Commercial Industrial Hemp Hearing Dec. 7

Hearing for Proposed Adoption of Commercial Industrial Hemp Regulations


MANHATTAN, Kansas — A public hearing will be conducted at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 7, 2020, to consider the adoption of proposed regulations to govern commercial industrial hemp production in Kansas. Due to public health concerns posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the hearing proceedings will be held via a video conferencing system to provide the opportunity for virtual participation online. Although in-person participation is also an option, attendance will be limited to allow for social distancing and to comply with local health requirements.


Due to the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which removed hemp from the federal

Controlled Substances Act, and the Commercial Industrial Hemp Act passed in Kansas in 2019, the Kansas Department of Agriculture is proposing rules and regulations K.A.R. 4-34-22 through 4-34-30.


A copy of the proposed new regulations, as well as an expanded notice of public hearing, may be accessed on the KDA website at Anyone desiring to participate via video conference or in person must pre-register and be provided with a video link or instructions for in-person attendance. Written comments can be submitted on the public comment web page prior to the hearing or sent to the Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan, KS, 66502.


Any individual with a disability may request accommodation in order to participate in the public hearing and may request a copy of the regulations in an accessible format. Persons who require special accommodations must make their needs known at least five working days prior to the hearing. For more information, including special accommodations or a copy of the regulations, please contact Ronda Hutton at 785-564-6715 or [email protected].




WHAT:          Public hearing on proposed commercial industrial hemp regulations

WHEN:          10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 7, 2020

WHERE:       Virtual: via video conferencing system

In person: Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Dr., Manhattan


Help For Businesses

New and Expanding Businesses
See below for current funding opportunities & resources including:
  • 0% Interest Loan Fund through SEKRPC/CARES Act
  • Locally approved E-Community loans for new or expanding entrepreneurs through the Chamber
  • B-WERC: Bourbon County Workforce & Entrepreneur Resource Center available in Downtown Fort Scott
0% interest loan opportunity available
through the SEKRPC for up to $130,000
First Come First Serve
***Note that Dacia Clark with SBDC located in the B-WERC office Downtown, highlighted below, can assist you in completing this application.
Click here to email Dacia to make an appointment if applicable:
Please see link below for the SEKRPC (Southeast Kansas Regional Planning Commission) CARES Act RLF (Revolving Loan Fund) plan.
The SEKRPC CARES Act RLF does differ from the normal SEKRPC RLF and the major differences are listed below.
Please see link here for the CARES Act RLF Pamphlet that breaks down this information into a smaller document. This serves as an informational guide for interested applicants.
Also attached is an application that includes a list of supporting documents required with the submission of an application.
The CARES Act RLF funds are being distributed on a first come first serve basis, with the first completed application (application and all supporting documents) being turned in used as the first application for consideration.
 The major differences between the CARES Act RLF and the
SEKRPC normal RLF are listed below:
  • Applicants are eligible for 0% interest
  • Applicants do not have to have a denial letter from other lending sources before applying
  • The CARES Act RLF fund does not require leverage capital
  • The maximum loan amount is 25% of the available funds (Starting at 130,000.00)
If you have any questions about the SEKRPC CARES Act RLF or how it
should operate please contact the following for clarification.
Tanya Jacobs
Executive Assistant
Southeast Kansas Regional Planning Commission
PO Box 664
Chanute, KS 66720-0664
P: 620-431-0080
E-Community Loan Fund
Current terms: 4% for 10 years up to $45,000
Need funding for a new or existing business?
We can easily make that possible through the
E-Community loan program administered by the
Click here for the application with more details,
it is a painless application process locally
approved by the Chamber Executive Committee.
This is gap financing, 40% of the project/need needs to be
financed by a local or regional funding source
Click here to like our E-Community FB page!
Additional loan programs are available through NetWork Kansas in addition to the E-Community loan,
if additional gap financing is needed.
Bourbon County Workforce & Entrepreneur
Resource Center
Take advantage of business resources available NOW in the upper level of the Kress building Downtown!
KS SBDC (Small Business Development Center)
is on-site Mondays & Fridays for new & existing business consulting, coaching, financial projections & review,
industry reports, marketing & more!
is on-site Tuesdays & Thursdays to assist Employers & Job Seekers with any and all employment needs!
See flyer below for details and phone numbers
to set up an appointment.
Contact the Chamber with questions on any
of the programs shown above:

Kansas Governor Combats The Spread of COVID-19

Governor Laura Kelly Announces New Steps to Slow the Spread of COVID-19

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced several new steps her administration is taking to combat the spike in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. The new plan includes a public health campaign, community engagement conversations and an executive order establishing a statewide face-covering protocol as part of her administration’s all-of-the-above strategy to keep Kansans healthy, keep schools and businesses open, and protect Kansas’ economy.

“As COVID-19 continues to spread through Kansas communities and hospitalizations increase at concerning rates, it is clear we must take action to protect our communities and our economy,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Today’s actions are a bipartisan package of recommendations from legislators, health professionals, and business leaders to increase participation in commonsense COVID-19 prevention practices.”

E.O. #20-68 takes effect beginning 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, November 25, and will remain in place until rescinded or until the current statewide State of Disaster Emergency expires – whichever is earlier.

“My administration recognizes that each Kansas county is faced with unique challenges – and a one-size-fits-all approach can be difficult for some communities to navigate,” Governor Kelly said. “The order allows local officials one week to craft and implement their own version of a face covering ordinance that works for them and their communities.”

Under the order, Kansans shall wear face coverings when inside public spaces, or in situations where physical distancing of 6 feet cannot be maintained. Guidance regarding specific locations or situations in which face coverings should be worn is outlined within the order.

Kansans under five years of age, those with medical conditions, and others outlined in the order are exempt from face covering protocol.

View E.O. #20-68 here.

In addition to the face-covering protocol, the Kelly administration is partnering with The Leadership Center to mobilize its alumni base, which is nearly 12,000 strong, to mobilize and lead virtual non-partisan convenings across Kansas beginning the week of November 17 and concluding by late December. The project will dramatically increase the number of local leaders – pastors, coaches, neighborhood leaders, business owners, community officials, and others to use their influence to combat the virus.

This week, Governor Kelly also approved CARES Act funding to assist a coalition of stakeholders including the Kansas Hospital Association, Kansas Chamber of Commerce, Kansas Farm Bureau, and others, to create a statewide public health campaign to begin next week. The campaign will encourage Kansans to follow the best practices, encourage voluntary testing, avoid mass gatherings, and use face-coverings.

No Live FSHS Performance of The Monologue Show At This Time

Fort Scott High School Thespians regret that due to new restrictions related to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the community, there will not be a live performance of The Monologue Show (from Hell) in front of an audience at this time.
FSHS Thespians WILL continue to have a streamed performance of The Monologue Show (from Hell) from Nov. 22-24. Tickets are available from
The cast plans to have at least one live performance of the show at some time in the future when the school district is open again to the public.
Current ticket holders should e-mail Angie Bin at [email protected] to transfer tickets to a streaming on demand ticket (that can be used any time Nov. 22-24) or to receive a refund.

USD 234: No In Person Classes Starting Tomorrow




Fort Scott High School – Remote Learning – November 19 & 20

Professional Development Day – No School – November 23 & 24




With the recent increase of COVID-19 cases in Bourbon County and a shortage of substitutes, USD 234 has decided that the students at Fort Scott High School will be in remote learning on Thursday and Friday, November 19 and 20.  USD 234 has also decided that there will be no school for all students on Monday, November 23 and Tuesday, November 24.  These two days will be used as professional development for the USD 234 staff.


