Supporting Family Caregivers

Barbara Stockebrand. K-State Extension Agent. Submitted photo.

If you are interested in statistics, here are some staggering figures to think about. There are over 44 million Americans who are unpaid caregivers to family, friends, and neighbors. Family caregivers provide an overwhelming 90% of long-term care in America. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, the value of the unpaid care these millions of caregivers provide is estimated to be worth $375 billion.

November is National Family Caregivers Month. This month is set aside to honor, recognize and support the unpaid caregiver. They do much to keep our families and communities strong while sharing their devotion to those for whom they are providing care.

Caregiving can often have a significant impact on the life of the caregiver in a number of different ways. It can make maintaining their own physical and mental health more difficult. Many are trying to balance work and some sort of social life at the same time they are providing care for a loved one.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, feelings of stress, worry, and isolation may have become familiar to all of us. Isolation has become a bigger issue for the family caregiver. They may curtail their outings and contact with others, due to current Covid concerns, and even more as we are entering the typical flu season.

Despite the current situation, caregiving-as-usual continues. Most family caregivers carry on with their commitment silently. Almost 1 in 10 report they have no one to talk to about private matters and 1 in 5 say they have no one to call for help.

The need for caregivers is expected to continue to grow as the US older adult population increases. Here are some tips for family caregivers:

–Seek support from other caregivers. You are not alone!

–Take care of your own health so that you can be strong enough to take care of your loved one.

–Accept offers of help and suggest specific things people can do to help you.

–Learn how to communicate effectively with doctors.

–Caregiving is hard work so take respite breaks often.

–Watch out for signs of depression and don’t delay getting professional help when you need it.

–Be open to new technologies that can help you care for your loved one.

–Organize medical information so it’s up to date and easy to find.

–Make sure legal documents are in order.

–Give yourself credit for doing the best you can in one of the toughest jobs there is.

What can we do to support a day-to-day family caregiver? Communicate with them and learn what we can do to help. While we may want to visit and help within the home setting, understand that the caregiver may not be comfortable with that offer at this point in time. Forcing the matter may only lead to hard feelings and extra stress for the caregiver.

For more on support of caregivers, contact the Yates Center Southwind Extension District Office at 620-625-8620. K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

FS Special Meeting Nov. 9

There will be a Special Meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission held at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, November 9th, 2020. This meeting will be held to discuss the Interim City Manager position, and the City Manager search. It is anticipated the City Commission will adjourn into Executive Session.

This meeting will be held at 123 S. Main Street in the City Commission meeting room. This meeting will be broadcast on the City’s You tube channel. This meeting is open to the public.


Bourbon County Commission Agenda Nov. 10


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: November 10, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Clifton Beth Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason




9:00 – 9:30 Eric Bailey, Road & Bridge

9:30 – 9:45 Greenbush, SPARK Funds

9:45 – 9:50 Sewer hookup fee for St. Martens and another resident connecting to the

sewer district.

10:00 – 10:15 Bill Martin, Covid Leave

10:15 Gregg Motley, Bedco.

10:30 – 10:45 Billiard Hammer/Atkins, County Insurance Quotes

10:50 – 10:55 Michael Hoyt, Advisory Boards and Petition Issues

11:00 – 11:20 Jody Hoener, Executive Session-Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

11:20 – 11:40 Jody Hoener, Executive Session-Personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel

11:45 – 11:50 Don George of KS Dept of Wilflife, Parks & Tourism, Status of Dam at Elm Creek Lake

12:00 – 12:05 Don Banwart, Lake Advisory Board, Transfer of Land Fire Dist #3 and #5

Justifications for Executive Session:

          Personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel

          Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

          Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency

          Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

          Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property

          Matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information syst

Dead or alive, you choose

Carolyn Tucker. Submitted photo.

Keys to the Kingdom – Carolyn Tucker


While picking up branches that had broken off the trees after we had those two days of freezing rain, I noticed that nearly all of the branches were dead. Obviously, they hadn’t been receiving the necessary nutrients they needed to stay alive. Somehow, the branches disconnected from the trunk and had become weak and useless. Dead branches don’t have what it takes to survive storms. Obviously, they were just barely hanging on, so when the ice formed they fell to the ground. After gathering up the good-for-nothing sticks, I dumped them into the burn pile.

