exclusion guidelines. Established exclusion guidelines may need to be updated based on what is known about the symptoms and spread of COVID-19.oMake sure that parents of children in care and staff are aware and follow the policies.

Encourage parents to plan now in the event their child becomes sick. Sick children should not be taken to another child care program or another group setting, even temporarily.

oDevelop flexible sick leave policies that encourage staff to stay home when sick or when caring for sick family members.•Review children’s files and update health assessments and contact information.

•Develop a communication plan with parents and staff in the event of a COVID-19 case occurs in a staff or child.

•Make plans for the isolation and supervision of sick children until their parents can pick them up.

•Implement monitoring systems to track children and staff absences.oUnderstand the usual absenteeism patterns for your facility.oAlert your local health department about large increases in absenteeism due to respiratory illnesses.Recommendations for Preventingthe Introduction of COVID-19 INTO the FacilityPlease review the CDC’s Supplemental Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open

•Plan ahead to ensure adequate supplies to support hand hygiene behaviors and routine cleaning of objects and surfaces. If you have difficulty obtaining thesesupplies contact your local licensing surveyor and/or your local resource and referral agency.

•Post signs outside the entrance restricting entry to anyone with symptoms of illness/respiratory infection.

•Limit outside visitors. NOTE: This does not include the local licensing surveyor or necessary maintenance/repair worker. For those individuals, keep a log including date/time, name, and contact information (phone or email).

•Set up hand hygiene stations at the entrance so that individuals can clean their hands before entering. Keep hand sanitizer out of children’s reach and supervise use.

•Limit parents/guardians to one per child during drop-off and pick-up. Ideally, this should be the same individual each day.

•Work with parents/guardians to stagger drop-off and pick-up times to avoid overcrowding of children and parents/guardians in a confined spaces. If possible,greet parents at the door or outside.

•Screen children and staff daily before admittance for signs and symptoms of illness. Ask questions, observe for signs of illness,and check for fever. When checking temperatures, to the extent that you are able,do the following:oPerform hand hygiene.oWear personal protective equipment (mask, eye protection, gown/coveralls and a single pair of disposable gloves).oBe sure to use a fresh pair of gloves for each individual and that the thermometer is thoroughly cleaned in between each check. If disposable or non-contact thermometers are used and the screener did not have physical contact with an individual, gloves donot need to be changed before each check. In non-contact thermometers are used, they should be cleaned routinely as recommended by the CDC for infection control.

•Individuals who have a fever or other signs of illness should not be admitted.

•Exclude individuals with history of COVID-19 exposure, including travel within the last 14 days in a state, county or country identified as a hot spot for COVID-19,and those showing signs of illness.oChildren who are sick, with the typical reasons kids get sick (vomiting, rash, diarrhea, pink eye etc.) should be excluded in accordance with yourpolicies.oCurrent information about when individuals with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should stay home is available on the COVID-19 Resource Center on the CDC website

•Ensure frequent handwashing ( and cough etiquette(coughing and sneezing into elbow).

•Meticulously follow diaper changing procedures. •Care for children in small stable groups. Children should be kept in the same group with the same provider/staff every day. Ideally, this means groups of the same 10or fewer children/staff, if/when possible.

•Facilities enrolling more than one group/unit are advised to maintain separate rooms for each group/unit. Adults, children, and staff assigned should try to remain in their designated rooms/units(avoid co-mingling or sharing space), including during drop-off/pick-up, indoor/outdoor activities, and mealtimes.

•Avoid over-crowded conditions. Encourage children to spread out during story and circle times.

•Allow as much room as possible between cribs, cots, and sleep mats. At least six feet is recommended. Place cribs, cots, and sleep mats so that children rest “head to toe” rather than “face to face”.

•Get plenty of fresh air. Children of all ages should have an opportunity for daily outdoor play, weather permitting. Indoor rooms should be well ventilated. To promote air circulation, open windows whenever weather permits or when children are out of the area.

•It is important to comfort crying, sad and/or anxious young children and they often need to be held. To protect themselves providers should consider

oWearing an oversized, button-down, long-sleeved shirt. Keep long hair up off the collar in a ponytail.oWashing their hands, neck and anywhere touched by a child’s secretions.oChanging the child’s clothing if secretions are on the child’s clothing. The provider should then change their button-down shirt, if there are secretions on it, and wash their hands again.

oPlacing contaminated clothes a plastic bag until washing it ina washing machine. Providers, like children in care, should have multiple changes of clothing on hand.

•Intensify cleaning and disinfection routines. Caring for Our Children, National Health and Safety Performance Standards( has nationally recognized standards for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection.

Routinely clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched, especially toys and games. This may also include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily such as doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops, nap pads, desks, chairs, cubbies, and playground structures.

oUse the cleaners typically used at your facility. The CDC has detailed information at A list of EPA products is available at When choosing products be sure to read the label and carefully follow directions

.oPay special attention to cleaning and sanitizing toys.

▪Toys that can’t be cleaned and sanitized should not be used.

▪Set aside toys children have placed in their mouths or otherwise contaminated with bodily fluids until they have been cleaned and sanitized.

