Tag Archives: featured

Muddy Water Farm Receives Federal Grant to Insulate Their Shop: More REAP Funds Are Available

The new insulation in the Muddy Water Farm shop. Submitted.

Last month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)  announced that it partnered with rural Kansans on clean energy projects to lower energy bills, expand access to clean energy, and create jobs in rural Kansas communities, according to a press release.

These investments are made through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), according to the press release. The REAP program helps agricultural producers and rural small business owners expand their use of wind, solar, geothermal, and small hydropower energy and make energy efficiency improvements. These innovations help them increase their income, grow their businesses, address climate change, and lower energy costs.

Last month’s REAP announcement includes projects in 38 other states and Puerto Rico.

In Bourbon County,  Muddy Water Farm’s Kevin Stark, Dave Carney, Brady Schindel and Mike Vandelogt were announced as the awardees of a $19,088 grant that has helped their farm/ranch business make energy-efficient improvements to its operations. The project is estimated to save 44,659 kilowatt hours per year, enough energy to power four homes, according to the press release.

The farm staff heard about the grant opportunity last summer, Stark said.

“We needed to make some improvements to our shop anyway,” he said. ” Improving the energy efficiency of the shop just made sense.  We were going to do it a step at a time over a few years but the grant helped us complete it all at once.”

They had help with the tedious grant process from Clint Morris with Cleaner Greener Energy, Parsons KS.

The grant money was used to add insulation to the shop and replace the shop doors with an insulated door, he said.

Since the installation, the farm’s utility bills have been lower.

“The working conditions in the shop are much better,” Stark said.  “Cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. ”

Muddy Water Farms LLC produces corn, soybeans, and wheat.

Daniel Zywietz, SEK Solar, Chanute, also helps with the grant process for this program.

The next round of grant application deadline is September 30.

New Teachers at U235 School District: Shrewsbury, Harris

There are two school districts in Bourbon County, USD 234, Fort Scott, and USD 235, Uniontown.

This is part of a series featuring new teachers in the districts.

Uniontown schools have enrollment for the 2024-25 year on July 25-26 and the first day of school is August 15.

Uniontown has four new teachers and one new principal.

The school has a new telephone number: 620.224.2350.

Caitlin Shrewsbury and family. Submitted photo.
Caitlin Shrewsbury, 31,  is a new third-grade teacher at West Bourbon Elementary School, Uniontown.
“I received my Bachelor’s of Science in Education at Pittsburg State University, as well as my Master’s of Science in elementary teaching,” she said. “I did my student teaching at WBE and I am now back in the very same classroom! I taught 3rd grade at Eugene Ware for 8 wonderful years.”
“I enjoy coaching my daughter’s t-ball team as well as teaching summer school for several years. My husband and I love to attend local fundraisers and charity events.”
Her husband, Weston, runs his own small cattle business and they have two daughters; Zaley (5) and Sway (2).
“The best thing about being an educator is the relationships you build with your students and colleagues. These relationships last a lifetime!”
“The biggest challenge I have seen lately is what they call teacher burnout. It is no easy job!”
Susan Harris. Submitted photo.

Susan Harris, Hepler,  will be the 7th and 8th-grade math and high school speech, debate/forensics teacher at Uniontown Junior High School for the 2024-25 school year.

Susan has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Education, Speech, Drama, Forensics/Debate; a Master’s in K-12 Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL); and a Master’s in K-12 Special Education. She has endorsements in 5th-9th Math, English, Social Science, and Science. She just completed her 25th year of teaching.

Prior to her twenty-five years in education, she was a hair stylist for sixteen years, owning her own salon in Hepler until she and her husband, Brian, received a grant to attend college.

It was grant designated for farmers who were suffering through the farm crisis of the 80s and 90s.

It was challenging for her and her husband to manage a farming operation while raising their three children, attending college, and working, she said.

Harris’s response to any student who says they don’t think they can attend college is that they  “might surprise themselves at the challenges they can overcome.”

She says the best thing about being an educator is building up your students’ faith in their own abilities until they can overcome their own challenges.

Harris currently serves on the Hepler Library Executive Board; she was the teacher representative for the USD 101 Site Council; and she served as the local Vice-Chair and Chair of the ANW-Kansas-National Education Association (KNEA) where she attended many leadership trainings and Representative Assemblies in Topeka, Wichita, and Washington DC.