Jesus taught that believers are like branches and they can‘t remain productive if they separate from their life source. Jesus said to His disciples: “I am the true vine, and My Father is the gardener. He cuts away every branch of Mine that doesn’t produce fruit. But He trims clean every branch that does produce fruit, so that it will produce even more fruit“ (John 15:1-3 CEV). A vine is the stem of a plant that carries nutrients and water from the roots to the branches. The vine/tree trunk is the center part between the roots and the branches. Jesus is the one-and-only source for true life and He supplies all our needs. By making Him the center of our life, we’ll be equipped to survive the storms that hit us.

Jesus further instructs His disciples: “Stay joined to Me, and I will stay joined to you. Just as a branch cannot produce fruit unless it stays joined to the vine, you cannot produce fruit unless you stay joined to Me. I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without Me. If you don’t stay joined to Me, you will be thrown away. You will be like dry branches that are gathered up and burned in a fire” (John 15:4-6 CEV).

Believers weren’t designed to be self-sufficient; we simply can’t make it on our own. Without Him, we’re like a big apple tree full of dead and dry branches instead of apples. However, we’re strong and productive as long as we remain in Christ. God needs all of His children to be out and about doing His work. The harvest is great and we need to be bringing in the sheaves (lost and hurting people).

I don’t like dry things, e.g., lips, creeks, pastures, or cornbread. As the Master Gardener, God doesn’t like dead and dry stuff either. If you’re not producing fruit, you’ll be cut off (ouch). If you are producing fruit, you’ll be trimmed so you can produce even more. Dead, dry, and empty go hand-in-hand with thinking you’re smart enough and saved enough to not need to stay joined to Jesus. He is the Way, so if you’re not hanging onto the Vine for dear life, you’re headed for the burn pile.

If you inspect your own fruit basket and find it empty, I want to encourage you with Ezekiel 37:1-14. The Spirit of the Lord set Ezekiel down in a valley of a bunch of very-dry bones. Then God asked him, “Can these bones live?“ He appropriately replied, “O Lord God, You know.“ God then commanded Ezekiel to prophesy and as he did, the bones came together and muscles, flesh, and skin covered them. Then breath came into their bodies and they came to life, stood up on their feet and became a great army. Even when a situation looks hopeless, always remember that with God all things are possible.

The Key: You don’t have to be a dead and dry stick-in-the-mud. Stay alive and connected to the tree trunk and get to baking those apple pies!

City of Fort Scott Receives SPARK Funds

Fort Scott City Hall.
The City of Fort Scott has received SPARK grants to help with COVID-19 expenses.
The Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK)  Taskforce is charged with leading Kansas forward in recovery from the far-reaching effects of COVID-19, with funds distributed from the U.S. Federal Government, according to its website

Previously,  $9,975 was received for personal protection equipment (PPE)  and cleaning expenses the city incurred since the pandemic began in March 2020, Susan Bancroft, the city’s finance director said.

Susan Bancroft is the City of Fort Scott Finance Director. Submitted photo.


In addition, the city received $142,000 on October 9, 2020 to cover the following categories,  according to Bancroft.


PPE-$31,500 and Public Health Expenses-$15,000.


“Public Safety will receive funding to protect essential workers during the pandemic, as well as address disinfecting several community facilities,” Bancroft said.  “The City of Fort Scott will be purchasing MSA self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for our firefighters, rechargeable Gen Eon Misters to disinfect public areas, air purifiers for several locations, PPE and additional janitorial services.”


Economic Support $6,500:


“The Coronavirus Pandemic has created a completely different landscape for tourism,” Bancroft said. ” No longer are people interested in going to big cities with crowded venues.  Instead, they are looking to visit towns like Fort Scott where they can get away from those crowded areas.  Specifically, they are interested in getting outdoors.  Fort Scott and Bourbon County are uniquely positioned for this type of activity.  We have a plethora of agritourism businesses that people have greatly enjoyed visiting over the years, such as the Lavender Patch, Black Dogs Farm, Gunn Park Trails, T&C Wildlife, Anderson Elk Ranch and more.  The funds received for economic support will be used for direct mailings, professional photos, drone video, agritourism postcards and brochures and pay per click advertising.”



