FSCC Is Adapting Due to COVID 19 Pandemic

Fort Scott Community College President Alysia Johnston.
Fort Scott Community College employees have been working on how to provide an education safely to all involved during the pandemic that has played havoc across the world.
“We have been working with local, regional, and state health officials to determine how best to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 for our students, employees, and community,” President Alysia Johnston said.  “We want to meet the unique needs of our students while keeping everyone safe.”
Schedules have been changed.
“The June summer schedule has been changed to an all-online format with the exception of John Deere,” she said.  “The classes will be split so there are not more than 10 students at one time.”
Adam Borth. Submitted photo.
“Currently, John Deere has two classrooms and a total of 15 students will be on campus in June,” Adam Borth, vice president of academic affairs, said. ” This will allow us to utilize both classrooms and appropriate distancing requirements. We will also be cleaning and sanitizing surfaces to exceed recommendations. We are hoping and planning for all of our technical classes to begin in August 2020, just as they did in 2019. While we prepare for this, we also will likely need to be prepared to have quite a bit of hands-on training in the first portion of the classes, should we need to go back online again. Our plan, at this time, is face to face courses for fall.”
“We are looking at a possible change to our fall calendar schedule that would have students finish the fall semester before Thanksgiving,” Johnston said.  “We believe this would help mitigate the spread of the pandemic as we would not be bringing students back once again from a wide geographical area.”

“We are discussing the idea of moving our start date up for fall classes, to begin on August 10,”  Borth,  said.



“We have tentatively set the commencement ceremony for Saturday, November 21, 2020 for graduates from spring 2020, summer 2020, and fall 2020,” he said.



“This would allow us to end the week of Thanksgiving, and hopefully minimize exposure during the fall semester. Our spring 2021 semester has not changed at this point, although this could change, given the fluidity of this situation,” Borth said.



“We are still evaluating courses which begin in July, and will continue to do so while the situation evolves,” he said. “The primary changes will be the amount of students in a classroom at any given time. We will ensure 15 occupants are in a classroom during this phase of reopening, and also ensure social distancing is occurring. This may mean significant changes to how our courses are scheduled by the time August rolls around.”


Some students will be tested for COVID 19.
“We plan on bringing back some student-athletes in July and have been working with Community Health Center of SEK to perform COVID-19 testing for the students,” Johnston said. ” We have procedures and protocols in place if someone tests positive for COVID-19. We are extremely grateful to CHC of SEK for working with us to establish best practices and administering the tests at no cost to the college or students.”
Budgets are revisited.
“We are currently developing the 2021 fiscal budget and analyzing available data and information to determine the best budgeting solutions,” she said. ” We know our state funding will be lower and we are making adjustments – keeping in mind the critical needs of students and all stakeholders must be met.”
Safety is a priority.
“Making sure students, employees and the community are safe is our greatest concern and we are working every day on best practices to make sure we meet all our stakeholder’s needs,” Johnston said.
On-campus classes for the fall semester are planned for students.
“The students, faculty, and the staff have done an amazing job adapting to online classes and working remotely,” she said. “However, we are all looking forward to having students on campus for the fall semester.”

Obituary of Michael Johnson

Michael "Pookie" Louis Johnson

Michael Louis “Pookie” Johnson, age 69, a resident of Ft. Scott, Kansas, passed away Friday, May 22, 2020, at his home.

He was born October 18, 1950, in Kansas City, Kansas, the son of Donald Leroy Walker and Mary Louise Johnson.

He graduated from the Ft. Scott High School. He then attended Ft. Scott Community College and later attended Baker University on a football scholarship. He had worked for several years for Bourbon County. Pookie loved spending time with his family and playing cards with his friends.

Survivors include three sisters, Joyce Johnson, Glenda Kimani, and Diana Johnson, all of Ft. Scott and a special cousin, Cadillac McNack, also of Ft. Scott. Also surviving is a host of nieces, nephews and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Janice Ray and Barbara Wilburn and two infant brothers.

Private burial will take place on Friday, May 29th at the U. S. National Cemetery.

