Flags Half-staff For COVID-19 Deaths

Governor Laura Kelly Directs Flags be Flown at Half-staff to Honor 4,101 Kansans Who Lost their Lives to COVID-19

TOPEKA – Kansas surpassed 4,000 Kansas deaths due to COVID-19. In honor of the lives lost and the families they left behind, Governor Laura Kelly has directed that flags be lowered to half-staff throughout the state Saturday, February 6, 2021, from sunup to sundown.

“It is with great sadness that I am once again ordering flags to be lowered to half-staff in honor of the Kansans who have lost their lives to COVID-19,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “My administration remains committed to slowing the spread of COVID-19 and vaccinating Kansans as quickly and efficiently as possible. In the meantime, I know Kansans will do their part to protect their loved ones by following the public health guidance.”

To receive email alerts when the governor orders flags to half-staff, please visit: https://governor.kansas.gov/newsroom/kansas-flag-honor

Kansas Tax Issues Considered

Governor Laura Kelly’s Council on Tax Reform Cautioned Radical Tax Policy Changes Could Harm COVID-19 Recovery

~ Subcommittee appointed to evaluate Property Tax and provide suggestions for reform ~

TOPEKA – On Friday, January 29, the Governor’s Council on Tax Reform heard input from state and national policy experts who provided broad and enhanced perspectives on many of the top tax issues already under consideration in the 2021 Kansas Legislature.

On the issue of allowing itemization of state income deductions even for taxpayers claiming the newly expanded federal standard deduction, Dr. Donna Ginther, the Council’s Chief Academic Advisor, presented data suggesting that this proposal would benefit less than seven percent of all income tax filers, with much of the benefit accruing to high income earners.

To that point, if itemization legislation being heard in the statehouse passed, only 1% of Kansas tax filers in the lowest tax bracket, $0.01-$25,000, would benefit. For the top 18% of taxpayers, the benefit increases especially for those earning $100,000 to $250,000. For taxpayers making $250,000 or more that benefit is minimal as many of those taxpayers already itemize. In total, the itemization legislation in the Kansas Senate would only benefit an additional 6.6% of Kanas taxpayers.

“Any tax proposal that we consider during the 2021 session must preserve our fiscal foundation and provide relief for Kansas families and small businesses who have borne the economic brunt of the pandemic,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “After nearly a decade of disastrous tax policy, the last thing Kansas needs is a return to Brownback-style tax cuts undermining our COVID-19 recovery efforts.”

The Council discussed an alternative option, which was originally suggested by the Kansas Society of Certified Public Accountants, that would expand individual income tax deductions at a similar cost to the state by simply increasing existing Kansas standard deduction amounts – a proposal that would provide tax benefit to more than 90% of all Kansas tax filers.

Budget Director Adam Proffitt outlined the Governor’s Budget proposal, which includes two sales tax equity issues recommended by the Council that are designed to level the playing field for many Kansas small businesses. Those two pieces of legislation ensure that marketplace facilitators collect and remit compensating use taxes which are already due and owed to the state. The second broadens the tax base and updates tax code as the delivery of entertainment has changed with technology.

Council Co-Chairs Janis Lee and Steve Morris announced the creation of a special subcommittee on property taxation to be chaired by Former Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley. The subcommittee will work with state and local officials to further evaluate property tax legislation currently in the statehouse and other property tax reform issues.

Other Members of that group include Former House Majority Leader Don Hineman; Susan Sherman, Olathe Assistant City Manager; and Chris Courtwright, Former Principal Economist for the Kansas Legislative Research Department. In addition, there will be representation from League of Kansas Municipalities; Kansas Association of Counties; Kansas County Clerks and Election Officials Association; Kansas County Appraisers Association, and Kansas Department of Revenue’s Property Valuation Division.

Handouts and additional information about the Council’s January 29 meeting:


View the Council’s report here.

USDA Extends General Signup for Conservation Reserve Program



Biden Administration Considers Changes to Bolster Effectiveness of Program and Recommits to Making CRP a Cornerstone of Conservation Programming


WASHINGTON, February 5, 2021 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is extending the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) General Signup period, which had previously been announced as ending on Feb. 12, 2021.  USDA will continue to accept offers as it takes this opportunity for the incoming Administration to evaluate ways to increase enrollment.  Under the previous Administration, incentives and rental payment rates were reduced resulting in an enrollment shortfall of over 4 million acres. The program, administered by USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), provides annual rental payments for 10 to 15 years for land devoted to conservation purposes, as well as other types of payments.


Before the General CRP signup period ends, producers will have the opportunity to adjust or resubmit their offers to take advantage of planned improvements to the program.


