Zumba at Fort Scott Community College

Feugate-Cate leads the first class of Zumba Tuesday evening at FSCC.

Kassie Fugate-Cate, Director of Strategic Communication, has officially brought the Zumba exercise program to Fort Scott Community College.

Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Although this is where Zumba started, Fugate-Cate has added a more modern twist to the classes as well, using today’s popular music and dance steps.

Fugate-Cate fell in love with the Zumba program when she had the opportunity to be a teacher’s assistant for the class that was offered when she went to Pittsburg State University, she said.

Fugate-Cate thought that getting certified to teach a Zumba class would be a great way to get back into Zumba and also show other students and community members what a great program it is.

The class is offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-6: 30 pm.

Tuesday, September 11, was the first class.

Until further notice, the classes will be held in the auditorium at the college’s Ellis Fine Arts Center.

Student, Marcus Robinson and community member, Sara Lancaster, have a smile on their face during the Zumba class Tuesday.

Each class has a $3.00 fee and welcomes men and women of all ages.

Cate says, “No one is too old for this class!”

To sign up for a session or request more information, please contact Cate via text/call at (918) 801-5060 or by email at kassief@fortscott.edu

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