She has three children, eight grandchildren, “and one grandbaby angel.” She enjoys attending her grandchildren’s plays, and ball games, and ” just hanging out with them while they are young.”

Harris states that though she will miss her former students and co-workers, she is proud to say she is a Uniountown Eagle and looks forward to building relationships with her new students and co-workers.

AD: Rick James for KS State Representative District 4

Rick James is a Republican candidate for the 4th district House of Representative, a position currently held by Trevor Jacobs. Trevor announced that he is not seeking another term.

Rick is passionate about protecting the conservative values of fellow Kansans. He understands that freedom is not merely a privilege but a birthright. He was raised in La Cygne, Kansas where he attended La Cygne elementary school and graduated from Prairie View High School in 1981. He entered the Marine Corps a few short days later serving a 30-year career. This career included serving in Desert Storm, Haiti, Iraqi Freedom, serving on embassy duty and as a Marine Drill instructor. He achieved the rank of Sergeant Major and was awarded the Bronze Star and Legion of Merit. He also obtained a bachelor’s and a master’s Degree from the American Military University.

There was never a doubt, that he would return to Eastern Kansas. He moved his family to a small farm near highway 69 in 2008 and completed his Marine Corps career at Richard Gebauer Base in Belton. He retired a decorated Marine in 2011.

Since retiring from the Marine Corps he opened two local businesses, Semper Fi Auction Services and Bravo Realty. The Marine Corps instilled a dedication to serving his community. In 2014 he ran for the district 1 Linn County Commissioner. He served 2 full terms from 2014-2022. He did not seek reelection for a third term because, he believes there should be term limits in government at all levels.

He has a personal interest in Kansas, he was a military leader and a small Business owner.  He has conservative views!! He believes in the right to bear arms, he is pro-life, he believes in a smaller government and reduced taxes.

Politicians represent the people they serve, and he takes that very seriously! He would appreciate your vote on August 6. Click here to follow him on Facebook.  Semper Fi and God Bless!

Paid for by Rick James for KS State Representative.

Candidates For U.S. House of Representatives: Young, Tiffany, Schmidt

This is a part of a series about the candidates on the Bourbon County August Primary Election ballot.


There are seven vying for the U.S. House of Representatives District 2 position.

Chad Young. Submitted photo.

Chad Young, 52, Lawrence is a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives District 2.
” I’m a business owner and started a non-profit organization working with Vets, troubled young men and women: teaching vocational skills, money management, the GED program, etc.”

1) What do you see as the primary role of a U.S. House Representative?

To serve the people of the United States. To put our country and the interior the people first. To stand strong for the Constitution and never back down against the tyrannical government.

2) For you, what is the most pressing issue in the U.S.  House of Representatives?

“Tyrannical government/big government controlling the people. Lowering taxes and shutting the border.”

Shawn Tiffany. Submitted photo.

Shawn Tiffany, 46, Council Grove, is a candidate for U.S. House of Representatives District 2.

He received a bachelor of science in aminal science, reproductive physiology from Kansas State University.

He is the owner and operator of Tiffany Cattle Company.

In his community, he has been President of the Kansas Livestock Association.

1) What do you see as the primary role of a U.S. House Representative?

“The primary role of the next representative for KS-02 will be to fight for the values and freedoms that are under attack by the D.C. swamp. I’m a cattleman, a family man, a business owner, and
a conservative outsider. I won’t get in line or take orders in Washington – I will fight for policies that are good for Kansans. Our next representative must be ready to stand against the Radical
Left and the RINOs who enable them.”

2) For you, what is the most pressing issue in the U.S. House of Representatives?

“After visiting the southern border last month, I believe the national security threat posed by our open southern border is the single biggest issue facing our nation right now. I have released a
plan on my campaign website to secure the border, which includes policies I will support in Congress like finishing the border wall, stopping amnesty, and ending benefits for illegal immigrants.
I’m willing to work with anyone to secure the border, but Democrats’ refusal to reverse the Biden administration’s open border policies shows they are not serious about securing our border. I will
fight to end Joe Biden’s abuse of our asylum process and work with President Trump to secure our border and get our nation back on track.”