▪Machine washable toys should be used by one child at a time or should not be used at all. These toys should be laundered before being used by another child.

•Stock sinks and restrooms with soap and paper towels.

•Place boxes of facial tissues and waste containers for used tissues throughout the child care area and in places readily accessible to children and staff.

Recommendations for Child Care Facilities in Communities with Laboratory-Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Infection

The guidance provided in this section is based on current knowledge of COVID-19. This guidance may be updated as additional information becomes available about the virus, how it spreads, and how severe it is.

If public health officials report that there are cases of COVID-19 in the community, child care facilities may need to take additional steps in response to prevent the spread in the facility. The first step is to talk to local public health officials. Determine if, when, and for how long child care facilities may need to be closed.

•Licensees should work in close collaboration and coordination with local public health officials and the local licensing surveyor to make closure decisions. Facility closures may be recommended for 14 days or longer. The nature of these actions (geographic scope, facility type, and duration) may change as a local outbreak situation evolves.immediately notify the local health department and your local licensing surveyor if someone who is infected (child, staff or resident of family child care home) has been in the facility. The local health department will help determine a course of action for the facility.

oFollowthe instructions of local public health officials to determine when children and staff who are well but are sharing a home with someone with a case of COVID-19, should return to the facility. oWork with local public health officials to communicate about a possible COVID-19 exposure. Communication to parents of children in care and to staff members should align with the facility’s emergency preparedness plan. When communicating information,it is critical to maintain the confidentiality of any ill child orstaff member.

•When child care facilities are temporarily closed, children and staff should stay home—away from gatherings, crowds,andother social settings.

•Identify strategies to support families in continuing their child’s learning in the event of facility closure.

•Understand that the length (duration), criteria, and public health objective of child care facility closures may be re-assessed and changed as the situation evolves. Licensees should follow the advice of KDHE and local public health officials. MoreInformationKDHE Resources

•COVID-19 Resource Center•Information Line1-866-534-3463 (1-866-KDHEINF) Monday –Friday 8 am to 5pmCDC Resources•Coronavirus Disease 2019 website

Seven Confirmed COVID 19 Cases In Bourbon County

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Bourbon County, Kansas



April 5, 2020;

3 more Bourbon County, KS positive COVID-19 tests were confirmed this morning, making Bourbon County’s total number of cases 7. The testing was confirmed through a reference laboratory that was used. The individuals were already in quarantine in their home, as a result, the chance for community spread from these individuals is minimal. Additionally, the Health Department is aware of each person’s exposure source and all individuals are isolated to their homes. All potential exposures have been notified and are/have been in quarantine.

The following information is provided by Rebecca Johnson

SEK Multi-County Health Department Administrator


This is guidance received from KDHE on Licensed Childcare Facilities if you are needing any info on that topic-due to the child that tested positive in Bourbon County and attends a daycare:


Due to the number of cases in Bourbon County, we will no longer issue a Press Release each time we get a new case. You can find current case count for Bourbon County at the internet address below. KDHE usually updates the site around 10:00AM daily.!/vizhome/COVID-19Data_15851817634470/KSCOVID-19CaseData

The Bourbon County Public Health Department urges the public to continue to take appropriate actions. Everyone should practice good hygiene, stay informed, practice social distancing and limit in-person interactions, and avoid travel whenever possible.


  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of Breath

Please remember if you have the symptoms to:

Call before going to a Clinic, Hospital, ER, or Health Department

Close contact means: 6 foot or less for 10 minutes or more, with a positive case.

If you are experiencing life threatening symptoms, PLEASE CALL 911.

For more information you may call the SEK Multi-County Health Department: Bourbon: (620)223-4464 Monday-Thursday 7:00am-5:30pm OR the COVID-19 Hotline: (866)534-3463.You may also visit the

COVID-19 Resource Center at: Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Departments on Facebook for local updates.

Lansing Has Five Positive COVID 19 Cases

Modified Operations Implemented at
Lansing Correctional Facility Due to Additional COVID-19 Cases

TOPEKA, Kan. – Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC) Secretary Jeff Zmuda announced today that a modified operational schedule has been implemented at the Lansing Correctional Facility (LCF) after a fourth staff member, and the first resident,  tested positive for COVID-19 virus. This schedule began with the 2 to 10 p.m. shift on Saturday April 4, 2020.


The staff member is a male over the age of 20 and the resident is a male over age 50. In order to protect the identity of each, no other information will be released.


As with the cases on March 31, the KDOC has been in consultation with officials from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) on next steps to address these circumstances. Additional steps taken today include:


  • Reduced movement of residents so that they will remain in their units, but are not locked down in cells
  • Necessary movement to recreation or jobs will occur primarily in groups, or cohorts, from the same unit
  • Staffing has been modified due to increased absences


“The additional steps today illustrate our continued effort to follow all guidelines issued by public health officials,” Zmuda said. “We appreciate the continued support and guidance of KDHE and Governor Laura Kelly, as we conduct our work in these challenging times.”


