Tag Archives: featured

Patty LaRoche: Beauty Salons to Boats

God delights in beauty salons. And if that isn’t true, I think it should be. After all, few places offer better therapy. Hairdressers will tell you that salons create connections. And that’s what God loves to do: Connect.

Here in Mazatlan, Mexico, I was recently in Tippy Toes, a salon owned by Debbie Rodriguez and known for its Margarita Wednesdays. You read right. Men and women book weeks in advance to be part of the mid-week fiesta for their pedicures, manicures, and haircuts. And, of course, free margaritas.

Debbie spent several years in Afghanistan establishing a beauty school for the oppressed women of that country. (I highly recommend her book Kabul Beauty School which tells her incredible story of courage and determination.) A few chapters allude to her fight against sex trafficking. I was intrigued. On my second trip to her salon, I told Debbie about my son Adam’s involvement in that field. She was intrigued. Three weeks ago, two YWAM (Youth With A Mission) missionaries came into her shop and began sharing their vision for preventing Mazatlan’s youth from being recruited by the drug cartels. The two ladies are just starting to dab into the trafficking business.

Connection #1

Debbie contacted me, and yesterday Heather and Andrea came to my condominium, and for three hours I listened as they explained their involvement in discipleship—growing young adults into a deeper walk with the Lord so they can use their talents to advance His kingdom. YWAM’s outreach in Mazatlan is exploding. They build houses for the poor, meet with state officials to teach Biblical principles to fight corruption, work to change laws that affect the youth involved in crime, offer medical assistance where there is none and share the gospel.

The ladies’ stories were uplifting, but the one that excited me most involved a couple who, sixteen years ago, was led by God to sell their house, buy a one-hundred- foot boat and raise their family on it. Their friends and relatives thought they were nuts, yet they never gave up their vision.

Last year they were in Hawaii and saw a docked YWAM medical ship. That was it! They immediately knew what God had planned—they were to donate their boat. Long story short—it was delivered to a nearby marina this past week. Dave and I were there when the missionary team welcomed it to Mazatlan. The plan is to gut it and reconstruct it to be a floating medical facility. Their prayer is for the right people to get involved.

Connection #2

Our friends George and Barbara have lived on their boat for five years, and yesterday they docked at the same marina. George is excellent at working on boats. I asked if he would be interested in helping to prepare the ship for ministry. He is.

Connection #3

God didn’t stop there. Yesterday I heard from Heather who had received an email from Debbie. Her newest salon customer is a retired attorney who worked in sex trafficking and wants to get involved. They hope to meet with Adam’s team to work together to make a difference. So, the next time you think your trip to the beauty salon is all about you, think again. If you see it as a place of connections that delights God, you will be blessed beyond a new hairstyle or a cute pedicure. Next week I will share how my connections were just the starting point for a much bigger plan.

County Calls for Audit of Fire District 2

After months and even years of concerned comments from constituents, the Bourbon County Commission decided Tuesday to demand an audit from Rural Fire District 2, or the Garland Fire Department.

Township trustees Dwayne Allen and Don Banwart presented their request to the commission, saying the fire department in the past year had refused to give the township board details concerning finances and fire district administration, even going so far as to get a restraining order against the township.

“This is unnecessary; it’s a waste of taxpayers’ money,” Banwart said of the injunction that has cost both parties large sums of money due to lawyers’ fees. “Our hands are basically tied.”

County Commissioner Jeff Fischer, who is familiar with the fire district and has attended meetings on the subject, said the lack of transparency with the fire department began as far back as four years ago, when some of the staff such as the chief were released and money seemed to disappear without the knowledge of the township board, which is supposed to have authority over the fire board.

Banwart said an audit would help clarify some of what is occurring in the fire district and give them guidance moving forward, saying their chief concern is the safety of the Scott and Drywood township residents in that district.

A report concerning the four Bourbon County fire districts and their effectiveness was presented to the commission January 17, and showed that in 2016, the Garland department only responded to about 77 percent of the calls. Banwart said he believes the department is down to only three firefighters.

In March 2016, District 13 Kansas Senator Jacob LaTurner successfully created a bill that was passed by the senate, giving county commissions the authority to demand an audit from fire districts at the request of the townships.

