FSCC Trustees Minutes of August 28

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
August 28, 2023
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Jason Kegler, Juley McDaniel (Board Clerk), faculty, staff
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall. The meeting was
opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Chairman Bartelsmeyer had no comments, but two Board members shared comments: Jim Fewins recognized Ed Graham, long time Board member whose funeral was today, and Dave Elliott was pleased to attend the Business Expo during Welcome Week at FSCC on behalf of Peerless.

BUDGET REVIEW: Julie Eichenberger provided an overview of how the 2023-24 proposed budget was created and provided an opportunity for Board members to ask questions. Approval of the budget will be considered at the September 25 meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the consent agenda as amended.
A. A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the updated Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy.
B. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve purchase of a generator for $12,412.68 and installation by Brock Electric for $13,754.15, for a total of $26,166.83.
C. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Rodeo Program being allowed to purchase immediately when hay is found, staying within FSCC purchasing policy.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The Board reviewed letters of appreciation.
ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard updates from Gordon Parks Museum, Finance
and Operations, Student Services, IT, Maintenance, Miami County Campus, and Athletics.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Elliott to adjourn to executive session for
15 minutes beginning at 7:30 pm for the purpose of discussing personnel matters of non-elected personnel as it
relates to organizational structure with action not expected to follow. The Board invited Jason Kegler and Juley
McDaniel into the executive session.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made by Hart, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to return to
open session.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
7:46 pm by Fewins, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote.

Agenda for the FSCC Trustees Meeting On September 25

September 25, 2023
Board of Trustees
Fort Scott Community College
2108 S. Horton
Fort Scott, KS 66701
The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday, September 25, 2023. The meeting will be held in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall at Fort Scott
Community College.
5:00 p.m. Dinner in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall followed by regular board meeting at approximately 5:30 p.m.
5:30 ROLL CALL, 3
A. Comments from the Board, 4
B. Comments from the Public, 4
C. Approval of Budget Revenue Neutral Rate, 4
D. Review and Adoption of the 2023-24 Year Budget, 4
A. Comments from the Chair, 8
B. Comments from the Public, 8
A. Approval of Agenda, 9
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on August 28, 2023, 10
C. Approval of Treasurer’s Report, Bills, and Claims, 13
D. Approval of Personnel Actions, 9
A. Approval of Fairness in Women’s Sports Policy, 55
A. Administrative Updates, 57

September 25, 2023 (to facilitate budget process) Board Meeting

October 16, 2023 Board Meeting

November 20, 2023 Board Meeting

November 22 – 24, 2023 Thanksgiving Break, Campus Closed

December 11, 2023 (Changed due to winter break) Board Meeting

December 15, 2023 – January 3, 2024 Winter Break, Campus Closed

January 15, 2024 MLK, Jr. Day, Campus Closed

January 22, 2024 (Changed due to MLK, Jr. Day) Board Meeting

February 19, 2024 Board Meeting

March 11 – 15, 2024 Spring Break, Campus Closed

March 18, 2024 Board Meeting

April 15, 2024 Board Meeting

May 20, 2024 Board Meeting

May 27, 2024 Memorial Day, Campus Closed

June 17, 2024 Board Meeting


John Bartelsmeyer, Chair

Jason Kegler, President

FSCC’s vision for the future is to support “Students First, Community Always” through a central focus on teaching and learning; advancing strong, innovative programs and
departments; maximizing and leveraging opportunities; initiating efficient and effective processes; and developing the region’s workforce.

_____ John Bartelsmeyer

_____ Jim Fewins

_____ Dave Elliott

_____ Kirk Hart

_____ Bryan Holt

_____ Robert Nelson




WHEREAS, the Revenue Neutral Rate for Fort Scott Community College was calculated as 27.659
mills by the Bourbon County Clerk; and WHEREAS, the budget proposed by the Governing Body of Fort Scott Community College will
require the levy of a property tax rate exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate; and
WHEREAS, the Governing Body held a hearing on August 28, 2023 allowing all interested
taxpayers desiring to be heard an opportunity to give oral testimony; and
WHEREAS, the Governing Body of Fort Scott Community College, having heard testimony, still
finds it necessary to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate.



