Unified School District 234
424 South Main
Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697
620-223-0800 Fax 620-223-2760
Monday, January 13, 2025
Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2025, for their regular monthly meeting at the board office.
President David Stewart opened the meeting.
The board approved the official agenda, and the consent agenda as follows:
Board Minutes
Financials – Cash Flow Report
Check Register
Payroll – December 20, 2024 – $1,735,450.74
Activity Funds Accounts
USD 234 Gifts
Terry Mayfield, Assistant Superintendent, recognized the District Tech Team. Stephen Mitchell, Bryce Daly, Joe Foulk, and Landon Hill were thanked for them for their role in keeping the district running smoothly. They are behind the scenes a lot of the time, but they are hardworking and are able to help in an effective and timely matter.

Superintendent Destry Brown reported on a PowerSchool data breech that occurred earlier but thanks to our security there was not any data that has been accessed.
The Hydroponics Farm is being delivered this week to the High School. He also reported on a couple grants that the district will be working with area schools to complete.
Assistant Superintendent Terry Mayfield provided the Board with an update on the football field that is close to being completed. IT has been working hard on upgrading our district systems. He also updated on the Cell Tower Lease and Keyhole property. Wrestling has been moved to the Middle School until the heat can be fixed.
Tonya Barnes, Special Education Director, updated the Board on starting a monthly new employee orientation that will begin this week.
Dr. Johnson, the Middle School Principal, brought an update to the Board about all the remarkable things happening at the Middle School. He reported and thanked the staff for their dedication and hard work. Through this, they have seen great growth in the students. Tracy Homan reported on STUCCO and how they are learning to become leaders. They have helped with teacher appreciation, and Veterans’ Day Assembly, and are going to be working on the yearbook. She said the students are excited and have attended the Greenbush Leadership Conference. Kerri Hanson gave an update on the social emotion aspect and how they were able to have a Career Fair in October with thirty-one presenters. Whitney Beth and Jessica Steury talked about the AP schedule and the advantage of being able to help those students who may be behind. They are excited about the growth in confidence that this schedule has given the students. Staci Black and Adam Feagins presented about Project Lead the Way (PLTW). PLTW is an activity, project, problem-based learning approach. This is a hands-on experience that will build on different subjects as they head toward high school. Overall Middle School students are working extremely hard and there are many exciting things that are taking place for the growth of the students.
There are two open board seats that have been posted. Applications will be taken until the Board Meeting held on January 20, 2025. At this meeting the board will interview those interested.
The Board Approved the following items:
- Maintenance Truck Purchase
- Hinton Creek Solar Contribution Agreement
- Resolution 24-08 To Establish Regular Board Meetings 2025
- Resolution 24-09 To Establish Election of School Board Officers
There were a few present during public forum.
Jerri Smith, Jessica Smith, Leslie Gordan, Erin Vann, and Kenna Miles were present to speak on behalf of wrestling members and parents. They are concerned about conditions where the wrestlers are practicing. Wrestling is a growing sport, and they are asking for more support and recognition. The Board heard the concerns and there was no further discussion at this time. Mr. Mayfield had in his report that they will be practicing in the Middle School until the heat is fixed or another solution is found.
The Board went into an executive session for personnel matters.
President David Stewart adjourned the meeting.
January 14, 2025
Chaplin, Mercedes – Resignation – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware
Drake, Amy – Supplemental Retirement – Dance Coach – High School
Heenan, Kristen – Resignation – Paraprofessional – High School
Large, Lahanna – Resignation – Paraprofessional – Winfield Scott
Martin, Dave – Assistant Swimming Coach – High School
Murrow, Janelle – Retirement – Title 1 Reading – Eugene Ware
Classified Recommendations for the 2024-25 school year:
Brown, Afton – .5 Para Middle School/.5 Para General Ed –
Newman, Ronna – Paraprofessional – High School
Roberts, Victoria – Paraprofessional – Preschool
Rowe, Cynthia – Mental Health Intervention Liaison
Wright, Stacey – Paraprofessional – High School
Supplemental Recommendations for the 2024-25 school year:
Corbitt, Cheyenne – Assistant Intramural Coach for 3rd quarter
Lancaster, Bridgett – Assistant Track Coach