Technology costs $89,000:


“Travel has become very limited due to COVID-19,” Bancroft said.  “Furthermore, public safety workers need to continue educational training for certification.  These technology funds will enable a training area to be created for this purpose.  Computers for telework, a projector, tables and chairs and a whiteboard will be purchased to create this learning environment.  In addition, in order to reduce the contact when officers are out patrolling, mobile dispatch units, additional computers for telework, and an Ecitation program with printers for records management will be purchased.”








Progress on Uniontown Health Clinic

Gene George and Hugh Wunderly retrieve lumber for the concrete ADA sidewalk they are building for the Uniontown Health Clinic.

Work is underway for the Uniontown Health Clinic located on the campus of USD 235.

The clinic is a collaboration of the school district, Uniontown Ruritan, Girard Medical Center and Bourbon County.

They recently received a SPARK Grant from the government and a Jayhawk Wind (wind energy company) grant to move forward with repurposing the building south of the high school football/track field into a health clinic for the community.


To view a recent story on the clinic:


Uniontown Health Clinic Moving Forward To Open in 2021

Marbery Concrete, Fort Scott, had workers getting ready to pour for the new disability access sidewalk at the Uniotown Health Clinic on Nov. 6
Ruritan Member Joe George removes concrete for the disability access sidewalk that will be poured on Monday by Marbery Concrete, Fort Scott. The Uniontown Health Clinic recently received grants to move forward with the project.


Integrity by Patty LaRoche

This is a photo I took at Costco a few days ago, and yes, it is a roasted chicken sitting on top of a case of beans. Obviously, this is not where the chicken belongs. It appears that someone changed his/her mind while shopping, and instead of returning the warm meat to its proper place, discarded it…well, wherever it was convenient.


I imagine this poor chick had to be thrown away. And Costco will pass on the cost to us.

This behavior troubles me. It’s not the only one. Actually, many behaviors trouble me. The following is my short-list of irksome things people do:

  • refuse to use designated, parking lot cart stalls
  • tip cheaply
  • announce ahead of time that they are paying the restaurant bill as a thanks for you hosting them for two weeks while covering every expense. (Had I wanted a steak, I for sure won’t order one now. “I would like a hamburger patty, water, and no dessert, please.”)
  • answer their cell phone in church or a movie theater
  • lie about their age to get a senior citizen discount
  • don’t give the line call in pickleball
  • show up in an express lane with items exceeding the maximum amount allowed
  • fail to send some kind of a “thank you” (Unless they are mute and have no hands, there is NO excuse.)
  • ignore RSVPs or RSVP to attend but then fail to show
  • refuse to give up their seat to an elderly/disabled/pregnant individual
  • leave roasted chicken sitting atop a crate of beans

Like I said, my short list.

One of Merriam’s definitions of Integrity is “moral soundness.” It means “doing the right thing.” Every day we are given choices to do just that. We are to put other peoples’ interests ahead of ours. In 2 Corinthians 8:21, Paul reminds us of how that looks: For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.

I’m betting that this Costco culprit made sure no one saw him/her placing a chicken where it did not belong, disregarding the fact that God saw it. Still, I have to wonder how I would have reacted, had I caught the offender in the act (my chance not to act offensive but sensitive to their plight, you know).

I probably would have offered to take the chicken back where it belonged. In love, of course, because I am always thinking about the other person and not myself.


Yeah, let’s go with that.

Deals For Veterans

Veterans Day deals and discounts

The American Legion

The following are some discounts for veterans and servicemembers for restaurants, retail outlets and recreational opportunities for Veterans Day, Nov. 11. While these have been verified, check your local franchise to be sure that they are honoring the discounts and for more information. These will be updated as more discounts become available.



Free coffee or Big Gulp® on Veterans Day.