Fort Scott Community College shall levy a property tax rate exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate of
29.268 mills.
This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its adoption and shall remain in
effect until future action is taken by the Governing Body.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the Revenue Neutral Rate resolution as
stated above.


VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson


RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of administration to approve the 2023-24 budget
as presented.



VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson








Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on August 28, 2023.


Attached are the Treasurer’s Report and the Bills and Claims Report.


1) Additions

a) Lindsey Mabe, IA DOE Migrant Program Identification Specialist, effective September 1, 2023

b) Amanda McVann, IA DOE Migrant Program Identification Specialist, effective September 1, 2023

c) Mindy Smith, Cosmetology Instructor, effective September 25, 2023

d) Gina Shelton, Director of Business Operations, effective October 1, 2023

e) Sara Holder, Nursing Instructor, effective October 1, 2023

f) Blanca Perez, Regional Recruiter LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

g) Traci Tucker, Data Manager LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

h) Iban Gama, Regional Recruiter LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

i) Lorena Roberts, Regional Recruiter LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

j) Lauri Stewart, Assistant Migrant Coordinator, LA DOE Migrant Program, effective October 1, 2023

2) Separations

a) Moriah Greer, Cosmetology Instructor, effective September 11, 2023

3) Transfers

a) Allie Birket, from Assistant to the President to Instruction Office
Assistant/Concurrent Coordinator, effective September 18, 2023

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Consent Agenda items be approved as



VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins

Hart Holt Nelson


To view the whole packet;

9.25.23 Consent Agenda

Rate of Uninsured Kansans Surpasses National Rate

Census Survey: Nearly 250,000 Kansans
without Health Coverage

~~ Kansas Rate of Uninsured Per Capita Surpasses U.S. Rate
for Second Year ~~

TOPEKA – The U.S. Census Bureau recently released its American Community Survey 1-year estimates, indicating nearly 250,000 Kansans lack health insurance. The survey reflects data collected in 2022 to assess health insurance coverage rates across Kansas and the United States.

For the second consecutive year, Kansas’ uninsured rate for working-age adults surpassed the national rate. Kansas’ rate was 12.5% compared to the U.S. at 11.3%.

Governor Kelly announced yesterday that her top priority for this coming legislative session is Medicaid expansion by kicking off her “Healthy Workers, Healthy Economy” tour. Medicaid expansion would give thousands of working Kansans access to affordable health care.

“While 40 other states have expanded Medicaid, Kansas continues to lag behind the nation in health care coverage because the legislative has yet to accept the federal funding – which Kansans have already paid for through taxes – needed to get more workers insured,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “That’s unacceptable. Kansans should call their legislator and urge them to expand Medicaid this upcoming legislative session.”

Prior to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act by other states, the rate of Kansans with health care coverage was better than the nation. Since the Legislature hasn’t expanded Medicaid, the rate of uninsured Kansans has trended closer to or exceeded the national uninsured rate.
Uninsured Rates for Kansas and the United States, 2009-2022

Graph courtesy of the Kansas Health Institute.


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Life Chain: October 1

On Sunday, October 1, 2023, the Life Chain will be held at the Fort Scott First Southern Baptist Church, located at 1818 S. Main on South 69 Highway.

Life Chain is an annual public witness for life through peaceful prayer that takes place on the first Sunday in October.

Pro-Life Kansans from all across the state will gather in their communities on this day.

This Life Chain, part of the National LIfe Chain, is the largest prayerful, pro-life, public witness in the world.  More than 1,500 cities across the United States and Canada are expected to participate.

The event will begin at 1:30 with a memorial service for those babies lost through abortion.

At 1:50, participants will prayerfully line up along Highway 69 to make a peaceful but powerful stance for the preborn.

The public is invited to attend.

Letter to the Editor: Pete Allen



A special meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held September 14th, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas.

