FS City Commission Agenda for Sept. 6


6:00 P.M.


  1. Roll Call:


  1. Jones T. Van Hoecke S. Walker      M. Wells     K. Harrington
  2.      Flag Salute:
  • Invocation: Led by:


  1. Consent Agenda:
  2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of August 16th, 2022, special meetings of August 23rd, 2022 and August 26th, 2022.


  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1319-A totaling $1,451,219.60.


  1. Consideration to Pay – HDR Engineering, Inc. – $1,064.90 – Engineering – Phase II Dam Improvements


  1. Request to Pay – J. Richardson Construction – 17th & Eddy Project – $55,879.92


  1. Request to Pay – Earles Engineering, Inc.

City Engineer (August)                                               $4,120.00

Phase II Design -Wastewater                                    $13,080.00

South Industrial Park Waterline Project                    $ 8,940.00

Sanitary Sewer Project                                             $20,100.00

Cooper Street Inspection                                            $   827.25

Horton Street Project                                                  $9,050.00

TOTAL        $56,117.25


  1. July financials


  1. Public Comment:

(Sign up required.  Comments on any topic not on agenda and limited to five (5) minutes per person, at Commission discretion)


  1. Old Business:


  1. Discussion of credit cards fees for customers


  • Appearances: Jessica Sager – CDL – Overview of Services

Shane Wood – Lake Fort Scott Advisory Board items

Travis Sawyer – Request to use Riverfront Park – Haunted Trail

Hayride – October 15th, 2022


  • Public Hearing: None


  1. New Business:
  2. Consideration of Demolition Bid – 623 Short Street
  3. Consideration of Demolition Bid – 220 S. Judson Street


  1.    Reports and Comments:
  2. City Manager Comments:
  3. AG Engineering Agreement – Lake Fort Scott Dam Modification Project
  4. Lake Fort Scott Parking Expansion
  5. Leak Detection Agreement – Westrum Leak Detection
  6. Consideration of Removal of Special Assessments – 736 S. Heylman
  7. Discussion of Parking Meters in Downtown District


  1. Commissioners Reports and Comments:


  1. Director Comments:


Dave Bruner – ISO Rating


  1. Engineering Firm Comments:
  2.   City Attorney Reports and Comments:
  3. Executive Session – If requested, (please follow script in all motions for Executive Sessions)

Shane Walker & Tim Van Hoecke – Executive Session

XII.          Adjournment:



What’s Happening in Fort Scott Newsletter

What’s Happening in Fort Scott!

September 2nd Weekly Newsletter

Celebrate Labor Day in Fort Scott…

share with your friends & family!





Friday 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm

Saturday 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm

$6 adults, $4 children 12 & under

50-minute narrated tour of Historic Fort Scott!

Fort Scott National Historic Site

Daily Tours: 10am & 1pm

9/2-9/5 ~ Uniontown Old Settlers Picnic and All School Reunion, click here for details!

9/3 ~ Tacos & Tailgates, 11am-3pm, 325 N. National Ave., Cruise-in style show open to all trucks and SUVs.

9/3-9/5 ~ Labor Day Weekend Activities at the Fort

9/5 ~ FSCC Free Basketball Clinic by FSCC Men’s Basketball, click here for flyer.

9/5 ~ Dale Jackson Memorial Car Show, 11am to 1pm, Uniontown, click here for more info.

9/9 ~ Pizza Republic After-hours, Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting, 5:15-6:30pm

9/9-9/10 ~ Fall Town-wide Garage Sale

9/10 ~ Golf Tournament for Tri-Valley Developmental Services

9/10 ~ Cornhole Tourn hosted by Bourbon County Cowboys Kids Wrestling, 9am, Fisher Park

9/10 ~ EKTEC Rodeo, Uniontown, 10am

9/10 ~ VFW “Still Serving” Motorcycle Cruise

9/11 ~ FLAG Church Grand Opening, 10am, Fort Cinema

9/11 ~ VFW Auto & Motorcycle Show, 12pm

9/12 ~ Lowell Milken Center Anniversary Celebration, 1-5pm

9/15 ~ Chamber Coffee hosted by Varia Resale Clothing, 8am

9/15 ~ BINGO hosted by Fort Scott American Legion Post #25, 7pm

9/16 ~ Car Show at Presbyterian Village, 3pm

9/17 ~ Matt “Smokey” Russell Benefit Golf Tournament

9/17 ~ Red Bull Imagination – Limited tickets available!, 12-7pm

9/17 ~ Prairie Pathways Bike Trail Unveiling, Ribbon Cutting, 12pm, Riverfront Park, Live Music & More ~ come join the fun!

9/17-9/18 ~ Marmaton Massacre Mountain Bike Festival in Gunn Park, click here for flyer.

9/17-9/18 ~ 4×4 Mud Run, click here for flyer.

9/18 ~ Car Show at Country Place Living, 3pm

9/18 ~ Ice Cream Social hosted by First United Methodist Church, 6-7pm

9/22 ~ Chamber Coffee hosted by Smallville Athletics, 8am

9/23-9/25 ~ 6th Annual Doug Hazelbaker Memorial Calf Roping, Steer Wrestling, Breakaway & Dummy Roping

9/24 ~ FortFest, 4-band music festival, see flyer below.

9/29 ~ Chamber Coffee hosted by Pioneer Harvest Fiesta, 8am

9/29 ~ 17-county meeting hosted by Bourbon County

9/29 ~ Credit Repair Workshop by SBDC. FREE – 6pm, HBCAT office

9/29 ~ Downtown PARADE hosted by Pioneer Harvest Fiesta, 6pm

9/30 ~ Pioneer Harvest Fiesta—Quilt Show, Corn Husking/Shelling, Oat Threshing, Straw Bailing, Rock Crushing, Sawmill Operation, Free Bean Feed with paid admission


10/1 ~ Michael Jeffers Memorial Bullriding

10/5 ~ Dare to Dream Women’s Entrepreneurship Event

10/6-10/8 ~ The 19th Annual Gordon Parks Celebration, click here for more info.



Boutiques-Antiques-Flea Markets & more!

Click here for Chamber member

specialty shopping & other retail in

Downtown & other areas of the community.

Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
In This Issue

Calendar of Events

Special Event Features

THANK YOU Chamber Champion members!!

Chamber Highlights
Click here for our
Membership Directory.
We THANK our members for their support! Interested in joining the Chamber?
Click here for info.
Thinking of doing business in or relocating to Fort Scott?
Contact us for a relocation packet, information on grants & incentives, and more!
Seeking a job/career?
We post a Job of the Day daily on our Facebook page, distribute a monthly job openings flyer, and post jobs on our website.
Many opportunities available!
Housing needs?
Click here for a listing of our Chamber member realtors.
Click here for our rental listing.

Don’t miss out on the Labor Day activities going on at the Fort this weekend!

Housing Survey NOW ACTIVE for Bourbon County
Click graphic below or here to take survey!
Your response is valuable and needed!

Join in on the fun at the Marmaton Massacre event!


Bourbon County Carpool History Tour ~ Join us on September 10th to learn more about Bourbon County history!


Don’t miss out on FortFest2022, September 24th!

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce
231 E. Wall Street
Fort Scott, KS 66701
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Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Carpool History Tour of Bourbon County Continues Sept. 10

Bourbon County Carpool Tour is  Saturday, September 10:
Miracle Mile of Barnesville, Fort Lincoln, Freedom Colony and Guthrie’s Mound

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce, Old Fort Genealogical Society, and Historical Preservation Association of Bourbon County announce another carpool tour that will be on Saturday, September 10th at 8:30am. The format of the tour will be by carpool where attendees provide their own transportation, depart together from the Old Fort Genealogical Library, and stop at designated locations of the tour to learn historical facts of Bourbon County by local historians.

During the tour on the 10th of September, hear the story of the Civil War Veterans who are buried at Barnesville Cemetery and the action in the surrounding area. Drive the Miracle Mile (MILITARY ROAD) north of Barnesville and experience it as it was during the Civil War. Stop at Fort Lincoln and hear the story of the fort and the Little Osage River below the bridge. Travel on to the Freedom Colony and LEARN how they could have changed Bourbon County into the first Boeing Air facility. Finally, meet at the Mapleton Park to hear about Guthrie’s Mound and the history of Mapleton.
The tour will leave The Old Fort Genealogical Society at 221 S. National Ave. (Memorial Hall) at 8:30 am and will finish by 10:30 am.  The cost is only $5 per person and pre-registration is required on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Those interested may register online at fortscott.com, click on Events, then Bourbon County Tour.  For questions or more information, contact the Old Fort Genealogical Society by calling 620-223-3300 or emailing ofgsks@gmail.com.



August Kansas Tax Receipts More Than Last August

Kansas Total August Tax Receipts $23.5 Million More Than August 2021

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that Kansas’ August total tax receipts were $652.5 million. Those receipts were $11.2 million more than the estimate and $23.5 million, or 3.7%, more than August 2021.

“It is because of strong revenues and fiscal responsibility that we have been able to cut property and grocery taxes, strengthen infrastructure, fund law enforcement, and fully fund public education,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “For the 25th consecutive month, we have met or exceeded the revenue estimate, showing that we are providing businesses a stable economic environment to grow and succeed.”

Individual income tax collections were $307.3 million, or 2.4%, more than the estimate. Corporate income tax collections were $15.5 million, or 3.1%, more than the estimate.

August retail sales tax collections were $239.6 million, or 1.9%, greater than the estimate. This amount is also $13.1 million, or 5.8%, greater than August 2021. Compensating use tax collections were $63.3 million, which is $1.7 million less than the estimate, but 8.2%, or $4.8 million, greater than August 2021. When viewed in the aggregate, sales and compensating use tax receipts are $17.9 million, or 6.3%, greater than August 2021.

Click here to view the tax receipts spreadsheet for August.

Grants For Women Wellbeing Applications Available

The Women’s Health Fund (WHF) giving circles, the Women’s Giving Circle (WGC) and the Circle of Friends Giving Circle (COF), are pleased to make available their annual grant opportunity to southeast Kansas nonprofits in support of the WHF mission to improve the health and wellbeing of women by supporting education, increasing awareness and sharing quality of life opportunities to benefit all women.
Please consider this mission statement as you complete your grant application.

There are two grant categories available from the Rita J. Bicknell Women’s Health Funds.
Grant requests greater than $2,000 are funded from the Women’s Giving Circle.
Grant requests $2,000 or less are funded from the Circle of Friends Giving Circle.

In 2021, the WGC awarded $36,678 to 8 SEK non-profit recipients. Awards averaged $4,585 and ranged from $810 to $12,665. The COF awarded $7,100 to 4 recipients. Awards averaged $1,775 and ranged from $1,500 to $2,000. Projects in Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, and Labette counties received funding from the two giving circles.

Project Expenses Typically NOT Funded:
Ongoing operating expenses/salaries/stipends/personnel costs

Mileage reimbursement or travel costs

Building /construction projects/capital improvements

Religious activities unless the project serves the general public regardless of religious affiliation

Political activities

Visit https://southeastkansas.org/news/blog/whf-application-2022/ for more information about the WHF grant process or apply now.

Contact sherri.stephens@southeastkansas.org with any questions as you prepare your application.

We look forward to receiving your grant proposal.

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Varia Store Front Moves Location

Varia’s owner, Robin Kendrick, stands in front of the new storefront she will move her clothing items into.
Varia, means variety in the French language, and the Varia Shop carries a variety of used clothing at less than retail pricing.
The store was opened by Robin Kendrick on June 8, 2021 and has expanded to the point of needing more space.
As of September 6, the store will be located in the same building, but two doors east of the present store front.
The new address is 114 E. 23rd, just behind the Taco Bell Restaurant on Main Street.
Hours the shop is open: Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.  They are closed on Sunday and Monday.
“We provide the community quality used name brand clothing at affordable prices,” Kendrick said. “Nothing is above $11.50. We opened because we see a need for more clothing stores in Fort Scott.”
Some of the clothing sold in Varia.
Kendrick buys clothing directly from the public and online.
One can make an appointment with her to sell clothing to her.
Shoes and purses are sold at Varia.
“I will look items over, to see if I think I can sell it,” Kendrick said.
When they opened in  2021 they had 300 items and now have over 4000 items, she said.
“We are moving to a bigger space because we have outgrown our current place,” she said. ” We are moving starting on Sunday (Sept. 4) and will ready for business on Tuesday, Sept. 5.”
Kendrick can be reached at  620-238-1703.

