K-47 width restriction will be in effect during storm sewer work at Girard

A close up of a map

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Starting Monday, May 4, a driving lane width restriction of 10 feet will be in effect on K-47 from the K-7 junction at Girard east to the U.S. 69 junction.


According to the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), the width restriction will remain in effect for about one month, while storm sewer pipe is placed across K-47 at Ozark Street in Girard.


Persons with questions may contact Bob Gudgen, (620) 308-7621, or Priscilla Petersen, (620) 902-6433.

DCF To Reopen Low Income Energy Assistance Program

DCF To Reopen Low Income Energy Assistance Program

New application period begins May 1


Department for Children and Families Secretary Laura Howard today announced the agency is adding a second opportunity for Kansans to apply for the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP). The new application period begins May 1 and runs through May 29.


“Given the current circumstances we want to be responsive to the needs of low-income households,” Howard said. “I urge anyone who may have missed the original application deadline or who may be having financial difficulty because of the COVID-19 pandemic to take advantage of this opportunity.”


LIEAP provides an annual benefit to help qualifying households pay winter heating bills. Persons with disabilities, older adults and families with children are the primary groups assisted. In 2019, about 33,000 households received an average benefit of $576.

To qualify, applicants must be responsible for direct payment of their heating bills. Income eligibility requirements are set at 130 percent of the federal poverty level. The level of benefit varies according to household income, number of people living in the home, type of residence, type of heating fuel and utility rates. Eligibility is based on an applicant’s heating bill. If an applicant needs assistance covering electric costs, they need to request the benefit be split between the two utilities.

Applicants need to have made payments on their heating bill two out of the last three months. Those payments must be equal to or exceed $80 or the total balance due on their energy bills, whichever is less.

If an applicant has already received a LIEAP benefit during the 2020 LIEAP season they are not eligible to receive another payment.

The application will be available beginning May 1.

Visit www.lieap.dcf.ks.gov to apply and for additional information.

Income eligibility determination:


Persons Living at the Address Maximum Gross Monthly Income
1 $1,354
2 $1,832
3 $2,311
4 $2,790
5 $3,269
6 $3,748



7 $4,227
8 $4,705
9 $5,184
10 $5,663
11 $6,142
12 $6,621
+1 $479 for each additional person

Governor Kelly to unveil official Kansas plan on April 30 to reopen

Governor Kelly to unveil official Kansas plan to reopen  

Governor Laura Kelly will deliver an address Thursday evening on her administration’s official plan to reopen Kansas as the state addresses the COVID 19 pandemic.


The address will be broadcast on live television and available to radio stations in Kansas, and on the Governor’s Facebook page.


When: 6:30 p.m. CST until speech is concluded on Thursday, April 30, from a local film studio. Satellite information to follow.


Where: Check your local listings for information on the live and replayed broadcast.


The Governor will not have daily afternoon press briefings Thursday and Friday this week.

FSHS New Technology Teacher: Matt Glades

The Glades family: Matt, Alyssa and sons, Bishop and Maddox. Submitted photo.
 Matt Glades, 32, is the new Fort Scott High SchoolTechnology Teacher for 2020-21.
” I spent nine years at Fort Scott Community College,” Glades said. ” I worked as a coach, adjunct instructor, TRiO Counselor, Director of Admissions, and sponsor for the President’s Ambassador Program.”
Glades earned an Associate of Science Degree from Fort Scott Community College, a Bachelor’s Degree in Construction Engineering Technology from Missouri Western State University and a Masters Degree in Health, Human Performance, and Recreation from Pittsburg State University.
He is currently working towards a Master’s in Education at Fort Hayes State University.
His hometown is Galena, KS.
He is married to Alyssa,  and they have two sons-Bishop and Maddox.
In his spare time he likes sports, coaching, movies, and spending time with friends and family, he said. He is a member of Community Christian Church and the USD 234 Mentor Program.
How did you become an educator?
“Education was not my first choice out of college. I honestly thought that I would never have the courage to be able to speak or teach in front of students. I worked for an engineering firm in Springfield, MO for almost a year. However, during that time I felt like I wasn’t in the right place. God was watching over me and changed my life forever. I would spend the next decade working with students at Fort Scott Community College. In the Fall of 2019, I was fortunate to coach for the FSHS football team and I felt that this is where I needed to be. I am very thankful and excited to be a part of USD 234.”
Is there someone who inspired you?
“I have been truly blessed to have had such amazing teachers and coaches in my life. I can only hope and pray that I can replicate their qualities and attributes to help students grow.”
What is the best part of teaching for you?
“To me, the best part of teaching is having the ability to have a positive impact on someone. Working at FSCC, I was able to see the difference one person can make in another person’s life. There’s nothing quite like having someone come back and thank you for helping them. “
What are the greatest challenges in teaching for you?
“I think the biggest challenge that I will face is trying to help students settle back into a school routine during my first year as a teacher.”