Consideration of adoption of 2023 Budget:   Mayor Harrington asked Susan Bancroft if any changes had been made since their last budget work session.

Michael Hoyt reminded the Commission of Kansas State Statute 12-825b which states that any city of the first, second, or third class water funds should stay in that fund.  He believes it should not be transferred to any other fund.

Susan explained the debt service to the Commission.  She also said that water funds can be transferred, but not sewer funds.  There have been no transfers last year, nor will there be this year.

Note: By state statute, Water funds can be transferred, but not until they have been classified as “surplus and not needed for the purpose they were collected for”. As explained below, the transferred funds were, and are, all needed for renewal of our distribution system and debt as stated by our consulting engineers.

Walker moved to approve the 2023 Budget. T. Van Hoecke seconded. T. Van Hoecke, S. Walker, M. Wells, and K. Harrington voted aye. J. Jones voted no.  Motion carried 4-1.


Kan. Stat. § 12-825d

“Except as otherwise hereinafter provided, in any city of the first, second or third class owning a waterworks, fuel, power or lighting plant, the revenue derived from the sale and consumption of water, fuel, power or light shall not be paid out or disbursed except for the purpose of operating, renewing or extending the plant or distribution system from which such revenue was derived, the payment of interest on outstanding bonds issued for the construction, extension or purchase thereof, and the payment of the salaries of the employees”.

The statute further states that:

At any time that there may be a surplus of such fund, it shall, if needed to redeem bonds, be quarterly placed in a sinking fund, which shall only be used for the purpose of redeeming bonds that may have been issued for acquiring, renewing or extending said plant or distribution system, or making renewals or extensions thereto. When any surplus of either the operating fund or sinking fund is not needed for any of the above stated purposes, said surpluses: (a) May be transferred and merged into the city general revenue fund or any other fund or funds of such city;.

Verne Miller, Attorney General, State of Kansas, in 1971, stated in an opinion that: “It is fair in this instance, however, to apply the utilitarian definition suggested in K.S.A. 12-1675, that surplus funds are “moneys not immediately required for the purposes for which the moneys were collected or received”.

The question is whether the governing body of Fort Scott has ever declared water generated funds as being “surplus” and “not needed for any of the above stated purposes”, or did finance director act on her own in transferring needed funds to the general fund?

As evidenced by the existing “water shortage”, the concerns expressed at the last commission meeting regarding low water pressure for a potential proposed new housing addition, the disastrous Main Street fire of 2005 which could not be put out due to the lack of water, the loss of the Catholic Church for the same reason, and many other examples of low water pressure and volume, as well as the City Comprehensive Plan adopted by the governing body of 2018 which states that “The distribution study performed by P.E.C. in 1998 was necessary as the system was not performing as needed with water loss identified, tower capacity shortfalls noted, causing low water pressure throughout the city. The water tower (mentioned above) helped to address these issues, but enlargement of lines was also reported to be necessary”. The plant had been upgraded with added water storage in 2006 at a cost of $5,790,000 and was financed through State Revolving Loan Funds. With debts like this and needed distribution projects left undone, how could the governing bodies even consider the possibility of having “surplus” funds in the water department? Millions of dollars of water funds have been illegally transferred and spent and the problems still loom heavily on our shoulders because of misguided ideology. WE NEED OUR WATER LINES FIXED!!!

Quote from finance director in 2021 Budget booklet: “Providing public safety, quality services and improved infrastructure have always been the goals of the City of Fort Scott administration”. Improved infrastructure would necessate NEW WATER LINES IN FORT SCOTT!!





The Artificers In October

October is almost here! Check out the calendar below for all the

classes and events happening this next Month!

October Classes Here!

Master Artist

Brandy Evans

Mixed Media Sculpture

Brandy is a self-taught artist specializing in tiny taxidermy.

Her creations capture her love of antiques and her whimsy sense of humor. Her one of a kind creations have been sold worldwide and she has inspired others to explore their own artistic ability and desire to create. She enjoys a loyal following on Etsy, FB and IG and her Pocket Full of Heirlooms brand is known around the world.