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of August 23

August 23, 2022 Tuesday 9:00 am
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with the three Commissioners
and the County Clerk present.
Clint Walker, Don Hutchison, Rob Harrington, Susan Bancroft, Shane Walker, and Matt
Quick were present for some or all of the meeting.
Jim announced Clifton had a flat while driving in. He will be in momentarily. Nelson
made a motion to approve minutes from the last meeting. Jim seconded. Both
Eric Bailey gave an update on asphalt. We have ½ mile left in the Uniontown area.
The water pump went out in the laydown machine. Should have it fixed and be back
out there later today if not tomorrow. We moved the rock crusher last Thursday to
Blake. While our dozer was being repaired; and having the landfill kit put under it,
we rented a dozer. We took that dozer out to Shepherd Quarry and cleared out some
overburden. We are almost ready for another blast. Culvert crew had a great week
last week. 145th between 54 and Osage they went in and re-ditched and added some
culverts and got the area cleaned up a little bit. Tomahawk and 185th to 195th we did
some more ditching and built the road up. 145th and Poplar, they did some culvert
and ditch work there. 145th & Range culvert and ditch work there. 135th & Range and
135th & Tomahawk and then Poplar & 95th culvert and ditching in that area. Andy
Johnson, in our Noxious Weed Dept, has resigned and taken another position pursuing
another career. We’ve got some interest internally. We have a shipment of
chemicals in if anyone needs to get their fall chemicals. BNSF called yesterday and
they are going to closing 230th between Grand and Hackberry tomorrow from 8am to
5pm to do some crossing maintenance. We had our field check on the bridge at 160th
& Fern and everything went well with that. We are moving forward with that project.
KOBIP Program with funding to be able to repair bridges that are located on RS roads
and off system roads. Rob and Emily have worked hard to get paperwork put together
for bridge 518 which is between Valley and 215th that goes over the railroad tracks.
With this program it is a 90/10. Our part would be the 10%. We are clarifying some
information that we heard from some of the KDOT people that were there for the
field check and we have some bridges on our inventory program that are old metal
truss bridges that actually have bridges located right next to them. We have 4
identified now. They are on Yellowstone between 35th and 65 Highway; 225th
between Poplar and Quail; 255th and Yale; and 265th between Xavier and Wagon. With
this program they have an incentive to remove the bridges from the inventory list and
they will provide $1,000 per linier foot per bridge. This would include bridge 2.0 B.1
Yellowstone 35th and 65 Highway; bridge 21.0 J.8 on 225th between Poplar and Quail;
bridge 24.0 B.0 255th & Yale; bridge 25.0 D.0 265th between Xavier and Wagon. I think
we may have more but those are the ones we would be interested in at this time.
Clifton made a motion to remove the bridges from inventory as stated by Eric. Nelson
seconded. All approved. Jim asked about the money on the big bridge if that is
Federal or State money. Eric stated Federal brought down through the state. Jim

asked about the off system roads is the also 90/10. Eric stated that off system is
100%. We would like to look at the one at 160th & Grand for sure as the farmers have
made a path to the west of it to get around. Eric stated there is no guarantee we
would be awarded the grant but I believe we should apply. Jim stated that once we
get the big one locked in money-wise I would like to look for money to rehab the
metal one on the blacktop down by Garland. Eric stated this is going to be an ongoing
program. Clifton made a motion that the money received from the inventory bridges
be used toward other bridges. Jim seconded. All approved. Nelson asked if Public
Works would be responsible for dismantling the bridges. Eric said we will take them
off of our inventory list and then he would need to work with Justin and see if we can
find someone who may want to purchase the bridges.
Greg Post asked about the possibility of annexing Timberhill into Mapleton so that we
can get some revenue. Justin stated if the landowner and the city agree then they
need permission from the commissioners. Justin stated that legally we would have to
have a resolution to do this. Justin stated it would mean additional taxes for the
landowner. The commissioners were ok with working on the annex.
Bob Reed stated that as of last Friday, at 5pm, all inmates are back. Hopefully, in
two weeks we will be fully staffed. Jim stated he appreciated the hard work from
Bob Reed to make this happen. Bob thanked his employees, those that stayed and
rode out the storm. Thank you to those who have come forward and taken a job.
Clifton thanked Bob Reed.
Matt Quick stated that he has 3 vehicles in his fleet right now. Was going to try and
make it through this year with the 2007 brown chevy. The field appraiser was out in
it and stepped on the brakes and heard a clunking noise and brake pedal went to the
floor. She found the brake pad on the ground. It’s wore out. Want to get approval
to purchase another vehicle to replace that one. We have the money in our vehicle
reserve. Jim stated that we want to shop local. Nelson asked if they buy brand new.
Matt said new or as close to new so that there is a warranty on them. Also, want to
buy something we can work on local. The brown chevy has been in our fleet for over
10 years. Stock is hard to find. They are just getting their 2022 vehicles and they
should be getting the 2023’s. Nelson asked if the equipment reserve account county
wide. Matt said this account is just for his office. Clifton made a motion to approve
Appraisers to use his equipment fund to purchase a vehicle up to $35,000.00. Nelson
seconded. All approved.
Rob Harrington asked for executive session. Clifton made a motion for executive
session KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets
of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships for 20 minutes
including 3 commissioners, Justin Meeks, Rob Harrington, Susan Bancroft, and Shane
Walker returning here at 9:49am. Nelson seconded. All approved. Clifton made a
motion to resume normal session at 9:49am. Nelson seconded. All approved. Clifton
made a motion to go back into executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data
relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and