Bar Louie

Bar Louie salutes all military service members active and retired. As a thank you for your service, this Veterans Day, allow us to serve you! Wednesday, Nov. 11, Louie nation is offering a free craft burger or flatbread of your choice to all active or retired military. From our crew to yours, we thank you for your service. Must show valid ID to receive offer. Dine-in only.

BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse

All current and former military can enjoy a free entrée up to $14.95 and a free Dr. Pepper beverage on Wednesday, Nov. 11. Not valid for take-out or delivery.

Black Angus Steakhouse

From restaurant open until close, 3-9 p.m. local time, on Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11, Black Angus Steakhouses will offer veterans the All-American Steak Plate for just $10.99. Available for restaurant dining and takeaway orders, participating guests can expect an 8 oz. Certified Angus Beef® Top Sirloin, mashed potatoes, broccoli with garlic butter and a non-alcoholic beverage (coffee, milk, tea, or soda). All military personnel who produce a valid military ID or proof of military service are eligible to receive this special offer (one day only) – offer terms do apply. Takeaway orders can be made by calling

Bob Evans

On Nov. 11, a special menu of seven homestyle favorites will be available to veterans and active duty military FREE at their local Bob Evans Restaurant.

Brick House Tavern + Tap

Veterans enjoy 20% off their meal on Veterans Day. Valid for parties up to four people with valid ID. Dine-in only.

Bubba Gump

Military personnel and their families receive 20% off on Veterans Day.

California Pizza Kitchen

Will be offering special menu on Veterans Day.

Centraarchy Restaurants…

Veterans and active military receive 50% off on Veterans Day. Honored guests are encouraged to make reservations at and bring a valid military ID or proof of service to enjoy half off any entrée from the regular dinner menu at New York Prime, California Dreaming, Chophouse New Orleans, Carolina Roadhouse, Joey D’s Oak Room, Chophouse ’47 or Gulfstream Café on Wednesday, November 11.


All veterans and active military members can get a free meal on Veterans Day Nov. 11, 2020 at all participating Chili’s Grill & Bar restaurants. Available for in-restaurant only. Please call ahead to your local Chili’s restaurant if you have any questions about your Veterans Day meals.

Country Kitchen

Free Country Scramble for active and retired military on Wednesday, Nov 11. Dine in only.

Famous Dave’s

Free Georgia Chopped Pork sandwich + side for all military personnel all day November 11.

Valid for dine-in, to go, and online ordering. Use code VETERAN at checkout at Offer valid up to $7.49. Not valid for call in orders. Must present valid proof of service.

Farmer Boys

We’re saying thanks to the brave hearts who served our country. We honor your service and dedication in the quest to keeping us all free. Visit Farmer Boys® with your valid proof of service on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020 and receive a FREE Big Cheese®.

Golden Corral

For the safety of our honored guests and communities, our Military Appreciation Event will look a little different this year. All active or former military members who have served in the U.S. Military can pick up a promotional card during the month of November redeemable for a FREE “Thank You” Meal!

Promotional Cards redeemable from November 1, 2020 – May 31, 2021 for dine-in only, Monday -Thursday. Limit one free meal per person while supplies last.

Green Mill Restaurant and Bar

Green Mill honors our military on Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020, with a free menu item. We’re proud to show our appreciation by serving you. Free meal offer includes any single item from our menu for dine-in only. Pizza restricted to small one-topping Deep Dish pizza. Wing Sampler not included. Active-duty military and veterans must show proof of service. Available at participating Green Mill Restaurants only. Not valid with any other discount or offer. Beverages and gratuity not included.

Hamburger Stand

Free hamburger, regular fries and small Pepsi on Wednesday, Nov. 11 for veterans and active duty military.

Houlihan’s Restaurant + Bar

Houlihan’s will honor America’s veterans, active-duty military, and our military families on Veterans Day with $10 off a $30 food purchase.

While the offer may vary in some markets, Houlihan’s restaurants located in the following markets will offer $10 off a $30 food purchase: Chicago (Naperville), Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas (Garland), Kansas City (Leawood, Overland Park and Lee’s Summit), Long Island (Farmingdale), Pittsburgh, as well as all 10 restaurants in New Jersey (Bayonne, Brick, Bridgewater, Cherry Hill, Holmdel, New Brunswick, Paramus, Parsippany, Ramsey and Secaucus).