For high school students:

  • Food service will still be provided on Thursday and Friday.  Go to the following link to sign-up for lunches for Thursday and Friday.  Families will need to come to the high school to pick up the lunches.
  • High school students without Internet can come to the school to receive their instruction remotely.
  • High school students who need to attend on Thursday and Friday should follow entrance directions below:

o   Senior and Juniors – enter through the East entry doors

o   Sophomore and Freshman – enter through the West entry doors


As COVID-19 cases rise in our community, we have seen an increase in isolations and quarantines in the school district for our students and staff.  USD 234 will continue to monitor the number of COVID-19 cases in our county as well as evaluate our Remote Learning Plan.  USD 234 will release information before Thanksgiving Break about what the learning plan for the district after Thanksgiving Break will be.  To continue the opportunity for students to learn in person, USD 234 will need to see a decrease in COVID-19 cases in our communities, which will cause a decrease in our schools.


Wear a mask.  Wash your hands frequently.  Stay socially distant from each other.  We need everyone to do their part to keep our school doors open.



When:             November 18 & 19 – High School Remote Learning

November 23 & 24 – No School for All Students


Where:            USD 234 School District


Contact:          Ted Hessong

Superintendent of Schools


No Chamber Coffee On Nov.19

The Chamber Announces
that the host for tomorrow’s Coffee
on Thursday, November 19, 2020
elected to cancel (Briggs Auto of Fort Scott).
Therefore, there will NOT
be a Chamber Coffee this week.
Join us for upcoming Coffees:
11/26 – No Coffee, Thanksgiving
12/3 – Laree & Co. (new boutique Downtown)
12/10 – B-WERC (Bourbon County Workforce & Entrepreneur Resource Center, Downtown)
12/17 – City of Fort Scott
Now is the time to reserve your
Coffee date for next year, call us
or email to reserve a date!
Thank you!

Holiday Pop Up Shop At Old Factory Connections Storefront

Thanksgiving cookies will be for sale at the Creative Sugarplum Shop. Submitted photos.

Local crafts people will have a place to sell their wares at a newly created holiday pop-up shop.

The Creative Sugarplums Pop-up Holiday Shop will be open at the former Factory Connections storefront weekends from November 20 to December 26 along with the weekdays the week of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The store is located on South Main (aka Hwy. 69) next door to Tractor Supply.
“Due to Covid-19 many individuals who create gifts out of their homes are not able to attend their usual events,” owner Emilia Whiteaker said. “This is my way of helping them.”
There will be community vendors and vendors from neighboring towns, she said.
” We have many great vendors, Locust Hill Lamanchas Goat Milk products, Sew Special Creations, Simply Blessed, Tom’s Benches, 2 Southern Ladies, CR Rustic Creations, RustnStuf and more.”
“We will also have Bijou Confectionary from Humboldt and Sweet Designs Cakery from Pittsburg creating sweet treats to go along with our old fashion candy.”
Samples of candy. Submitted photos.
 “Customers can also Adopt a Grandparent by purchasing an ornament and we will deliver them to all the residents at Fort Scott residential care facilities,” she said.
Submitted photos.
“Momentum Youth Development Foundation will have a photo where, for a donation, families can take their Christmas photos.”
The family photo area at the Creative Sugarplum Holiday Shop. Submitted photos.
There are also youth crafters involved.
 “The youth vendors have handmade soaps, crocheted items and more,” she said.
Submitted photos. A youth vendor booth at the pop-up shop.
“Visitors can also view the Christmas displays featuring vintage toys, ” she said.
Vintage toys will be on display. Submitted photos.
  There is still space available for both youth and adult vendors.
  Contact Whiteaker through e-mail [email protected] for more information.

FS Downtown Christmas Parade: Dec. 1

2020 Downtown Christmas Parade
Now taking parade entries!
Dec 1st
Line-up at 3rd & Main St., north to Skubitz, northwest to National Ave., and back to 3rd Street!
All are encouraged to participate in the parade!
Businesses, friends, families, schools,
organizations & more!
The Downtown Christmas Parade is organized by the
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce.
Parade prizes – sponsored by Briggs Auto
Prizes will be awarded to overall:
1st place $75, 2nd place $50, 3rd place $25
Along with special prizes for:
Top Golf Cart Entry $25
Top Band Entry $25
Enter the parade today!

Nevada Hospital Seeks Mask Mandate

“COVID-19 testing is done offsite in this portable building located on the north side of the hospital.”