Memorials are suggested to the Michael Johnson Memorial Fund and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, P.O. Box 347, Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.

Resident Death at El Dorado Correctional Facility


TOPEKA, Kansas. – El Dorado Correctional Facility resident Bobby Edwards died on Sunday, May 24, 2020, at the correctional facility.


Edwards, 44, was pronounced dead by facility staff at approximately 2:15 a.m. The cause of death is pending an autopsy but is not believed to be COVID-19 related.


Per protocol when a resident dies in the custody of the Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC), the death is under investigation by the KDOC and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.


Edwards was serving a 247-month sentence for a 2011 Sedgwick County conviction for Aggravated Robbery.


Bobby Edwards’ KDOC identification number is # 63488


The 1,955 bed El Dorado Correctional Facility opened in 1991 and was expanded in 1995 and 2001. The facility is designed for maximum- and medium-custody inmates and to serve as the Reception and Diagnostic Unit (RDU) for all adult males sentenced to KDOC. In RDU, residents receive orientation and are assigned to a custody classification, appropriate programs and a permanent housing assignment.

Reopen Kansas Framework Changes to Recommendations Tomorrow

As Governor Kelly’s Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas framework changes to a recommended guidance document tomorrow, the Local Health Officer of Allen, Anderson, Bourbon and Woodson Counties continues to recommend residents and businesses of these counties follow this guidance document through its entirety. The guidelines that were issued by SEK Multi-County Health Departments will be taken down tomorrow, as it took us through the first phase and now there are less restrictive guidelines in place, as well as other guidance now issued by multiple state boards, KDHE, CDC, etc.

The Local Health Officer urges the public to continue to take appropriate actions, by taking responsibility for themselves and their loved ones. Individuals should continue to practice social distancing, clean/disinfect any high touched surfaces, wash their hands with soap and water routinely, use hand sanitizer if soap and water is not available and avoid touching your face (especially eyes, nose & mouth).

Please remember if you have the symptoms to:

Call before going to a Clinic, Hospital, ER, or Health Department

Close contact means: 6 foot or less for 10 minutes or more, with a positive case.

If you are experiencing life threatening symptoms, PLEASE CALL 911.

For more information you may call the SEK Multi-County Health Department: Allen: (620)365-2191 Monday-Thursday 7:00am-5:30pm; Anderson: (785)448-6559 Monday-Thursday 7:00am-5:30pm ; Bourbon: (620)223-4464 Monday-Thursday 7:00am-5:30pm; Woodson (620)625-2484 Monday-Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm OR the COVID-19 Hotline: (866)534-3463.You may also visit the

COVID-19 Resource Center at: https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/OR Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Departments on Facebook for local updates.

Governor signs disaster declaration, calls for special session, warns of grave consequences to state without legislative action


Encourages Legislature to do what’s right to protect Kansans


TOPEKA – Today Governor Laura Kelly announced a series of actions her administration is taking to respond to the emergency situation COVID-19 currently presents to the economy and to public safety.


  1. After careful review, Kelly has vetoed House Bill 2054. This sweeping, hastily crafted legislation pushed through the Kansas Legislature last week includes provisions that will damage Kansas’ ability to respond to COVID-19 and all future disasters. The bill also weakens local county health officer authorities and adds unnecessary layers of bureaucracy to their emergency response efforts.
  2. Kelly has signed a new state disaster declaration to ensure that Kansas can effectively respond to the current emergency situation, which includes an unprecedented economic emergency and the imminent threat of new outbreaks of COVID-19, specifically regarding food supply. This will also ensure the state can continue its coordinated response with federal and state partners.
  3. Kelly has called a special session starting June 3. She has asked the Legislature to put politics aside, work with her, and deliver an emergency management bill that has been vetted, debated, is transparent and addresses the need to keep Kansans safe and healthy.


“As I’ve said from day one, the safety and well-being of Kansans is my number one priority. What the Legislature sent to my desk does not protect Kansans. It does not help Kansans. It puts their lives at risk,” Kelly said. “I’m calling on the Legislature to come back and put a carefully crafted, bipartisan bill on my desk that will provide the resources Kansans need, in a timely manner. We must stop putting Kansans at risk.”


