Special Night Sky Program
Saturday, October 28, 2023, Fort Scott National Historic Site will share stories and a closer look at October’s full Hunter’s, or Hunting, Moon. The program will begin just after the moonrise at 6:30 pm and telescope viewing begins just after twilight at 7 pm.
Look up to the same October Hunter’s Moon as it ushers in fall and winter, discussing what it could mean to you and your family as people have done for centuries on the American frontier. Then look closer at the next frontier on our moon and other planets, or last frontier of deep space.
The Kansas Astronomical Observers will join Park Rangers with their telescopes, spotting scopes, and binoculars sharing how you can take a closer look at our moon from your own back yard.
Fort Scott National Historic Site’s, a unit of the National Park Service, exhibit areas and visitor center are open daily from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The park grounds are open daily from a half hour before sunrise until a half hour after sunset. To find out more or become involved in activities at the Fort, please contact the park at 620-223-0310 or visit our website at www.nps.gov/fosc.