“The Conservation Reserve Program provides a tremendous opportunity to address climate change both by retiring marginal cropland and by restoring grasslands, wetlands, and forests,” said Robert Bonnie, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary. “CRP has a 35-year track record of success beyond just climate benefits, by providing income to producers, improving water quality, reducing erosion, and supporting wildlife habitat and the hunting and fishing opportunities that go along with it.  By extending this signup period, we’ll have time to evaluate and implement changes to get this neglected program back on track.”


As one of the largest private-lands conservation programs in the United States, CRP provides both economic and conservation benefits by taking land out of agricultural production.  Program successes include:


  • Sequestering in soils and plants over 12 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), or about the same amount that the entire state of Delaware emits annually.
  • Preventing more than 2 billion tons of soil from being blown away by wind erosion over the life of currently enrolled acres.
  • Reducing phosphorous reaching streams by almost 85 million pounds, nitrogen by nearly 450 million pounds, and sediment by over 160 million tons in 2020 alone.
  • Creating more than 2.3 million acres of restored wetlands while protecting more than 177,000 stream miles with riparian forest and grass buffers, enough to go around the world seven times.
  • Establishing over a half million acres of dedicated pollinator habitat and nearly 15 million more acres of diverse plantings that provide forage for pollinators.
  • Increasing populations of ducks and other game birds, prairie chickens, and such grassland songbirds as Baird’s Sparrow. CRP in the Northern Great Plains supports an estimated 8.6% of the grassland bird population.
  • Increasing habitat that supports economic opportunities, such as job creation, related to hunting and fishing activities.


This signup for CRP gives producers an opportunity to enroll land for the first time or re-enroll land under existing contracts that will be expiring Sept. 30, 2021.  All interested producers, including those on Indian reservations and with trust lands, are encouraged to contact their local USDA Service Center for more information.

All USDA Service Centers are open for business, including those that restrict in-person visits or require appointments. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with FSA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or any other Service Center agency should call ahead and schedule an appointment. Service Centers that are open for appointments will pre-screen visitors based on health concerns or recent travel, and visitors must adhere to social distancing guidelines. Visitors are also required to wear a face covering during their appointment. Our program delivery staff will continue to work with our producers by phone, email, and using online tools. More information can be found at farmers.gov/coronavirus.

Girard Medical Center of Uniontown To Open In March 2021

An exam room in the Girard Medical Center of Uniontown clinic.

Girard Medical Center of Uniontown, the new community health center in western Bourbon County, will open in March.


Residents currently must travel either to Fort Scott which is 20 miles away,  Iola-25 miles, Pittsburg-38 miles, or Girard-30 miles for medical care.


Spearheaded by Uniontown Ruritan, and the vision of several members of the community, the Uniontown health clinic is a collaboration of Ruritan, USD 235 School District, the Bourbon County Commission, the City of Uniontown, and Girard Medical Center.


“We hoped to open March 1, but it may be mid-March,” Ruth Duling, the CEO of Girard Medical Center, said.


Ruth Duling, CEO of Girard Medical Center. Photo from CMC website.


The school district provided the building for the clinic, which is located south of the Uniontown High School football field on the main street in the small town.



The sign in front of the Girard Medical Center of Uniontown building, which is located just south of the town’s football field.



“Uniontown USD 235 is excited to partner with other organizations to bring health care options to our district communities,” USD 235 Superintendent Bret Howard said.  “The 2020-21 school year has been very challenging, especially when it comes to community health.  USD 235 is pleased to partner with Girard Medical Center and the Uniontown Ruritan Club in making this dream a reality.”


Bret Howard, Superintendent of USD 235. Submitted. photo.


“It is great to see the successful culmination of a dream become reality in the creation of the Uniontown rural health clinic,” Mark Warren, District #37 Governor of Middle America Ruritan, who helped spearhead the project, said. “This clinic has the potential to benefit citizens of all ages and provide a choice in health care for the residents of our community.”


Mark Warren, Uniontown Ruritan member, opens the east door of the medical clinic. in February 2020, before the renovation of the building began.



GMC is planning to start providing services to the community with the clinic open three days a week, Duling said.


“The remodel has gone well,  and we just have clean—up and finishing touches,” she said.


“We are still working on securing personnel,” Duling said. “We will have two positions to start with and we have applicants for those positions already.”


The Girard Medical Center of Uniontown is part of the satellite clinics that GMC has in southeast Kansas:   Girard Medical Center of Cherokee, Girard Medical Center of Arma,  and Girard Medical Center of Frontenac.