The new state disaster declaration addressing the current emergency enables Kansas to provide the following services through the Kansas Division of Emergency Management, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the Kansas National Guard and the federal government:


  • Allows National Guard members supporting numerous field missions throughout the state to serve communities in response to the disaster and threat. To date, a total of 678 National Guard personnel are supporting these missions.


  • Allows KDEM and National Guard to provide vital food support to communities and protect against threat of food supply shortages. Guard members have packed more than two million meals which are being distributed to food banks across Kansas.


  • Allows KDEM and National Guard to swiftly provide medical and non-medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to hospitals, first responders and many more to combat the imminent threat of COVID-19 surges. To date, over 7,000 cases of PPE have been delivered across the state, which includes 3.2 million individual pieces of PPE. More will be needed to address the imminent threat of new outbreaks.


  • Allows KDEM to assist the Kansas Department of Corrections to provide support personnel – including medical and food preparation personnel.


  • Allows KDEM to make deliveries of Remdesivir to counties across Kansas. So far, KDEM, along with their state agency partners which include the Kansas National Guard, Kansas Highway Patrol and Civil Air Patrol, have made 26 deliveries of Remdesivir to 10 counties. Remdesivir is delivered to hospitals to treat critical patients, and this service is potentially life-saving for those patients.  KDEM makes these deliveries immediately when needed for patients throughout the state.


  • Allows KDEM to continue providing non-congregate shelter for positive and exposed persons who are essential workers. There are currently 50 contracts related to non-congregate sheltering needed for the present disaster. Continuing to provide this support will mitigate the threat to the food supply and the threat of surges in COVID-19 infections.


  • Allows medical workers and first responders to rely on the Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System to decontaminate their PPE. This system is provided by FEMA and continuing to provide this service will mitigate the threat of surges in COVID-19 infections.


  • Allows KDEM to manage donations and warehouse space necessary to store PPE. This storage is necessary due to the threat of new COVID-19 outbreaks as statewide restrictions are lifted and the economy reopens.


  • Allows KDHE to provide community-based testing under the State Emergency Response Plan. Increased testing will help the state mitigate the threat of, or respond to, future outbreaks and allows businesses, employees, and customers to resume economic activity with increased confident that outbreaks will be prevented or mitigated.


  • Allows KDEM to continue transporting testing samples. KDEM has transported over 1,000 samples to state labs since April 29, 2020. By transporting the tests via KDEM couriers, the tests arrive at the lab the same date they are collected, and results are provided the following day. Without this same-day service, the results of the tests will be delayed and the ability to contact-trace will be severely limited, risking additional illness and death as well as economic insecurity.


  • Allows KDEM to provide translation support. Currently, KDEM is providing 16 translators to support contact-tracing operations to mitigate the current and imminent threat of a new COVID-19 outbreak.


  • Allows the Civil Air Patrol to continue to provide needed emergency transportation.


If the state disaster declaration is not extended by the Legislature within 15 days, the following significant problems will likely occur:


  • Possible closure of meat processing plants;
  • Inability to assist hog farmers with the euthanasia and disposal of excess hogs;
  • The loss of unemployment benefits;
  • Significant delay and possible frustration entirely of the economic recovery of the State;
  • Reduced PPE inventory for healthcare workers and first responders;
  • KDEM would be unable to receive, sort, package, and transport PPE and other commodities to health care workers and first responders;
  • Food shortage and an inability of state agencies to provide the various food programs needed to assist Kansans;
  • Reduced testing and a lack of timely test results;
  • Inability to conduct contact-tracing missions;
  • Increased outbreaks of COVID-19 in the prison population;
  • Increased outbreaks of COVID-19 in nursing homes;
  • Inability to service or transport ventilators or anesthesia machines;
  • Inability to coordinate mission assignments or take emergency actions necessary to deal with issues related to the current disaster;
  • No immunity for state employees or volunteers providing vital services;
  • Inability to initiate and maintain the Kansas Response Plan; and
  • Increased costs to the State of Kansas as a result of losing federal funding.


