Hedgehog.INK, a bookstore featuring new and gently used books has its’ grand opening today at 5:15 to 6:30 p.m.
The ribbon cutting is at 5:45 p.m.
The store is located at 16 S. Main and owned by Jan and Dick Hedges.

The store accepts paperbacks and hardback books for all age levels, according to information provided.
Most of the books traded for store credit will receive up to 20 percent of the price charged for the book at Hedgehog.INK.
Book pricing depends on book quality, age, demand, current stock, and condition.
Trade credit can be redeemed at the rate of 1/2 credit and 1/2 cash for books only. For example, if a book is purchased for $4, one can apply $2 of credit, and the customer will pay the remaining$2 in cash.
New or used books can be special ordered through Hedgehog.INK.

The Hedges will sell a series of new children’s books, called Barefoot Books.
“They are colorful, high-quality books for children,” Jan said.

In addition to a children’s area, there is a writers area in the store, where customers can read or write.
Sheryl Bloomfield is the assistant manager and Addison Guilfoyle is an employee.

In addition to books, local products will be for sale.
Goat milk products, lavender products, and homemade cards are among the items provided by local producers to Hedgehog.INK, that are for sale.

“Dick and I have been amazed at how people have come to volunteer and help us,” Jan Hedges said.

“Our motto is a community of books for the community,” Jan said.