The Lansing Correctional Facility, formerly the Kansas State Penitentiary, opened in 1867 during the presidency of Andrew Johnson and is the oldest and largest state correctional facility in Kansas. Serving only males, the facility capacity is 1,906 offenders.


For current information on COVID-19 in Kansas, and to sign up for updates, go to the KDHE COVID-19 Resource Center at

Obituary of Roberta Peck

In the month of May, 1939 in the central Kansas town of Natoma Roberta Mae (Reynolds) Peck was born into the family of Pastor W.R. and Essie Faye Reynolds.  Her next address would be Covington, Tennessee, then on to West Virginia where her parents ministered to churches in Ashford, Chapmanville, and Huntington.  During those growing-up years she learned to take great pride in being a “West Virginia girl” and often referred to herself as such.   She and her older brother, Arnold Lee, and younger sister, Donna Faye were gifted singers.  At a very young age they were involved in musical concerts, contests, Lion’s Club, Eastern Star, revivals and camp meetings.

In response to the desire to have their children attend a Christian school, the Reynolds family moved to Kansas in 1953.  Roberta began the ’53-’54 school year at Fort Scott Bible School (later known as Fort Scott Christian Heights) in Fort Scott, Kansas as a high school freshman, graduating in 1957.  When a caring, perceptive high school teacher, Marjorie Boldra, told Roberta that she should become a teacher, she took it to heart and established that as her goal.  After graduation she went on to Pittsburg State University to earn her Bachelor of Science in Education and Master of Arts in Elementary Education.  Roberta began her teaching career as a third grade teacher in Lee’s Summit, MO.  Later, she joined the faculty at Fort Scott Christian Heights, where she taught for seven years.  In 1972 she responded to a need for Fort Scott USD 234 to begin a Special Needs Education Program.  She taught there four years before moving into the third grade classroom for USD 234.  She served for many years in that capacity, dearly loved by her superiors, co-workers, students, parents – actually, by all who knew her.  Roberta truly loved to teach.  It seems it was what she was born to do, and she fulfilled her calling with excellence.  One of her oft-repeated joys was to have a former student come up to her and tell her she was his/her favorite teacher ever.  She has stayed in close contact with many of those students.  The last day of her career coincided with her 70th birthday, after 45 years of teaching.

During the busy years of her teaching career, Roberta also found time for her ALL-TIME FAVORITES, her family!  On December 21, 1964 she married Wayne L. Peck, who farmed several acres of land southeast of Fort Scott.  Though she once said “I will never marry a farmer,” she did!  She embraced it and learned to love the farm.  She took a year off from teaching on two very worthy occasions, for the birth of daughter Kimberly Dawn and the birth of son Keniston Wayne.  Her family now includes grandchildren: Braden, Aubrey, Nick, Paige, and her husband, Jeff, and great grandson, Caden.  They are genuinely her greatest pride and joy!  Her retired life revolved around her grandchildren’s sporting events, planning special celebrations for the family and establishing unique traditions for them.

Anyone who knew Roberta knows how much she enjoyed laughter and good times with family and friends.  Those good times might even involve a prank or two!  They also know she was a strong Christian and prayer warrior, often sharing your prayer burden as though it were her own.  Those prayers will be greatly missed by her immediate and extended family members!  She will be missed by a multitude, but her spirit will be with us always, a spirit we would all do well to emulate.

Roberta traded her treasured farm home for her heavenly home on April 4, 2020.  She is survived by her husband, Wayne; her daughter and her husband, Kim and Bruce Murphy of Olathe, KS; her son and his wife, Keniston and Tonya Peck of Webb City, MO; her grandchildren: Braden and Aubrey Peck, Nick Murphy, Paige (Murphy) and her husband, Jeff Wixson; and a great grandson, Caden Wixson.  She is also survived by her sister-in-law, Marcy Reynolds of Fort Scott, KS; two sisters and their husbands: Donna and Gerald Carlson of Pinson, AL; Mary Lou and Wayne Sams of Harrisonville, MO; one brother and his wife, Bob and Sharon Reynolds of Olathe, KS; and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.  She was preceded in death by her parents, W.R. and Essie F. Reynolds, and her brother, Arnold Reynolds.

Private family burial will take place in the Evergreen Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to Fort Scott Christian Heights and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main, Fort Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at


Obituary of Elmer Junior Judy

Elmer Junior Judy, age 90, a resident of rural Ft. Scott, Kansas, peacefully went to be with Jesus Friday, April 3, 2020, at his home.  He was born March 9, 1930, at the family’s rock house southwest of Ft. Scott, the son of Elmer Lewis Judy and Eliza Elizabeth Sanders Judy.  Elmer graduated from the Ft. Scott High School.  He married Lee Ella Gates on April 15, 1949, at Ft. Scott.  In earlier years, Elmer worked at a variety of jobs, but for the majority of his life, he owned and operated Judy’s Iron and Metal in Ft. Scott.  Elmer remained active with his business until three weeks prior to his death.  He was a lover of God, his family, his church, Christian education, missions and good hard work.  Even though he had great influence, he remained humble.  Elmer had an enthusiasm and optimism for everything he did.  He faithfully attended the Parkway Church of God (Holiness).  He served for many years on the Parkway Church Board, the Ft. Scott Christian Heights School Board and the Iron Quill Board of Directors he was also a board member for Haiti Missions.