The business area of the Girard Medical Center of Uniontown.






FSCC Athletic Attendance Policy

Fort Scott Community College
Athletic Department Attendance Policy


 Beginning February 6, 2021 Fort Scott Community College will allow spectators to attend athletic events up to 25% fan seating capacity. This decision shall be reviewed March 1, 2021, at which time the capacity limit may be increased, decreased, or remain steady.


Below are the capacity requirements:

 Indoor Sports: 25% fan seating capacity maximum
 Basketball – Two fans per FSCC student-athlete will be allowed on pass list.

FSCC students will be allowed to attend up to the 25% capacity of the arena.

Total fan attendance not to exceed 62 total fans.

No visiting team fans will be allowed.

 Volleyball – Three fans per FSCC student-athletes will be allowed on pass list. FSCC students will be allowed to attend up to the 25% capacity of the arena. Total fan attendance not to exceed 93 total fans. No visiting team fans will be allowed.
 FSCC student-athletes are required to submit names on pass list 48 hours ahead of game time. FSCC students must present student ID in order to attend the games.

 Outdoor Sports: 25% fan seating capacity maximum where seating is clearly designated. For those venues or areas without clearly designated seating, fans must remain socially distanced.
 No visiting fans will be allowed at FSCC outdoor events
* All fans must wear masks for both indoor and outdoor venues.

 * There shall be no concession allowed
* No outside food or drinks allowed.

Every effort will be made to ensure a 6-ft area marked off separating the teams and participants from the spectators.

 Visiting Team Travel Party Limitations

 The travel party shall be limited to the numbers listed below. The travel party shall include all players, coaches, training staff, managers, bus drivers, and any other team personnel.
o Basketball: 25
o Volleyball: 25

 All members of the travel party must be screened prior to their entrance at the same time as the team.

 All team personnel must be included on the form KJCCC COVID-19 Screening: Team Personnel Greyhound Athletics

“Academic Achievement. Athletic Excellence. Community Service.”

Gender Neutrality by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

Margot, a six-year-old Down syndrome girl from Pennsylvania, pointed an index finger at her teacher, violating the school gun policy. The police were called.

Guilty? Let’s talk about the obvious.

  1. She is six years old, not sixteen.
  2. She has Down syndrome.
  3. She pointed a finger, not an AK-47.

Puh-lease tell me the teacher knew the difference between a pistol and a finger, or should that now be included as part of an education degree curriculum? Puh-lease tell me those school officials recognized that the police have more important crimes to investigate than this one. Puh-lease tell me that the principal realized that Margot might not understand that her finger is considered a dangerous weapon, recognizing that, Heaven forbid, she just might point it again. What then? Prison? Solitary confinement? Water-boarding?

People, People, People, when did we lose our common sense? Margot is not the only example of abject over-reaction. Columnist George Will shared some examples of people who need to stop the nit-picking (Am I allowed to use that term?) and get a life…a life of significance. Here is what he wrote:

Some Texas real estate agents will no longer refer in their listings to ‘master’ bedrooms, lest people be reminded of slavery. The University of Oregon/Oregon State University football rivalry will no longer be called the ‘Civil War.’ Lest people be reminded of what it took to end slavery? …London activists want to rename a school because, Rod Liddle writes in The Spectator, ‘it is named after a road which was named after a dairy farmer who had the same name as someone the activists dislike.’”

If you’re like me, you want to bang your head into a wall. With all the problems our countries are facing, people spend their time on this nonsense? Bang! Bang! Bang!

To promote gender neutrality, there is a movement afoot to degender words in the English language. Seriously. The new 117th U.S. Congress started by recommending new rules for the legislative process, removing all gender-specific words like “man”, “woman”, “mother”, “father”, “son” and “daughter” to promote inclusion and diversity, and representative (Reverend) Emanuel Cleaver finished the opening session prayer by saying “Amen and a-women”.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Here’s something for Reverend Cleaver to consider: “Amen” has nothing to do with gender. It means “so be it.” Was God honored with Cleaver’s ending, or was it a way the Reverend could call attention to himself and his supposed cleverness?

Next thing we know, a manatee will need to become a womanatee. Or should that be a unisexatee? How about a Manwich sloppy joe? Sorry, I mean, a Womanwich. Is it now an advertisewoment? There is no end to this ludicrousness.

Rev. Cleaver ended his prayer “in the name of the monotheistic god Brahma.” Not God the Creator, but Brahma, a Hindu god. And no one called him on it. Our Congresspeople just sat there, like sheep led to slaughter.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Adelay Martin. Submitted photo.

