Ginger Nance has been the Executive Director at the Fort Scott Presbyterian Village for 20 years.
“My last working day at the Village is scheduled for Sept 15th as I will be retiring… and shifting my focus to care for others in a new, different career way,” she said.

The executive director’s job entailed leading and directing all operations of the site: budgeting, marketing, fundraising, staffing, resident care, dining and environmental services, policy and regulations, and “extending a helping hand to anyone in need,” she said.
“The very best thing about the job, hands down, is that it gives me the ability to make lasting, meaningful, relationships with people from all walks of life,” she said. “Getting the chance to meet new people and rekindle relationships with others whom I’ve known since childhood is wonderful!”
A challenge for Nance was the pandemic.
“As with any occupation, there are always challenges,” Nance said. “One of the biggest challenges during my career was managing all the issues surrounding the COVID pandemic in senior living. Probably my best and my worst attribute, at the same time, is that I care so much about our seniors and the families that we serve.”
During these years of COVID, the state and federal governments set many extreme restrictions to protect the resident’s lives.
“For a long period during the pandemic, senior living organizations were mandated to not allow people to enter the building for any reason,” she said. “This was heartbreaking to all! We worked as a team and included the families in trying to come up with solutions so they could still be involved and active in their loved ones’ lives.”
” For the first time in senior living, we learned to use Facetime…and sent out weekly communication updates to family members.”
“We created visiting areas with glass separations that were heated using amplified microphones for the hearing impaired. We set up the spaces so they could enjoy a meal together, a cup of hot chocolate, or whatever they desired to do during their visits.”
“I have never been more challenged, yet so very proud, of the amazing team that we have at the Presbyterian Village!” Nance said. Before the pandemic, during the pandemic, and every day since it ended, I am reminded of how fortunate Fort Scott is to have the Presbyterian Village in our community, as I watch the team at the Village care for our seniors. Their care and commitment go far beyond receiving a paycheck. I’m so very thankful that I could be part of such a great team for so many years.”
New Career
Nance feels the time is now to step out in faith in a new career to help people differently.
She has had conversations with senior citizens living in their homes, isolated, feeling helpless, because their physical condition wouldn’t allow them to get outside or even move about easily in their own homes.
“Often the senior would express… that one of the biggest barriers to the idea of making a move to downsize and either move to a smaller, more manageable home, or an assisted living was the idea that they didn’t even know where to begin,” she said.
They didn’t know how to go about downsizing their belongings and/or selling their home, which would stop them, due to fear or physical inability, she said.
“I understand their fears and their concerns and I would like to be available to help people through this process in a kind, patient, understanding way, always keeping them in the driver’s seat every step of the way,” she said.
“For this reason, I am currently offering my services as a ‘Rightsizing Specialist,’ to help seniors and other adults with these types of issues they are facing,” she said.
Services she will offer the community is downsizing, upsizing, or simply “right-sizing” to find a home that meets the current needs of their life.
“We all know that one shoe doesn’t fit all and my goal is to offer my assistance on an individualized basis for each person,” she said. “The options: live auction, estate/tag sales, private sales to individuals, charity donations, assistance with packing, boxing, and the moving process, as well as assistance with buying and selling your home, if desired.”
She is licensed in both Kansas and Missouri and recently joined the Stutesman’s Action Realty team, with offices located in Fort Scott, Nevada, and Lamar, Missouri.
“I very much want to remain active in my hometown, where my family roots are, and I want to continue to build lasting relationships with people from all walks of life,” she said. “The passion I have to help others is the fuel that continues to drive me as I work to build a new business line to offer to our community. If you know someone who could benefit from my help, please give me a call, and let’s talk (620) 224-6173.”