individual proprietorships including 3 commissioners, Justin Meeks, Susan Bancroft,
Rob Harrington, and Shane Walker for 10 minutes returning here at 10:00am. Nelson
seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to return to normal session at
10:00am. Nelson seconded. All approved.
Justin Meeks asked the commissioners to make a motion to allow Rob Harrington to
start negotiations for acquisition or sale of real property. Any contracts would come
before the commissioners in an open session. Clifton made a motion as stated by
Counselor Meeks. Nelson seconded. All approved. Justin asked for executive session.
Clifton made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with
an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the
attorney-client relationship including 3 commissioners, Susan Bancroft and Shane
Walker for 5 minutes returning here at 10:08am. Nelson seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion to return to normal session with no action. Nelson seconded.
All approved. Clifton made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(1) to
discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy
including 3 commissioners, Justin Meeks and Susan Bancroft for 7 minutes returning
here at 10:16am. Nelson seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to return
to normal session in this room with no action. Nelson seconded. All approved.
Susan Bancroft stated that securities are on track. Sales tax is down $15,000.00 this
month but is still up $132,000.00 for the year. Everything else is coming in where it
should be. I’m watching the Medical Building & EMS Services. EMS seems to be back
on track to what it was in 2020. The sewer district is run through the monthly bills at
the water dept at the city and they forward over to us. Our bond payment is due the
middle of the year for principal. We don’t have enough cash flow in that fund to pay
for it. I’ll have to pay for it out of the general fund and then move it back over.
Shane Walker CIO: Cost estimates for the parking lot is between $75,000 and
$90,000 from two different contractors that Ag Engineering contacted. They are
going to tear everything out and build a whole new drainage. The city will come back
in after we’re done and re-index all the bricks and fix the hole which is due to drains
that was covered by asphalt. Nelson asked how long it will take. Shane said he
thought several weeks. Susan said the money will come from the sales tax fund.
Clifton made a motion to allow Shane to go out for bid on the parking lot on the north
side. Nelson seconded. All approved. Shane stated David Lee from Nuwave is an
Allen County Commissioner and they are working on a grant called the Middle Mile
Grant for fiber expansion. They are going to get fiber in the ground all the way out to
Mildred. He wants to apply for the grant here and we would have to be the sponsor
because it’s a county private thing to get ground-based fiber out to Hidden Valley
Public Comment: Clint Walker thanked Shane. Devon and Mapleton need high-speed
internet. Clint stated regarding the annexation for Mapleton that you need to be
careful what you wish for. Clint stated he is glad we are going for grants to get things
Commissioner Comment: No Comment
Clifton made a motion to allow the commissioners to attend the REDI Visioning session
at the River Room. No county business will be conducted. Nelson seconded. All
At 10:31am, Clifton made a motion to adjourn. Nelson seconded. All approved.
(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman
(ss) Nelson Blythe, Commissioner
(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner
Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk
August 30, 2022, Approved Date

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of August 16

August 16, 2022 Tuesday 9:00 am
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners
(including newly appointed Commissioner Dist #1 Nelson Blythe) and the County Clerk
Robert Harrington, Anne Dare, Jason Silvers, Susan Bancroft, Bill Martin and Clint
Walker were present for some or all of the meeting.
Jim started the meeting by welcoming Nelson Blythe, the newly appointed
Commissioner for District #1.
Clifton made a motion to approve the minutes from August 9th. Jim seconded. All
Eric Bailey stated that the information he read states the commissioners shall sign for
new culverts. It was determined that the culvert permits would be brought in once a
month for signature from the commissioners. Eric stated they had a surprise
inspection in the Noxious Weed Department and passed with flying colors. Andy has
done an outstanding job. Eric continued discussion with asphalting. We are west of
Uniontown. We did not asphalt yesterday due to three dump trucks being down. We
got one back up and going so we are asphalting today. It probably will be the middle
of next week before we are finished in that area. Eric thanked Commissioner Blythe
for coming out last week and helped lay some asphalt and rode the screed. Eric
continued stating we are experiencing several breakdowns. It is diesel, exhaust, &
fluid (DEF) related. We are not able to repair those DEF issues so we have to send
them off. We’ve got two dump trucks and a side-arm mower down with it. Our other
side-arm mower has the gear drive bearings out on it but are in the process of getting
that put back together. Grader #14 dropped a valve. It’s at Foley getting repaired.
The lay-down machine was delivered to Van Keppel. Regarding the belly dump, I will
hold off till late fall to see where we are with the budget. Eric gave a copy of the
fuel cost spreadsheet to each commissioner. Jennifer has done an outstanding job
putting this together for us. Bulk fuel saves us. We are doing a field check meeting
Friday on the bridge project at 160th & Fern. KDOT, Schwab Eaton will be there. Eric
stated the sign requested for the “s” curve on 207th off of Jayhawk is in the process.
Eric said they would use a side-arm mower to get it trimmed up and ready for the
sign. Nelson stated he received a call regarding Hackberry Road between 80th & 95th
the low water bridge is bad on the south side. Eric said they would take care of it.
Jim asked about the bus route regarding mowing. Eric said they are on it.
Lynne Oharah talked about one of the agreements we do every year. Another
discussion regarding the chillers at the hospital. Design Mechanical services our
chillers every year. Last year our total package for servicing the chillers was
$10,806.00. It’s down this year because we are not servicing as much equipment.
The price for this year will be $$6,940.00. Nelson asked if this was the same people
who have taken care of it in the past. Lynne said yes. Clifton made a motion to

