All posts by Loretta George

Sales Tax Proposition On March 2 Ballot

Susan Bancroft. Submitted photo.

Fort Scott residents have the opportunity to vote on a proposed .5% sales tax for the City of Fort Scott on Tuesday, March 2.


The tax would go towards streets, parks, and community facilities improvements, which has been a call from the citizens of Fort Scott.

A history of the tax proposal

In 2010, Fort Scott residents passed a .5% sales tax for improvements to Buck Run Community Center and the Fort Scott Aquatic Center. This sales tax was for 10 years and set to expire June 30, 2021, according to a press release from Susan Bancroft, Fort Scott’s Finance Director.


“In December of 2020,  Fort Scott City Commission voted to petition for the continuation of the 0.5% sales tax for a different dedicated purpose for five years set to expire June 30, 2026,” she said.  “The city commission voted unanimously that 90% of the proposed .5% sales tax would go to streets and 10% to parks and community facilities. Based on the past five-year average, the .5% sales tax has the potential to raise on average $698,000 per year.”


“The .5% sales tax is not an additional tax, it is the renewal of a prior .5% sale tax,” Bancroft said. “The difference of proposing a sales tax versus a property tax for the community is that those visiting from other communities are contributing to the improvements of our local infrastructure.”


“The 90% dedicated to street improvements includes sidewalks, bike lanes, and curb and gutter work,” she said. “The street advisory board and the public works director have been working to develop a five-year plan of potential street improvements and have preliminary plans in place.”


“The 10% dedicated to parks and community facilities include improvements such as ADA compliance, public bathroom facilities, playground equipment, trails, and memorial hall preservation,” Bancroft said.


“The parks advisory board has also met with the public works director to begin a five-year plan of potential projects and reported to the city commission at their work session on February 23, 2021, priorities they feel need to be addressed,” she said.  “Year one they have proposed repairs to shelter houses and bathrooms in Gunn Park and repairs to the playground fall area at Nelson Park. Year two priority recommendations include an additional bathroom between shelter house 6 and 7 and further upgrades to the campground in Gunn Park.”

“During the election in November of 2020, the citizens passed a countywide 1% sales tax for Bourbon County,” Bancroft said. “The city commission committed to using 90% of the funds generated from this sales tax to be dedicated to the operations and maintenance of the street department. The remaining 10% would be used for the general purposes of the city. Collectively, the revenue generated from two sales tax initiatives would generate enough funding to put together a sustainable street program.”




Micro-Meat Processing Plant Being Considered For a Property South of Fort Scott

The is an image of the proposed micro-meat processing plant. Submitted.

The Fort Scott Planning Commission is meeting at 4 p.m.  March 1 at city hall, 123 S. Main, to consider a conditional use permit for property south of the town for a micro-meat processing plant.

The property being considered is south of the Kansas Department of Transportation property, according to the press release from the City of Fort Scott.  The K.D.O.T property is south of the LaRoche Baseball Park.

Jody Hoenor, Bourbon County Economic Development Director. Submitted photo.

The Bourbon County Economic Director Jody Hoenor sent the following information on the proposed plant.

“Billy Madison, the owner of W Diamond M Meats, will be seeking the approval of a conditional use permit from City of Fort Scott Commission,” Hoenor said.  “He plans to return to his hometown and build a $2.7million micro meat processing plant located approximately two miles outside the city limits of Fort Scott and south of the Fort Scott Industrial Park.”

“The processing plant will add to our efforts in building resilient and self-sustaining food systems,” Hoenor said. “The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for these smaller-scale processing plants, and we are very fortunate to be considered for this expansion. This proposal has potential to help farmers and ranchers with extra supplemental income act as a stimulus for other sectors such as retail trade and services.”

“The site is currently zoned correctly as heavy industrial for use,” she said.  “The City of Fort Scott codes requires an additional conditional use permit approval for a meat processing plant to be built.”

The City of Fort Scott Water Department and Codes Enforcment were consulted on sewer and wastewater issues, she said.

“The codes department let us know we would need a conditional use permit to build on the selected site,” Hoener said.

Since July 2020, Madison has been working with Hoener and Bourbon County Economic Development Council Chairs, Steve Buerge (previous), and more recently Gregg Motley, she said.

“It is Madison’s goal is to be a good neighbor, bring above-average wage jobs, and provide value in under-developed land,” Hoenor said.  “Financing of the project and acquisition of land is pending approval of the conditional use permit.”

“All impacts on social, economic, and environmental conditions were investigated thoroughly including air and water quality, crime rate, property valuation, wage growth, employment growth, occupational health, and odor,” she said.