Emergency Food Assistance : April 29 for Western Bourbon County and May 1 for the Fort Scott Area

Uniontown Baptist Church is located on Hwy. 3  at the west edge of town. It is the site for emergency food distribution on April 29 for Uniontown, Redfield, and Bronson.

During this time of the pandemic when many have lost their jobs due to stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of the illness, the federal government has food coming to those in need.

Distribution points will be in Fort Scott for the Fort Scott area on May 1 and Uniontown , for western Bourbon County, April 29.

Frozen meats and fresh produce are part of the distribution, according to Rebecca Shinn, West Bourbon Food Program coordinator which is organized by the First Missionary Baptist Church.

” Anyone qualifies for Disaster Household Distribution (DHD) boxes however we highly encourage help to go to those families that might not otherwise qualify for TEFAP and who are affected by the COVID-19.”

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost. USDA provides 100% American-grown USDA Foods and administrative funds to states to operate TEFAP, according to the TEFAP website.

In Fort Scott, the disaster food distribution will be May 1 at the Bourbon County Senior Citizens Center, 26 N. Main.

Bourbon County Senior Citizens Center, 26 N. Main.

“It will be a drive-through,” Jackie Sellers, program coordinator said.  “From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. people drive by on the north side of the building, Old Fort Boulevard (for the boxes of food).”

Sellers can be reached at 620-223-0750 or 620-249-1440.

Jackie Sellers sits in her office at the Senior Citizens Center, 26 N. Main.

The Disaster Household Distribution will be on April 29, 2020, at the First Missionary Baptist Church from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. This is for all people in the Uniontown, Redfield, Bronson area.

The church is located on Hwy. 3, on the west side of Uniontown.

“This program is to assist all that may not be working now due to COVID-19,” Shinn said. “Also for those who are high risk and can’t get to the store. At this time this program will be available April, May, and possibly June.”

Rebecca Shinn is the coordinator for the West Bourbon Food Program.

The program is offered curbside, she said.

” Honk and we will bring you a box of food. If you can’t come that evening and still want food please call me for another time for pick up,” Shinn said.  She can be reached at  (620) 223-9532.


Bourbon County Commission Minutes of April 14

April 14, 2020 Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session via Facebook, the Commissioners, Shane Walker, the County Counselor and the County Clerk (via telephone) was all present for the meeting.

Lynne Oharah said that Josh Jones had volunteered to head a committee to try and get the 1% Sales Tax passed again by the voters. Jim Harris stated that in 1999-2000 a committee was formed and helped get this passed then. Nick made a motion to name Josh Jones to chair the Committee for the 1% Sales Tax for the hard surface road, Jeff seconded and all approved. Josh Jones will start this process immediately.

Nick Ruhl reported that a person had been hunting on their own land on 250th and was hit with bullets from another shooter on a nearby road, after review it was determined that the road belonged to the landowner and the landowner could put a gate and lock up to keep people off of the road; Jim Harris will contact the landowner.

Jeff Fischer asked Jim Harris to review who was responsible for the gravel road maintenance in an area in Drywood Township.

Jim Harris said they had started doing ditch work on the Lake Road. Jim said they hadn’t started work on Hackberry Road due to the water in the area.

Justin Meeks said that the March sales tax revenue was down. The income from the sales tax revenue will determine how much road work can be done. The Commissioners plan to do as much as they can afford. Jeff said in 2019 they paved 17 lane miles.

The County received hay bids for property the County owns on Native Road as well as Elm Creek Lake. Alex Bowman bid $2,800 and Mike Mason bid $1,800 for the mow able hay at Elm Creek Lake; Pat Murphy bid $161 for the mow able hay at 225th & Native Road. Nick made a motion to approve the bid from Pat Murphy for Native Road and Alex Bowman for Elm Creek Lake, Jeff seconded and all approved.

