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Walking the halls of Fort Scott High School, visitors notice the glassed-in area with art displays near the entrance to the school.
In the recent building renovation, the planners designated a gallery space for student artwork, FSHS Art Instructor Ellen Kendrick said.
Kendrick said all the components for displaying student artwork came together just before Christmas.
“To have this space is amazing,” Kendrick said.
The January exhibit was photography and ceramic art by students.
Seniors who have their photos displayed in the gallery currently: Ethan Burrel, Grace Keating, Kaley Reyes, and Berkley Chavis.
Art students who have pottery in the gallery are Emily Hill, Berkley Chavis, Kharsyn Dwyer, Blaice Hopkins, Denton Fritter, Madison Cook, Kelsie Nelson, Andy Bryant, Kaidon Shelton, and Ashton Nolan.
Kendrick said the gallery display will change each month.
The February exhibit will be more ceramics and drawings, instead of photographs.
She said her family helped with the gallery lighting and display furniture.
“Jack and I set the lights in place,” she said. “Jack and Sam made the pedestals.”
Jack and Sam are her sons.
“John (her husband) helped with the lighting system as well. I couldn’t have done it without them,” she said.