approve the service agreement paying a quarterly payment. Jim seconded. All
approved. Lynne continued discussion regarding the chillers and stated that every 5
or 6 years they crack them open and actually clean the coils. If you don’t, there is
build up and it starts deteriorating. The last time it was done was well over 6 years
ago. Lynne said he would come back at a later date and have a serious discussion on
whether we are going to do this or not.
Anne Dare spoke about EDF Energy stating they are coming to NW Crawford County.
Anne was contacted by someone from Crawford County and wanted to know what
could be done to fight this. I was given a few paragraphs of the contract and it was
shocking to read that if the leased land is ever sold, EDF has first rights at buying it
among other things. Anne asked the commissioners to seriously consider
implementing a special use permit for new industry coming to the county. Clifton
stated that previously the commission was asked to sign something that we would not
infringe on people’s property rights at all. I agree with that. Are you asking me to
infringe on people’s property rights?” Anne stated that she did not believe asking
industry, whatever it might be, in this case wind energy, the land owner that is
approached would still have the right to put this in place, but it also establishes
something for the protection of commissioners and something stronger to establish a
negotiating process. Jim stated that he has been a supporter of special use permits
and still are somewhat because I understand, being a codes guy and zoning
administrator for the City of Fort Scott for many years, but by doing this special use
permit we have the option of saying yes or no. If we say no, we are going back on
what we voted on just a few months ago. Nelson stated he doesn’t even like the
sound of special use permit just from it doesn’t sound very conservative. I
understand your concerns, I will look at it, but I don’t know how you can only target it
toward the wind industry and if put in place any other industry would have to go
through that as well. I don’t want any more barriers to bring industry into Bourbon
County. Clifton stated that we have setbacks already. Justin Meeks stated that there
were already setbacks. Justin stated that you can’t restrict one industry and not
another or you would run into lawsuits. Anne asked that the commissioners take a
look at and consider a permit.
Transient Guest Tax (TGT) Nelson stated that he contacted one of the businesses in
the county and they weren’t even aware that people were talking about the TGT.
Nelson stated that he would want to meet with the people that own the Airbnb’s to
ask their opinion. Jim stated that he would like Susan to look into it to see how it can
be structured to help the County. Jim stated I would be in favor of it if the property
owner supported it and if the money stayed in the County to be used to promote
tourism. Mark McCoy stated the Tourism Director should market and merchandise and
advertise not just the city of Fort Scott, but the entire County. As a former business
owner, we survive together, not alone. The subject was off set for 60 days.
Sheriff Bill Martin a couple of weeks ago a citizen put through a KORA for an
ammunition report. Nick Trim will present this information. Nick gave information
regarding his previous experience and training certificates. Nick stated that he is a

less lethal instructor. We teach taser and pepper ball. I am thankful for the
progressiveness of the sheriff’s office as it has changed in a positive manner during
my tenure. We have trained law enforcement agents only to see them leave. The
positive thing about that is they have gone to other agencies and made those agencies
better. We have one of the best firearms training programs out there due to Sheriff
Bill Martin’s understanding of the importance of such training. We have three phases
of training: preparation, fight and aftermath. Ammunition is expensive. It is a
necessary cost. Training is expensive and time consuming. Law Enforcement is about
doing the right thing to the right person at the right time. Everything we do has to be
legal, ethical and within department policy. That takes training, time and
experience. Our training is so good here that we have outside entities coming to us
and asking how do you do it. How are you providing such a quality product? It’s
through time, training and money that gets it done. The sheriff’s office maintains
three weapon systems: Glock pistols, AR rifles and 12-gauge shotguns. We have 18
weapons-certified officers under my charge. Three admin, 1 jail major, 1 school
resource officer, two detectives, 8 road deputies and 3 part-time, including myself.
Everyone of these individuals must be responsibly trained in each one of these
weapons as they may never know which weapon system they are going to have.
Everyone has to be trained because we owe to them to survive. We have to stay
ahead of ordering ammo. Sometimes you can’t get it. We use one ounce slugs,
double-aught buckshot and number 8 birdshot. Double-aught buckshot will beat you
up. After four hours at the range most people are ready to go home. That’s why I
use number 8 birdshot. Twenty-five rounds of this cost $8.00. Twenty-five rounds of
double-aught is $27.00. I can still teach the same cost-saving manipulations in
training for this ammo. We live in a rural community and everyone has shotguns in
their homes. Our biggest threat is number 8 birdshot. I need our guys to understand
you can survive this and how to counter it and what can I use this for to make my day
better and get me home. This is why we use number 8 birdshot. It’s not out wasting
ammo. We are very fortunate to have the ranges that we use and available to us at
no cost. We do competition shooting, stress level shooting. There are only 8 of us
that work the road. There’s only 13 or 14 of us total. Way less than a quarter of the
population. Training is based on the four pillars of self-defense: mind set, tactics,
skill and right gear. We owe it to our community to provide a level of law
enforcement that is trust-worthy and proficient in all we do. Law enforcement is an
expensive service to provide. Ammunition is one of those costs. If I have only 8 to 16
hours per year to teach an officer something that can save their life or another then I
believe we owe to them the time, money and effort to get them home. Bill Martin
stated that there is a major health system in Kansas who has reached out to Deputy
Trim because of the training he puts on for the sheriff’s department. They are
wanting this type of training to this health system. That is a major kudos for Deputy
Trim. Nelson commended Deputy Trim for the training he provides. Mark McCoy has
attended multiple training sessions in different states with different law enforcement
present. In regards to Columbine and Uvalde, the lack of training and mindset of the
officers; there is a failure that took place there. Training is so important. I’ve been
present when the FSPD and our guys are training. They train together because if
something goes on here in Bourbon County, it’s going to affect Bourbon County. We
survive together. Jim stated that the presentation was by a citizen submitting a
request. This commission has never questioned your training. Bill stated in regards
to the fuel update, I submitted an updated fuel cost for the 2023 year. Five Corners
has offered a 5 cent per gallon discount to the sheriff’s office. Jim asked if Bill felt
that was an adequate discount considering the savings that could be had with Public
Works. Clifton stated that today a gallon of gas is $3.61/gallon and bulk fuel is
$3.18/gallon. That’s a 40 cent/gallon savings. Jim stated that a report that was
given to him by Eric Bailey on July 27th the fuel pump rice was $4.30 or $4.40 and bulk
price was $3.46. There is no discussion on savings by buying fuel at Public Works or
providing you a tank, but the savings can’t be argued. Bill stated that I live local and
buy local to help people. Jim stated that our bulk is purchased from a local dealer.
Justin Meeks gave an update on tax sale. The date is October 13th at 10:00am. We
have a meeting set up next week to have discussions regarding the future of the land
bank and how the county and the city can work together to move that forward.
Susan Bancroft requested permission to publish the RNR Hearing Notice scheduled for
August 30th at 6pm. The proposed tax rate is 62.514 which keeps us levy flat. I would
like to schedule a budget workshop between the commission and myself and go
through the budget. It was determined that the budget workshop will be held on
Friday, August 19th at 9am. Ashley remarked regarding the RNR that people are going
to get the letter; they’re going to see them in the newspaper. The RNR rate, just like
the counties you see it going up, that is an estimate. And if you think you’re going to
be close, you want to put that you’re going to go above and publish that because
otherwise you can’t exceed that. So, in November when the valuations, if they
change, if they would happen to go down, you won’t get x amount of money you
asked for because you can’t go over that rate if you didn’t publish that and hold a
hearing. Clint Walker commented that he was glad Ashley brought up the RNR
because the public needs to know that this isn’t the county’s deal. This is the state
come in and said if you exceed this not only do you have to publish these hearings in
the newspaper. They estimated that it would cost $20,000.00 to send this out. For
the first two years, the state is going to pay for that. Then after that it’s up to the
county to pay for it. Ashley stated that it cost Bourbon County approximately
$10,000.00 to send the letters out. Ashley stated she has the representatives
information if you would like to contact them if anyone would like to give their
Shane Walker CIO: gave a report on the towers. What we are doing with the towers
is going to add three repeaters to law enforcement and then we’re going to put EMS
on the same repeaters. Someone went out to work on something and ended up
cutting a service loop out of the cable that we would use to take the antennae down
or to service it. That all goes back to having one vendor service all this equipment
and we put that entirely in the cities hands. When this is done, we should have 97 to
99% coverage, even in Hidden Valley; having two towers up there will help. Jim asked
if this would provide most everyone with internet. Shane said internet is more line of
sight. Ring built on east side and Fort Scott Fire Station #2 tied back in.
Public Comment: Clint Walker asked Commissioners what town in Kansas is the top 52
to visit? The answer was Humboldt. Clint suggested they look at what Humboldt is
doing and it might pay for us to take a look. Anne Dare stated that she appreciated
Eric and Susan staying on top of the Public Works budget. Anne asked Ashley for an
RNR explanation (printed) and would also like a tutorial. Anne asked how many
different types of things the County does have charge of, that maybe we don’t need
to have charge of. The hospital comes to mind. What expense is happening out
there? The cell towers; I don’t know about the ambulance service. Does the County
run that? Susan stated by law the County has to run it. Anne asked about the subject
being brought up to privatize the jail. Shane stated that by law, the sheriff has to run
the jail. Jim stated that could be one room. Anne added that she is in favor of the
transient guest tax being applied to the county. Anne stated last week there were
some officers here talking about the meth weight. She stated that she discovered on
the 11th that all charges against those two gentlemen have been dismissed due to lack
of evidence. Clifton stated that state statute states that we have to make sure
ambulance service is available to the county. We don’t have to own it. We could do
like Linn County and have AMR come in and run it and pay them a large sum of
money. We have subsidized EMS in this county since 1995. Regarding the hospital
building, we still want to get rid of it, but to the right people. That is still being
worked on daily and lots of hours have gone into that over the last year by myself,
Rob Harrington and multiple people. Clifton also stated that he believes the RNR is
an absolute joke and I’m sure they had good intentions at the state level but it is all
on them. Call your state representatives. Susan stated it is costing us more money.
Nelson Blythe requested the budget workshop on Friday, August 19th be moved to the
afternoon if that would work for the others. The meeting was rescheduled to begin at
Clifton addressed the radio towers. ARPA funds were used for the radio towers for
internet, dispatch and EMS. Shane stated its part of the 911 system and we have no
choice. Clifton stated he voted yes because he believes the county needs those
services. Jim stated he agreed with Clifton. Jim stated that during the work session
he will be looking for any place we can cut a penny. We have to do it because of
unfunded mandates this year.
Jim read a letter from SEK Substance Misuse Prevention Coalition asking to come and
promote recovery month on September 7th on the courthouse lawn with a table, a
banner and some recovery handouts. We would like to leave the banner for the
month. Discussion was had that indicated the commissioners would like to find them
another location to set up.
Rob Harrington reminded that there will be a vision meeting at the River Room on
Tuesday, August 23rd at 5:30pm. There will be a meal, but only those who are invited
will be allowed to participate. The public is invited to the meeting. We’ll have
another meeting at the end of September to follow up.
At 10:56am Clifton made a motion to adjourn. Nelson seconded. All approved.
(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman
(ss) Nelson Blythe, Commissioner
(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner
Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk
August 23. 2022, Approved Date

