All posts by Submitted Story

FSCC’s Bailey Hall Renovation Celebration is Today

Friday, October 28th at 10am!
You are invited to a Ribbon Cutting,
Memorial Dedication and Reception
celebrating the newly renovated
Bailey Hall on the campus of
Fort Scott Community College,
2108 S. Horton St.
Click here to visit FSCC’s website.
Click here to view their Facebook.

Check Your Details by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

A friend sent me an email of the following story.  I found it preposterous but asked my friend who worked in the nuclear weapon’s lab to verify it.  He did, with only a couple of modifications, not significant enough to mention.

Scientists at NASA built a gun specifically to launch standard, four- pound, dead chickens at the windshields of airliners, military jets and the space shuttle, all traveling at maximum velocity. The idea was to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields.

British engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the windshields of their new high-speed trains. Arrangements were made, and a gun was sent to the British engineers.        When the gun was fired, the engineers stood shocked as the chicken hurled out of the barrel, crashed into the shatterproof shield, smashed it to smithereens, blasted through the control console, snapped the engineer’s back-rest in two, and embedded itself in the back wall of the cabin, like an arrow shot from a bow.

The horrified Brits sent NASA the disastrous results of the experiment, along with the designs of the windshield and begged the U.S. scientists for suggestions.

NASA responded with a one-line memo:                                                                    “DEFROST THE CHICKEN.”

Such a minor detail, right?  But as we all know, that’s where the most problems occur.

Dave and I have been visiting with our son Jeff and his wife Kira.  Kira is taking classes to get her pilot’s license, and the more she explains what she is learning, the more I realize that I have no desire to fly an airplane.  Yesterday, she shared just how dangerous it is if a fowl fouls up a flight pattern. Or if she enters an airspace designed for bigger planes.  Or if a pre-flight inspection misses a minor detail (like the propellers hides a plastic cover over a vent).  And let’s face it, if you fly, you want every little detail taken care of by your flight crew.

There seems to be an epidemic of this missing.

At Burger King in Louisburg, Kansas, last month, only one man had shown up for work.  He took the orders, made the food and collected the money.  People don’t feel like coming to work?  Apparently, no big deal.  Then, when I was clothes shopping in a department store in Kansas City, two elderly ladies were running around, trying to place things where they belong.  I struck up a conversation with the manager. When she asked a couple of the younger workers why they didn’t put things in the right place, she was told, “I just don’t feel like it.”


Every employer needs a detail person, the one who looks at the big picture and calculates what needs to be done.  No one is better at that than God.  When you read the Bible, take notice of the exact dimensions God gave Moses to build the Tabernacle, of the specifics he gave Noah to construct the Ark, of the rules for sacrifices and obedience expected of the Israelites. Then think of the ways our bodies are designed and the structure of the planets.  God is definitely involved in the details.

And we should be too.  Let’s purpose this week to see the trees instead of the forest: an extra tip to the weary waitress; an offer to help the customer shopping in the wheel chair; a “thank you” to the trash collector; an email of appreciation to the frazzled teacher; an “I love you” to our spouse; a prayer offered…just because.

In so doing, you will be putting God in the details…right where He belongs.

Grant Awards from the Rita J. Bicknell Women’s Health Fund

The Rita J. Bicknell Women’s Health Fund (WHF) is furthering its support of women’s health
initiatives in the Southeast Kansas area by awarding a total of $50,992 in grants in 2022. The
Women’s Giving Circle awarded $43,312 to five SEK nonprofit organizations and the Circle of
Friends Giving Circle awarded four nonprofit organizations $7,680. All projects receiving funding
are committed to carrying on the WHF mission “To improve the health and wellbeing of
women by supporting education, increasing awareness, and sharing quality of life
opportunities to benefit all women.”

In 2007, the establishment of the Rita J. Bicknell Women’s Giving Circle at the Community
Foundation of Southeast Kansas (CFSEK) was a philanthropic beginning for women helping
women in our area. Today the Rita J. Bicknell Women’s Health Fund is made up of the Women’s
Giving Circle, the Circle of Friends, and the Nightingale Endowment. Circle memberships
support granting to area organizations. The Nightingale Endowment supports the Irene Ransom
Bradley School of Nursing Simulation Hospital at Pittsburg State University. Since inception, the
giving circles have generously granted over $350,000 to improve women’s health in our

The Women’s Health Fund and the Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas would like to
congratulate the following 2022 grant recipients:

Women’s Giving Circle

Community Health Center of SEK, Inc.: Scope it Out – Reducing the Risk of Cervical Cancer

Fostering Connections: Teen Girl Shopping Spree

Kansas Angels Among Us Inc.: Financial Assistance for Cancer Patients.