Survivors include his son, Mike Judy and wife, Carma, of Omaha, Arkansas and his two daughters, Gwen Chance and husband, Terry and Jan Beltram and husband, Larry, all of Ft. Scott and four grandchildren, Brent Chance and wife, Angela, of Harrisonville, Missouri, Brandon Beltram and wife, Amber, of Wichita, Kansas, Lynden Judy and wife, Katie, of Omaha, Arkansas and Kristi Harbit and husband, Justin, of Ft. Scott, Kansas and ten great-grandchildren, Alec, Nate, Kole and Alena Chance, Mikah and Emma Beltram and Tally, Claire, Jhett and Jessa Judy.  Also surviving is his brother, Richard Judy, of Emmett, Idaho.  Elmer’s wife, Lee Ella, preceded him in death on March 8, 2018.  He was also preceded in death by a son, Les Judy, a grandson, Dustin Chance, a brother, Clarence Judy and a sister, Marie Peterson.

Private burial will take place in the Evergreen Cemetery at Ft. Scott, Kansas.  A memorial service will be held at a later date at the Parkway Church of God (Holiness).  Memorials are suggested to Ft. Scott Christian Heights and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, P.O. Box 347, Ft. Scott, KS 66701.  Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Obituary of Daisy LaLinda Lee Burton

Daisy Lalinda Lee Burton

Daisy Lalinda Lee Burton, age 58, a resident of Ft. Scott, Kansas, passed away Thursday, April 2, 2020, at 12:55 A.M. at Mercy Hospital in Joplin, Missouri.

She was the daughter of R. Rela Holmes and Artist Burton of Bradley, Arkansas. She resided in Blue Mound, Kansas.

Mama Daisy had five children, Moses L. Burton, age 39, Glory Anamana Relf, age 35, Vondric E. Relf, age 34, Irella Burton, age 32, and Ireana Burton, age 32.

Daisy had thirteen grandkids, three girls and ten boys.

Daisy had worked at Key Industries for three years.

She was preceded in death by her parents, R. Rella Holmes and Artist Burton and her brother Andrew L. Callahan and brother, Jimmy.

Also surviving are David C. Haynes and Glory Ann Callahan and a host of sisters and brothers on her dad’s side, Audry (Michele), Gail (Rico), Wayne, Lee Artis (Chanaya), Virginia (Kenneth), Rebecca (Vincent), Michael (Denise), Sabina (Thomas), Jason (Tonya), Alex, Crystal (Chester) and a great host of nieces and nephews.

Cremation was handled by Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Bourbon County COVID 19-Four Cases

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Bourbon County, Kansas



April 4, 2020;

A Bourbon County, KS positive COVID-19 test was confirmed this afternoon, making Bourbon County’s total number of cases 4. The testing was confirmed through a reference laboratory that was used. The individual was in a daycare in Bourbon County. This individual is now in isolation at their home, with their family who are now in quarantine. The Bourbon County Public Health Department has contacted the daycare and the provider has been notified and is taking precautions to prevent any spread of COVID-19. The Bourbon County Public Health Department is working diligently to investigate, identify and contact the other individuals who have been exposed.

The Bourbon County Public Health Department urges the public to continue to take appropriate actions. Everyone should practice good hygiene, stay informed, practice social distancing and limit in-person interactions, and avoid travel whenever possible.


  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of Breath

Please remember if you have the symptoms to:

Call before going to a Clinic, Hospital, ER, or Health Department

Close contact means: 6 foot or less for 10 minutes or more, with a positive case.


  • Call your local clinic/family physician’s office OR 911, where you will receive further instructions.

For more information you may call the SEK Multi-County Health Department: Bourbon: (620)223-4464 Monday-Thursday 7:00am-5:30pm OR the COVID-19 Hotline: (866)534-3463.You may also visit the

COVID-19 Resource Center at: Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Departments on Facebook for local updates.

Shining The Light by Pastor James Collins

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:14

Joe was anxious as he walked into the jewelry store to shop for an engagement ring. He had been saving for months to buy the perfect ring to give to Carol. Joe and Carol had been dating for years. He did not doubt that she was his forever love. Still, he was concerned about the ring. He thought, “It must be perfect.”

As Joe looked through the glass counter at a tray of beautiful rings, a salesman walked over and said, “I see you are looking for an engagement ring. I have a fine selection of diamond rings.” He reached behind the counter and handed Joe a ring. The young man held it up to the light. The diamond was a quality stone, but Joe wasn’t impressed. The salesman handed him another ring, and then another, but none of them caught his eye.

The salesman pulled a black velvet pad out of a drawer and placed it on the counter. He took one of the rings out and delicately laid it on the black backdrop. When he did, all the light in the room seemed to pour through the stone causing it to shine as it had never shone before. Joe was dazzled. He had seen this very diamond ring moments earlier, but not like this. All the beauty of the precious stone was now dramatically enhanced and showcased for him to behold. Joe smiled and nodded his approval to the salesman. “That’s the one,” he said.