Under the new disaster declaration, the operative provisions of the following Executive Orders will be reissued:


  • 20-08: Temporarily expanding telemedicine and addressing certain licensing requirements to combat the effects of COVID-19
  • 20-12: Driver’s license and vehicle registration and regulation during public health emergency
  • 20-13: Allowing certain deferred tax deadlines and payments during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 20-17: Temporary relief from certain unemployment insurance requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 20-19: Extending professional and occupational licenses during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 20-20: Temporarily allowing notaries and witnesses to act via audio-video communication technology
  • 20-23: Licensure, Certification, and Registration for persons and Licensure of “Adult Care Homes” during public health emergency
  • 20-27: Temporarily suspending certain rules relating to sale of alcoholic beverages
  • 20-32: Temporary relief from certain restrictions concerning shared work programs
  • 20-33: Extending conditional and temporary relief from certain motor carrier rules and regulations in response to COVID-19


Milken Center Reopens June 4

Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes Scheduled to Re-Open June 4th.

The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes plans to re-open for tours on Thursday, June 4th. We will be following the State of Kansas guidelines for our re-opening. Until then we can be reached at 620-223-1312, [email protected], as well as through social media.

Our work continues and we invite you to follow us on social media for daily inspirational stories of Unsung Heroes.

We also invite you to take our virtual tour, read about Unsung Hero projects, learn how to enter our Discovery Award and ArtEffect Project competitions, and utilize our lesson plans and Unsung Hero curriculum.

Our work as a non-profit organization depends on donors like you. Your donations are important to us as we remain committed to providing educational resources which empower students to create positive change in their communities. Thank you for your support.

We look forward to re-opening and seeing you at the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes soon!

About the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes:

The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes works with students and educators across diverse academic disciplines to develop history projects that highlight role models who demonstrate courage, compassion and respect. Through our unique project-based learning approach, students discover, develop and communicate the stories of Unsung Heroes who have made a profound and positive impact on the course of history. By championing these Unsung Heroes, students, educators and communities discover their own power and responsibility to effect positive change in the world. Visit www.lowellmilkencenter.org to learn more.

Candidate filing deadline for local offices is noon, Monday, June 1

From the BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS website is the following information about the 2020 election.


A Primary Election will be held August 4, 2020.  Candidates for the following offices will be nominated by each political party which has qualified to participate in the Primary Election:

  • One candidate for United States Senate
  • One candidate for United States House of Representatives, 2nd District
  • One candidate for State Senate, 12th & 13th Districts
  • One candidate for State Representative, 2nd & 4th Districts
  • One candidate for County Commissioner 2nd District
  • One candidate for County Commissioner 3rd District
  • One candidate for County Clerk
  • One candidate for County Treasurer
  • One candidate for County Register of Deeds
  • One candidate for County Attorney
  • One candidate for County Sheriff
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Drywood Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Franklin Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Freedom Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Marion Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Marmaton Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Millcreek Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Osage Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Pawnee Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Scott Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Timberhill Township
  • One candidate for Township Trustee, Walnut Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Drywood Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Franklin Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Freedom Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Marion Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Marmaton Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Millcreek Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Osage Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Pawnee Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Scott Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Timberhill Township
  • One candidate for Township Treasurer, Walnut Township

The following officers will be elected in each political party which has qualified to participate in the Primary Election:

  • One Precinct Committeeman in each Precinct
  • One Precinct Committeewoman in each Precinct

Candidate filing deadline for local offices is noon, Monday, June 1st, 2020.

If you would like to request a packet to file for a local office, please call (620)223-3800 ext. 100.