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of August 9

August 9, 2022 Tuesday 9:00 am
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with two Commissioners (Jim Harris and
Clifton Beth) and the County Clerk present.
Susan Bancroft, Michael Hoyt, Teri Hulsey, Trace V. Evans, Austin Bahr, Alvin Metcalf, Kevin
Davidson, Bill Martin, Jason E Silvers, Mark McCoy, Matt Quick and Brian Allen were present
for some or all of the meeting.
Clifton made a motion to approve meeting minutes from July 18th, July 26th and July 29th. Jim
seconded. All approved.
Eric Bailey stated that the asphalting on 55th to Yellowstone to Zinc is finished. We are now up
on Maple 45th and Native area west of Uniontown. We are working on base coat and then we’ll
put the leveling coat on. Update on compost permit. I got an e-mail from Emery and he said I
received no comments regarding the addition of the compost facility so he is going to begin the
processing the application to go through concurrence to get signed permit which requires 8
signatures plus the signed permit. If he forgets to update me on the signature process, he said to
feel free to contact him. That tells me we are going to be a little while yet. Prairie Pathways
have been in touch with me regarding signs. You approved the signs going west and now they
are ready for the signs going east. Clifton made a motion for sign placement. Jim seconded. All
approved. Eric provided an updated map of roadside mowing and an update of where they are
with that. Eric stated between Tomahawk 205th and 185th have done some crossroad tubes and
are working on some ditching. Kansas west of Hwy 3 is the same thing with crossroad tubes,
one entry tube and ditching there as well. The stop sign at 240th & Jayhawk has been replaced.
Jim thanked Eric for including him in on the meeting with Van Keppel Equipment we are on our
way to a new engine for our paver at a very reduced cost. Jim asked Eric what his thoughts were
on a belly dump. Jim stated that when you’re asphalting, you’re not hauling any gravel. We’ve
been lucky but if we get into a wet winter, we’re in trouble. Eric said he had no problem with
buying another belly dump but wanted to set down with Susan and see where we are with the
budget. Fuel has been very hard on us this year with the fluctuating prices. Clifton said that he
was in Crawford County on gravel roads recently and our roads are no better but no worse. Our
roads are as good or better than the roads I was on.
Bill Martin stated a couple of weeks ago there was an individual questioning the investigation in
regards to some drugs that were seized and questioning the ability. I’ve invited Deputy Metcalf
and Kevin Davidson that are the drug detectives for the sheriff’s office and they will explain how
this process works. Kevin Davidson said he was here to clear up the fuzzy number’s
information. We’ve brought documentation to clear up the fuzzy numbers. I have the KSOR
(Kansas Offense Report). This report is open to public record. At the bottom it lists the property
that was seized. You can verify that there was 8.4 pounds enlisted in the property. The second is
the compliant information on the case. I brought a copy of the Kansas Statutes where it can be
verified through KSA statutes. The charging and what it’s for and quantities for charges listed.
The incident originated just inside the Bourbon County line approximately a mile inside of
Bourbon County it did end inside the city limits of Fort Scott. I can’t go into much more detail
than that. As far as official weight on any drug seizure, it’s not official until the KBI weighs it.