“State of the art wastewater system is used to remove suspended matter such as oils and solids,” Hoenor said.  “This is measured through biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).  The equipment skims any leftover matter and is sold. Bacteria growth is what creates an offensive odor,” she said.”The requirements in cleaning are incredibly stringent and does not allow time for bacteria to grow. As a result, there is no offensive odor in the processing plant.”

“This is a highly regulated industry with a USDA inspector office on sight,” she said.  ” It is a requirement in building plans that the USDA inspector has a separate office with his/her own shower.  This inspector is on-site at all times while in operation.  There are 3-4 additional inspections per month, in order to keep our food safe to consume.”

“There will be no outdoor pens or holding areas for animals, mitigating smell downwind or in the vicinity,” Hoenor said.  “Animals are delivered in the very early morning hours and several hours later slaughtered and processed.”


“Letters of support from residential houses in Johnson County and commercial businesses have confirmed the business is a conscientious neighbor,” she said.

In addition, the product can be sold in other states and will bring new jobs.

“W Diamond M Meats is FSIS approved, allowing the meat to be sold across state lines, injecting capital into our economy,” Hoenor said.  “This business will bring 30 full-time jobs that pay higher than Bourbon County average.  The new construction increases overall county valuation in property and affords the opportunity to reduce the overall tax burden.”


Presbyterian Village Auction: One and One-Half Years Accumulation on Feb. 27

Lots of furniture will be for sale at the Presbyterian Village auction on Feb. 27 Submitted photos.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has set individuals and groups rethinking fundraising ideas.

This is true for Fort Scott Presbyterian Village, which will have its’ annual fundraising auction this Saturday, Feb. 27 at the former Gordman’s store, 2400 S. Main. The auction begins at 10 a.m.

Hand-made quilts will be auctioned at the sale. Submitted photos.


“Traditionally, the auction is known for a great crowd, good food, and lots of good deals,” said Executive Director Ginger Nance.  “This year, the need remains for financial support for the Good Samaritan Program and other resident-centered programs.  However, the auction looks different this year.  We will not provide food or raffles or any of the usual festivities.”


Cast iron and other pans will be offered at auction. Submitted photos.

The auction helps fund programs to benefit the elderly residents who live at the assisted living facility.


Crystal and other glassware will be offered at auction. Submitted photos.


“The 2021 auction benefits resident programs at Fort Scott Presbyterian Village,” Nance said. “Our mission is to provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.  Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have had to pivot and rethink the way we serve the mission and how the community can interact with our mission.”


Dining tables will be auctioned. Submitted photos.

“Due to the pandemic, our campus has really limited the public’s access and even at times restricted the access of visitors and guests,” she said.  “We have to be incredibly careful in keeping our residents and staff safe.  So, the auction items moved out of our storage and to a place where folks can go.”


The auction has been moved to the former Gordman’s building on South Main Street, in between Hibbits and Tractor Supply stores.

Beds, dressers, chests of drawers, nightstands will be offered at auction. Submitted photos.

The auction is usually in May, but this year will be February 27.

“Everyone’s lives have changed because of the pandemic and so have schedules,” Nance said.  “The collection of items has been growing since late 2019 in preparation for the 2020 event.  Imagine our collection now…almost a year and a half later.  We are busting at the seams.  By moving the auction site, it allows all of the stored items to be removed so access to resident vehicles is easy.  As they say, the show must go on.  So February is as good of a time as any.  We just hope the weather is good and people are understanding.”

Crockery and other kitchen items will be for sale. Submitted photos.

The Village received grant funds to help with COVID-19 issues.

The facility received Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas grant money in the fall of 2020 in the amount of $84.000


“With the help of leadership at our home office, Fort Scott Presbyterian Village submitted an application in August of 2020 for Personal Protection Equipment, technology enhancement for screening and resident communication, staffing, and testing expenses,” Nance said. “We were also able to use the funds to facilitate safe visiting for family members, four stations have been established inside doorways of the community and set up with coffee machines, rolling carts, trash cans, and tables for visitation. There are also enhancements for the life enrichment team to have a rolling station of activities for residents.”



“The staffing dollars allocated helped us with payroll for employees that traditionally work in one department but are needed in other areas to assist,” she said.  “It also helped with payroll for employees that were exposed to COVID while working.  The SPARK money has been a blessing beyond measure!  It has allowed for PPE, testing, monitoring, infection control, and reopening supplies to be purchased and available at all times for staff and residents use to keep everyone safe to the best of our ability.”



“We are grateful to have the assistance of the PMMA organization to secure grants and other stimulus money that has helped us during such a challenging time in health care,” she said.

