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KDWPT Suspends Non-resident Turkey Hunting Permits

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism to Suspend Sales of Nonresident Turkey Permits


PRATT – In an effort to protect the health of Kansans and prevent the spread of COVID-19, Governor Laura Kelly, with the support of the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT), is suspending sales of general nonresident turkey permits effective immediately. The suspension is made possible via Executive Order No. 20-21, signed on April 9, 2020 by Governor Kelly.


“During this unprecedented crisis, we must take every measure possible to protect Kansas lives,” Kelly said. “While turkey hunting is largely a solitary activity, the potential for inadvertent spread of COVID-19 due to travel associated with nonresident participation is something we simply cannot risk. Secretary Brad Loveless and his staff have done a tremendous job maintaining safe spaces for us all to enjoy, and I’m confident they’ll continue their good work as we encourage everyone to enjoy recreational activities locally this spring.”


“We’ve received a tremendous amount of feedback from concerned individuals and at the end of the day, we want to do what’s right by our fellow Kansans,” Loveless said. “Initially, this issue seemed self-limiting as nonresident permit sales lagged behind last year’s sales year-to-date. However, recently, as opportunities in other states began to diminish, nonresident demand increased at a rate we are no longer comfortable with.”


Nonresident hunters who made their spring turkey purchase prior to the order’s effective date may still participate in Kansas’ spring turkey season; however, because Kansas’ regular turkey season has yet to open (April 15, 2020), only a small percentage of the nonresident permits normally purchased have been sold. KDWPT is offering refunds and KDWPT gift cards in an effort to lower participation rates even further. Nonresident hunters may obtain a refund or KDWPT gift card by sending an email request to [email protected].


“There’s no doubt this will come as a disappointment to many of our out-of-state hunters and outfitters, and rightfully so. Kansas’ spring turkey season is something a lot of us look forward to,” Loveless said. “But I’m also confident many of these same individuals will understand and join us in ‘recreating locally’ this year until we can once again travel without fear of spreading COVID-19.”


For other KDWPT updates, visit


Fort Scott Public Library Storytime April 14

Next week’s Fort Scott Public Library storytime schedule will run as follows:
April 14: 10 am Dogs & Donuts Storytime on Zoom (the meeting will be recorded and made available after it ends).
               11 am  Dogs & Donuts Storytime on Facebook Live (we may post the video on the library’s YouTube channel as well).
Join Miss Val online for virtual storytime! The library will once again use the Zoom platform for the 10 am storytime and Facebook Live for the 11 am event. This should remain the schedule until the library reopens, but stay tuned to Fort Scott Public Library’s Facebook page for all event updates. Due to security concerns surrounding the Zoom app, you will need to message the library for the meeting link. You may receive the link by one of two methods:

Message Fort Scott Public Library through Facebook or email Miss Val at [email protected] before the start (10 am Tuesday) of storytime, and they will send you the link. The same link will be used for all future Zoom storytimes.

Zoom can be fully accessed on any pc with a camera and headset, smartphone, or tablet with online access. The full application will allow families to see and interact with one another, in addition to being a part of storytime. Storytimes will be recorded and posted afterwards for anyone who misses part or all of the meetings to view later. You will have the option of turning your video and audio on and off anytime during the meeting.

If you would like to do something special for this week’s theme, bring your real or stuffed dog to storytime, and/or a donut or donut-shaped snack (think Cheerios, bagels, mini bagels, etc.).

This week’s craft: Cereal Necklace OR Bird Feeder
Materials Needed: Round cereal with hole in the center such as fruit loops, toasted oats, etc. and a string or pipe cleaner. If you want to make the necklace, you may use any food with a hole in it instead of the cereal, if you don’t have any. Pretzels, cookies with holes in the middle, cored apple slices, gummy donut-shaped candy, etc. will all work. If you are using a pipe cleaner, you may use soft foods as well, such as raisins or mini marshmallows. For the bird feeder, cereal is recommended. Have the materials ready if you would like to join us in making the craft, or just watch Miss Val make the craft and do yours after storytime.

For activity suggestions and more see the library’s Storytime Pinterest board:

Read digital books related to the theme at or ( account required) or (for residents of Kansas only).


Note: I found the attached photo online through a search for free desktop wallpapers. Have a great day, and thanks for all your hard work keeping us all updated during this global crisis,
Submitted by Valetta Cannon

Fort Scott Public Library
Youth Librarian & Assistant Director

Governor Appoints Hutchinson For 13th Judicial District

Governor appoints Magistrate Judge Kristin Hutchinson to fill district court vacancy in the 13th Judicial District


Today Governor Laura Kelly appointed Magistrate Judge Kristin Hutchinson, to fill the term of retiring District Judge Mike Ward.


“Judge Hutchinson has extensive experience with a wide variety of legal issues,” Kelly said. “I know she will serve the citizens of Butler County and the entire 13th Judicial District well.”