Master Artist Classes!

We have one class Brandy Evans will be teaching October 7th!

Join us for a tiny taxidermy class at The Artificers!

Learn mouse taxidermy from our friend, Brandy Evans, of Pocket Full of Heirlooms. Participants will take a home their own taxidermy mouse creation.

Cost $165; includes feeder, mouse, taxidermy blocks props, scalpel, gloves, and step-by-step instruction.

This class is nonrefundable and non-transferable. Class is ages fourteen and up! We can’t wait to see you there!

Sign up Here!

Fall is Here!

so take some of our fun fall themed classes in October!

October Classes Here!
Check out all of our awesome classes here!

Trevor Jacob: Letter to Kansas Governor

Dear Governor Laura Kelly:
America is suffering the worst illegal immigration catastrophe in the history of our country.
President Joe Biden’s negligent disregard for America’s national security since the end of Title 42 expulsions have emboldened the cartels, who grow wealthy by trafficking deadly fentanyl as well
as innocent human beings.
Because President Biden has willfully refused to enforce our nation’s immigration laws while systematically dismantling every effective border security policy that previously led to the lowest
number of illegal border crossings in decades, every state in the Union is at risk. The resultant surge in illegal immigration and transnational criminal activity is at an all-time high.
With the end of Title 42 expulsions, President Biden’s own administration estimates that at least 150,000 migrants a day are waiting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border to enter our country illegally.
The flood of illegal border activity invited by the Biden Administration flows directly across the southern border into communities. Not only does it affect US/Mexico border states, but illegals are also flocking into other states including our beloved state of Kansas.

In the federal government’s absence, we, as the elected officials of Kansas, must join to combat President Biden’s ongoing border crisis, and ensure the safety and security that all Americans and
Kansans deserve. We must stand with the oath we all took to defend and protect the Constitution and the American people. The Governor of Texas has taken unprecedented actions to protect Texans and Americans by implementing Operation Lone Star. Since the launch of Operation Lone Star in March 2021, Texas has apprehended more than 435,700 undocumented immigrants and made over 34,000 criminal arrests, with over 30,900 felony charges. Operation Lone Star has also seized more
than 428 million lethal doses of fentanyl that would have otherwise spread into communities across
the nation.

We must support this effort and unite with the other 14 states currently doing the job the federal government has failed to do to protect the American people.

Already, our neighboring states of Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma have stepped up to help fill in the dangerous gaps created by President Biden’s failed open border policies. Additionally, the
Governor of Idaho deployed a team of Idaho State Police personnel to support Texas’ border security efforts in a monthlong mission to prevent the smuggling of people and illicit drugs like
fentanyl into America. The State of Florida has also offered resources, such as hundreds of Florida National Guard soldiers and law enforcement officers, as well as assets like drone technology.

Therefore, we implore you, Governor Kelly, to stand with the other 14 states and help defend our southern borders by sending the necessary resources including Kansas National Guard troops to
stop this negligent disregard for America’s national security since the end of Title 42 expulsions.

America’s national security depends on the State of Kansas support.
Trevor Jacobs, District 4
Kansas House of Representatives

Members of Kansas House Members of Kansas Senate
Representative Carrie Barth, District 5 Senator Virgil Peck, District 15
Representative Dave Beuhler, District 40 Senator Mark Steffen, District 34
Representative Lewis Bloom, District 64 Senator Alicia Straub, District 33
Representative Bill Clifford, M.D., District 122 Senator Mike Thompson, District 10
Representative Duane Droge, District 13
Representative Randy Garber, District 62
Representative Scott Hill, District 70
Representative Michael Houser, District 1
Representative Carl Maughan, District 90
Representative Michael Murphy, District 114
Representative Samantha Parshall, District 6
Representative Sandy Pickert, District 88
Representative Bill Rhiley, District 80
Representative Webster Roth, District 79
Representative Joe Seiwert, District 101

Home Clean Home Adds More Employees

Casey Bradbury, owner of Home Clean Home. Submitted photos.