“It is important to recognize the amazing support from donors, volunteers, and families who have given donations to the Presbyterian Village and our system and I cannot thank those donors enough!  It truly takes a ‘village’ of people to pull together during challenging times.”


“We have a great community of people who have given crafts, books, hobby items and financial donations to help keep our residents engaged during what seemed like a very long year of social distancing,” she said.

“Our team’s energy and focus is committed to serving our seniors in the best possible way and without God and the assistance of our supportive community we couldn’t be successful,” Nance said.





Bourbon County Commission Minutes of Feb. 17

February 17, 2021                                          Wednesday 3:00 pm


The Bourbon County Commission met in an open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.


Susan Bancroft was also present for the meeting.


Clifton made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, Jim seconded and all approved.


Eric Bailey reported that his employees put forth a great team effort when dealing with the recent winter storm we had.  He said they experienced a lot of issues with equipment freezing up.  An east-bound vehicle pulled out in front of a north-bound road grader at 18th & Horton; Eric said there was no damage to the grader.


Eric said the spreader box was going to cost $5,000 to have someone else repair it; they repaired it in-house.  He said they are taking the Mack truck for repairs on February 23rd.


Eric reported that the County removed the overburden at the Beth Quarry and said they would get a blast scheduled for there; Jim said the County needed to re-do a contract with the Beth Quarry with a new legal description.


Eric said they received the motor back for the rock crusher, but was still having issues with the motor; he hopes to have the motor back in the next few days.  He said they are getting behind in making chips.


Eric said Ag Engineering is finalizing the report for the dam at Elm Creek Lake.


Eric recommended a yield sign be replaced with a stop sign at 175th & Tomahawk; Clifton made a motion to change the yield sign to a stop sign for the east/westbound traffic at 175th & Tomahawk, Jim seconded and all approved.


Eric said he is still trying to get an estimate for a trailer that was recently wrecked as well as getting another estimate to fix a Sterling truck.


Lynne made a motion to go into a 15-minute executive session for KSA 75-4319(b)(1)to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy to discuss job duties, the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room at 3:28, Jim seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Eric Bailey, and Susan Bancroft).  Lynne made a motion to come out of the executive session and resume the meeting, Jim seconded and all approved.  No action was taken.


Justin Meeks arrived at the Commission meeting.


Clifton made a motion to go into a 10-minute executive session for KSA 75-4319(b)(1)to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy to discuss job duties, the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room at 3:43, Jim seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Shane Walker, and Justin Meeks).  At 3:43, Lynne made a motion to come out of the executive session and resume the meeting, Clifton seconded and all approved.  Lynne made a motion to do a Resolution for a GIS IT position for $32,000 annually and made a motion that the County participate in an apprenticeship program & to hire someone for this program @ $10/hour, Jim seconded the motion, Justin said this is a Federal program & there will be monetary help with the apprenticeship program, Lynne said this program is used to help keep young people in Bourbon County, all approved the motion.


Lynne made a motion to amend the agenda to remove Susan Bancroft & Bobby Reed from the agenda since their issues had been resolved, Clifton seconded and all approved.


David Neville met with the Commissioners regarding the door edge replacement for the elevator; he had two quotes, KONE quoted $8,674 and MEI quoted $3,789.28.  Jim questioned the large difference in the quotes; David said he hadn’t used MEI for work before and said KONE has done work on our elevator before.  Jim made a motion to approve MEI to do the repairs to the elevator for $3,789.28 and that Lynne signs the agreement with MEI, Clifton seconded and all approved.


Bourbon County Appraiser Clint Anderson met with the Commissioners; he said he had applied for an extension from March 1st – March 15th for the mailing of the valuation notices.  Clint requested to move any remaining funds from the Appraisers 2020 budget to the Appraiser reserve funds; Susan Bancroft said that fund had a beginning cash balance that was incorrect by $30,000, Susan and Clint will visit regarding this issue.


Shane Walker met with the Commissioners; he said there have been communication issues with the Sheriff/dispatch for the Garland area.  Wisper Internet agreed to sell Bourbon County a 300’ tower for $1,000 and the County can buy land and save money versus leasing land for a tower for the internet.  Justin said this was a safety issue and can turn into help for economic development, Lynne made a motion to sign the land contract and the Wisper Internet contract, Clifton seconded, and all approved and Lynne signed the documents.