Derek Schmidt. Submitted photo.


Derek Schmidt, 56,  lives in Independence.

His education:
● University of Kansas School of Law, Doctor of Juridical Science, 2015
● Georgetown University Law Center, Juris Doctor, 1996
● University of Leicester, Master of Arts in International Politics, 1993
● University of Kansas, Bachelor of Science in Journalism, 1990
● Independence Community College, 1986-1987
● Independence High School, graduated 1986

His experience:
Currently a partner at Husch Blackwell LLP, one of the top 100 law firms in the country. Prior to that, served 12 years as Kansas Attorney General from 2011-2023. Before being elected attorney general, served 10 years in the Kansas Senate, including six years as
Senate Majority Leader and four years as Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee.

“While serving in the Legislature, I worked in a small law firm in Independence, which also included serving as the city prosecutor. Earlier in my career, I was a staff member for a Kansas governor, a Kansas attorney general and two U.S. Senators.”

Community Involvement:
“I serve as a board member for the Kansas Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation, as well as Independence Industries, a local economic development organization. As attorney general, I served on the Executive Committee of the National Association of
Attorneys General for about 10 years, including one year as national president. I also served as a member of the Law Enforcement Advisory Council for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for more than four years.

1) What do you see as the primary role of a U.S. House Representative?

First and foremost, the role of a Member of Congress is to represent the views of the constituents in the District. Our founding fathers designed the House of Representatives to be the part of the federal government that is closest to the people, but also limited its
powers – reserving much of the decision making to be done by the states and the people. If I am elected to serve, I will keep these principles in mind, and work every day to stay connected with the citizens of the Second District in representing them in

2) For you, what is the most pressing issue in the U.S.House of Representatives?

Illegal Immigration – This is by far the top priority for our federal government. Our national security is endangered because we do not know who is coming into our country.
Our southern border is in a state of crisis due to the policies of the Biden administration.
We must immediately reimplement the policies from the Trump administration, including the Remain in Mexico policy, which I defended as Kansas Attorney Gen

To view the whole series on the candidates:

Candidates on the August Primary Ballot: County Treasurer

Candidates for Bourbon County Sheriff on the August Primary Ballot

Kansas August Primary Election Candidates: Kansas House of Representatives

Candidates for Bourbon County Commission on the August Ballot

Candidates on the August Primary Ballot: Walker, Holdridge, Crux

Kansas State Senator District 13 Candidates On The August 8 Ballot

Candidates for Bourbon County Commission In August 2024


FSCC New Vice President of Finance and Operations: Missy Scott

Missy Scott. Submitted photo.

Missy Scott,  56, is the new Fort Scott Community College Vice President of Finance and Operations, as of May 24.

Her office is in the Dick Hedges Administrative Building.

She earned a Master of Business from Pittsburg State University, with a Concentration in Accounting, and also from P.S.U.  a Bachelor’s of Business Administration, Major in Accounting, and from Fort Scott Community College, an  Associate of Science degree.

Scott has five years in hospital accounting, three years in corporate accounting, and 16 years in banking.

The duties of the position are to provide financial leadership for the college as part of the executive team, ensure the short and long-term fiscal health of the college, monitor FSCC’s revenue and expenditures, develop both internal and public budgets, oversee the business office, as well as other ancillary departments, she said.

Members of the Executive team include:

Sara Sutton, Interim President

Missy Scott, Vice President of Finance and Operations

Sonia Gugnani, Vice President of Academic Affairs

Juley McDaniel, Director of Human Resources

Vanessa Poyner,  Dean of Students

Liza Erwin, Athletic Director








Downtown Meet and Greet: Much Is Happening In Fort Scott

Attendees of the Downtown Meet and Greet mingle before the meeting begins on July 9 at the Cohn’s Cafe.

Kathy and Tracy Dancer, owners of Cohn’s Cafe, 110 S. Main,  hosted the quarterly Fort Scott Downtown Meet and Greet on July 9.

Tracy and Kathy Dancer in the entrance to 110 S. Main,  called Mercantile and Market and Cohn’s Cafe.

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce sponsors quarterly events to learn/tell of happenings in the downtown historic district.

