Local businessman Mark McCoy was asked by the City of Fort Scott to consider taking the interim city manager position.

This following the sudden resignation of Jeremy Frazier in the city manager position, after just six months. Frazier tendered his resignation last week and signed a severance package with the city.

“City Attorney Bob Farmer is putting together a contract for an interim city manager position,” McCoy said. “It will be reviewed and then, if approved, a contract offered.”
The contract for Mark McCoy as interim city manager will be taken before the Fort Scott City Commission for approval at 6 p.m. this evening, City Attorney Bob Farmer said. “Mark has agreed to be our interim city manager as he is a long-time resident and wants to help keep the city moving forward until we have a full-time city manager.”
At a special city commission meeting on Aug. 5, Mark McCoy’s name was suggested for the interim city manager position, by Mayor Josh Jones.
“I have gotten to know Mark over the last year and thought he had a good balance between government knowledge as well as his business mind that could help us through the next 3-6 months until we can find a replacement,” Jones said.
“I am extremely excited about the opportunity, and want to help the community as best I can,” McCoy said. “There are lots of possibilities. I do hope to be a face for positive things. I hope it works out for all.”
I’m grateful Mark is willing to serve. It’s important the City Commission and staff continue to have a proven leader to help keep us moving forward.
I am grateful Mark is stepping up and taking this position, unlike historical city managers, Mark brings integrity, honesty, and trust. I will be happy to work with Mark on current and future issues regarding healthy city improvements and growth. I look forward to a meeting.
Michael Del Chiaro
Managing Partner, GO2Partners, Inc
Owner, MDC Enterprises, LLC
(Fort Scott Professional Building)