Emergency Manager William Wallis met with the Commissioners regarding a recent winter storm Bourbon County had.  KDEM informed Will that 22 counties in Kansas would have issues with natural gas conservation.  Some cities purchase natural gas in bulk when the price is lower and then sell the gas to their customers; however, due to the recent cold weather many areas have run out of their bulk supply and now the purchase price for the gas will be much higher for those cities.  Will said Uniontown purchases natural gas (Uniontown then sells the gas to customers) in bulk from the broker KMGA during the summertime when the price is lower and said their reserve is gone.  Will said the price of fuel for the City of Uniontown could increase 100-120%.  Will said the elementary school there can be used as a warming center if needed.  Will said if the County adopted a resolution titled Extreme Severe Cold Weather Emergency Declaration there may be funds available to help the City of Uniontown.  Jim questioned if there was any assistance to help others that will be facing higher utility bills due to the storm.  Lynne made a motion to approve Resolution 11-21, an extreme severe cold weather emergency declaration, Clifton seconded and all approved and signed the Resolution.


Justin Meeks said he and Susan Bancroft would be meeting to discuss overtime issues; he said even though the Courthouse closed due to the recent weather there was still emergency personnel that had to work.


Justin said he will work with Clint Anderson regarding a KORA issue.


The Commissioners are not ready to schedule the 2020 audit yet.


Lynne made a motion to approve Resolution 12-21, a wage resolution adding the position of GIS Tech and the apprenticeship position, Jim seconded and all approved.


Jim suggested that the County consider purchasing an incinerator for the Landfill in order to accept trash from other areas to burn trash to generate revenue.


Susan Bancroft said she had met with three different departments regarding their 2020 budgets.


The February 23rd and the March 2nd Commission meeting will be held at City Hall beginning at 9:00 am.


At 5:20 Jim made a motion to adjourn, Clifton seconded and all approved.




(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jim Harris, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner



Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

February 23, 2021, Approved Date




The Fort’s Survey: Needs, Motivations and Evaluation of NPS Digital Media

The bike rack at Fort Scott National Historic Site.

The fort at the end of Main Street that has given Fort Scott its’ name, is reaching out to National Park Service visitors who want an online experience.

“Fort Scott National Historic Site is participating in a nationwide survey to characterize the NPS virtual visitor population so we can better meet their virtual needs, describe visitors’ motivations, and evaluate the effectiveness of NPS digital media products,” Carl Brenner, FSNHS Program Manager for Interpretation and Resource Manager, said.

“We are part of a pilot/pre-test program consisting of a handful of National Park sites nationwide,” he said. “This survey will run four weeks, February 16 through March 14, 2021. These National Parks are making weekly posts, on each social media platform they support, to invite virtual visitors to participate in the survey once they have completed their virtual visit.”


“The virtual tour of the park is a series of 360-degree images from all of the rooms here at the site,” Brenner said. “The Virtual Visit, as it is called in the survey, is browsing the posts on each of the social media platforms to gain a deeper connection and understanding of the park.”


To take the virtual tour:


Fort Scott NHS participates on the following social media platforms: interviewed Brenner by email.

Here are the questions and responses.

What is it designed to do?

“The public expects nearly all desired information to be found quickly and easily through websites and social media channels. They also expect that organizations frequently update these assets. The National Park Service (NPS) directly manages thousands of digital media web pages, mobile app pages, and social media channels. They also supply content, directly or indirectly, for third-party providers that share digital media information with the public. Within this large digital ecosystem, millions of online users from around the world rely on these resources for a wide range of information. While NPS has an established program for measuring and monitoring physical visitation to its park units, the program for describing and evaluating virtual visitors to its online resources is still being developed.

This study is part of that development. It aims to characterize the NPS virtual visitor population so we can better meet their virtual needs, describe visitors’ motivations, and evaluate the effectiveness of NPS digital media products.”


What will be done with the results?

“Through this program, the NPS, and specifically Fort Scott NHS, can better understand and meet the needs of our virtual visitors. We will be able to better evaluate the effectiveness of our digital media products in terms of the virtual visitor experience. With this information we can better prepare visitors for future visits,  increase resource protection, build a deeper understanding of the history and stories of our nation’s heritage, and build better connections to and stewards of National Park Service resources. Additionally, NPS will determine if the current allocation of resources for digital media is generating congruent virtual visitor value, and the NPS will be positioned to more strategically deploy resources where digital information needs are not being sufficiently met and/or where the highest value is being provided.”


When will the survey results be collected and analyzed?

“The evaluation of the virtual visitors’ experiences and digital media effectiveness will begin immediately following the close of the survey and we are hoping to receive results by the end of the summer.”



The fort’s contact info:

Office – 620-223-0310

FSHS Thespians Host 3rd Annual Royal-Tea Party and Revue

The Fort Scott High School Thespians host their 3rd Annual Royal Tea Party and a special Royal Revue on March 6 at the FSHS Auditorium. The show was postponed to this date due to weather conditions.