Tuesday was a successful night for the Eagles. Both Lady Eagles teams won their games, as did the Varsity boys. The JV boys were defeated by the Vikings.

The Varsity girls defeated the Central Heights Vikings 43-27. Danielle Howard scored 19 points and had 5 steals. Karleigh Schoenberger had 7 points and 6 rebounds. Gwenyth Fry and Sammie Hampton had 4 rebounds, and Fry also had 2 assists.

“We earned a couple of good wins on the road tonight,” says Coach Miller. “The Varsity girls faced a little adversity in the second quarter, but overcame it with a solid second half performance. Our JV girls played well in their 2-quarter competition. There are a few in the group that are ready to compete for some Varsity minutes. We will be on the road again this Friday where we will take on the Oswego Indians.”

The boys’ Varsity team also beat the Vikings 51-45. Jake Harvey scored 17 points and had 9 rebounds and 2 steals. Clay Sutterby had 9 rebounds and 2 steals as well. Dawson Dreisbach had 5 rebounds, and Cade Goodridge had 3 rebounds and 2 assists.

“We didn’t play with great energy in the first half,” comments Coach Hays. We got in some foul trouble early and we never really got in a rhythm that first half. I thought, in the second half, we played with much better energy. We applied some full court pressure and that helped change the momentum. Central Heights is a good team and we were fortunate to come out on top.”

-Adelay Martin, UHS Sports Media Reporter

Fort Scott Community College Ranks Among The Top Colleges In Kansas

Higher education resource guide releases the best public institution programs for 2021

Fort Scott Community College has been awarded top ranking status for Best Colleges In Kansas by Intelligent.com.

Fort Scott Community College was listed among thousands of public institutions in the nation, and the comprehensive research guide is based on an assessment of 2,277 accredited colleges and universities.

Each university is evaluated based on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation, and post-graduate employment.

The 2021 rankings are calculated through a unique scoring system that includes student engagement, the potential return on investment, and leading third party evaluations.

Intelligent.com analyzed 192 schools, on a scale of 0 to 100, with only 48 making it to the final list. The methodology also uses an algorithm that collects and analyzes multiple rankings into one score to easily compare each university.


To access the complete ranking, please visit: https://www.intelligent.com/best-colleges-in-kansas/

About Intelligent.com
Intelligent.com provides unbiased research to help students make informed decisions about higher education programs.

The website offers curated guides that include the best degree programs as well as information about financial aid, internships, and even study strategies. With comprehensive, user-friendly guides and hundreds of program rankings, Intelligent.com is a trusted source among students and prospective students.

To learn more, please visit https://www.intelligent.com/.