Hutchinson has served as a District Magistrate Judge in Elk County for the past eleven years, where she handles probate, small claims, juvenile offender and child-in-need-of-care cases. Hutchinson has prior experience as Chautauqua County Attorney pro tem, in addition to over a decade of experience with the City of Emporia, KS which included five years as Municipal Judge. She graduated from Southwestern College in 1979 and earned her juris doctor from the University of Kansas School of Law in 1983.


District judges in Butler County are elected and serve four-year terms. When a judge retires in the middle of a term, the governor appoints a new judge to finish out the term. The position to which Hutchinson is being appointed will be on the ballot in 2020. The 13th Judicial District includes the counties of Butler, Elk, and Greenwood.


Governor Issues Executive Orders for Renewals and Notaries

Governor Kelly issues Executive Orders to aid Kansans during COVID-19 pandemic 


As she discussed during her press briefing, Governor Laura Kelly today issued two new executive orders as part of her administration’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  


Due to the obstacles created by social distancing for Kansans whose work requires the renewal of a license, certificate, permit or registration, Executive Order #20-19 extends professional and occupational licenses for the remainder of the pandemic.  


Under the order, all state agencies shall extend renewal deadlines for any occupational or professional license that has expired – or will expire – during this disaster. Licenses will remain valid as long as the disaster declaration is in effect, and for 90 days after it expires.  


“Thousands of licensed workers are officing from home in an effort to follow guidance from public health officials,” Kelly said. “This order will ensure those Kansans are not hampered by licensing problems that they are powerless to solve under our present circumstances, so they can continue to do their jobs safely from home.”  


The measure also waives any late penalties or expiration fees, and it extends deadlines for continuing education requirements.  


The governor also issued Executive Order #20-20, which will temporarily allow notaries and witnesses to do their jobs remotely, through audio-video communication technology.  


“Our economy is at a standstill at the moment,” the Governor said. “But to the extent that we can, it’s important to find ways for Kansans to continue safely entering into contracts, filing marriage licenses, updating wills and handling other personal health care directives while still adhering to social distancing protocols.”  


Executive Order #20-19 can be found here.


Executive Order #20-20 can be found here.  

Governor Kelly Takes Legal Action

Gov. Laura Kelly takes legal action  
to keep Kansans safe amid global public health pandemic 

On Wednesday, the Kansas Legislative Coordinating Council (LCC) voted to revoke Kelly Executive Order 20-18, a temporary limit to mass gatherings of 10 or fewer people. This unprecedented action by the LCC to overrule a governor’s emergency response authority puts every Kansas life at risk amid a global health pandemic. In response, the Kelly administration today announced it has taken legal action to ensure politics do not continue to impede on the state’s ability to save Kansas lives.  


“The last thing I want right now is a legal battle,” Kelly said. “But Kansas lives are on the line, and I took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. What the LCC did yesterday – in concert with the Kansas Attorney General – weakened and confused our emergency response efforts, putting every Kansan at risk. I cannot stand for that.” 


The Kansas Emergency Management Act empowers the Legislature with certain checks upon gubernatorial authority in the time of an emergency. However, those checks are allocated to the Kansas Legislature as a whole – not the seven-person Legislative Coordinating Council. If the Legislature seeks to amend the Kansas Emergency Management Act, it must do so by way of the constitutionally prescribed legislative process— not by issuing a mere concurrent resolution. Under the Kansas Constitution, laws are made by passing bills through both houses of the Legislature and presenting them to the Governor for signature. The Legislature bypassed that process when it attempted in the waning hours before adjourning to change the Kansas Emergency Management Act through a resolution. 


As such, the LCC’s actions yesterday conflict with both the Kansas Constitution and Kansas statute, which explicitly states that revocation of emergency orders resides with the Legislature as a whole – not with the LCC.  


“Throughout my time as governor, my administration has actively engaged the Kansas Legislature in our decision-making processes,” Kelly said. “I have invited lawmakers to provide input on various initiatives, to participate on various gubernatorial task forces, and I have always welcomed diverse voices and ideas to the table, no matter what the issue at hand. I will continue to do so – especially as it pertains to this public health pandemic and the necessary work that will soon be upon us to reopen and rebuild our economy. But there’s a difference between collaboration and control. My action today is about protecting our government’s constitutionally protected separation of powers, so that we can respond effectively to the worst public health emergency of our lifetimes.” 


The suit was filed with the Kansas Supreme Court to provide a conclusive, swift decision.  


KTCCU Offers Scholarships and Auto Loans

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SEK Multi-County Heatlh Department COVID 19 Update

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, and Woodson Counties

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

April 9, 2020

Allen County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 0
Total Positives Since Testing 0
Deaths 0

Anderson County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 0
Total Positives Since Testing 0
Deaths 0

Bourbon County

Current Positive Cases 2
Current Recovered Cases 4
Total Positives Since Testing 7
Deaths 1

Woodson County

Current Positive Cases 2
Current Recovered Cases 1
Total Positives Since Testing 3
Deaths 0

Recovered cases are based on dates of onset of symptoms, not on day testing results are received.