Lindsay Madison, the Chamber’s executive director, told of the following upcoming events:

  • July 13 sidewalk sales-11 stores participating with a Business Bingo, Riggs Chiropractic offering free screenings, and the Bourbon County Democrats with a booth.
  • August 2-4 is the annual sales tax holiday weekend in Fort Scott.
  • September 12 is the Fall Fest from 5-8 p.m.
  • October 26 is the annual Halloween Parade at 11 a.m.
  • November 7-9 the Holiday Open House with the main kickoff on Thursday from 5-8 p.m.
  • December 5 is the Christmas Parade at 6 p.m. with the theme “A Storybook Christmas.”
  • December 6-7 stores are open late for Christmas on the Bricks.
  • New seasonal downtown light pole banners are being ordered featuring local veterans. The banners will be posted on Memorial Day, July 4th, and Veterans Day at a cost of $300 and the family gets the banner at the end. 30 banners have sold, so far.
  • There are a few ad spaces available on the Downtown Directory Sign on North Main Street, $100 per year.
  • The Chamber Golf Classic is this Friday, July 12. Raffle items and gift cards are welcome for this fundraiser for the Chamber.
  • There will be an Election Candidate Forum on Thursday, July 25 at the Fort Scott High School Auditorium with a meet and greet at 5:30 p.m. and the forum at 6 p.m.
  • Several business grants are available: e-community with 6% for 10 yrs., $5,000 to $50,000; Grow KS: maximum $100,000+, 4% for 5 yrs., 6% for 10 years; USDA REAP grant for energy efficiency and solar projects (the last round of grants deadline is Sept. 30); and HEAL Grants for downtown businesses.

Superintendent of Fort Scot National Historic Site Jill Jarworski said the fire suppression project is 50 % complete, the Blair House will soon have new siding, the infantry barracks will be renovated, three HVAC units will be replaced, there will soon be more accessibility at the Fort, Candlelight Tours are in the planning stages, the Naturalization Ceremony will be Sept. 20 this year, there is an app “Sunflower Summer” for 3-4th grade students is free and features Kansas attractions.

Downtown Trolley Tours has a new driver, Steve Allmond, with Friday tours on the hour starting at 11 a.m. and ending at 2 p.m.; Saturday hours start at 10 a.m. on the hours. There is a wheelchair lift available and at least 6 persons minimum.

Merita Meech announced her inaugural Jim Meech Agri-Medical Foundation event at Sharkey’s Third Floor on July 27, from 6-8 p.m. She has a web link for the event to help farmers/ranchers in the first 30 days following a crisis.

There will be a craft event at the River Room Event Center at Oak and National Avenue on July 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Fort Scott City representative Mary Wyatt said a new name for the golf course will be announced on August 15, a grant has been applied for Memorial Hall, KDOT recently awarded the city money for East National Avenue and the Third Street Park project is nearing completion.

Regional Economic Development Inc. Director Rob Harrington told of the Freeman Hospital opening in April 2025 at the former Mercy site. The health system is going through the Federal licensing process. At the August 2 Chamber Coffee, Kansas Renewal Institute and REDI will give tours of the newly renovated emergency department facility.  REDI is having its annual gala on August 3 at the Liberty Theater with a live and online auction to provide scholarships for local high school students. He said in 2025, there will be many construction workers (solar energy) in the county that will need housing, and possibly be shopping and attending events in the county. He encourages welcome packets for them and “they will bring in a huge amount of sales tax.”

Open Mortgage, at Wall and National, has merged and will be getting a new name.

A new business, House of Cottonwood Candles,, there is opening in the former Common Ground building at 116 S. Main.

Jerry Witt, Riverfront Authority Chair, said that Riverfront Park will soon have some new features.

Two Fort Scott Community College Basketball Coaches attending said they are recruiting for the new season.

Konantz Cheney has a new website and can be followed on Facebook.

Madison said she and staff continually get compliments about the downtown area and thanked the downtown businesses.

In June 2025, there will be the all-school Fort Scott High School Reunion events.

The Bourbon County Fair starts next week and Meech encouraged all to walk through the fair and appreciate the effort the FFA and 4H youth have done throughout the year.

Jill Jarowski gets a coffee and sweets provided by Cohn’s Cafe for the event.