What’s Happening in Fort Scott Feb. 5 Edition

What’s Happening
in Fort Scott
February 5th
Weekly Edition
Consist of over 80 posters, photos, and literature of the great and important Black Innovators and Leaders throughout history! Free display in the lobby at
2108 S. Horton located at the FSCC.
2/4- Songwriter Nights @ Hound Nutrition ~ tonight featuring David Byerly, 116 S. Main St., bring a friend & enjoy live music starting 7pm, click here for more info.
2/5, 2/6 & 2/7- STAR EMPORIUM GRAND OPENING SPECIALS! New grocery store Downtown Fort Scott, Fri., Sat. & Sun. during normal business hours. Prizes, Giveaways, and In-Store Specials! Click here for full details.
2/5- Karaoke Friday Nights at The Boiler Room Brewhaus! Experience or beginners, it does not matter! Let’s have some fun with music & drinks! Click here for their FB page.
2/5 & 2/6- Livestock sale at the Fort Scott Livestock Market, both Friday & Saturday, click here for their FB page.
Every Thursday & Friday from 2 ~ 4 pm
Call or text 620.724.7962 for new Bid #
Our stations are also now streaming, so you can listen anywhere, anytime on http://www.kombfm.com.  You can now access our website, and bid on any items, and even buy it now prices.
2/6- First Southern Baptist Church ~ 3rd Annual “ALL YOU CAN EAT PANCAKE FEED, SILENT AUCTION
& BAKE SALE”! ~ located at 1818 S. Main St., Fort Scott, KS
Click herefor the flyer and more details!
2/6- Pickleball from 8-10 am at Memorial Hall, open to anyone wanting to play! Always check the FB Group page herefor any location changes or cancelations. Tuesday, Thursday & Saturdays
2/6-The Lavendar Patch Gift Shop will be open! Sat., Feb. 6th from 9 am -2 pm located 2376 Locust Rd., Valentine Day Items and other lavender items.
2/7- Papa Don’s Pizza back open on Sundays & featuring their football shaped pizzas this Sunday for Super Bowl, call 620-223-4171 to order (open this Sunday 10:30am-4pm).
2/7- Soup-er Bowl Drop Off Event! First United Methodist Church with nonperishable donations going to the Beacon. Sunday beginning at noon until 3 pm. Clickherefor event details.
2/11- Chamber Coffee hosted by Sunshine Boutique, 18 E. Wall St. ~ will be held in both the gift shop & boutique.
2/11- Poodle in Paris Paint & Sip Party by Happy Snappy Art! Reserve your spot with the Boiler Room Brewhaus! 6-10 pm, click here for full details
2/11 & 2/13- TIMKEN JOB FAIR, Clickhere for full details and see the flyer below.
2/12- Virtual Lunch & Learn on the forgotten Mayhew Cemetery by the Gordon Parks Museum celebrating Black History Month, 11am-12pm, click here for more info.
2/12- Creative Canvas Couples Paint Night, Gunn Park, 6pm, click here for details.
2/12 & 2/13- The Prairie Troubadour 5th Annual Symposium, most events will take place at the River Room Event Center, 3 W. Oak St., click here for more info.
2/13- Love Local Chocolate Crawl Shopping Event, Downtown & Around shops will feature chocolate tasting as you shop specials & enter drawings for giveaways! See flyer below for more info.
2/13- Ice Bowl Disc Golf Tournament @ Gunn Park, registration starts 9am, click here for more info.
2/13- Valentine Crafts @ Buck Run Community Center, pre-school to 5th grade, 9am to 10:30am, pre-register for $1 thru Buck Run.
Kansas City Chiefs
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Streaming live on CBS, ESPN Deportes & NFL
Sunday, February 7th at 5:30 pm
Local Fort Scott Business viewing & Super Bowl Specials ~ See Below!
Downtown Fort Scott is booming!
Click here for Chamber member
specialty shopping & other retail in
Downtown & other areas of the community.
Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
In This Issue
Chamber Highlights
Click here for our
Membership Directory.
We THANK our members for their support! Interested in joining the Chamber?
Click here for info.
Thinking of doing business in or relocating to Fort Scott?
Contact us for a relocation packet, information on grants & incentives, and more!
Seeking a job/career?
We post a Job of the Day daily on our Facebook page, distribute a monthly job openings flyer, and post jobs on our website.
Many opportunities available!
Housing needs?
Click here for a listing of our Chamber member realtors.
Click here for our rental listing.
Many fitness options are available…
SPIN classesnow offered bySmallville Athletics, every Mon & Wed at 5:15 pm, and Tu & Thurs at 6 pm. $5/class or $50/mo. unlimited.
Total Body Fitness ~ M & W Karen Reinbolt at BRCC@
8:15 am $20/8 week session.
Zumba~ M,W, F @ 6pm Monalynn Decker at BRCC $40 for a 12-week session.
Indoor Fitness/Gyms at
I AM Rehab + Fitness, Smallville Athletics, and Buck Run!
Star Emporium General Store
Community Grand Opening
This Friday – Saturday – Sunday
February 5th-7th!
Super Bowl this Sunday!
Local biz specials below…
The Fort Scott Chamber Presents
Love Local Chocolate Crawl
Shopping Event in Fort Scott ~ February 13th!

UK Variant identified in Kansas

A note from Rebecca Johnson, SEK Multi-County Health Dept. Administrator, on this recent development.

“I recommend we continue to follow the mitigation path we’ve been on and continue to wear masks, even after being vaccinated.”

TOPEKA – A CDC Emerging Variant, which has been found in 33 U.S. states, was identified in Kansas yesterday afternoon.

A Kansas resident in Ellis County was found to have the United Kingdom, or UK, variant known as B.1.1.7.

A case investigation is being conducted to determine how the person became infected with this particular variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as well as if others may have been exposed.

No further details are being released concerning the patient, including demographics.

The variant was determined through the whole genome sequencing (WGS) conducted through the laboratories at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE).

“This finding does not change our public health recommendations. We continue to encourage people to take the appropriate precautions: follow isolation and quarantine recommendations, practice physical distancing, wearing masks, good hygiene, staying home if ill and getting the vaccine if you are able to, once the supply is sufficient,” Dr. Norman, KDHE Secretary, said.

This variant was first reported in the U.S. at the end of December 2020.

Evidence from the UK indicates that this variant spreads much more quickly through the population and, given that fact, may rapidly increase the number of hospitalizations and deaths. More studies are needed to confirm this finding.

Bourbon County Local News