The special Veterans Day offer is valid for in-restaurant dining or for carryout on Nov. 11, 2020. No proof of service is required for this offer. Orders made via or a third-party delivery service are not eligible for this offer, and the $10 off $30 is not valid with other discounts.

Joe’s Crab Shack

Enjoy 20% off on Veterans Day

Lamar’s Donuts & Coffee

Free donut and 12 oz. coffee for veterans and active military personnel.

Little Caesars

Veterans and active duty military receive one free $5 HOT-N-READY Lunch Combo® from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at participating Little Caesars.

Logan’s Roadhouse

This Veterans Day between 3 – 6 p.m. all veterans and military personnel will receive a free meal from our American Roadhouse Meals menu. Proof of service required, menu varied by location. Dine-in only.

Max & Erma’s

Free cheeseburger, endless fries, fountain drink and chocolate chip cookie for veterans and active military on Veterans Day at participating restaurants.

McCormick and Schmicks…

It is our sincere honor to invite veterans of the U.S. Military, National Guard, Gold Star parents and Gold Star spouses to enjoy a select half priced entrée on Sunday, November 8, 2020.

Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt

All veterans who visit our stores on Veterans Day on Wednesday, Nov. 11, will receive their first 6 oz. of froyo FREE. It’s our way of saying “thank you” for serving!

Mission BBQ

Free sandwich for veterans on Veterans Day.

Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub

Veterans and Active Duty Military are invited to be our guest for lunch from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11. Purchase any entrée and you’ll receive a free lunch from our Veterans Day Menu.

O’Charley’s Restaurant + Bar…

O’Charley’s will offer a 10% discount all year round to our active duty servicemembers and veterans.

Quaker Steak & Lube

All veterans receive a free meal (up to $15) plus a free non-alcoholic beverage on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, at participating restaurants.

Red Lobster…

In honor of Veterans Day, and to thank veterans, active duty military and reservists for their service, Red Lobster® is offering dine-in guests a free appetizer or dessert on Wednesday, November 11. Guests only need to show a valid military ID or proof of service to redeem this offer.

Red Robin

Veterans and Active Military who are Red Robin Royalty members can redeem their FREE Tavern Double Burger with Steak Fries any time between Nov. 12 and Nov. 30 for dine-in or to-go. The offer will be automatically uploaded to your dashboard.

Rock and Brews

FREE choice of Pulled Pork Sandwich or Strawberry Fields Salad for veterans, armed forces and first responders. Dine-in only. Valid military or first responder ID. required to claim offer. One sandwich or salad per person. At participating locations. Offer may vary at location.

Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery

Veterans eat free on Nov. 11 from special Veterans Day menu. Menu available for all active duty service members & veterans with military ID or in uniform. One free entree per person. Dine-in only.


Shoney’s will offer FREE All You Care To Eat, freshly-prepared breakfast bar for military on Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11 from open – 11 a.m.

Tap House Grill…

Free meal for all veterans and active military. Sam Adams pint giveaway for all while supplies last.


Veterans and active duty military receive a free chili dog, small fries and small Pepsi on Veterans Day. Present your military ID or wear your uniform on Nov. 11.

Yard House

To honor and celebrate those who have served our country, we invite veterans and active duty military to join us for a complimentary appetizer on Veterans Day.



9/11/ Memorial & Museum, New York City…

Throughout our tribute, veterans will receive free museum admission for themselves and half-price museum tickets for up to three guests. When reserving tickets, veterans will need to provide their name, email address, military branch, and years of service. Advance reservations are encouraged and can be obtained through our ticketing portal.

Join us Saturday, Nov. 7 through Saturday, Nov. 14. As part of its annual recognition of those who serve or have served in the military, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum will hosts a series of events and special programs, virtually and in person, for veterans and their families, as well as the visiting public.

Amelia River Cruises, Florida

Amelia River Cruises offers a 15% discount for active military on select cruises. Thank you for your service!

Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, Calif.