Casey Bradbury, founder/owner of Home Clean Home, started her cleaning business  over five years ago

“For the first few years family and friends would step in and help me when needed,” Bradbury said.

Last year she started adding more employees.

“Chelsea Davied has been with me for a year now. Kiley Foster and Jessica Colopy started about 2 months ago,” Bradbury said.
Home Clean Home offers both residential and commercial cleaning.

The business services all of Bourbon County as well as Nevada, Missouri, and surrounding areas.

Cleaning services are also provided to the southern suburbs of Kansas City upon availability.

“The best thing about my job is knowing that we can impact families’ lives in a positive manner,” she said. “Our goal is to provide extra peace of mind at the end of your day!”
“One challenge I face, that I like to view as more of a positive, is potential scheduling conflicts,” she said. “We work hard to build trusting relationships with our clients to better navigate these scenarios when they arise.”


Chelsea David and family. Submitted photo
Kiley Foster and family. Submitted photo.
Jessica Colopy and family. Submitted photo.

The business can be found on Facebook at HomeCleanHomeBB, Instagram at homecleanhome_cleaningservice, and her number is 620.644.2534.

“Please contact us with any inquiries that you may have,” she said.

Casey Bradbury and her family. 2023

Results from the Friends of Tri-Valley Foundation 4th Annual Fort Scott Golf Classic

1st place A Flight Team of Jake Scott, Michael Hatcher, Jan Remington, and Wally Maples. Submitted photos.

Saturday, September 16th was a perfect day for the Friends of Tri-Valley Foundation to hold their 4th Annual Fort Scott Golf Classic at the beautiful Woodland Hills Golf Course. It was fantastic golfing
weather; the day started in the 60’s and stayed cool throughout the morning and early afternoon. Play began at 9 am with 17 teams.

Prizes were given out to 1st and 2nd places in A, B, and C Flights. The winners were: A Flight 1st Place – the team of Wally Maples, Michael Hatcher, Jake Scott, Jan Remington; A Flight 2nd Place – the team of Larry Alexander, Marcus Alexander, Michael Alexander, and Bill Fiscus; B Flight 1st Place – the team of Amanda Fly, Dustin Fly, Matthew McDaniel, and Rodd Nelson; and B Flight 2nd Place – the team of Allen Bukowski, Cody Clayton, Kenny Allen, and Less Russell; C Flight 1st Place – the team from the Lowell
Milken Center of Norm Conard, Donna Bowman, Ty Covey, and Laney Covey; and C Flight 2nd place – the team of Greg Gauss, Jeremy Chambers, Kyle Day, and Justin Dempsey.

Along with the three flights, prizes were handed out for Closest to the Pin and Longest Drive. Melvin Prince won Closest to the Pin. Longest Drive prizes were awarded to Jake Scott and Randy Thurston.

Woodland Hills Golf Course sponsored one of the Closest to the Pin contests. Players had the chance to play a few hole games on the course such as Paul Bunyon; Hole-in-One Trouble Game; and Betcha Can’t Get on the Green.
At the end of the tournament, door prizes were given out to several lucky golfers. The door prizes included: garden decor and candles from Heidrick’s True Value; a grill set courtesy of Kale Nelson State
Farm; Igloo Coolers and Umbrella courtesy of SEK Financial; T-shirts and patches courtesy of Fort Scott Munitions; pens and bags courtesy of Stewart Realty; Gift Certificates to Miller Feed, La Hacienda, Papa Don’s Pizza, Brickstreet Barbecue, and Common Ground Coffee; and tickets to Grand Country Music Hall
in Branson courtesy of Fort Scott Broadcasting.

1st place B Flight Team of Dustin Fly, Amanda Fly, Matthew McDaniel, and Rodd Nelson

Along with the door prizes, a raffle drawing was held for a fire pit which was donated by Niece Products of Fort Scott. The winner of the raffle was Laney Covey.
The tournament’s corporate sponsors were: Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes; Heartland HomeCare; and Kansas Communications. The tournament hole sponsors were: Care to Share Cancer Support Group; Cheney Witt Chapel; Cobalt Boats; Don’s Spirits and Wines, LLC; Diehl, Banwart, &
Bolton; Heidrick True Value; Holmtown Pub; Konantz-Cheney Chapel; Labconco; Medicalodge of Fort Scott; Stewart Realty Co; and Wise Accounting. G & W Foods of Fort Scott, SEK Financial, and
Medicalodge of Fort Scott were goodie bag sponsors.