Under that new ordinance, the Bourbon County Commission unanimously voted to act by pursuing that audit. The audit, which in this case may reach as far back as five years, will be paid for by the townships.

Initially, county treasurer and CPA Rhonda Dunn had said she could do the audit, but Tuesday advised they use a third party. The commission said they would move forward immediately, finding what the cost of such an audit would be as they decide how far back to go in the district’s finances.

Mid-Continental Restoration Provides Services to Midwest

For 71 years, the family-run Mid-Continental Restoration Company, Inc., has provided exterior restoration services to much of the Midwest and other areas of the country.

Frank Doherty first founded it as a painting company in Sioux Falls, S.D., in 1946, but the business steadily expanded and spread towards the south, opening their headquarters in Fort Scott in 1952. Branches are also currently located in South Dakota, Oklahoma and Texas.

The business has remained in the family, as first Doherty’s sons-in-law and now his grandsons and even great-grandsons continue to work with the company, which has expanded to more than $30 million in annual revenue with about 350 projects a year, working to repair and restore the exteriors of buildings.

“We’re one of the largest ones in the Midwest,” Vice President of Operations and Doherty’s grandson Scott Halsey said of their company and the services they provide. “It’s a whole variety of jobs from small country churches to skyscrapers.”

Just last year, Mid-Continental was working on the North Dakota, Arkansas and Texas state capitols simultaneously.

At one point, Mid-Continental was completing projects in about 24 states, before deciding to scale back to the approximate dozen states they work in now. They also once experimented with getting into the construction business and not just restoration, but after just a few years decided not to pursue it further.

In recent years, the business remodeled the building across the street from their Industrial Park location to create a corporate training facility, where proven employees are further trained in areas such as brick-laying, tuck-pointing, mud-mixing and brick-cutting, using up-to-date technology and materials.

During the winter months, when projects slow down due to the weather, Mid-Continental provides two-week training courses for six to eight employees at a time. That training includes classroom information as well as hands-on training and evaluations.

For example, the building includes areas where the employees construct a brick wall, only to tear it down again as they learn how to cut the brick without creating excess dust, a new regulation imposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration this year.

President Frank Halsey, Scott’s brother, said they may consider using the facility to train other workers that are not employees. While that would mean training competitors, Halsey said it would also raise the standard of construction.

Halsey said he often hears from Fort Scott residents who had no idea the broad reach of Mid-Continental Restoration in the United States. But he added they are also more than willing to work with local owners that have buildings in need of restoring.

FSCC Alumnus “2Big2Stop”

Former Fort Scott Community College student and football player Robert McField revisited the campus Thursday evening, when he gave an inspirational presentation of his life and what he has overcome, encouraging his audience to never let circumstances keep them from their goals.

Growing up in St. Louis, McField said football became a key part of his life, even keeping him out of trouble in high school.

But only eight months into his commitment to play for the University of Minnesota, a time when McField said he surrounded himself with negative influences, then-teen McField was arrested for armed robbery and sentenced to 12 years in a maximum security prison.

“I couldn’t blame anybody but myself,” McField said, though he added he could have tried to play the victim like others around him.

Instead, a couple years into his sentence, just after turning 21 years old while in isolation for fighting with a fellow inmate, McField penned the phrase “Too Big to Stop.” That line became his motto, not because of his size which made him an outstanding defensive end, but because he was determined to overcome his poor choices and reach his dreams and goal of returning to the field.

After serving four years, from 2007 to 2011, McField was released on parole. When that end was in sight, McField said his mother began reaching out to colleges to see if any would allow him to join their teams.

After contacting 30 teams, she finally received a response from then-coach Jeff Sims of FSCC, who recruited him even while he was in prison. Just 19 days after his release, McField was at FSCC, where he played for the season and was even named an all-conference player.

“I had fun at Fort Scott,” McField said of his time there.

McField went on to play at Pittsburg State University, but began to notice he was experiencing severe pain as he continued playing. He had already had five athletic-related surgeries in his football career, but this discomfort increased until he finally sought medical help after waking up to pain shooting through one arm, only a month after the football season had ended.