In celebration of Veterans Day, the Aquarium of the Pacific honors veterans and military personnel. These men and women are invited to enjoy the aquarium with free admission on Veterans Day. Advance reservations required. Limited capacity.

Cincinnati Zoo, Cincinnati, Ohio

All members of the military — active and retired — will receive FREE admission to the zoo on Veterans Day. The offer also allows military personnel to purchase up to six (6) half-price admission tickets for members of their immediate family. Military personnel who qualify for the free admission ticket and discount offer for family members include active military, retired military, National Guard, veterans with honorable or medical discharge and Reserve Officers’ Training Corps with government issued ID.

Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Va.…

Active-duty military, reservists, National Guard personnel, retired military and veterans receive complimentary admission once annually for themselves and up to three direct dependents on Veterans Day weekend.

Columbus Zoo, Columbus, Ohio…

To honor our veterans and the sacrifices made to serve our country, the zoo is offering free zoo admission to all who are serving and have served our great nation, including their immediate family, on Nov. 11, 2020.

Hagley Museum, Wilmington, Del.

Free admission for current military members, veterans, and their families.

Harley-Davidson Museum, Milwaukee, Wis.…

On November 11 and 12, the Harley-Davidson Museum® will offer free Museum admission for all active Military, Veterans and their families. See website for details.

Indianapolis Zoo, Indianapolis

To honor our men and women in service, all current and former members of the military are admitted free on Veterans Day. Plus, all non-military family members receive a $2 discount on day-of, on-site ticket purchases on these holidays. The rest of the year, the Zoo offers a $2 discount to all current and former members of the military, good for the purchase of up to four day-of, on-site tickets per visit. Please bring a form of military ID with you to receive the discounts.

Montgomery Zoo, Montgomery, Ala.…

During Veteran’s Appreciation Week, November 8 – 14, all veterans, active duty military personnel, and their dependent family members receive a 50% DISCOUNT on REGULAR DAYTIME admission to the Montgomery Zoo and Mann Wildlife Learning Museum. Thank you for your service and dedication to the nation and the world.

Montpelier, Montpelier Station, Va.

Free property pass for all servicemembers and their families; free admission to one tour for service members on the weekend before Veterans Day, Nov. 7 – 8, 2020

Monticello, Charlottesville, Va.…

Monticello is proud to offer U.S. military veterans complimentary admission to Monticello for Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2020. Admission for active-duty military personnel is free year-round.

Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, Va.…

In honor of our nation’s veterans, Mount Vernon admits FREE all active duty, former, or retired military personnel.

The National WWI Museum and Memorial, Kansas City, Mo.

Join us in honoring veterans with special activities, free public ceremonies on the grounds and free general admission for veterans and active duty military to the Museum and Memorial, Saturday, Nov. 7 through Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020. In addition, general admission is half price for the public on Wednesday, Nov. 11.

National Parks

Free admission for EVERYONE on Veterans Day.

Pro Football Hall of Fame, Canton, Ohio…

The Pro Football Hall of Fame will provide free museum admission and parking to all veterans and active military plus a guest from Nov. 1-15, 2020. This offer is good for all United States active duty including National Guard reservists and retired military service members who show a valid military ID at the Hall’s Ticket Office. A 20% off discount in the HoF Store will also be offered to veterans and active military in November.

Throughout the rest of November and every day at the Pro Football Hall of Fame, veterans and active military receive $5 off museum admission and their spouses and dependents (under 18) receive $3 off.

San Antonio Zoo, San Antonio, Texas

This November, San Antonio Zoo is honoring active duty, retired, veteran members of the military, National Guard and Reserves with free admission to the San Antonio Zoo. Plus, up to four (4) immediate family members can receive 50% off single day tickets* on date of visit.

To qualify for discount please visit any of the zoo ticket windows and provide: Military member must show valid Military I.D. to receive complimentary admission

Additional single day tickets may be purchased for direct dependents at a discounted rate of 50%

Zoo Atlanta, Atlanta, Ga.