Labette Health Foundation: OB/GYN Patient Care Improvement Project

Mount Carmel Foundation: Better Care at the Bedside: Ultrasound Probes Needed to Care for
Expectant Mothers & Babies.

Circle of Friends Giving Circle

Friends of Mapleton Association: Emergency Preparedness
Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters: Here We Grow

Labette County USD 506 Meadowview Elementary School: Girls Day in Aviation at Greenbush

Safehouse Crisis Center, Inc.: A New Bed for a New Beginning

The Women’s Health Fund is proud to be able to contribute to the success of these
organizations and their projects in support of women’s health and wellbeing in the SEK region.

The Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas is pleased to be the host agency for the Rita J.
Bicknell Women’s Health Fund. CFSEK is a public non-profit foundation that serves the region
by helping donors fulfill their charitable giving goals in ways that benefit the common good and
improve the quality of life. The Fort Scott Area Community Foundation and the Girard Area
Community Foundation are CFSEK affiliates. If you would like to learn more about the CFSEK or
the Women’s Giving Circles, we invite you to visit or call 620-231-8897.

Friday Night Free Concert Changes Venue For Oct. 28

Ralph Carlson introduces the Friday Night Concert musicians May 2019.
Due to the cooler weather forecast, the Friday Night Concert that
is usually held in the Heritage Park Pavilion will be moved to The
Loading Dock at Common Ground Coffee Co., 12 E. Wall Street.
The finale show of the season will feature Dan Duling, John Duling,
Shanna Stone, and Addi Brown.

Kansas accepting applications for mortgage, property tax, and utility assistance

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Nearly $25M has Supported more than 2,300 Kansas Homeowners

Program still accepting applications for mortgage, property tax, and utility assistance

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced that six months after its launch, the Kansas Homeowners Assistance Fund (KHAF) has distributed $24.8 million in mortgage, property tax, and utility aid to 2,321 Kansas homeowners.

“Housing is vital to a strong workforce and a resilient economy,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “This program is providing much-needed relief for Kansans, and my administration will continue supporting homeowners by cutting property taxes and expanding affordable housing.”


The Kelly Administration granted the funding for the temporary relief initiative distributed by the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) to help Kansas homeowners experiencing pandemic-related financial hardship avoid foreclosure and catch up on their mortgages and property taxes. The program assists with mortgage payments, property taxes and charges, utility and internet fees, and more.


“Housing stability is essential for strong families, healthy communities, and a thriving economy,” said Ryan Vincent, Executive Director of Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC).“This assistance keeps families safely housed and preserves the dream of homeownership for Kansans facing hardship.”


Currently, 2,321 KHAF applications have been granted assistance, and additional funds remain to assist homeowners. Kansans who have fallen behind on their mortgage and/or property tax payments are encouraged to apply now.

Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:

jjjjjjjj• You own your home in Kansas and are at least 30 days past due on mortgage or jjjjjjjjjjjjproperty taxes.

jjjjjjjj• The property (a single-family home, one-to-four-unit dwelling, condo, townhome, or jjjjjjjjjjjjmanufactured home) is your primary residence.

jjjjjjjj• Your recent income did not exceed 150 percent of your area’s median income.

jjjjjjjj• Your household has experienced financial hardship during the COVID pandemic.

Kansans requesting KHAF assistance are encouraged to apply online. If approved, funds are paid directly to the service provider(s), who apply them to the homeowner’s account(s).

More than 200 mortgage loan servicers partner with the KHAF program as participating lenders. The program will remain open until program funds are fully expended. Homeowners are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to ensure their application is processed in a timely manner.

Applicants in need of assistance may call 1-855-307-KHAF(5423) from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday.



The KHAF program is administered by Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC), a self-supporting, nonprofit, public corporation committed to helping Kansans access the safe, affordable housing they need and the dignity they deserve. KHRC serves as the state’s housing finance agency, administering essential housing and community programs to serve Kansans.


Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

611 S Kansas Ave., Suite 300 | Topeka, KS 66603

[email protected]

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FSHS Theatre Performs Addams Family School Edition for Fall Musical


The Fort Scott High School Theatre program performs Addams Family School Edition at 7 p.m. on Nov. 8 and 10 and at 2 and 7 p.m. on Nov. 12 at FSHS.


Theatrical Rights Worldwide says The Addams Family is “a comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family… and it’s every father’s nightmare: Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family–a man her parents have never met. And if that wasn’t upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before–keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday’s ‘normal’ boyfriend and his parents.”


Students playing the Addams Family members include newcomer Junie Fisher, a freshman, as Wednesday; junior Casey Gomez as Gomez; sophomore Emma Guns as Morticia; senior Luke Majors as Fester; junior Regen Wells as Pugsley; junior Jaedyn Lewis as Grandma; and junior Jonah Wilterding as Lurch. The Beineke family includes senior Jackson Elton as Mal, senior Karen Primeaux as Alice, and Junior Jericho Jones playing the boyfriend – Lucas. A full ensemble of ghostly ancestors round out the 23-member cast. Another fifteen students serve as crew members for the production.


Cast member Casey Gomez knew he wanted the part of Gomez all along, after all, his name made it his destiny to play the role! He says, “Being in The Addams Family is great! I just love it because the songs are super fun and the jokes are hilarious.”


The Addams Family is directed by FSHS Theatre Director Angie Bin and Music Director Sarah Dunivan, Winfield Scott Elementary Music Instructor. Eugene Ware teacher Abby Stepps is the Choreographer and FSCC student Christina King serves as Technical Director.


Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students and children. Tickets are reserved seating and available at Tickets may be available to purchase at the door if any remain. Doors open 30 minutes prior to showtime.


The musical is written by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice, with Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa, and Orchestrations by Larry Hochman. It is produced with special arrangement with Theatrical Rights Worldwide, 1180 Avenue of the America. Suite 640, New York, NY 10036,

Community Christian Church Trunk or Treat on Oct. 31

Community Christian Church Trunk and Treat in the southeast parking lot from 5-6:30 p.m. on October 31. The church will have candy, snacks, hot dogs, and bottled water passed out from trunks.

“This is open to everyone,” Delynn Abati, communications administrator for the church said. “We will have a contingency plan if it rains and will post that to social media early in the day.”


Chamber After-Hours Oct. 26 at Landmark Bank

Wednesday, October 26th
Landmark National Bank
200 S. Main Street
Hosted by the
Fort Scott Area
Community Foundation
The Foundation will be presenting grants for 2022.
The grant presentations will
begin at 5:30pm.
Honoring the Past and Impacting the Future
The mission of the Community Foundation is to “Honor the Past, Impact the Future” by creating a giving and granting environment which addresses the immediate and long-term charitable needs of our community. The After-hours event will feature grant presentations to 26 award recipients totaling $53,500. Light refreshments will be served.
Any individual or organization can donate to the foundation in the form of monetary gifts, transfer of real estate, investments, or a memorial. Contributions are placed in an endowed fund which is a permanent pool of resources of which only the interest is used in granting each year. The goal of the endowed funds is to exist in perpetuity so that the needs of the greater Bourbon County area are met both now and in the future.
2022-2023 Foundation Board of Directors
Craig Campbell, Chairperson
Becky Tourtillott, Vice Chairperson
Carla Farmer, Past Chairperson
Lindsay Madison, Secretary/Marketing Chair
Gregg Motley, Granting Chair
David Shepherd, Asset Development Chair
Travis Shelton, Nominating Chair
Sheryl Bloomfield
Janet Braun
Michelle Bruner
Steve Buerge
Diana Endicott
Ronda Hassig
Bailey Lyons
Gary Palmer
Kirk Sharp
Click HERE to learn more about the
Fort Scott Area Community Foundation.

U234: Today Is Last Day To Let Your Views Be Known On The Survey

Just a reminder that the Communication Surveys we have open for our community will close at 4:30 today!

Tiger Families and Community:

A goal of our District is to provide better communication. Please help us do this by completing the following surveys.

·         Click HERE for Parent/Guardian Survey

·         Click HERE for Community Survey

Survey will close on October 26th at 4:30 p.m. If you would prefer to fill out a written survey, a paper copy may be picked up at the Board Office at 424 S Main or you may call and we will take the survey over the phone at 620-223-0800.

Submitted by Gina Shelton, USD234 Board Clerk