What changed Joe’s view of the ring? Why did the diamond, which only moments before had appeared so unimpressive, now sparkle like the stars above on a moonless night? In the jewelry business, the dark background makes the difference. When placed on a glass counter, the black velvet causes the light overhead to radiate brilliantly through the diamond, revealing its true beauty and causing it to sparkle and shine more brightly. Take away the black backdrop, and it is hard to see the diamond’s splendor. It is the darkness that causes the stone to burst forth with dazzling light.

We are living in dark days. The COVID-19 outbreak has the world in a hysteria. The death toll has been climbing around the world. People have now been diagnosed with the coronavirus in all fifty states. Schools and businesses are closed. The stock market has crashed, and the country is on the verge of a recession. The public is in a state of panic and many have resulted to hoarding. As a result, there is now a major toilet paper shortage in the United States. Many in the nation have become isolated and are living in fear. The days are dark indeed.

But if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, now is your opportunity to shine in the darkness. How should you shine? Let me suggest a couple of ways. First, you can pray. In this time of trouble, the world needs bold prayer warriors who will get on their faces and cry out to the Lord. Second, call and check on people, especially the elderly, those who have health concerns, and shut-ins. Many are feeling alone. A phone call from you will brighten their day. Third, if you can get out, take supplies to someone living in isolation. Take a bag of groceries to your neighbor. A small act of kindness like that means a lot in desperate times. Finally, share the Gospel. The answer to the darkness is the Light of the World. People need the Lord Jesus Christ.

The point is: The darker the night, the brighter the light shines. Pastor A.W. Tozer once said, “A scared world needs a fearless church.” Now is the time to shine like a diamond on a black backdrop. You and I should reflect His light in this dark world. Unless we tell others about Jesus, people will continue to wander in the darkness.

How bright are you shining?

James Collins is the senior pastor of First Southern Baptist Church where “Drive-In Church” will be held this Sunday. Find out more information at

Fort Scott Commission Minutes of March 31



Minutes are unapproved until 4/7/20

Minutes of March 31, 2020 Regular Meeting #6

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held March 31st, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners K. Allen, P. Allen, R. Nichols, and L. Watts were present with Mayor J. Mitchell presiding.

INVOCATION: There was no invocation given.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: There was no audience in attendance other than a very few City staff.



  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of March 10th, 2020.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1259-A totaling $726,100.29.

  1. Approval of Pay Request #7 – Crossland Construction – River Intake Structure Project – $177,321.49.

  1. Request to Pay – Struckel Electric – $8,814.09 – Electric Vault Project – Airport

  1. Request to Pay #3 – Schneider Electric – $353,530.09 – Energy Audit Project

  1. Approval of 3RK – Certificate of Pay Request #3 – MIH Housing Grant – $22,599.52.

  1. Quit Claim Deed – City of Fort Scott to Margaret P. Cummings-3 ½” of alley

  1. February 2020 Financials

Commissioner Pete Allen made a motion to have the Charlesworth Associates invoice pulled out from the Consent Agenda. Lindsey Watts seconded. All voted aye.


R. Nichols moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Lindsey Watts seconded. R. Nichols, L. Watts, and J. Mitchell voted aye. K. Allen and P. Allen voted no. Motion carried 3-2.


Discussion was then held on the Charlesworth Associates invoice.

City Manager explained to the Commission that Mr. Charlesworth is an insurance consultant and seeks the best coverage and price for the City’s automobile, and property and casualty insurance. He is paid $6,000 per year to perform this service. He said he could have Mr. Charlesworth come and appear before them at a later meeting.

K. Allen said he would like to invite all local insurance companies to a meeting with Mr. Charlesworth and the Commission at City Hall.

R. Nichols said that this gentleman found the City significant savings to the City. The local agents were involved in this a couple of years ago. We should have him come here and discuss what he does with the City Commission.

Susan Bancroft said that the City has a contract with him and we need to approve this payment. You can opt out of this contract but this invoice needs to be paid. There is a process to opt out of the contract and it would need to be followed.

Lindsey Watts moved to approve the payment to Charlesworth Associates in the amount of $500.00. K. Allen seconded. All voted aye.




B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 5 minute

limit per citizen) – None



  1. Consideration to increase pool fees – City Manager said that he realized that this is probably not a good time to discuss increasing pool fees, but we have been planning on this for some time. City Staff is willing to hold off on this for this year. It is a tough time right now.

Mayor Mitchell said that with the COVID 19 and school being out now, weather permitting, we could open early. She thinks we should wait a year before looking at this increase. We don’t even know if we can open this year.

L. Watts said that she has heard that maybe this isn’t the best time to look at this increase.

Susan Bancroft said that there were three rates to be increased. The single pass is currently $65.00, and the recommendation was to increase to $75.00. The family pass was $150.00, and the recommendation was to increase to $175.00. The pool party rate was $100.00 per hour and the recommendation is to increase to $150.00 per hour. We are subsidizing about $80.00 for every pool party that is held currently. It is revenue and time after hours to have the pool parties. Susan said that revenues were down last year probably due to a very wet summer. She is also looking at internal controls at the pool.