BEE Better Health Club Is Now In Fort Scott

The new fitness facility. Submitted photo.
BEE Better Health Club has moved locations.
Wesley DeHaven, 24, is the owner and coach of the business and last year in June he opened the fitness center on his family’s farm.
On June 10, 2024, he opened the fitness center at 212 E. 1st in Fort Scott.
The BEE Better Health Club is a group fitness studio for women.
Wes DeHaven. Submitted photo.
“I’m a certified group fitness instructor through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I worked at a CrossFit gym where I began my weight-loss journey and began coaching women’s Boot Camp classes. I’ve been working with clients and coaching classes since November 2022,” he said.
Lisa Ziegler, Eli (Madison’s son), Madison Bruner, and Wes DeHaven, who had just finished their first workout in the new gym. Submitted photo.
“I was initially located southeast of town in a garage on the family farm. The initial plan was to always get in town and be easily accessible to provide my services,” he said.
“As a fat loss and body recomposition coach, all group fitness members receive nutrition coaching,” he said. “I also offer one-on-one coaching services. I run what I call a hybrid model, in-person and remote which makes it easy for me to work with work schedules. In terms of products, I am an authorized retailer for 1st Phorm a supplement company. The most loved products are protein bars, high-protein meat sticks, and protein powders. “
“Inside group fitness we have 16 members and I have another 12 that I currently work with one-to-one,” he said.
Current class times are 7 AM and 5:30 PM.
Text or call DeHaven at  (620) 644-8150 or visti the Facebook page: The BEE Better Health Club
Krista Stramel, Rhonda Bowles, Delane Godden, Joe’ Fritter, Jill Ruby, Sami Rogers, Wilma Hibdon, and Paulette Albright pose in a post-workout selfie from an Upper Body Day in the new location.

Candidates on the August Primary Ballot: County Treasurer

This is part of the series on candidates on the August Primary Ballot.

For the Bourbon County Treasurer position, there are two candidates.

Michael Hoyt. Submitted photo.

Michael J. Hoyt, 66, Fort Scott, is one of two candidates running for Bourbon County Treasurer.

He has 25+ years executive-level corporate for an NYSE, trading $4 billion in revenues.He has managed outside legal counsel for corporate governance, environmental, health and safety issues., Workman’s Compensation claims, OSHA, EPA, and other compliance issues, acquisition due diligence, phase 1 environmental inspections and remediations. Interacted with outside auditors for areas of SEC, financial reporting, and other audit issues reporting to a board of directors, and had internal consulting roles as assigned by CEO for management deficient in performance and crisis situations.

From the University of Richmond, VA he earned a B.A. Business Management graduated Magna Cum Laude and B.A. Paralegal Studies.  From Park University, he earned a Masters in Public Administration, emphasis in Business & Government. From Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law at Arizona State University, a Masters of Law. Johnson County Community College – Licensing Mediation Core and Family Law.

“The focused role of the Treasurer is to act as the ‘Banker’ for the County. To be an honest, diligent custodian of the County Citizen’s tax dollars. Achieve the highest rate of return on deposited dollars; acting in response to interest rates raising and/or falling, using a ‘laddered’ theory.  This has allowed the City of Fort Scott in the past (18) months to achieve a multi- $100k reserve to direct to projects as determined by the City Commission. Establish and achieve financial controls – checks and balances – to date has NOT provided confidence to the citizens or the Commission of transparent reporting or controls.  The audit firm states that the audits recently have less errors but must make note that producing ‘after the fact’ receipts to justify purchases is not an acceptable control.  The Treasurer’s Office functions are to be completed to the color and spirit of the Kansas State Constitution in all areas of property tax collection, delinquent property tax sales conducted on a consistent schedule, and smooth operation of the vehicle license processing through adequate training and support of personnel; fix past deficiencies and improve the services to the Citizen’s. Last but not least, to work with the County Commission to publish budgets, goals, reporting and feedback for success.”

Jennifer Hawkins. Submitted photo.

Jennifer Hawkins, 35, is the current county clerk, but is running for the county treasurer position.

She been employed by Bourbon County for the last eleven years, with five years of experience in the Treasurer’s Office.

