Starlite Family Community Education Minutes January 2025



Starlite FCE held their January meeting at the Presbyterian Village meeting room.  President Glenda Miller called the meeting to order and led the members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect. Twelve members were in attendance and reported that they had volunteered twenty-four hours and had recycled 50 pounds.


Glenda Miller recognized the January birthday which were Deb Lust, Karen Peery and Terri Williams.  She also read a Thank you letter from the Veterans Hospital thanking us for the 151 Christmas cards we had sent.  The members had all brought Valentine card this month to send to the VA as well.  Glenda also announced that Taylor Bailey had accepted a new job as Director of Marketing for FSCC.


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Doris Ericson presented the Treasurer’s report, she reported that the club had donated $191 to Preferred Living and had purchased wreaths for 2025 Wreaths across America to be placed on graves in the National Cemetery.  Glenda presented the Citizenship moment with information on Martin Luther King and Facts about Kansas which will be celebrating its 164 birthday January 29th.  It was also announced that Starlite had tied for 2nd place in the Christmas Tree decorating contest at Presbyterian Village.


Old business consisted of passing out the new program books that had been filled out and reporting that the State report was done and had been turned in.


New business for the club was deciding on what lessons to focus on for this year.  The club selected the lessons of “Brain Food and Hospice” for their focus.


Doris Ericson moved that the meeting be adjourned, Deb Lust seconded the motion, meeting adjourned.


After the meeting Taylor Bailey presented the program on “Autism”, she informed us that Autism has a wide spectrum of symptoms and severity.


Refreshments of sherbert, cookies, donut holes, nuts, M&M and water were provided by Del Parks, Letha Johnson and Taylor Bailey and enjoyed by all.


Prepared by

Terri Williams




FCE Clubs are partners with Kansa State University Extension to strengthen individuals, families and communities through educational support, leadership development and community service.


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