Discussion was held regarding the times and hours and season of the pool.

No action was taken by the City Commission on this item.

  1. Consideration of painting/resurfacing Aquatic Center bids – Robert Uhler, Community Development Director, informed the Commission that bids were taken for the repainting and resurfacing of the pool. There were four bids received: Fort Dem Enterprises of Wichita, Kansas in the amount of $23,041.00; Insco Industries of Shawnee, Kansas in the amount of $31,140.00; Red Leaf Corporation of Fort Scott, Kansas in the amount of $32,349.00; and H2 Painting of Fort Scott, Kansas in the amount of $69,750.00. He asked for approval for the low bid of $23,041.00 from Fort Dem Enterprises.

Discussion was held regarding if this is a necessary project.

Robert said that it has not been repainted or resurfaced for six years now.

Discussion was held regarding the bids and if the low bidder had been called and checked out.

Robert said he has not done that yet.

It was the Commission’s consensus to table this item until the April 7th, 2020 meeting so Robert can check into the low bidder.

  1. Consideration to accept engineering proposal from Zingre’ & Associates for roof replacement at Wastewater Treatment Plant – Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director, informed the Commission that the roof at the Waste Water Treatment Plant is actively leaking and needs replaced. It is approximately 30 years old. He asked for approval for the architectural services in the amount of $5,950.00 from Zingre’ & Associates for him to draw up specifications for the roof replacement.

Discussion was held regarding if this roof needs an architectural drawing.

Pete Allen moved to approve the amount of $5,950.00 from Zingre’ & Associates to draw up specifications for the roof replacement at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Lindsey Watts seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of bids for repairs to the Water Treatment Plant from fire – Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director, informed the Commission that bids were taken for the fire restoration at the Water Treatment Plant. This is being paid for by insurance funds. This was bid in four separate bids. The first was Contract for Cleaning Work. There were two bids received with the low bid from Home Center Construction of Pittsburg, Kansas in the amount of $28,405.00; and Insco Industries of Shawnee, Kansas in the amount of $62,850.00. The second was for Masonry Restoration and Coatings. There were two bids received with the low bid from Home Center Construction of Pittsburg, Kansas in the amount of $31,160.00 and Insco Industries of Shawnee, Kansas in the amount of $38,010.00. The third item is for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Work. There were two bids received. The low bid was from Home Center Construction of Pittsburg, Kansas in the amount of $32,315.00. The next bid was from CDL Electric of Fort Scott, Kansas in the amount of $43,310.00. The fourth item is for Window and Door Replacement. There were two bids received. The low bid is from Buildet, LLC of Nevada, Missouri in the amount of $45,000.00 and the next bid was from Home Center Construction of Pittsburg, Kansas in the amount of $51,250.00. He asked for approval of the low bid for each item as recommended by Zingre’ & Associates.

L. Watts moved to approve the low bid on all four items for the fire restoration at the Water Treatment Plant. R. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


K. Allen brought up the topic of the replacement for the truck at the Water Treatment Plant from the fire and if it can be talked about.

City Manager said that it was scheduled for the next agenda. He asked if they would approve up to $15,000 to replace this truck.

K. Allen said he didn’t believe we needed to spend $15,000 and we can get a better deal than that. He said that he has a lot of sites that he looks at for vehicles and thinks he can find a good deal for the City. He asked for approval for he and Michael to work together to find a truck.

Kevin Allen moved to allocate $10,000 to replace the truck at the Water Treatment Plant. Randy Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of 2020 Budget changes – Susan Bancroft, Director of Finance, asked the Commission to approve the recommended changes from the budget work session that she brought before them. This will decrease the budget to increase cash reserves. Departments internally will cut their budgets by 15% and utilities will cut their budget by 10%. We are unsure of what the revenues will be. Property tax could take a 15% cut and come in late. Sales tax could be cut by 25%. She asked that reductions be considered as discussed during the budget meeting.

P. Allen said that we need to work with the County and see what we can do to combine some of our services. He recommended a meeting with the County be set up.

K. Allen said that he would set up a meeting with the County. He will talk to the County Commission and determine if a meeting can be scheduled.

Lindsey Watts made a motion to approve the recommended 2020 budget changes. JoLynne Mitchell seconded. K. Allen, R. Nichols, L. Watts, and J. Mitchell voted aye. P. Allen abstained. Motion carried 4-1.


  1. Consideration of Resolution No. 9-2020 declaring a local State of Emergency and temporarily expanding the authority of the City Manager – Susan Bancroft, Director of Finance asked that consideration of the resolution be heard first before the ordinance. This resolution would give authority to the City Manager to make decisions to shut down facilities due to the COVID-19. This would also allow the City to move to once a month meetings instead of twice a month. This declares a State of Emergency for the local government.

City Clerk read the resolution to the City Commission.

Discussion was held regarding this resolution.

City Manager said that a lot of cities are doing this due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Randy Nichols moved to approve this resolution. Lindsey Watts seconded.

More discussion was held regarding this resolution.