“I am familiar with the day-to-day operations, software, and duties required of the Treasurer. My years of experience with the County have provided me with a unique opportunity to see how the duties performed in many offices all connect to help the County operate. I have created relationships with other employees, department heads, and elected officials that allows us to work together for the common goal of the betterment of Bourbon County.”

In the last few years, she has worked with the Treasurer and CFO to create policies and procedures to help avoid future audit violations and to ensure there are checks and balances present in many offices. “We have made great progress in the organization as evidenced by the recent clean audits, however; I feel there is still more to accomplish, and I can help accomplish this by using my knowledge and experience as Treasurer.”

A lifelong resident of Bourbon County, she attended Fort Scott High School and Fort Scott Community College., and has completed the Kansas Municipal Audit and Accounting Guide  financial statement training, three years of Municipal Services Budget Workshops with the Kansas Department of Administration, Revenue Neutral Rate seminars with the Kansas Department of Administration, LEAD Bourbon County with the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, Homestead Training with the Kansas Department of Revenue, (Kansas Open Records Act and Kansas Open Meetings Act training with both the Kansas League of Municipalities and the Kansas Association of Counties, how to spot fraud seminars, motor vehicle and commercial motor vehicle training with the Kansas Department of Revenue, driver’s license examiner certification with the Kansas Department of Revenue, MSRP training with the Property Valuation Division of KDOR, as well as Subject Matter Expert classes with the Kansas Department of Revenue as well as locally with other Treasurer’s Offices in the Southeast Kansas district.”

 “I feel that collecting and distributing all money owed to the County, keeping an accounting of all money paid in and out of the County to ensure compliance with Kansas laws and statutes, and administering motor vehicle titles and registrations are the primary roles of the Treasurer.”

The most pressing issues for the Treasurer are the timely reconciliation of all accounts to ensure compliance with laws and statutes and avoid audit violations, to monitor rates for our certificate of deposits to ensure the County is earning the most interest possible, and to operate the office accurately and efficiently as the State pushes more motor vehicle duties upon the County without increasing the amount they allocate to us to operate.”


New FSCC Dean of Students: Vanessa Poyner

Vanessa Poyner. Submitted photo.

Vanessa Poyner, 46, is the new  Fort Scott Community College Dean of Students as of June 11. Her office is located in the Student Services office of Bailey Hall.

Poyner earned her Associate of Science from Fort Scott Community College, then a  Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration from Missouri Southern State University and a Master of Science in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of Cincinnati.

“With 18 years of experience as the Criminal Justice Instructor at Fort Scott Community College, I have always been very student-centered and driven to assist students both in and out of the classroom in achieving their life goals,” she said.

“As the Dean of Students at Fort Scott Community College, I oversee the Student Services departments, which include admissions, the registrar, advising, TRIO, student housing, and student activities,” she said.” In addition to these responsibilities, I serve as the TITLE IX Coordinator on campus, ensuring compliance and addressing issues related to Title IX. I am also dedicated to playing a vital role as the student advocate, supporting and championing the needs and interests of our students.”


Candidates for Bourbon County Sheriff on the August Primary Ballot

This is part of a series featuring the candidates who will appear on the August Primary Ballot in Bourbon County.

There are two candidates for sheriff.

Nelson Blythe

Nelson Blythe, 29, has approximately seven years of “very proactive law enforcement,” he said.

“The primary role of the Sheriff is to protect life, property rights and Amendment rights of the residents of Bourbon County,” he said.  “This includes protecting rights that are threatened by State or Federal authorities.”

“The most pressing issues should be to reign in the budget that has steadily been rising, work to bring in revenue by utilizing the jail, improve cooperation with the rest of the County officials and actively communicate with the public on progress in these areas all throughout the elected term, not just during election season.”

He is involved in the community work in law enforcement and commissioner work, he said. “I attend Gracelife Church for morning services and Bethel Community Church for evening services and  I’m also a member of The Fort Jiujitsu Club.”


Bourbon County Sheriff Bill Martin. Submitted photo.

Bill Martin,  58, is the current elected  Bourbon County Sheriff.

Martin sees the most pressing issue facing his office as:

“Maintaining staff and working with a limited budget to provide a professional service to the community,” he said.

The sheriff’s primary role is enforcing Federal and State laws; that do not interfere with both Kansas and U.S. Constitutions, he said.