Join your favorite princesses and princes, queens and kings as they sing, dance, and perform for you. Take photos with your favorite characters and take home special crafts and treats as momentos.


The Revue includes performances by junior Jenna Stockstill; sophomores Israel Carreno, Jordyn McGhee, and Karen Primeaux; and freshmen Rex Wells, Silvia Moreno, and Cadence Tuck.

Performances begin at 5 and 7:30 p.m. with an immersive theatre experience to follow where audience members can interact with nearly 20 other characters and take home a goodie bag.

Tickets are $6 for children and $8 for adults. Tickets must be purchased online in advance at Tickets may be available at the door, but are not guaranteed. Masks and social distancing are required. All children must stay with and be accompanied by an adult as they enjoy the festivities and attendees are encouraged to join us in dressing as royalty. Doors will open 15 minutes early.


The musical is directed by Theatre Director Angie Bin, Music Director Mary Jo Harper, Assistant Music Director Taylor Qualls, and Choreographer Delynn Abati.


For more information, please see the Fort Scott High School Thespians Facebook page or contact Bin at [email protected] or 620-719-9622.


# # #


Angie Bin, 620-719-9622, [email protected]

USD234 School Bus Involved In An Accident on Feb. 22

Submitted photos by Clayton Whitson at the scene.


On Monday afternoon, Feb. 22, a USD 234 School Bus was attempting to cross  12th Street at the HWY. 69 bypass with a  destination of the Fort Scott Middle School, according to a USD 234 Facebook post by Superintendent Ted Hessong.


A semi-trailer hit the front of the bus, he said


“Everyone on the bus is fine physically,”Hessong said on the Facebook post.  “The bus driver was obviously shaken up, and the students, around 20 of them appeared fine.”


“A few USD 234 staff were on the scene to help with the students and I want to thank them for helping to manage the students and parents, they did an excellent job,” he said.  “We were able to send most of the students with their parents once the highway patrol released the students from the scene. We did need to transport a few students on a substitute bus.”


“We are thankful no one was seriously injured and I appreciate everyone who helped to manage the situation for the safety of our students and driver.”


Fort Scott Police Chief Travis Shelton said the Kansas Highway Patrol worked the accident.



Local Photographer Featured in FARMtographer Magazine

Erica George. Submitted photo.

A local photographer, new to the business is featured in a farm magazine.

 Erika George, 25, owns her own business,
Erika George Photography, which she started in 2017.
“I have always loved photography and enjoyed taking lots of scenery photos when I was younger,” she said. “It wasn’t until I moved to Uniontown after college that I started photography as an actual business.”
“My sister-in-law, Lacey (George) Wray, had just started a photography business in Ottawa so I got to tag along and second shoot with her at weddings,” George said. “I started doing a few free sessions just for fun around the area, but then started having more and more people ask me for sessions.”
The interest turned serious and she changed careers.
“I was working at the Uniontown daycare as the preschool teacher and decided I wanted to do something a little different,” she said.
She started her business promotion with social media.
“I created a Facebook page for my business to post previews for the sessions I had been doing and it started growing from there,” she said. “It has grown more and more every year as I gain new clients and broaden my education of photography. This past year has definitely been my busiest year and I foresee it getting busier this next year.”
“I love to create the session that you have envisioned in your mind, no matter the location,” George said .”I love to travel and find new locations for sessions too.”
” While I do love outdoor photoshoots, I did just start renting a studio space in downtown Fort Scott at 118 S.  Main Street, so that I can offer more options, especially during the winter months,” she said. “I offer most sessions that you can think of from weddings to newborns. I have many different packages for families, kids, seniors, newborns, engaged couples, and expecting parents! “
George rents the middle section of the building at 118 S. Main, behind the barbershop storefront that is coming this summer.
Her favorite photoshoots are Western-inspired, she said.
Featured In FARMtographer Magazine this month
She recently was honored with being featured in a photography magazine, FARMtographer Magazine.
“I saw the magazine advertising on Instagram for their upcoming categories, so I used their hashtag on one of my photos,” she said.
“I got a message saying my photo was going to be entered into a contest for the cover photo based on a Facebook contest.”
“There were 10 other photos in the contest and mine was chosen as the cover photo for the CHILDREN/KIDS issue,” she said. “You also had the chance to enter as the featured photographer by entering a story about the photo or photos you entered and a story about your editing style.”
George decided to do that for the chance to be featured as a magazine spread.
“I entered a few more photos along with the story,” she said. ” They don’t tell you until the issue is printed who the featured photographers are so I found out that I was the first featured photographer once I bought the magazine issue.”
“FARMtographer Magazine is an agriculture photographer’s magazine and some of the other photos featured in the issue were from Wyoming, Texas, Australia, Canada, and Utah,” she said.
The winning photo is of a five-year-old cowboy, Miles Pollack, helping bring in calves at G3 Ranch near Uniontown. G3  is a family-owned business.
Miles Pollack. Submitted photo. This photo was on the front cover of FARMtographer Magazine.
Miles is the son of Jared and Delta Pollack of Uniontown. Jared works for G3 Ranch.
Miles on his horse, Doc. Submitted photo.
“He was riding on his horse, Doc, alongside his dad and cousin, Cole George,” she said. Erica is married to Cole George who also works at G3 Ranch.
Miles Pollack. Submitted photo.


