Sons Of American Legion Organizes Oct. 20

There will be an organizational meeting for a Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron on Saturday, October 20 at 10 am. The meeting will be held downstairs in Fort Scott’s Memorial Hall and is open to any male descendant of an honorably discharged Veteran.


The Sons of the American Legion Squadron is a part of the American Legion family, but it develops its own local community service programs and projects. The SAL offers an opportunity for the sons and grandsons of Veterans to honor their Veteran ancestor while giving back to the community.


Sons, grandsons and great-grandsons of honorably discharged Veterans are eligible for SAL membership.


SAL membership eligibility can be confusing as I cannot join the SAL though my own military service. My SAL eligibility is through my grandfather’s military service in World War 1. My sons and grandsons can join the SAL through my military service.


If you have any questions about joining the SAL or if you have questions about your eligibility, email me at or call me at 904.553.1848.


I look forward to you joining us on Saturday, October 20 as we charter this newest organization supporting the Veterans and citizens of Bourbon County. 

If you wish to join the SAL , but are unable to attend our organizational meeting, please contact me. God, family and work should always come before Legion activities. I will work with you on your membership application.

Feel free to share this email with family and friends who may be interested in the Sons of the American Legion.

Carl Jowers, Commander

Fort Scott American Legion Post 25


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