His education:

  • National Sheriff’s Institute NSI: (Class 109th) Aurora, Colorado.
  • Executive Level Management Education and Training
  • Rural Executive Management Institute (R.E.M.I.) A management education/training program designed to prepare rural law enforcement executives for unique challenges. Session XLIV, St. Louis Missouri.
  • FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (FBI-LEEDA)
  • Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC)
  • Basic Non-Commissioned Leadership Course (BNOC)
  • 2020 Professional Development and Leadership Academy
  • Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC)
  • Kansas Sheriff’s Academy (KLETC)
  • Kansas City Missouri Police Department Regional Training Center, 122nd class

His experience (34 years)

  • Bourbon County Sheriff (current)
  • S. Army (Active Service)
  • Kansas National Guard (Military Police)
  • Kansas City Missouri Police Dept.
  • Pittsburg (Kansas) Police Dept.
  • Fort Scott Police Dept.

He has been involved in the community in the following ways:

  • Federal and State (public safety) Grant Program Reviewer/Elevator
  • Homeland Security Council Representative for Bourbon County, Kansas
  • Kansas Peace Officer Association, District 8 Board of Governor, seated member.
  • Quest Speaker for the International Chief of Police Association, body-cam presentation, San Deigo, Ca. Aug 2023
  • Fort Scott Community College Foundation Board
  • Fort Scott Community College Criminal Justice Advisory Board
  • Ali-Kemp Women’s Self-Defense T.A.K.E program training
  • Special Olympics Golf Tournament Sponsor
  • Fort Scott Men’s Kiwanis, Vice-President
  • Fort Scott Presbyterian Seated Session member, building and grounds committee member.
  • Substitute Teacher: Uniontown School District 235
  • Boys Scout Pack 0114 Charter Organization Representative (Fort Scott)
  • Good Neighbor Action Team, (GNAT) member













Kansas August Primary Election Candidates: Kansas House of Representatives

This is part of a series on the candidates on the August Primary Election ballot.
There are two candi dates for District 4 Kansas House of Representatives on the Bourbon County ballot.
Josh Jones.
Joshua Jones, 43, lives in Bourbon County.
He has three experience years as a  Fort Scott City Commissioner and 20+ years as a small business owner.
Jones has been involved in his community in the following ways: Kiwanis, Chair of Healthy Bourbon County Action Team, Advance Bourbon County, previous city commissioner, Christmas in the Park/Bricks committee, Bourbon County Core Communities
“The primary role of any elected official is to represent the people in their jurisdiction, as citizens are the ultimate authority. Unfortunately, many candidates make promises during election campaigns but fail to follow through once elected. When I served as a city commissioner, I was the only one to hold public forums while in office. Transparency and communication are essential.”
“The Kansas House of Representatives faces many pressing issues, with two major concerns being taxes and government overreach into our freedoms and liberties. Often, the government assumes it knows what’s best for us and enacts laws that infringe on our freedoms. The more this happens, the closer our government comes to resembling a dictatorship and less of a government for the people.”
Rick James. Submitted photo.
 Rick James, 61, lives outside of LaCygne.
He earned a  Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree and has
30 years of experience in the United States Marine Corps.
He has served two full terms as a County Commissioner (Linn County, Ks.); served 7 years on the Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services, and 4 years on the Ks. Area on Aging for SE (Ottawa). He is a local business owner of Semper Fi Auction Services (2013) and Bravo Realty (2019).
His community involvement:  a member of Lady of our Lord’s Catholic Church, member of Rotary 2010-2024,  and has “Helped out doing benefit auctions for our non-profits locally. I’m a conservative and proud Republican. Semper Fi.”
The primary role of a Kansas House Representative to James is:
“Introducing good legislation that benefits our constituents. Reduce government where possible—serving as the voice to our constituents in legislative matters, advocating for their interests and concerns in Topeka. I will be fiscally responsible and work to lower taxes. By engaging with community groups, attending local events, and staying informed about local issues;  I can be the sounding board for the 4th District.”
The most pressing issue in the Kansas House of Representatives is
“Taxes… first and foremost.  We as local and state governments have got to work harder at being good stewards to our citizens when spending their money. Another issue is the recent attacks on rural America with green energy wanting to take 10’s of thousands of acres away from our landowners here in Bourbon and Linn County. Other bad ideas like Pikes Reservoir (10,000 acre lake proposed in Bourbon County) which was known in Topeka before land owners knew.  There are many things our state can improve on so lets start where it hurts citizens the most (TAXES).  We have a great district and I would appreciate your vote in August. “

Events for Independence Day 2024 Celebrations Are Gearing Up

Horton Street will be lined with spectators for the fireworks display on July 6 which is scheduled for 9:45 p.m.