” My favorite type of images to capture are western-influenced, whether it be western fashion, western lifestyle, or the equipment and livestock that go along with farming and ranching,” George said. “I grew up in the western lifestyle so it has always been what is natural to me!”

To view the magazine cover page online:
Contact info: 620.381.4783 – [email protected] – Facebook page @EGphotography1650 or Instagram @erikageorgephotography

Uniontown Has An Emergency Plan For Gas Supply Issues

Uniontown is located 17 miles west of Fort Scott.

Kansas Municipality Gas Agency is the natural gas supplier for Uniontown, in western Bourbon County.


“They are the broker that the gas comes through,” Mayor Larry Jurgensen said. “We are the only town in Bourbon County to get gas from them.”


This last week, during the long duration of sub-freezing weather, the Uniontown City Council was involved in a Zoom online meeting with the agency every day.


“The gas companies couldn’t keep up with the demand,” Jurgensen said. “We were close to being shut down.”


Due to the warmer weather, that has been averted, however people need to still conserve their gas usage, he said.


“We don’t want people to panic,” Jurgensen said.


“Our supply is going to be there,” he said. “The cost is extremely high.”


“We had money put back for emergencies, whether it’s enough, we don’t know, we don’t have the bill yet. We won’t get the February bill, until March.”


At a special meeting on February 18, the city, in conjunction with other local entities, devised an emergency plan. That plan is in bold in the provided minutes from Uniontown City Clerk Sally Johnson.


The following is a comment from the City of Uniontown Council that was approved at a special meeting on Feb. 18.
“As many of you have heard, with the extreme cold we have recently experienced, gas prices have skyrocketed.
At this time the City of Uniontown is able to pay for the gas we supply to you. However, a portion of this may
have to be passed on to you.
We have an emergency plan if for some reason our gas supplier is unable to supply us. We appreciate all of the conservation efforts you have put forth and ask that you continue to conserve. Thank you for your patience and understanding.”
Following are the unapproved minutes of that meeting. Minutes are not approved until the next city council meeting.
The Special City Council Meeting on February 18, 2021 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00 PM by
Mayor Jurgensen.
Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Josh Hartman (by phone), Amber Kelly, and Charles Wehry.
Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Joe George, City Superintendent Bobby Rich,
and City Clerk Sally Johnson.
To discuss and make decisions on the following topics:
KMGA February 17, 2021 invoice –
Invoice consisted of usual March 2021 estimate prepayment, January 2021 true-up,
but also included a Collateral Call to reimburse for the $1,000,000 cash collateral required to secure gas to all of their
members through the holiday weekend.
Our portion of the collateral call is $6,295. The invoice is due by Monday, February 22, 2021, instead of the usual 30 days.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Wehry, Approved 5-0 to pay the KMGA February 17, 2021 invoice in the amount of $10,178.22 by March 22, 2021
How to pay KMGA March Invoice –
Council reviewed the usage to date and the daily indexes to date. Clerk  Johnson estimates the bill to be $133,678.47 without the collateral call adjusted back off. She will ask KMGA if the collateral call will be adjusted on the next billing and if we could possibly get a month-to-date or weekly statements/invoices to better understand the true financial impact for the month.
Council will look at whether to pass on to customers, how much, and in what manner at the March 9, 2021, regular meeting.
Finalize emergency procedures for this gas/extreme weather emergency.
Mayor Jurgensen, Councilman  Wehry, Superintendent Rich, and Clerk Johnson met on February 16, 2021, with Will Wallis, Bourbon County Emergency Manager, and Commissioner Lynne Oharah.
Bourbon County Emergency Management has cots, blankets, etc needed to set up a warming station.
Clerk Johnson had spoken with Bret Howard, Superintendent USD #235, about using the WBE gym for a warming station in the event of loss of gas. It was verbally agreed on
A calling tree has been set up to notify the gas
customers in the event of loss of gas.
Superintendent Rich informed that manpower would be an issue if this occurred.
All gas meters would have to shut off and when the flow was reinstated all meters would have to be turned on, bled, and all pilots lit. This would require several people if to be done in a timely manner and each person would have to have to proper tools to complete the task. It was suggested to compile 4-5 tool kits with all the tools that would be needed.
The emergency procedures for a loss of gas event would be:
1. Notify Bourbon County Emergency Management and USD 235.
2. Notify Governing Body to implement calling tree. If no answer, visit the location. If they have special needs or need transportation they are to call City Hall.
3. Shut off meters.
4. Help transport citizens to the warming station.
5. End of the event, an adult household member must be present to turn on gas, bleed lines, and light pilots.
Moved by Ervin, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 8:40PM