McField learned he had stage four cancer and had been playing football with five tumors in his body, including one in his stomach that was the size of a deflated football and another that had almost cut off his windpipe, which would likely have killed him.

“That let me know I was here for a reason,” McField said when he came to the realization that he could have died without even knowing he had cancer.

After six months of intense treatment, the cancer was in remission, but McField learned the tumor in his neck had caused enough damage to his spine that he would not be able to play football again. While that dream had become an impossibility, McField set a new goal of reaching out to other young athletes and students to encourage and inspire them.

For the past two years, McField has visited a number of high schools and colleges to speak about his experiences.

At FSCC Thursday, McField spoke of boxes of limitations, struggles and poor choices that each person has, saying they could include cancer, surgeries and imprisonment as it did for him, or other struggles such as fatigue, doubt, fear and lack of confidence.

“You are the person that’s holding you back,” McField said, saying none of those limitations should prevent them from achieving their goals in life.

Patty LaRoche: Time to Sleep

Liz Szabo of USA Today wrote an article saying that teens are deprived of needed sleep necessary to “to learn and stay healthy.” Her evidence came from the American Academy of Pediatrics that urged schools not to start before 8:30 a.m. because teens are biologically programmed to stay up later than adults. Apparently 83 percent of schools begin earlier than the recommended time, and since students need 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep nightly, there is a problem.

Patty LaRoche

Ms. Szabo cited more research. “Adolescents who don’t get enough sleep are at a higher risk for being overweight, depressed and using drugs, according to the CDC.”

The experts have spoken; kids need more sleep. However, instead of adjusting the national school start-time, perhaps we need to zero in on the parents. You know, the parents who aren’t parenting. The ones who fail to monitor their children’s bedtime activities (and time). For the life of me, I don’t know why it’s so difficult to set a night-night time of, oh, say 8:30 for the little ones and 10:30 for the teens…and mean it. With those hours, the kids would have plenty of time to come home from after-school activities, eat, do their homework, and catch some shut-eye.

I read Ms. Szabo’s article and thought, Wow, how times have changed! In my youth, boys and girls crawled out of bed at 5 a.m. to milk the cows and feed the chickens. My brothers woke up at 4 a.m. to roll the Kansas City Star and deliver it across town on their bikes. They also regularly filled in for the altar boys who failed to show up for 6 a.m. mass. (Because we lived right across the street from church, my brothers were perpetually on call.)

Those of my generation learned hard work, responsibility and stick-to-it-iveness. And let’s not ignore the fact that they also made good grades and something of their lives. I can’t recall any of my classmates burning the American flag, having their mugshots on display in the post office or cheating on tests…Well, maybe that one’s a stretch.

But seriously, what might it be like if parents removed the three electronic devices their children use as bedmates, not to mention the television mounted to their wall? What if, instead, bedtime included a devotional, a Bible or their multiplication tables? My three grandchildren in Henderson, Nevada, started school at 7:15. They made excellent grades, played sports, were involved in several activities and managed to get some impressive scholarships when they graduated. In their home, bed-time was bed-time. Not social media time.

The American Academy of Pediatrics—remember, quoted by Ms. Szabo—wrote this in a separate article: “…parents should monitor their (kids’) media diet for both duration and content. Excessive media use can lead to attention problems, school difficulties, sleep and eating disorders, and obesity.” Hmmm…

Our children are a gift from God who has entrusted us to teach them about balance in their lives. By allowing them free reign with their techno-gadgets, we are doing the opposite. According to John 10:10, The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. What delight Satan must take in kids who idolize their social media toys instead of God. 2 Timothy 3:5 considers that a sign of the end times: People will be…lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.

I’m afraid that’s where we are, and unless the parents wake up, their kids won’t, either.

FSCC to host motivational speaker Robert McField

Submitted by Heather Browne

Fort Scott Community College will host speaker Robert McField at 7 p.m. Thursday, February 16, at the Danny & Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center.

FSCC Speaker

McField, a 2012 graduate of Fort Scott Community College, will share his inspiring life story and speak about the numerous obstacles he has overcome in his life. He will also discuss the “2BIG2STOP” mindset that he developed to triumph over the struggles that he experienced.

