The Jayhawk Wind power project is progressing in Bourbon County.
The following is an update from Julianna Pianelli, development manager for Apex Clean Energy, based in Charlottesville, VA.
Q: Will you give an update on the progress of the wind power farm in Bourbon County, KS?
A: “Construction is underway; we are currently installing access roads and recently completed the laydown yard (located off Highway 39, west of Highway 3), where our core project staff and job trailers will be located. We are now beginning to excavate the foundations for the wind turbines.”

Q: Who is the contact on the ground here in Bourbon County?
A: “The construction site manager for Apex is Tharon Anderson.”
Q: Are there still jobs available and what is the contact?
A: “IEA, the project’s contractor, would have information about job openings and other construction-related information. Please come to the construction office at the laydown yard located near the Highway 39 and Highway 3 junction for more information.”
Q: When will we start to see them going up?
A: “The turbine components will begin arriving on-site at the end of July, and the erection will begin shortly after that.”
Q: When will it be completed?
A: “ The anticipated completion date is in Q4 (fall) 2021.”

Sorry to hear the turbines are on they way.
I feel bad for the neighbors that didnt want these monsters close to them but had no say in the matter-commissioners didnt seem to care-county needs the money.
The land owners that signed up with the wind companies, time will tell.