A new 70-foot by 150-foot pavilion is in the works for downtown Fort Scott between Old Fort Blvd. and Stanton Street on North National Avenue.
‘The farmers market pavilion would aim to be a dynamic community hub,” according to a press release from Wells. “This outdoor pavilion stands in the original location of the first farmer’s market in the community’s history and champions access to fresh produce by hosting the Farmers Market every Tuesday and Saturday from May to October. Beyond the market, the pavilion transforms into a cultural stage.”
“The current plan is to make it available to rent , like Riverfront Park, or the (Gunn Park) shelter houses,” Wells said. “The city has first right-of-refusal on any use other than the set times guaranteed to the farmers market.”
This gathering space offers Bourbon County’s farmers a direct link to the community, fostering healthier lifestyles with the offering of fresh produce and enhancing local commerce, he said.
The pavilion is constructed with sustainability and adaptability in mind, and the design aligns with the International Building Code of 2015, according to the press release.
The pavilion committee also envisions music, theater, and community gatherings coming alive in the space.
It is adjacent to the newly constructed splash pad and sensory park that was constructed last summer.
The pavilion project is backed by the City of Fort Scott, a grant from T-Mobile, a grant from the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation, private donations, and other grants that have been applied for and will be awarded soon, Wells said.
“As the price of steel was set to go up by a combined 35%, the Fort Scott City Commission had the forethought to order steel before the skyrocket in price,” Wells said. “As the grants come in, money will be replaced. The city was requested to match at least 1/2 the project cost according to grants.”
Sprouls Construction Inc., Lamar, MO is the general contractor for the pavilion construction project, which began in mid-November and is slated to be finished by mid-January
“We bid the project a long time ago,” Kevin Rooks, Sproul spokesman said. “But we didn’t start working until mid-November 2023.”
“(The project) went through several committees that I was not on, and went through many design and location changes,” Wells said. “When we reformed the committee we focused on a site, a site plan, and design. Partnering with the sensory park and splash pad committee we developed the idea for the ‘gathering square’ .”
A final site had to be chosen, and the commission as a whole had to decide on how best to move forward.
“The commission chose progress and what was best, and most cost-effective for our citizens,” Wells said.
The building is constructed of pre-engineered metal and Sprouls Constructin is currently trying to get the roof panels on.
“We hope the wind will quit,” he said. “All the conditions have to be right (for safely installing the roof panels).”
“We anticipate the completion is mid-January,” Rook said. “If the weather cooperates, it will be sooner.”
The structure will be painted black when the weather is warmer and dryer, Rook said. “Hopefully, by June.”
There are more phases to the project.
“We would like to put electricity and lighting, and then we would like to wrap the columns in stone,” he said. “And when the blockhouse has the new siding put on, incorporate a matching wood, possibly around the top as a skirt.”
The pavilion committee consists of:
Lindsay Madison
Bailey Lyons
Rachel French
Angie Simons
Bill Michaud
Brad Matkin
Mary Wyatt
Josh Jones
Tayton Majors
Rob Harrington
Matthew Wells