McField is a former Pittsburg State University athlete, multiple surgery patient, former level-five maximum security prisoner and stage-four cancer survivor. He holds a master’s degree in human performance and wellness from Pittsburg State University, and currently works for a second chance program as a behavior interventionist.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Tom Havron, FSCC Dean of Students, at 620-223-2700, ext. 7230.

Jail Cells Arrive at Law Enforcement Center

About half of the jail cell pods arrived at the site for the Bourbon County Law Enforcement Center Tuesday morning, with the remainder scheduled to come in next week.

Jail Cells

The pods, which each include eight cells, with two beds in each, arrived already fabricated and ready to put in place. Their complete installation including welding is expected to be accomplished by the end of next week.

The pods will provide beds for 76 inmates, but the original site plans included a place for one more pod that would provide 16 more beds. During the Bourbon County Commission meeting Tuesday morning, Sheriff Bill Martin encouraged the commission to consider going ahead and getting that pod while the building is still being constructed.

Martin gave a report on the responses he got from surrounding counties he had contacted about housing their inmates. Many showed interest, including Wichita’s Kansas Department of Corrections, while other counties said they were too far away to transport inmates to Bourbon County.

Martin said he also spoke with counties that recently constructed or added on to their own jails, and those corrections departments shared advice that Bourbon County not be conservative in their number of beds, since even their newer and larger facilities are filling up.

Housing out-of-county inmates could bring in an additional $35 per inmate per day, and the excess number of beds would also insure that Bourbon County would not have to pay other counties to house local inmates.

Martin said now may be a good time to go ahead and get that pod, since the space is available and it would be easy to put in while the building is still open and other pods are being placed. Once the building is complete, it would be more expensive and difficult to open the building back up in order to install it.

The commissioners said that decision would be made based on the available funding.

FSCC Begins Baseball Season with Series Win

The Fort Scott Community College Greyhounds baseball team began the season with a three-game series over the weekend, taking two of the three games against Cloud County Community College.

FSCC Baseball

“I was happy with our effort,” coach John Hill III said, adding opening weekend shows how the team would do against an opponent after months of preparation. “I thought we had a very good opening weekend.”

The ‘Hounds took advantage of the wind during the first game of Saturday’s doubleheader, cruising to a 12-2 win over the Thunderbirds, with home runs from Mackay Williams and Ben McConnell. FSCC was again leading, 3-0, in the third inning of game two before the team had their only bad six innings of the weekend, according to Hill.

With 16 walks, four hit batters and four errors, the ‘Hounds would go on to lose that game, 19-9. But Hill said he was pleased the team was able to turn that around for Sunday’s game, taking a 5-2 win.

“We played a clean game Sunday,” Hill said, saying they were forced to play small ball because of the complete change in wind direction, this time blowing in from the outfield.

Hill said the weekend of competitive games and the extremes in weather, with both warm and cool temperatures as well as the different wind directions, gave the ‘Hounds a good test to begin the season. The ‘Hounds play two more home doubleheaders Saturday and Sunday, and Hill said they look forward to what he hopes will be a successful season.

“As long as we can stay away from injuries, I think we’ll have a good season,” Hill said, though he added they have already lost a couple key players to season-ending injuries.

Hill is in his ninth season of coaching and has led the team to six consecutive seasons of 30 or more wins, tying the franchise record of total 30-win seasons. The remainder of the Greyhounds’ 2017 season schedule can be found at the following link: http://www.fsgreyhounds.com/sports/bsb/2016-17/schedule.

Dancing With Our Stars Raises Funds for Rotary, Charities

The Seventh Annual Dancing With Our Stars, “Battle for the Fort” event raised more than $11,000 Saturday evening, as employees from 10 local businesses danced to a variety of music styles in order to raise funds for area charities.

Dancing With Our Stars

A total of 53 dancers from First Source, Cobalt MedPlans, Friends of the Fort, Citizen’s Bank, Fort Scott Community College, McDonald’s, Medicalodges, LaHacienda, Landmark Bank and Fort Scott Manor danced to tunes ranging from styles from the 1800s to contemporary songs, with dancers dressed to fit the time periods and the styles.