It’s that time of year again, the mid-point of summer, the time when local gardens are producing abundant food and Fourth of July activities begin.

Firework sales in Fort Scott started on June 27 and end on July 4, according to Fort Scott Police Chief Jason Pickert.

“Fireworks can be discharged within the city limits from June 27th to July 2nd from 7 am to 10 pm. On July 3rd and 4th, they can be discharged from 7 am to midnight. Shooting fireworks outside of these dates could result in being ticketed and fined,” he said.

Pickert provided a list of where fireworks cannot be discharged.

  • Within one thousand feet of a hospital.
  • Within fifty feet of a location where fireworks are sold.
  • Within one hundred feet from any gas pump, filling station or bulk fuel storage facility.
  • Any community college campus or surrounding grounds.
  • Bourbon County Fairgrounds.
  • Any city-owned parks
  • And on from 18th Street to 23rd Street during the city’s fireworks display.

“The city fireworks display will still be held at the college campus,” Pickert said.   “As in years past, parking will be allowed on Horton. It can get congested so if you are driving through the area go slow and look for pedestrians.”

Uniontown’s Independence Day Bash-July 3

Fireworks over the Union State Bank, Uniontown, 2019. Submitted by Amy Holt.

Union State Bank is sponsoring the 19th Annual Independence Day Bash on Wednesday, July 3rd in the Uniontown City Park.

“The bank employees plan the event and will hand out free hotdogs, chips and water beginning at 7 pm that evening,” said Amy Holt, Loan Administration Vice President.

“Live music will also begin at 7 pm with the band Neighborhood Radio from La Cygne, Kansas performing,” she said.  “As in years past we will have Inflatable jump houses and The Selfie Bar for people to enjoy.”

Food trucks will be available to serve carnival food and ice cream for purchase.

“We are open for any organizations or clubs looking for a fundraiser opportunity to set up in the park as well,” she saidl  Contact Amy Holt during business hours at 620-756-4305 or by email at [email protected] if  interested.

Fireworks will begin at dusk after 9:30 pm. Personal fireworks are discouraged near the event as a safety precaution.

Neighborhood 4th Of July Parade on Burke Street

The Burke Street Parade in 2020. Margaret and Merl Humphrey and granddaughter Meg Norman. Submitted photo.

An annual neighborhood parade on Fort Scott’s “Tower Hill,” better known as Burke Street on the Fourth of July will begin at 10 a.m. at 10th and Burke Street. The whole town is invited to wear patriotic clothing and enjoy the parade.

Fort Scott  Fireworks Event

Fireworks will be at FSCC once again but will be on July 6 this year, in conjunction with a rodeo at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds.

The community is invited to enjoy the rodeo then view the fireworks.

City Manager Brad Matkin and Bourbon County Fair Board Member Stewart Gulager had discussions in April to have the fireworks be in conjunction with the International Professional Rodeo Assn.  The event is also co-approved by the American Cowboy Assn.

“The rodeo is July 5 and 6, Friday and Saturday night, starting at 8 p.m. each evening,” Gulager said. “I asked if he could do the fireworks at the end of the last performance.”

Tickets are $17 at the gate for adults, $10 for kids 6-10 years old and free for kids five and under. A beer garden is available.

At the rodeo, there will be mutton busting and a calf scramble for the youth and nine events for cowboys and cowgirls involving roping, riding, racing, and wrestling rodeo animals.

Photo submitted by Josh Jones.

The fireworks will be shot off from the Fort Scott Community College softball field on the west side of the campus.

Premier Pyrotechnics, Richland, MO, will have a shooting crew, said Shaunn Pytlowany a licensed shooter and operator.

“There will be a 360-degree viewing angle,” he said, with the height over 150 feet in the air.

Submitted by Shaunn Pytlowany.