7th Annual Library Family Holiday Party 

Come to the Fort Scott Public Library on December 18 at 4 pm for a family holiday party! Enjoy holiday stories, songs, games, snacks, crafts, prizes, and gifts. Teens will have their own games & activities upstairs. Adults will have their own craft table! Everyone will have something fun to do.
Kids 1st grade & under must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Activities include holiday stories & singalong, cookie decorating, candy cane hunt, “snowball fight,” teen games, and crafts. All children and teens will receive at least one gift and a free book!

The library is seeking volunteers to help supervise the activities and groups, and donors to help provide food. Sign up here: https://forms.gle/Nofhf7aYuChp1aRL8 if you’d like to help.

After stories and songs, the event will be split up by family groups rather than age groups (with the exception of 4th-12th graders, who will remain upstairs for the majority of the event), although age-appropriate activities will be offered for each level. If you will have your children with you and would like to volunteer to help, you may stay with your family or group the entire time while helping to keep the event supervised and activities running smoothly. Email vcyouthlib@gmail.com or fill out the form linked above to volunteer or donate.+

Want to donate food but aren’t sure what to give? See this list for suggested items: Holiday Party Food Donation List
Happy Holidays!

Submitted photos.

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