Jeff asked Jim Harris to review a device that is used to clean out culverts; Jim said he would.

Jim Harris said the County needed to get financing options from local banks as well as US Bank for the financing of the 2 new Mack Dump trucks that the County recently took possession of. He said the total purchase price for both was $291,538 less the $68,000 trade in for a total due of $223,538. Nick made a motion to get bids for financing the trucks for a five year note, Jeff seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris said they recently paid off the paver that was purchased two years ago.

Jim said the grader operators have been working; he said one grader is having mechanical issues.

Jim and the Commissioners discussed possibly closing the Landfill on some Saturdays to eliminate overtime; Jim said they could stager the employees at the Landfill to keep the Landfill open on Saturdays without causing overtime.

Jeff reported sharp rock on Fern Road near the Missouri line; Jeff asked Jim to do maintenance on the road.

Nick asked Jim how many keys were out for the Landfill gate; Jim said he didn’t think any since they had changed the lock, but said he would find out.

The Commissioners discussed the work structure due to the COVID-19 virus; Jim said he had issued two warnings to his employees and said they are keeping their employees separated. Lynne said some businesses are taking the temperatures (prior to work) of their employees due to the virus.

Appraiser Clint Anderson and Matt Quick met with the Commissioner regarding trading in their 2013 truck for one used SUV for the Appraiser’s office use. Clint felt that there was enough surplus money in the NRP fund to pay for a vehicle. They had quotes for two used Equinox’s and one Edge with a trade in difference of $6,900-$10,000. Nick suggested before trading in the truck that they consider using the truck for Road & Bridge or sell the truck to the City if they needed it, Matt suggested considering using the truck for the Courthouse custodial use. The Commissioners suggested that they get quotes for a new vehicle and shop locally if they can. The Commissioners decided to wait until after the 2019 audit is complete and review the remainder of 2020 funds to see what funds are available before deciding to purchase a vehicle.

The Commissioners rebid work to be done to the East steps and the South steps of the Courthouse; Mid Continental was the only bidder. They bid $87,505 for the base work and $2,600 for alternate work of the stone cleaning. Lynne made a motion to consider the bid after the 2019 audit is complete, Jeff seconded and all approved.

Economic Development Director Jody Hoener met with the Commissioners; she said that the Healthy Bourbon County Action Team is eligible for a $10,000 grant for the purchase of a mini dozer to be used for the county-wide trail use. She said this equipment could be carried under the County’s KCAMP insurance policy and under the County’s KWORCC work comp. insurance. She estimated the work comp insurance to cost approximately $55 for 100 volunteer hours. She said KWORCC required the volunteer hours be tracked and documented training for the equipment. Jody asked the Commissioners to approve the grant request. Lynne made a motion to apply for the grant for the mini dozer, Nick seconded and all approved and signed the application. Jody said the ABC Trails is now called the Prairie Pathways.

Lynne made a motion to approved Resolution 14-20; a salary resolution increasing the wages for the District Court Bailiff position #1, adding District Court Bailiff position #2 and adding a Personnel Director position, Jeff seconded and all approved the resolution.

Jody Hoener met with the Commissioners to discuss Bourbon County’s goal to facilitate an effective path forward and our work to build infrastructure needed to move from phase one to phase two of the COVID-19 pandemic reopening roadmap. Her presentation follows…

“March 14, 2020 Bourbon County Commission declared a state of disaster as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Shortly after on March 26, 2020 the Southeast Kansas Multi County Health Department Officer issued an order to stay at home. Since that time there has been measurable progress at the county level, building a framework and preparing for when the Governor of Kansas tells Kansans we can reopen.
Bourbon County Commissioners realized the severity of the situation and acted swiftly in declaring an emergency existed. This resulted in opening doors to federal resources. Bourbon County Emergency Management has worked diligently to keep our frontline healthcare workers safe with the necessary personal protective equipment, PPE. Available relief has been communicated through Facebook, email, radio, webinars, and hosting teleconference meetings with state level government officials such as with David Toland our Secretary of Commerce. In three weeks, we have spoken to almost one hundred different businesses and organizations on a regular basis. At this time, we have reports of almost $4.6 million in relief to businesses awarded or applied for in our community.

