Tedesco Skatepark – Further Expansion Made Possible!

Fort Scott, KS – If you are a skateboarder or know someone who is, something very exciting is happening to the James B. Tedesco Memorial Skate Park, located at 4th and Scott St. The Tedesco Skate Park has plans to expand and the Fort Scott City Commission approved those plans at their November 4th commissioner’s meeting.

Courtesy Lindsey Madison

Expansion has been in the works for a while, but would not have been possible without another generous donation of Steve Tedesco. Tedesco’s $50,000 donation will cover the next phase construction costs and may also include lights. Mr. Tedesco is a business man from Colorado that has business connections in the Fort Scott area. The park is named after Steve Tedesco’s late brother, James B. Tedesco. The park was first opened in April 2012.

Construction for the expansion should begin soon, depending on weather and be completed by the end of year. Of course, there are many costs associated with building and maintenance. Any one interested can donate funds through an account at the city, who owns the skate park. You can check out the skatepark’s Facebook page here.

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