UHS Basketball Results Against Southeast, Crest

Adelay Martin. Submitted photo.


The Eagles played Southeast Cherokee on February 12. The Lady Eagles won, but the boys were defeated.

The girls’ Varsity team won their game 65-41 last Friday. Danielle Howard scored 24 points and had 5 rebounds, 7 assists, and 8 steals. Karleigh Schoenberger followed with 20 points, 4 rebounds, and 3 assists. Sammie Hampton had 4 rebounds and Addisyn Hall had 2. Rylee Coulter had 3 assists and Kaydra Woods had 2.

“Great win to wrap up this crazy week,” Coach Miller said. “This is a great group of young ladies. The adversity of playing back to back nights had no effect on their will to win this game. We will get back to work on Monday to prepare for the Crest Lancers.”

The boys lost to Southeast 47-55. Clay Sutterby had 16 points, 10 rebounds, and 2 assists. Luke Perry scored 13 points and Jake Harvey followed with 12. Harvey also had 8 rebounds, 5 assists, and 4 steals. Dawson Dreisbach had 7 boards and 3 assists. Drew Perry had 3 rebounds and 4 assists.

Coach Hays said, “I thought we battled hard against Southeast. We didn’t play our best game, and give credit to Southeast. They played a great game and hit some tough shots down the stretch. We can take a lot from this game. We need to handle adversity better and not make it harder on ourselves to get back in the game. We also need to do a better job of closing out games.”



The Uniontown Eagles played the Crest Lancers on Thursday, February 18. Both Varsity teams defeated the Lancers.

The Lady Eagles beat the Lancers 61-40. Danielle Howard scored 27 points and had 3 rebounds, 4 assists, and 8 steals. Karleigh Schoenberger had 26 points and 3 rebounds. Gwenyth Fry had 6 rebounds, while Sammie Hampton, Kaydra Woods, and Rylee Coulter each had 3. Coulter also had 2 assists and 5 steals. Hampton had 3 assists and 1 steal.

“It has definitely been an insane week for basketball. We were grateful to be able to get back on the court and compete tonight. The girls were able to pull off another win with little preparation. We are hopeful to be able to practice tomorrow to prepare for the final push of the season,” said Coach Miller.

The boys’ Varsity team also defeated Crest with a score of 64-32. Jake Harvey scored 16 points and had 8 rebounds. Clay Sutterby followed with 15 points and 7 rebounds. Cade Goodridge scored 10 points and Luke Perry scored 8. Dawson Dreisbach had 3 assists and 3 blocks. Drew Perry had 7 assists.

“It was nice to see our guys back on the court competing,” Coach Hays said. “For not having played basketball in a week, we shot the ball well and played with great energy. I didn’t feel like our conditioning was an issue. It was a fun night of basketball.”

Case Ongoing On Credit Card Skimmer at Pete’s Conoco

Fort Scott Police Officer Brian Thurston. Submitted photo.

A Fort Scott Police Department case that began last summer at a local gas station is ongoing.


At the Pete’s Convenience Store on East Wall in August 2020, staff noticed that a lock on the pump door had been tampered with.


The store’s maintenance employee called the FSPD immediately.


An investigation was started by retrieving the skimmer and calling other local and nearby towns to tell them of the illegal activity at the gas pump.

Skimmers are illegal card readers attached to payment terminals. These card readers grab data off a credit or debit card’s magnetic stripe without your knowledge,  according to Criminals sell the stolen data or use it to buy things online.



FSPD Detective Sargeant Brian Thurston mailed the skimmer to the U.S. Secret Service.


“They have the technology to get information off of the device to try to identify the perpetrator,” he said.


“The device is Blue Tooth,” he said. “The bad guy can come back and get info off of it.”