Lindsey Watts withdrew her second to the motion.

The majority of the Commissioners decided they were available to attend a meeting and there was not a need for this.

The motion died for lack of a second.

  1. Consideration of Ordinance No. 3559 – Ordinance appropriating the amounts for each fund in the budget for the remainder of 2020 – Susan Bancroft said that this item can be removed from the agenda. This ordinance would allow the City to pay our bills if the Commission isn’t able to meet. She said that this ordinance can be changed from for the remainder of 2020 to whenever the Governor rescinds her Executive Order for the COVID-19.

This will be tabled until the April 7th, 2020 meeting when the Ordinance will be brought back before them with the changed wording.

  1. Consideration of approval of Fort Scott CDBG Small Business Relief Loan Fund Program – Rachel Pruitt, Economic Development Director, informed the Commission of new grant opportunities. She wanted to update them on what is going on in the Federal and State level with COVID-19. There was a new Executive Order issued today by the Governor in reference to unemployment benefits. The waiting periods have been lifted temporarily, and actively seeking work is not applicable at this time. This is from Executive Order #17. There is a website if you are trying to apply for unemployment. She updated them on K.D.H.E. numbers for the COVID-19 virus. She recommended people work through their banks on any loans they are considering.

The City has received up to $260,709.35 for a CDBG Revolving Loan Fund directed towards small businesses with the highest risk of closing and/or laying off workers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this program is to retain existing jobs. If approved, there is a notice to publish the public notice announcing the availability of funds. Once we receive applications, she will send them to the State who will authorize them in a 48 to 72 hour timeframe. It is a short application. There is a maximum of $10,000 per business. This is defined as staff salaries and wages, purchase of inventory, utilities, rent, insurance payments, etc. Loans will be considered on a case by case basis. Loans are to stimulate job retention, not new hires. The business must have at least one full time equivalent low/moderate income employee. Owners are not counted as employees. Part-time employees can add up to this full time equivalent. A letter from the company/business must be attached attesting that the company’s cash flow is impacted due to significant changes in operation due to COVID-19. The business is either shut down or will be shut down due to COVID-19. No collateral is necessary, and no matching funds are necessary. Loan terms are forgivable if a business complies with required receipts or other proof to verify funding was used appropriately, and if the business is open for a period of twelve months. The twelve-month timeframe does not begin until at the Executive Order by the Governor has been rescinded. Proof of payment by copies of invoices, receipts, and payroll must be supplied. No outstanding debts prior to March 15th, 2020 qualify. Businesses with outstanding Ad Valorem tax obligations will not qualify.

Discussion was held regarding the amount of applications the City could receive and reducing the amount given so more could apply.

Discussion was held regarding if the City Commission should approve these applications first or not.

R. Nichols said that the State will decide who receives these loans. It would be very awkward to pick and choose who would get it as the City Commission.

Rachel said that the State has the authority to approve these applications and not the City.

R. Nichols moved to approve the Fort Scott CDBG Small Business Relief Loan Fund Program as presented. J. Mitchell seconded. R. Nichols, L. Watts, and J. Mitchell voted aye. K. Allen abstained. P. Allen voted no. Motion carried 3-1-1.



  1. Director Updates: None

B. City Commission:

Randy Nichols Thanked all the individuals who are working hard with the COVID-19 pandemic. He thanked them all for working together for the betterment of the City and County.

Pete AllenPete asked if a decision had been made to have a meeting with the County.

City Manager said he would reach out to Lynne Oharah, Chairman, and set up a meeting.

Kevin Allen said that every quarter we need to meet with the School Board and College Board. Kevin said that he would talk to Lynne Oharah and get a meeting set up.

Randy Nichols asked that an agenda be made so we stay on topic.

Kevin Allen He said that he thinks this Coronavirus has brought the City and County together.

He said he would like to see an Executive Development committee that is active. Steve Buerge has done a lot for this community. This committee needs to be aggressive.

The City and County need to join their efforts together.

He asked their opinion on the stop signs on National from the last meeting and if they need to be kept or removed.

Lindsey Watts said they needed to be kept. This was a huge part of the Smart Growth meetings for accessibility and walkability.

Pete Allen said that they are a nuisance and need to be removed.

Kevin asked about the school zone on Margrave and their thoughts.

Lindsey Watts said it could be shortened and the length is excessive currently.

Discussion was held regarding the expense to move the lights and signage.

Kevin said that he suggested a 20 mph sign be put up in the area that it would apply to and the hours around 10th Street.

Chief Travis Shelton said that this is a long school zone. He thinks maybe it incorporated the Middle School and Fort Scott Christian Heights when it was installed. Travis said that he could talk to the school officials and get their opinion also.

Kevin Allen made a motion to have Travis Shelton study this area and look at signage in this area. Randy Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


His last item was the Fire Marshal. He was supposed to be at this meeting to talk about the code footprint. Has he been spoken to?

Kevin said he got an email saying he couldn’t attend. He wants to know if it is mandated by the State to have a code footprint.

City Manager said that he will check more on this subject.

Lindsey Watts – Nothing to report.