Our community has responded to the crisis informed, safely, and appropriately. Our framework, the roadmap to facilitate an effective path forward to reopening, has likewise been informed by experts in their field, researched heavily to ensure safety, and appropriate needs have been identified. We do not have timeline, but we know what the triggers are to move to the next phase. Planning for each phase now should begin so the infrastructure is in place when it is time to transition. Phases are identified in the most well renowned plan called National Coronavirus Response: A Road Map to Recovery by the American Enterprise Institute.

The phase we are in right now is called “Slow the Spread.” Experts are saying to move on we must see a slowed rate of infection and our healthcare infrastructure must be scaled up to safely manage the outbreak and care for the sick. This includes using technology available to us, at its full potential, to keep our healthcare workforce, ambulance crews, and law enforcement officers safe.
The next phase is a State by State Reopening and will be determined by Governor Laura Kelly. However, we anticipate there will continue to be some physical distancing measures and limitations mandated on gathering to prevent another accelerated outbreak.

Phase three is when physical distancing restrictions can be lifted. We can reach this point when we are using technology to screen our vulnerable populations and essential workers and collect data regionally, statewide, and perhaps even nationwide. Of course, testing, once available, will be a key component. It is so important that it is worth repeating: Planning for each phase now should begin so the infrastructure is in place when it is time to transition.

The County team diligently on the needed infrastructure for when we are allowed to transition out of the current phase of slowing the spread to the next phase and beyond. For the last three weeks, we have been very intentional and strategic with our efforts with a goal to facilitate an effective path forward.

We have identified our needs in a one pager:

These include:
1. Rapid data collection of essential workers
2. Increase communication between public/private healthcare sectors
3. Improve patient communication
4. Promote a consistent message

We have articulated the required inputs to reach our goals in our Quad Chart.
These required inputs include:
1. Access to technology that can be used to tele-triage and screen our healthcare providers, the essential workforce, and the vulnerable populations. This allows for a more targeted approach to containing the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
2. Build many partnerships with experts and essential businesses such as: MRGlobal, Heart to Heart International, the healthcare sector, KDHE, public health, emergency management, nursing homes and assisted livings, law enforcement agencies, and major employers.
3. Funding through public/private relationships.
4. Equipment to keep frontline workers safe with needed PPE, a data base with software to support the self-reporting tele- screening, collection, entry and analysis of data taken during triage, testing, and recovery, and finally ensure our healthcare providers have increased testing capabilities.

There are two critical components that will be required for our community to move forward:
1. Screening and Data Collection
2. Testing and Test Kits

The Federal Government has yet to bring forth a plan. The most prominent plan widely used is the American Enterprise Institute’s Road Map to Reopening. This report calls for the need to screen and collect data on target populations. Like many chambers of commerce, cities, counties, and state governments, Bourbon County has created a roadmap and the framework to facilitate an effective path forward. “We have to have a starting point, and this is our starting point” Lynne Oharah. “This is a long-term process. Our team does an extraordinary amount of data mining and researching expert advice.”

Experts are telling us that to reopen society will require regular testing and a reliable, fast nationwide reporting network. One of the ways identified to contain the virus is to screen patients. Because the virus is so contagious even those who may have the virus need to be quarantined.

This roadmap has been our guide the last three weeks and we have made progress in our effort to facilitate an effective path forward by obtaining one of the key components. We have been working with Dr. Roger Harris, past Vice President of MRIGlobal, on an ongoing basis and through this relationship we have been able to gain access to a screening and data collection software, at no cost to the county, through Heart to Heart International and MRIGlobal. Both organizations are well regarded in their field and have relationships with the Department of Defense. They have experience in responding to pandemics like Ebola with the same type of technology. Dr. Norman himself, our Secretary of KDHE, remarked positively on the two company’s credibility and reputation.

One of the features of the platform is it provides a self-assessment and guides people where to go should they show symptoms of Coronavirus. An algorithm is used to manage key patients over time. We have had measurable conversations with Kansas Department of Health and Environment and Bourbon County Emergency Management. Randy Cason, President of Ascension Via Christi and Becky Johnson, Public Health Department Nurse have been engaged. Community Health Centers of Southeast Kansas, our primary health provider, has been a critical component in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and will also be an essential partner moving forward. Our next steps will be to continue to reach out and engage our essential healthcare providers. The new technology should be built and available to our community in the next week.

All three commissioners voiced their full support of the plan in moving forward. “It’s an educational type of thing” stated Lynne Oharah, Bourbon County Commission Chair and COVID-19 Manager, “Educating the community on the plan. We need to move forward with this. Jody’s done a great job getting the framework in place and now we need to get all the players on board and get it out to the targeted groups.””