Five awards were presented, with Citizen’s Bank receiving the Most Entertaining, First Source the Best Technical Performance, FSCC the Judges’ Choice, Fort Scott Manor the Charity Spirit of Giving for raising the most funds, and First Source the Battle for the Fort Overall Winner.

This year, the charities represented included the Elks Youth Activities, Care to Share, Friends of the Fort, The Beacon, CASA, Ronald McDonald House, the Alzheimer’s Association, United Way, Care Portal and Lee’s Paws and Claws Animal Shelter.

“This evening is truly a group effort,” rotary member and event organizer Jill Warford said, expressing appreciation to the dancers, attendees and others involved in organizing the event.

In recent years, the event has raised a total of about $85,000. The funds from the ticket prices goes to the Fort Scott Rotary, which has used that funding for a variety of causes around the county, such as providing benches, picnic tables and trash cans at area parks and other venues, as well as for scholarships.

This year’s emcees were Jessica Schenkel and Gregg Motley, while the judges included dance and music instructors Marla Ward, Charlotte Swaim and Judy Schneider.

City Prepares for New Development

The city of Fort Scott looks forward to new changes and developments as businesses and organizations express interest in both downtown buildings and other property around town.

Downtown 2

During the Fort Scott City Commission meeting Tuesday evening, city staff gave reports of some of those interested parties and their plans for buildings such as Memorial Hall, the old La Hacienda structure downtown, the former Spoiled Brat building and a newly annexed piece of property south of El Charro.

In April of 2016, the commission had agreed to work with Last Farmhouse Films, Inc., as they considered renovating Memorial Hall and leasing it in order to promote arts in Fort Scott. Since that time, the group decided to look into purchasing the building outright because of the funding renovating alone would require.

The commission approved giving City Manager Dave Martin the authority to begin preliminary negotiations concerning the sale of Memorial Hall.

Director of Economic Development Rachel Pruitt also presented a project proposal for housing and retail that will go into the Union building in downtown Fort Scott, which formerly housed La Hacienda but in recent years has been vacant.

The Flint Hills Holding Group, which recently completed the apartments in the old Western Insurance building, is now interested in using the Union building, located at 18, 20 and 22 South Main Street, to house the Fort Scott Lofts, which will include 27, one- and two-bedroom units that will not be restricted to a specific age as they are in the Western Senior Living Center. The first floor will also have space for retail, a lobby and a fitness center.

“If we don’t do it, we’re going to lose these buildings,” Martin pointed out.

The structure is expected to bring in 40 residents downtown and 10 new jobs.

The project will cost at least $5.5 million, and the Flint Hills Holding Group requested a seven percent investment from the city, totaling about $400,000. The city’s commitment for funding will increase the chances for the project to be awarded housing tax credits from the state.

The city agreed to give their funding commitment to the project. The amount of money is already available in the economic development fund.

“It looks like a fantastic project,” commissioner Jim Adams said.

The commission also took steps to participate in the preservation of another downtown building, formerly the Spoiled Brat at 124 Wall Street, which has been a hazard for years because of an unsound wall.

Martin said the Horner family has shown interest in preserving the building for a business and second floor living space. Repairing the wall alone will likely cost at least $80,000. If the project becomes more expensive and extensive then originally believed, the potential owners requested that the city commit $30,000, the sum the city would have to pay to tear down the building if nothing is done to repair it.

“We will work very closely with them to make sure what they are doing is right,” Martin said, saying it will not be accomplished overnight as they seek grants and recruit contractors and others to help preserve the building.

The commission unanimously agreed to sign the property preservation agreement, expressing their financial commitment.

The commission also approved the voluntary annexation of about two acres of property located south of El Charro on the east side of Highway 69. Pruitt said a national retailer is interested in using that property for development, but wanted it to be part of the city before they invested.

The commissioners expressed their excitement at the potential projects that may be coming to Fort Scott in the near future. At a Chamber of Commerce event, Martin said they are trying to do the right thing for the city and its residents in each of these projects.

Dunn to Transition from County to City

During Tuesday night’s Fort Scott City Commission meeting, City Manager Dave Martin introduced Rhonda Dunn as the city’s new manager of codes enforcement beginning March 1.

Rhonda Dunn

Shortly after being sworn in January 9, after being reelected as Bourbon County’s Treasurer, Dunn announced that she will begin working with the city of Fort Scott, as the city continues its effort to enforce local codes in order to improve the community’s environment.