Residents living in the City of Fort Scott vote at the following locations:

1st Ward               Community Christian Church          DRYWOOD                     Grace Baptist Church
2nd Ward             Grace Baptist Church                        FRANKLIN                      Mapleton Community Building
3rd Ward              Grace Baptist Church                        FREEDOM                      Fulton Community Building
4th Ward              Community Christian Church         EAST MARION                Uniontown City Hall
5th Ward              Community Christian Church        WEST MARION                Bronson Community Building
6th Ward              Community Christian Church        MARMATON                      Redfield City Hall
7th Ward              Grace Baptist Church                      MILLCREEK                     Redfield City Hall


Residents living out in the County vote at the following locations:

OSAGE                              Fulton Community Building
PAWNEE                            Redfield City Hall
NORTH SCOTT                Community Christian Church
SOUTH SCOTT                 Grace Baptist Church
TIMBERHILL                       Mapleton Community Building
WALNUT                              Uniontown City Hall

Not sure if you’re registered to vote or where to vote?

You may register to vote online, through the Kansas Secretary of State’s website.


Check your voter registration status, the location of your polling place and view a sample ballot at VoterView by the Secretary of State.


The County Clerk is elected in November of Presidential Election years to a term of four years.  There are no term limits to this elected office.


The Bourbon County Clerk/Election Officer is responsible for a wide range of things under Kansas Law.  Some of those are listed here.


Advance Voting is available prior to each election.  You may advance vote in one of two ways:  By mail, by filing an application for a ballot to be mailed to you   OR   in-person, beginning at least one week prior to any election.


Bourbon County Clerk Duties:

  • Serves as Secretary to the Board of County Commissioners; attends Commission meetings; prepares and posts agendas and keeps meeting minutes; maintains proceedings of Commission meetings, including all contracts and agreements entered into by the County.
  • Prepares annual budgets for most townships and fire districts and all cemeteries, watersheds and light districts in the County.
  • Receives and compiles all budgets submitted by County entities, cities, townships, the community college, school districts, and all special districts.
  • Compiles, calculates, and prepares tax levies.2002200320042005200620072008200920102011
  • Prepares real estate, personal property, and state assessed tax roll, including special assessments, and certifies to County Treasurer.
  • Accumulates and files a bonded indebtedness report for all taxing entities in the County.
  • Carries out all elections and certifies to the Secretary of State; maintains voter database; accepts filings for public office; keeps financial statements of expenses from county, city, school district candidates.
  • Provides Accounts Payable and Payroll functions for all County departments; receives all claims filed against the County.
  • Provides checks and balance to property transfers, motor vehicle collections and Treasurer’s daily ledger activities.
  • Serves as the County Freedom of Information Officer.
  • Maintains fixed asset inventory for the County.
  • Provides assistance to County residents in preparing Homestead Property Tax Refund  and Food Sales Tax Applications for the Kansas Department of Revenue.
  • Issues Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses to establishments outside the city limits and issues Firework Permits to stands throughout the County for 4th of July week.
  • Issues Kansas Wildlife and Park permits.




Bourbon County Commission Minutes of May 19, 2020

May 19, 2020 Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session on the front East steps of the Courthouse, the Commissioners, Kendell Mason and Justin Meeks were all present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune, Nancy Van Etten, Jeremiah Hill, Mary Pemberton and Mark McCoy were all present for a portion of the meeting.

Jerad Heckman with Road & Bridge met with the Commissioners; he said they are ditching at 215th & Hackberry, crushing rock, pouring concrete at the Landfill at the crossing area, he said they have been mowing the grass near the blacktop areas and are almost done, they are fixing an entrance at a cemetery located at 65th & Yale, patching at 250th & Eagle (going South), side trimming and dragging roads around the County, patching on Yale and in Marco Estates. He said they had run out of rock, but now has a stockpile built up and are making more. They have chips produced and are ready to make asphalt.

Lynne reported a culvert plugged at 1651 165th and reported that an area near the top of a hill at 115th & Range needed gravel.

Jeff asked Jerad if they were working additional hours at the rock quarry to crush rock when the weather cooperated; Jerad said they were told not to have any overtime, so they hadn’t, but would if the Commissioners wanted them to; Lynne suggested waiting to decide this until we received the 2019 audit.