JoLynne Mitchell Nothing to report.

C. City Manager: Nothing to report.


Lindsay Watts moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Kevin Allen seconded. All voted aye.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on April 7th, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.




Fort Scott Commission Agenda for April 7






APRIL 7, 2020

6:00 P.M.






Fair Housing Month Proclamation – April

National Safe Digging Month Proclamation – April

National Service Recognition Day Proclamation – April 7, 2020

National Library Week Proclamation – April 19-25, 2020

National Library Workers Day Proclamation – April 21st, 2020


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of March 31st, 2020.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1260-A totaling $736,063.92.

  1. Quit Claim Deed – City of Fort Scott to Margaret P. Cummings-3 ½” of alley (Amended legal description)



B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 5 minute limit per citizen) Comments will not be taken during this meeting. If you have a topic to discuss not listed on the agenda, please contact a City Commissioner or send a written request to [email protected].



  1. Donation of Lunette Blair Blockhouse to the National Parks Service

  1. Consideration of painting/resurfacing Aquatic Center bids

  1. Consideration of Resolution No. 9-2020 declaring a local State of Emergency and temporarily expanding the authority of the City Manager

  1. Consideration of Ordinance No. 3559 – Ordinance appropriating the amounts for each fund in the budget until the Governor rescinds her Executive Order

  1. Consideration of Request for Qualifications for a City Engineering firm.

  1. Consideration of Charter Ordinance relating to the filling of vacancies in elected public offices


  1. Director Updates: None
  1. Commission:
  1. City Manager:



SESSION FOR ________________________________ IN ORDER TO

(see below justification)

DISCUSS ______________________________________. THE


MEETING TO RESUME AT ________________.

Justifications for Executive Sessions:

  • Personnel matters of non-elected personnel

  • Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

  • Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency

  • Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

  • Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property


Governor signs bipartisan transportation plan into law


Fulfilling promise to rebuild Kansas, signs two additional bills


Governor Laura Kelly today signed the bipartisan Senate Bill 173 creating the new 10-year Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program.


“This fiscally responsible program provides a visionary approach so that Kansas has the flexibility to address immediate needs and secure more opportunities for our future,” Kelly said. “Investing in Kansas’ infrastructure means putting people to work. It means fixing our roads and bridges. It means safer transportation for our most precious cargo — our children.


“I commend the bipartisan work of our legislators for the overwhelming support and approval of this legislation. Its swift passage is important to help the Kansas economy recover when this public health pandemic passes,” the Governor said.


Key elements of the program include:


o   Promises kept.  All remaining T-WORKS projects will be let to construction by July 1, 2023.


o   Highway preservation is prioritized. The legislation requires KDOT to establish metrics making sure highway preservation needs are fully funded before adding onto the highway system.


o   Rolling program ensures emerging needs can be met. Instead of a once-a-decade, 10-year set list of projects, new modernization and expansion projects will be selected for the development pipeline every two years.


o   Every region of the state will see modernization and expansion work sooner rather than later. The bill requires KDOT to develop minimum spending ranges for KDOT districts using a metric-driven process, and 40 percent of the minimum investments must occur within the first five years of the program.  T-WORKS projects must be delivered and are not included in the minimums.


o   Every Kansas county will receive at least $8 million in transportation improvements.


o   Broadband and new technology investments are included to facilitate internet expansion and prepare Kansas infrastructure for improved safety and communication.


“Sincere thanks to legislators and Governor Kelly for quickly approving this legislation,” KDOT Secretary Julie Lorenz said. “We have a lot of work to do. Beyond identifying projects for the development pipeline to garner potential federal stimulus funds, we need to deliver projects faster and at the highest value for Kansas taxpayer dollars.”


Work began on this program in 2018 with the creation of the Joint Legislative Transportation Vision Task Force.


“Including the Task Force and KDOT’s local consult discussions, 27 meetings were held across Kansas to gather input,” Sen. Carolyn McGinn, co-chair of the Task Force, said. “I want to thank the more than 2,000 Kansans whose input shaped a program that will create jobs, improve safety and protect our investments.”


KDOT is analyzing the bill, working on T-WORKS projects and will announce the addition of highway projects to the development pipeline soon.


In addition to Senate Bill 173, Kelly also signed House Bill 2595 and House Bill 2168 on Thursday.


HB 2595 removes the 30-day waiting period before offering surplus property for sale to the general public. Current law allows the Secretary of Administration, through the Kansas Surplus Property Program, to sell state surplus property to the general public only after the property has been offered to qualified individuals and entities for at least 30 days.


HB 2168 establishes a sunset date of July 1, 2030, for the Nursing Facility Quality Care Assessment and amends law concerning the hospital provider assessment known as the Healthcare Access Improvement Program (HCAIP).


Under the bill, the annual hospital provider assessment rate increases from 1.83 percent to 3 percent; taxable revenue expands to include outpatient net operating revenue; the hospital provider assessment is based on the net operating revenue for the hospital’s fiscal year three fiscal years prior to the assessment year; and distributions of hospital provider assessment revenues generated from health maintenance organizations are no longer include in the assessment law.