“We all drive around in our town and think how it used to be and how it once was,” Dunn said of her decision. “And I figured, you can’t just talk about that, you have to do something about it. I see this as an opportunity for me to help with that.”

Dunn said she will miss being involved in the county, but believes she left a good mark and is leaving the job in good hands with the staff she worked with. Before resigning entirely from the county, Dunn said she will also help train the staff and her replacement.

“It was a really hard decision for me,” Dunn said of her departure from the county. “Because I absolutely love working for the county.”

But Dunn said she is looking forward to improving the community as well as assisting the city in finding ways to utilize surplus property that is currently unused. She added she was ready for a change and the opportunity to hold a position that has room for upward movement, whereas that was unavailable as county treasurer.

“I’m very, very excited, I can’t wait to get to the city,” Dunn said, adding she looks forward to helping the infrastructure of the city move forward by encouraging people to improve their property and the city, not just through penalties but through rewards. “There’s so much going on in Fort Scott and so many good things happening, I feel like there’s a piece here that I can contribute to.”

Martin mentioned at a recent Chamber of Commerce event that the city had been lenient on codes enforcement for more than a decade, leading to areas of town becoming run down or in need of attention due to codes violations. But in recent years, Martin and other staff began to focus on that growing need in the city.

“Our business as the city is not to fine people,” Martin said. “We don’t want to fine people to take care of their property, we want compliance.”

Martin pointed out that some people do not have the means to take care of their homes and properties, and the city wants to connect them with churches or other organizations able to provide assistance. Martin said it is the homeowners that do not care to keep up their property that need stricter enforcement.

Martin said the city believes Dunn is just that person to make sure the codes are properly enforced, saying she “has a vision, can work with HPA [Historic Preservation Association] on buildings, can work with homeowners.”

“She has a heart for Fort Scott and loves the town,” Martin said. “We’re excited and I think she will do a great job.”

Bourbon County leaders and staff said Dunn will be missed. Public works director Jim Harris said he believes Dunn was largely responsible for the excellent management of the road and bridge department’s budget in the past year.

“Road and bridge really appreciates her expertise,” Harris said, saying Dunn met with them monthly and sometimes weekly.

County Commissioner Lynne Oharah expressed appreciation for her help when he needed specific information about finances and the county’s cash flow.

“She’s been a big asset,” Oharah said.

While her job with the city will be her main focus, Dunn will still remain available to assist the county on a part-time basis for the near future. She said she and the city will do all they can to make sure the transition is smooth and that there will be no need for a special election.

Once Dunn does submit her resignation to the governor and the county commissioners, the Bourbon County Republican Party precinct leaders will have 21 days to recommend her replacement, who would then need to be approved by the governor. The new county treasurer would be up for reelection in the next general election in 2018. The annual salary for the treasurer is more than $37,000, while Dunn had received another $10,000 annually for motor vehicle pay. The annual salary for the codes manager ranges from $47,500 to $52,150.

County Removes Vicious Dogs Policy

After about a year of discussions on the topic, and with a case making its way through the court, the Bourbon County Commission decided Tuesday to just do away with the vicious dogs policy that had been written in 1987.

County Commission

The commissioners, along with members of the Sheriff’s Office and county attorney Justin Meeks, determined that even updating the policy to better define a vicious dog would not solve the problem since the county does not have the employees to enforce it.

“If you don’t enforce a policy, why have it?” Meeks asked.

Under the previous policy, it was left to the sheriff’s deputies to answer calls concerning vicious dogs, but that department does not have the manpower or the equipment to respond to such calls or handle the animals, even if they are able to catch them.

Undersheriff Ben Cole said even having a deputy focus full-time on vicious dog calls would not be sufficient, and would also be expensive due to the deputy’s wages, a kennel and other equipment and mileage from traveling through the county. He added it is up to the county to prioritize what they want to accomplish and devote county funds to.

By dissolving the policy, circumstances involving vicious dogs become a civil issue. Pit bulls are also no longer banned in the county, though Meeks pointed out some homeowners’ insurance policies have their own restrictions on owning such dogs.