Anything and everything are presumptive positive until it is verified through the KBI. Any drug
seizure falls under that. We weigh it here, but KBI gives the official testified weight. They also
give the final say on whether it’s meth, marijuana, we send it as a white crystal substance, clear
liquid or green leafy substance. We don’t pretend to be chemist or botanists. Kevin stated that it
is very frustrating to be perceived as slandering when it’s said a certain department has fuzzy
numbers when you don’t know how the department operates. Jim thanked them for coming
forward and answering questions and taking care of the KORA request. Kevin stated that
Deputy Trim will be here next week to address the ammunition concerns.
Bobby Reed stated no promises but I’m hoping by the end of the month all of our Bourbon
County inmates will be back in Bourbon County. We’ve hired some people; a couple back. We
will lose another one soon. He’s been with me for 2 ½ years. If we keep on the same track that
we’re on we should be pretty good employee-wise; have everybody trained and get the inmates
Teri Hulsey, Director of EMS gave an update. July call activity we had 210 calls for service; 78
were 911 transports; 7 to other ER’s (going directly from the scene to other ER’s); two were
flown from the scene; 35 transfers that went straight to Pittsburg from our ER here; 21 transfers
went to other facilities; 55 dry runs (12 were cancelled prior to arrival on scene). At this point
for this month, we’ve already had 56 calls. If things continue, we are on point to have 200+ this
month. We made an update and change to our transfer policy. At this point, we are not taking
any non-emergent transfers after the hours of 0300 to 0700. We will only be taking stat transfers
during those hours. I have updated the policy and Dr. Burke, our Medical Director, signed off on
it. If it is a true stat transfer, they need to be contacting flight services. I and Jon Lowery have
offered, if they are busy, we will contact flight services for them. If flight services are grounded
due to weather or pilot out of hours, we will take the transfers. At this time, I want to introduce
you to Trace Evans and Austin Bahr. They recently graduated Paramedic school and have
passed their test and are now operating as Paramedics. They’ve also been in touch and been
working closely with Osage and they are going to discuss with the possible remount of two of
our trucks. Austin stated that a lot of people don’t know the difference between EMT and
Paramedic. EMT is a basic level providing basic life support. ALS is advanced life support.
More of a level of an RN. We can actually bridge to RN back and forth. We can hand off to a
nurse and receive from a nurse. It’s a great asset to the community and hope to do a good job for
you. Clifton expanded on the paramedics. I am a nurse. EMT’s are great, but Paramedics are
better; they can literally save your life. More so than probably most RN’s to be honest. Austin
stated that we are only as good as our equipment. We have two ambulances that are getting up in
miles; less reliability. One of them has been in the shop 3 times already this month. Three times
in approximately a week. What we are looking at are remounts. You can get a remount which is
where they take the box and refurbish and put it on a new chassis. New engine, new frame and
get more life out of your box. Some boxes can be remounted 4 or 5 times depending on taking
care of it. We take very good care of our boxes. The guy from Osage that has come and talked
with us has expressed that as well. They give you a kick back from that. Susan stated that
approval from one remount was made previously. I told them it is good for us to discuss it and
we’ll see if the funding is available through ARPA funds. Trace stated that they did approve one
but that bid is outdated. They only last around 30 days. Austin stated they are looking at three
possible options. One is upgrading from a type 3 chassis to a type 1 chassis. Trace stated the

