The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team Awarded $560,140 Patterson Family Foundation Grant

The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team (HBCAT) has been awarded a two-year grant from the Patterson Family Foundation. Grant funds will be used to expand upon current programing with the HBCAT’s Center for Economic Growth and fund creative placemaking projects for the Historic Downtown Fort Scott and the Eastside of Fort Scott.

The HBCAT is making very intentional and concerted efforts to engage community members and increase access to healthier environments in neighborhoods historically lacking community investment.

According to the US Census, in 2019 Bourbon County had a $47,452 median household income, much less than the state of Kansas average of $62,0281. Data USA allows individuals to view Bourbon County census tracks income by location, filtered to show the highest median household income.

In 2018 the “East Side” showed a stark contrast with the rest of Bourbon County. Data USA showed the highest median income of African American households in Census Tract 9560 with a value of $35,804, followed by Census Tract 9559 values of a mere $15,486.

With this funding, HBCAT looks forward to providing microenterprise grants to small, low-income, minority, women-owned or food-based businesses within Bourbon County.

In addition, funding will be available to local farmers and ranchers with the goal to extend growing seasons and increase the volume of locally produced foods in our schools, restaurants, and food retail establishments.

“On behalf of the Patterson Family Foundation, I am pleased to award funding to The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team, Inc. that will impact the health and wellbeing of Bourbon County residents. The Foundation looks forward to sharing learnings and best practices with other rural counties seeking similar solutions in their respective communities.” -Lindsey Patterson Smith, PFF President said. Over the next two years, HBCAT will hire personnel to focus on significant trust and vision work with lower-income and minority populations.

“The Patterson Family Foundation Grant is giving our community the needed resources to enhance and build upon our work; to improve upon the natural, built, economic, and social environments in which we live, work and play,” Jody Hoener, President and CEO HBCAT said. “Implementation funding will be used to support changes in the physical environment to improve health for large numbers of people in a sustainable manner. Find us on social media! On Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter #healthybbc.”

The HBCAT is an equal opportunity organization.

Background of The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team:

The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team is a Blue Cross Blue Shield Pathways to Healthy Kansas Community.

Its mission is to increase access to healthy food and physical activity, promote commercial tobacco cessation, enhance the quality of life, and encourage economic growth. The problems of health inequity and social injustice are complex in nature and inextricably linked to key economic indicators. A healthy workforce is a prerequisite for economic success in any industry and in all cities.

Contact information:
Jody Hoener, President and CEO
The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team, Inc

Mary Hunt, Interim Operations Director
Southeast KANSASWorks
Desk: 620-232-1222
Cell: 620-670-0006 Website:

Dacia Clark, Assistant Director, PSU SBDC

Lindsay Madison, President and CEO
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce
(620) 223-3566

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