Jeff Fischer discussed a Fort Scott Lake advisory board meeting he had attended; a relief road was discussed (should the airport expand), a sewer board, a drainage issue near Hackberry on the East side of the Lake (Jerad Heckman said they would review this), at the meeting they also discussed reduced homeowners insurance rates for residents near the Lake if an additional fire station was built in the area (Lynne said fire district boundaries might have to be considered if a fire station was built there), they also discussed issues with the road near the park area. The board wants more transparency and wants a sewer district board re-established.

Justin Meeks asked the Commissioners for permission to allow him to write a draft document to allow a vacant lot at the Fort Scott Lake to be connected to the sewer district there; Justin said there is a $4,000 fee to connect. Jeff made a motion to allow Justin to write the memo of understanding and that Lynne be allowed to sign the memo of understanding allowing any connection of only lake property (that do not have a grinder pump) to the sewer district, Nick seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris requested that Justin write a waiver of liability to allow for the County to go on someone’s property on Range Road with a beaver issue; Nick made a motion that Justin write this and that Lynne has permission to sign the document, Jeff seconded and all approved.

Justin said he had met with Susan at the City of Fort Scott to discuss an interlocal agreement between the City and the County for paving, rock and the EMS services. He said they should have an Interlocal agreement soon.

Kendell Mason previously requested that Justin Meeks review a HAVA COVID-19 grant document; the grant could reimburse the County up to $13,746.36 for election related expenses due to COVID-19. Justin said he reviewed the document.

Justin briefly discussed the Mercy Hospital building; he said he had a meeting with Mercy about them turning the building over to the County, he said he thought CHC had gotten the initial approval to do the needed upgrades to the building. Justin said the hospital mall budget looked good, but said there is a subsidy there for financial help. He said the 2020 EMS revenues were down from what was budgeted.

Jess with KWORCC briefly met with the Commissioners, due to the COVID-19 situation, he brought hand sanitizer and masks. He said he would be offering a defensive driving class as well as fork lift training.

The Courthouse is currently closed due to COVID-19, the Commissioners briefly discussed the plans for when to possibly reopen; Lynne said they will follow the Governors guidelines for reopening, it is difficult to follow the social distancing guidelines for some of the offices, especially District Court.

The Commissioners agreed that if an employee was showing symptoms of COVID-19 they should contact the Public Health Department and follow their recommended guidelines regarding self quarantining or returning to work.

Bourbon County Appraiser Clint Anderson met with the Commissioners; he said Value Merchandiser had appealed their valuation and it had passed the first level of the appeal process, he asked permission to seek a reappraisal of their property (to have as a basis for the next level), all of the Commissioners recommending pursuing a reappraisal, (Clint estimated the reappraisal to cost $5,000).

Clint said he was working on the certification process to certify values to the County Clerk; once he certifies the values, the Clerk will complete an abstract to provide estimated valuations to the taxing entities.

Jeff questioned Clint if he did surveys on rent and expenses; Clint said he would be starting to do the surveys.

Emergency Manager William Wallis met with the Commissioners; Lynne made a motion to adopt Resolution 18-20, a COVID 19 public health emergency resolution, (declaring a local public health emergency in Bourbon County resulting in potential or occurring pandemic known as Covid 19) this declaration will last 60 days unless terminated earlier, Jeff seconded and all approved and signed the resolution.

Jeff made a motion to go into a 7 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Treasurer Patty Love). After the session, the Commissioners said they gave Patty permission to rehire for a vacancy in her office with the understanding that there could be an across the board budget cut of 15%.

Nick made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Lynne seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Kendell Mason). No action was taken.

Nick made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Jeff seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion that he be able to work with William Wallis regarding a COVID-19 grant, Nick seconded and all approved.

The May 26, 2020 Commission meeting will be held on the East porch from 9-12.

At 10:51, Nick made a motion to adjourn, Jeff seconded and all approved.

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman
(ss) Jeff Fischer, Commissioner
(ss) Nick Ruhl, Commissioner
Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk
May 26, 2020, Approved Date

Bourbon County Local News