main difference between type 1 and type 3 is the chassis is a truck chassis and 4 wheel drive.
The type 3 is a 15 passenger van chassis. Austin stated type 1 will be four-wheel drive, gasoline
and safety wise they are a longer wheel base. They’ve got a larger front-end to absorb more
impact if you were in an accident. The front end is a lot stronger and more durable to stand up to
gravel roads. Suspension on the type 1 truck will be upgraded to a liquid spring suspension; it
auto-levels and is much safer. They use these in RVs and commercial vehicles to make them
easier to handle. It makes for a smooth ride for the patient and safer ride. It will be four-wheel
drive which will make it much better; we’ve had to go out into pastures before to pick up the
patient. Also, will help in the winter time. The ease of maintenance on the type 1 trucks is a big
thing. We’ve talked with Tom who does our maintenance on all of our trucks and he would be
ecstatic to get them. Instead of the engine being mounted in between the cab of the truck and the
front. It would be all out front. Would be looking at less labor time for maintenance. If we get
these and do future remounts on those trucks it will be cheaper than the initial cost. The initial
cost will be more but, in the future, will be less. Life expectancy of these trucks are longer due
to upgraded suspension and everything. Jim asked how long before another remount would be
needed. Austin estimated at least 10 to 12 years. A remount is when they remove the box and
completely refurbish it; put everything new back in it. There is a savings of $25 to $50,000
savings by keeping your box. You take the refurbished box and mount it on a new chassis. We
have pricing for remounting two of our trucks, EMS 1 and EMS 3. One is a Chevrolet Duramax
with roughly 233,000 miles; the other is EMS 3. It’s a 60-power stroke which has a lot of
emission issues and is in the shop right now. Each of those with an upgraded power load cot
system we priced those in there because they are a lot safer; that is the industry standard now.
Kansas doesn’t regulate it but in Missouri any remounted box has to have that system.
You basically push the cot up and it locks in, you push a button and it loads the patient versus us
standing there having to lift the patient in. These prices are with that $42,000-$43,000 cot
system. The remount EMS 1 it would be $199,594.05. The remount of EMS 3 would be
$198,889.05. The third option is upgrading to a type 1 chassis. If we want to get into a type 1
chassis, we have to get rid of our boxes; our boxes structurally can’t mount on the truck chassis.
We have to sell our boxes to them $8,000 per truck and then would buy an Osage supply box that
they have bought back from another company making sure it is safe and structurally fine. They
would gut it, refurbish it and do the same thing they would do with our box and then it would be
mounted on the truck chassis. An F550 with a 73-gas four-wheel drive. That cost would be
$250,374.05. You are looking at roughly a $50 to $52,000 difference. However, looking at
longevity, safety and suspension and stuff like that I think it would be well worth it. In the future,
remounts would not be that expensive. Trace stated that with the Stryker power cot system is
going to have their price raised 9% by October. They said we could go ahead and order them
now and store them in the back building for the price that they have us locked in at. That would
save us approximately $8,000.00 by ordering two systems now. Trace said this is a lengthy
process. We would be looking at 2024 before we got the trucks. One of the reasons we went
with Osage is they’ve manufactured these trucks from the get go. They offer lifetime warranty
on their box. If we went with someone else that is cheaper, they would not offer the warranty.
They are a local company in Linn, Mo, about 3 to 3 ½ hours. That way if we do have any
trouble, they are close. We are asking for approval of two, or at least one, of the type 1. The
total for the two ambulances with the cot system included would be $500, 748.10. You don’t
pay for the ambulances until you receive them. We would be locking in the price now. Clifton
asked they get a price to bullet-proof the ambulance with OEM parts, not aftermarket parts. Jim
stated they would visit with Susan and find out if the funds are there.
Ashley presented a renewal cereal malt beverage permit for KC Mart. Clifton made a motion to
approve the license permit for KC Mart for cereal mart beverage. Jim seconded. All approved.
Susan presented a gas line contract for the Medical Building. A few months ago we signed a
contract with Hamlin and they basically do all of our bidding for us for gas contracts. Our
contract was up at the Medical Building, we were with Symmetry, but they have come back with
Clear Water Enterprises as being the lowest at this time. We are asking that you approve this
contract so we can move forward with getting a better price. Clifton made a motion to approve
the Clear Water Contract for the transportation of gas to the Medical Building. Jim seconded.
All approved.
Justin asked for a 30 minute for several things. Personal matters, contract negotiations and other
things that will be going on this week. It is attorney-client privilege. He requested Nelson
Blythe, even though he is not a commissioner yet, he has expertise in this area. Clifton made a
motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public
body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship including 2
commissioners, Justin Meeks, Susan Bancroft and Nelson Blythe returning here at 10:19am. Jim
seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to return to normal session in this room at
10:19am. Jim seconded. All approved.
Susan discussed Pilot Funds. We received our first distribution last April and we allocated all
those funds with about $100,000.00 left over. We have started allocating for this year but the
problem is our funding from the Jayhawk Wind will not come to us until December. We are
really a year behind. We had this set up as a separate fund but I would like to move it back to the
general fund and run everything through the general fund and put that as a department. Then you
can make your allocations and use the cash that is available in the general fund and then in
December when you get your distribution from them then that helps pay back what you have
allocated. We probably should have waited a year before we started making allocations but I
didn’t know how the contract read until this week. I wanted to let you know how I’m organizing
that and putting the funds together. I’m hoping to have a budget work session next week as I get
everything put together.
Shane Walker CIO (Not present)
Public Comment: Michael Hoyt stated that Nelson Blythe will be able to jump right into the
budget and he needs to understand that he’s going to own it as much as you two do. He needs to
be involved and if he has any problems understanding Susan needs to help him.
Commission Comment: Clifton congratulated Nelson on his primary win. Ashley announced
Canvass is Thursday at 10am.
Clifton made a motion to allow myself and Chairman Harris to do the election canvassing on
Thursday at 10am. Open to the public. Jim seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion to adjourn at 10:26am. Jim seconded. All approved.
(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman
(ss) Nelson Blythe, Commissioner
(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner
Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk
August 16, 2022, Approved Date


Obituary of Sandra (Sandy) K. Hrenak

Born August 10,1954 in St. Louis, Mo., the only child of Richard and Kathen Ohnemus. Sandy grew up in North St. Louis County and pursued music though this portion of her life. She was an accomplished accordionist who competed in several national events.  This is how she met her future husband, John.


Sandy married John Hrenak in 1979 in St. Louis and re-located to Fort Scott so John could pursue a career in Civil Engineering with the Kansas Dept of Transportation. She initially worked for Brown’s Refrigerated Express and briefly in the County Clerk’s Office before finding her career in medical and dental claims processing for several firms.  She worked in this capacity for Western, Insurance, American States, Lincoln National, Great West, and retired with Cigna Insurance.


Sandy was an avid bowler, holding positions as a league and association officer. She also shared her husband’s interest in auto racing. Together, they attended many racing events in several states before taking the step into ownership and participation in racing.  Sandy was an integral part of the 2H racing team as it competed on tracks in SE Kansas and Western Mo for more than 12 years.


Sandy is survived by her husband John, Timothy (Debbie) Hrenak of Florissant, MO., Thomas (Donna) Hrenak of Marthasville, MO., Michael Hrenak, William (Laura) Hrenak, and Andrew (Jackie) Hrenak all of St. Charles, MO. She is also survived by 7 nieces, and 6 nephews.

She is preceded in death by both of her parents.


Sandy passed away at home on August 31st, may God bless her soul.


There was cremation.

A memorial visitation will be held from 5:00 until 7:00 Wednesday evening, September 7th, at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

In lieu of flowers, donations are suggested to Care to Share and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main St., Ft. Scott, KS 66701.  Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.