USD 234 Food Distribution Schedule

The distribution will work the same next week as it did this past week.  We still are asking those using the program to register via our website as it helps immensely with the planning and ordering of the meals.

Submitted by Gina L Shelton, CPA, USD 234 Business Manager/Board Clerk


(UPDATED 04/09/20)

Help us Help You.

We need our families to register to pick up meals. This provides us better information to help us prepare for the numbers being served. You will need to fill out a form for each day.

Where to Register?

For Monday, April 13th Meals – Deadline is noon, Friday, April 10th
For Tuesday, April 14th Meals – Deadline is noon, Monday, April 13th
For Wednesday, April 15th Meals – Deadline is noon, Tuesday, April 14th

Questions we will be asking:
1. Will you be picking up meals?
2. Where will you be picking up meals?
3. How many children aged 1-18 will you be picking up meals for?
4. Adult contact name?
5. Adult contact phone number?
This form should take you no longer than 1 minute to fill out. We need you to complete the form for each day you will be picking up meals.

Distribution Schedule

USD 234 will be doing three (3) distributions the week of April 13th. Children will receive the same amount of meals for the week but will pick them up over 3 days. We will need you to register for each day.
Monday – Child will receive 2 meals per child
Tuesday – Child will receive 4 meals per child
Wednesday – Child will receive 4 meals per child
Call or email Kerrie at 620-223-0800 or [email protected]

Tiger Food Service – Meals Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
April 13th through April 15th

No distributions on Thursday or Friday

Frequently Asked Questions (updated 04/09/20)

What days will meals be distributed?

o Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday only for the Week of April 13th.
o There will not be any distributions Thursday, or Friday.
o The child will still receive the same amount of meals.

Do I need to register?
o Yes. Register at
o Just a few questions to help us serve you.

I’m having trouble registering using the form
o Call 620-223-0800 and we will help.

Do I need to bring my kids with me?
o Yes. According to federal and state regulations we must be able to visually see the child. At this point, we are still requiring this.

Do I have to go to the school my child attends?
o No. These are distribution points and are not in connection to the school your child attends.

I have kids attending at each of the schools, do I need to go to each school?
o No. Pick up where it is most convenient for you.

Can I pick up a meal to take home to my child?
o No. We must be able to visibly see the child.

What ages can be served?
o We can serve ages 1-18.

Does a parent have to be present?
o No. Kids can pick up the meals if you, as a parent, feel comfortable letting them.

How do I pick up my children’s meals using the food service route (bus route)?
o The meals will be distributed from the back of the bus by USD 234 staff.
o Please form a line practicing social distancing starting at the back of the bus.

Are foods going to be delivered to my door?
o No. The safety of our kids and our staff is the highest priority. We do not have the resources nor the capability to deliver to each household.

How do I pick up at the school pick-up points?
o We will be running these like a drive-thru line.
o Please pull into the line.
o Please remain in the car for all our safety.
o If you walk up to the school, there will be a table for that purpose. a

We highly recommend that you drive through the pick-up line.

Do I have to qualify for free or reduced meals with the school?
o No. Any child 1-18 can participate.

USD 234 FS Week of April 13th – Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday




USD 234 will be doing three (3) distributions the week of April 13th

Children will receive the same amount of meals for the week but will pick them up over 3 days.

Monday – Child will receive 2 meals per child
Tuesday – Child will receive 4 meals per child
Wednesday – Child will receive 4 meals per child

1. St. Mary’s– 10:00 am
2. 8th & Burke– 10:15 am
3. 4th & Couch– 10:30 am
4. 5th & Judson– 10:45 am
5. Wall & Judson– 11:00 am

1. 8th & Wilson – 10:00 am
2. 5th & Wilson – 10:15 am
3. 2nd & Andrick – 10:30 am
4. 1st & Cameron – 10:45 am
5. Pine & Caldwell – 11:00 am

1. Emmert & Beach– 10:00 am
2. 1900 Margrave (Church of Christ)– 10:15 am
3. 15th & Ransom– 10:30 am
4. 17th & Crawford– 10:45 am
5. 19th & Huntington (CCC)– 11:00 am

1. Devon Fire Station – 10:05 am
2. Fulton Community Center – 10:30 am
3. Hammond Community Center – 10:45 am

1. Indian & 187th Terr. (Airport)– 10:00 am
2. 69hwy & Deer (Faith Church)– 10:25 am
3. Jayhawk & 240th– 10:50 am

Register using Google Form: USD 234 COVID-19 Food Service.
Form can be found at or call 620-223-0800.

You must register for each day you want USD 234 to provide meals.
*There will be NO distributions on Thursday or Friday
*Please maintain social distancing recommendations of 6 feet between individuals.

10:00 am – 11:00 am
High school- 9th street*
Eugene Ware- 4th street*
*Please remain in your vehicle and maintain social distancing recommendations of 6 feet between individuals.
*There will not be pick up at the Middle School or Winfield Scott