Jody will do a press release with the data. Jeff said once the COVID-19 is stabilized, the goal is to get people back to work. Lynne said the Emergency Preparedness director obtained P.P.E. for County and responder use. Lynne said tragically there has been one death in Bourbon County from the Corona Virus; he said the public will need to be educated to protect themselves from the virus.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 7 minute executive session for Personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session for Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At noon, the Commissioners went to lunch and reconvened at 1:30.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Bourbon County Attorney Jacqie Spradling). No action was taken.

Will Wallis met with the Commissioners regarding flood damage from April and July 2019. He is trying to complete necessary information by April 24th, for a reimbursement of $130,000 from KDEM for the damages. KDEM has requested but hasn’t received the data needed. Will said he needed to work with Jerad Heckman with Road & Bridge to identify areas (bridges, low water crossings) in the County that suffered damages due to the flooding. Will needs an estimate on the cost of repairs to bring the damaged areas/structures back to the pre-damaged state. Will suggested they review the grader operator maps to identify areas that are always a problem. Will needs to work with Road & Bridge to identify bridges, low water crossings and culverts (that were repaired or replaced) that received damage from the flooding. Will suggested getting input from the grader operators. Jeff will work with Krista with Road & Bridge to identify who worked to fix any flooding issues during the flood so that those worked hours can be charged to the disaster. Nick plans to work with Jim Harris and Jerad Heckman regarding what they need to do for Will.

Fort Scott City Commissioner Pete Allen phoned the Commissioners; Jeff said he had a discussion with Pete, he said Pete wants to promote an Interlocal agreement between the City and County to leverage the strengths, (possibly in gravel, asphalt, HR duties, economic development & municipal court). Lynne said a City Commissioner had also called him, Lynne suggested having the discussion in a different environment. Pete Allen is going to schedule a meeting with an agenda with Lynne and one other City Commissioner to discuss opportunities for integration. There will then be an open meeting scheduled to discuss it further.

Nick made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Jeff seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Shane Walker). After the session, Lynne made a motion to put out for bids for all Bourbon County property, (excluding the Law Enforcement Center) an annual bid from contractors for an hourly rate to do any maintenance or installations on heating/air conditioning, plumbing and electrical, the bids will be due May 1st, 2020, Nick seconded and all approved.

Jeff made a motion to give Lynne the authority to make any decisions regarding the HVAC controls and operations at the Law Enforcement Center, Nick seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners approved a Real Property Relief Application for Max & Mary Barbara Fanning.

The Commissioners will not have a regularly scheduled meeting on April 21st, 2020. They will meet again on April 28th, 2020.

At 2:56, Nick made a motion to adjourn, Jeff seconded and all approved.

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman
(ss) Jeff Fischer, Commissioner
(ss) Nick Ruhl, Commissioner
Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk
April 28, 2020, Approved Date

Obituary of Richard Olson

Richard Olson

Richard Olson, 83, of Lenexa, Kansas went to be with the Lord on Saturday, April 25th, 2020. He was born in Erie, Kansas on August 14th, 1936. He was the son of Virgil Olson and Myrtle (McGuffey) Van Buskirk. He went to school in Erie where he played football and graduated in 1954.

He was drafted with his brother, Leon, out of college. He served in the Army in the 38th regimen in the 2nd infantry division out of Ft. Lewis in Washington State. He served as a sergeant for two years. After returning home, he continued his education at Chanute Community College and received his degree as a land surveyor. He worked for the state of Kansas to help build the I-70 Highway.

Richard was loved by his wife Mona (Matson) Olson and children Richie Olson, Tammy Olson, Pam Olson, Tony Olson, and Robert Olson and his wife Rachel Olson. He leaves behind two brothers, one sister, eight grandchildren and ten great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.

He is proceeded in death by two brothers, Everett and Leon, and one sister, Norma.

If you would like to send condolences, cards, or flowers please send them to:
15944 S. Clairborne St. Olathe, KS 66062.

If you would like to donate in his name, please do so to either:

Korean War Veterans Association Memorial – Contributions (KWVA)
PO Box 407
Charleston, IL 61920

OR: Veterans of foreign wars at
406 W. 34th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64111

Arrangements are under the direction of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main St., Fort Scott, KS. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.