NRMC Seeks Mask Mandate

As numbers of COVID-19 cases have swiftly escalated in Vernon County, Nevada Regional Medical Center (NRMC) is experiencing strains created by the pandemic.

“In recent weeks we have seen COVID-19 numbers spiked dramatically,” says NRMC Chief Executive Officer, Steve Branstetter. “Our Hospital is very busy with COVID-19 in our emergency department and our intensive care unit. Testing also is very busy and we’ve had to extend our hours this week to help with the demand.”

Larger hospitals often have no beds available, and the transfer of seriously ill patients is becoming very challenging. As all hospitals do, NRMC has planned for this type of public health emergency and taken every measure to combat its effects. However, limited resources are being pushed to capacity.

NRMC, along with several other Missouri hospitals, are seeking mandatory mask ordinances in the areas they serve. Tuesday, Branstetter sent a request to local officials to institute such an ordinance.

“We are in a public health crisis. We need the people and our leaders to come together and take the CDC guidelines seriously,” says Branstetter.

NRMC encourages the practice of frequent hand hygiene, social distancing of at least 6 feet, and mask wearing in public to reduce the spread of COVID-19.


About Nevada Regional Medical Center
Serving a six-county area since 1937, Nevada Regional Medical Center is a 71-bed acute, intensive and skilled care hospital. Nevada Regional Medical Center has earned recognition as a respected regional medical center for its comprehensive health care services, skilled and caring employees and state-of-the-art medical technology. Staff represent more than a dozen medical specialties, including family practice, women’s services, neurology, urology, psychiatry, orthopedics, wound care services, and general, vascular, thoracic and oncological surgery. Additionally, consultation clinics are held regularly by specialists in oncology, pulmonology, podiatry, ear, nose, and throat and cardiology.

FS Lake Advisory Board Meets Nov. 21

The Lake Fort Scott Advisory Board will meet on Saturday, November 21st, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. at the City Hall Commission meeting room at 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas. This meeting is open to the public, but is limited in space due to COVID. To join by teleconference, call the dial-in number: 620-724-9910. When prompted, enter the access code 515698# and when prompted state your full name followed by the pound # key.

The meeting will be available on the City’s YouTube channel.

Lowell Milken Center Announces Four New Exhibits in Collaboration with the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism

The Lowell Milken Center is located at the corner of First and Wall Streets.

The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes is pleased to announce the installation of four new exhibits in the Hall of Unsung Heroes museum in downtown Fort Scott.

The Attraction Development Grant received from the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, & Tourism made this new addition to the Lowell Milken Center possible. The grant and matching funds allowed the Lowell Milken Center to update and improve the exhibit area and increase connections with visitors.

The Lowell Milken Center staff has had the opportunity to explore new avenues to reach visitors, teachers, and students while continuing their mission during the last nine months. Through social media outreach, virtual tours, Zoom presentations, and special video clips, the Lowell Milken Center continues to make the exhibit area relevant for teachers, adults, and students

. The inspiring stories of Unsung Heroes and positive role models need to be heard.

The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism Attraction Development Grant is designed to provide assistance in the development of new tourism attractions or the enhancement of existing attractions within the State. Their purpose is to provide strategic economic assistance to public and private entities and not-for-profit groups that are developing new tourism attractions or enhancing existing ones.

The new panels feature the inspirational stories of Jackie Ormes, Doug Hegdahl, William Matthews and Harry Hue.

Watch for a virtual unveiling of the new exhibits to take place in March.

About the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes:
The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes works with students and educators across diverse academic disciplines to develop history projects that highlight role models who demonstrate courage, compassion and respect.

Through our unique project-based learning approach, students discover, develop and communicate the stories of Unsung Heroes who have made a profound and positive impact on the course of history.

By championing these Unsung Heroes, students, educators and communities discover their own power and responsibility to effect positive change in the world.

Visit to learn more or visit the Lowell Milken Center exhibits in downtown Fort Scott.

Bourbon County Local News