The FSPD received information back from the Secret Service on Feb. 16, 2021.


Forty-five people had their information on the skimmer, Thurston said. He has made contact with them.

“We don’t believe any info was retrieved by the suspect,” he said.

His next step is to contact the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and get assistance “to identify the device, then attach someone to that device, to identify a suspect,” he said.


Back in August, the FSPD called local gas stations and also area ones, to tell them of the skimmer.

“In Louisburg a skimmer was at an ATM inside of a store,” Thurston said.


Pete’s Convenience Store has since replaced all the locks on the gas pumps.

The 45 people who were listed on the skimmer are being notified to change their credit card, as a safety precaution, he said.

The Secret Service has sent Thurston information on the device that was connected to that skimmer.

The investigation is ongoing, he said.


How to protect oneself from skimming.

“There is a security seal on the door of the gas pump,” Thurston said. “They are different colors, that I’ve seen, green, yellow, red, blue. If that seal is broken or torn, notify the  gas station attendant.”


Here are a few tips to help you avoid a skimmer when you gas up, from the

  • Make sure the gas pump panel is closed and doesn’t show signs of tampering. Many stations now put security seals over the cabinet panel. If the pump panel is opened, the label will read “void.”

Photo credit: National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) and Conexxus

  • Look at the card reader itself. Does it look different than other readers at the station? For example, the card reader on the left has a skimmer attached; the reader on the right doesn’t.

Photo credit: Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Kamloops, Canada

Try to wiggle the card reader before you put in your card. If it moves, report it to the attendant. Then use a different pump.

  • If you use a debit card at the pump, run it as a credit card instead of entering a PIN. That way, the PIN is safe and the money isn’t deducted immediately from your account.
  • If you’re really concerned about skimmers, pay inside rather than at the pump.
  • Monitor your credit card and bank accounts regularly to spot unauthorized charges.

If your credit card has been compromised, report it to your bank or card issuer. Federal law limits your liability if your credit, ATM, or debit card is lost or stolen, but your liability may depend on how quickly you report the loss or theft. For more information, read Lost or Stolen Credit, ATM, and Debit Cards.





100th Kiwanis Pancake Feed Feb. 23

Addisyn Fowler, Fort Scott HIgh School Key Club member, left, along with Fort Scott Kiwanis Club members Bob Eckles and Clyde Stepps serve pancakes on Feb. 25,2020..

Fort Scott Kiwanis Club had to do a little rearranging of days for their annual pancake feed.

Because of the frigid weather, the fundraising meal was switched from Feb. 16, Fat Tuesday, to Feb. 23.

“The Kiwanis 100th Pancake Feed hasn’t missed serving the community one year in a hundred,” Mark McCoy, spokesman, said.

For many years, pancakes were served at the Scottish Rite Temple in downtown Fort Scott, then at Buck Run Community Center.

This year, it will be a drive-thru only at the First Methodist Church at Third Street and National Avenue, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m and then from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

“It’s a drive-through only in the front of the church on National,” McCoy said.

“The driveway entrance is on Fourth Street, at the front of the church,” he said.

The cost for pancakes and sausage is $5 a plate.

“Come out and enjoy the pancakes,” McCoy said.”And support a good cause.”

Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members and partners dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time, according to its website. There are more than 550,000 members from K-Kids to Key Club to Kiwanis and many ages in between in 80 countries and geographic areas.

Each community has different needs, and Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to serve the needs of children, such as fighting hunger, improving literacy, and offering guidance.


Following is a list of supporters of the Fort Scott Kiwanis Club Pancake Feed event.

Atkins Insurance
Billiard Hammer Hartman Insurance
Briggs Auto
Cheney Witt Funeral Chapel
City of Fort Scott
City State Bank
Crain Insurance Agency
Diehl Banwart Bolton, CPAs, PA
Extrusions, Inc.
Edward Jones – Jamie Armstrong
Edward Jones – Richard Goldston
5 Corners Mini Mart
Fort Scott Broadcasting
G & W Foods
Graphic Resources Corp
H & H Realty
Heidrick’s True Value
Kansas Teachers Community
Credit Union
Key Industries
Klip Joint
Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home
Liberty Savings Association, FSA
Landmark Bank
Max Patterson, DDS
Mid-Continental Restoration Co.
Mike Carnes Family
Norris Heating and Air
Nuss & Farmer, PA
Reynolds Law Firm
R & R Equipment
Security 1st Title
SEK Financial, LLC
Sekan Printing Company, Inc.
Sonic Drive-In
Union State Bank
Valu Merchandisers
Ward-Kraft, Inc.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.