On Veterans Day, November 11, 2020, veteran, active duty, retired and reserve members of the U.S. Armed Forces enjoy FREE admission and $4 off general admission for up to six accompanying guests. Present a valid military I.D. at Zoo Atlanta to redeem the discount. Offer valid only on Wednesday, November 11, 2020; valid only in-person at Zoo Atlanta Admissions. Guests using this offer for free or discounted tickets do not need advance timed tickets. The discount is not valid with any other offer or promotion.



Academy Sports

All military and first responders receive 10% off in store and online through November 11.

Buybuy Baby

Receive 25% your order between November 11 – 14.

39 Dollar Glasses

All members of the military community, including veterans, can receive an additional 20% off at

California Southern University

In honor of Veterans Day/Month, California Southern University (CalSouthern), a regionally accredited, 100%-online university with an international student population, is offering free tuition for one course to veterans and active military, their spouses and dependents who enroll between Nov. 1-30, 2020 – representing a value of up to $1,400 for undergraduate courses and $1,700 for graduate courses.

Enterprise Car Sales

We’re thanking members of the U.S. military, veterans and their families with a special offer. Receive $300 off upon used vehicle purchase from Enterprise Car Sales from November 1 – 30, 2020.

Great Clips

Veterans and active military members can visit a U.S. Great Clips salon on Nov. 11 and receive either a free haircut that day or a free haircut card to use at a later date through Dec. 11, 2020.

La Quinta Hotels

Eligible military members enjoy 12% off our Best Available Rate at participating La Quinta by Wyndham hotels across the U.S. Plus, in honor of national Veterans and Military Families Month, Wyndham Rewards members receive 500 bonus points for qualified stays booked by Dec. 7 and completed by Dec. 8, 2020.


Veterans, active military personnel, and their families are invited to save 10% on groceries on Wednesday, November 11, 2020.

This offer excludes prescriptions, alcohol, tobacco, gift cards, lottery tickets, postage stamps, and money services. Valid for in-store purchases only. Customer is responsible for all applicable taxes.

Please present one of the following at purchase: veteran ID card, military ID card, discharge document, or a driver’s license with veteran designation.

Sanderling Resort

It is our pleasure for the 10th year to offer our Heroes Welcome Rate available to current and former military, fire and rescue, law enforcement, healthcare and educators. Rate also includes 20% off food, spa and retail (excludes alcohol). Based on room type availability and some date restrictions. Taxes and $15 nightly resort fee additional. No other discounts apply.

Super 8

Super 8 is honored to welcome active and retired military members, veterans, and their families as our very important guests. Eligible military members can save 15% on our Best Available Rate at participating Super 8 by Wyndham hotels in the U.S. and Canada.1 Plus, for a limited time, Wyndham Rewards members receive 500 bonus points for qualified stays booked by December 7 and completed by December 8, 2020.


As part of Target’s longstanding commitment to active-duty military members, veterans and their families, Target is proud to offer a 10 percent discount off a purchase, some exclusions apply – in stores or online – between November 1-11, 2020. To receive this offer, now in its fourth year, guests must first demonstrate eligibility by registering at After eligibility has been verified, an exclusive, one-time use Target Circle offer will be available for the guest to use in-store and online.

Tohi Aronia Berry Wellness Drink

In honor of Veterans Day, and to thank veterans, active duty military and reservists for their service, Tohi will offer a free four-pack of beverages (limit, one per customer) and 20% discount on Tohi products for veterans and military personnel with valid military ID card. The new initiative begins on Wednesday, Nov. 11, and will continue indefinitely to show Tohi’s ongoing commitment to supporting those who serve our country.

TOPS Market

This Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11, TOPS will honor an 11% discount off of a total order to all veterans and active military personnel who shop at any of our locations. We thank you for your service.


For military families, Verizon is offering 4 lines for $30/mo per line on Start Unlimited and can get $200 off on selected Samsung smartphones, when adding a line or upgrading to select Samsung smartphones.

Active military members, reservists, cadets, Gold Star families and veterans can access this offer b¬y purchasing a Samsung smartphone on a device payment agreement. This offer began October 29, 2020, and is for a limited time only


Veterans, military and their families receive 20% off eligible regular price items with card, in store only from November 11–15.

Bourbon County Local News