All money raised from the event goes toward the Foundation’s mission of providing quality and affordable homes for our neighbors with intellectual/developmental disabilities in the eight counties of
Allen, Bourbon, Chautauqua, Elk, Greenwood, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson. Since 2001, the Foundation has built six houses and acquired eight houses and a duplex. Four of these homes are
located in Fort Scott and are home to 24 of our neighbors with intellectual/developmental disabilities.

“Without the generosity of our communities, this fun event could not have been held. Thank you to all the golfers who participated as well as to our event sponsors: corporate, hole, and in-kind. This
tournament would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors. It is friends like you that allow us to provide services to our neighbors with I/DD and to help them achieve the quality of life they seek. Thank you” stated Special Projects Coordinator, Tricia Campbell.

Lowell Milken team of Norm Conard, Donna Bowman, Ty Covey and Laney Covey. Submitted photos.

Bourbon County Fair Association awarded $5,000 from Heartland

Pictured from left to right: Heartland REC Communication Specialist Doug Graham; Bourbon County Fair Association board members Mark Brillhart, Laura George, Wilma Hibdon and Mitch Crystal.

Bourbon County fairgoers will have an enhanced experience next year thanks in part to a $5,000 grant from Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative.


The Bourbon County Fair Association was one of six organizations to receive a $5,000 award from Heartland’s Concern for Community grant program this month. The Fair Association’s funds will be used to purchase three additional easy-access metal picnic tables for the pavilion and additional speakers for the show barn.


“As a cooperative, we understand that our success is directly linked to the well-being of our communities,” said Mark Scheibe, Heartland CEO. “We’re proud to support projects like this that will make a lasting difference in the lives of our members.”


The Concern for Community program provides grants of up to $5,000 for capital improvement projects throughout the Heartland service area, which covers parts of 12 counties in eastern Kansas.  Capital improvement projects are those that involve investment in structures or equipment that will last for many years.


As a non-profit, member-owned cooperative, Heartland issues capital credits to members each year, but sometimes those capital credits go unclaimed. Because those monies were intended to be returned to the communities from which they came, Heartland’s Board of Directors decided to use those unclaimed funds for community grants and started the Concern for Community program in 2019.

This year, six applications out of 28 received were approved for funding by the Heartland board.


The other projects selected for funding are as follows:


  • Linn County Historical Museum in Pleasanton was awarded $5,000 for numerous repairs and improvements.
  • Restore the Four was awarded $5,000 to help repair the roof of the small animal building at the Crawford County Fairgrounds outside Girard.
  • Stark 1888 Event Committee was awarded $5,000 for repairs and upgrades at the Stark community ballfield.
  • USD 101 Erie was awarded $5,000 to assist with construction of a new animal science building in the high school.
  • USD 346 Jayhawk-Linn was awarded $5,000 for lighting and sound equipment at the high school auditorium in Mound City.


Applications were accepted in the month of July and selected by the Heartland Board of Directors in August. Heartland plans to reopen applications in summer 2024 for the next round of funding.

About Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. powers rural lifestyles throughout more than 11,000 locations in eastern Kansas. Heartland’s service area includes consumer-members in 12 counties, including Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Cherokee, Coffey, Crawford, Labette, Linn, Miami, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson.

Heartland REC traces its roots back to three original rural electric cooperatives: Cooperative Electric Power & Light Company, Sugar Valley Electric Cooperative Association, and Sekan Electric Cooperative Association. Cooperative Electric Power & Light Company joined with Sugar Valley in 1975 to form United Electric Cooperative; United Electric Cooperative joined with Sekan Electric Cooperative Association in 1996 to form Heartland.