An American Heart Association Assembly/ fundraiser took place May 2 at Fort Scott High School.
“This is the second annual assembly to raise awareness for the American Heart Association, ” Hanna Reel, coordinator of the event, and a senior at FSHS said. “Jared Martin and I both ran and organized this assembly/fundraiser.” Martin is a teacher at FSHS.
“Many schools around our area and town participated with this organization to help make kids aware of heart disease and ways to prevent it,” Reel said.” I took it upon myself this year to be in charge of running this assembly/fundraiser.”
The event consisted of a speaker from the American Heart Association, Joe Falter, and Reel, speaking on behalf of her own personal experience with a rare heart condition.

Additionally, there was a dodgeball tournament.
“Seventeen competitors played against each other to win prizes during the dodgeball tournament,” Reel said. “The whole school participated in this assembly either by being spectators or being competitors. There were over 500 spectators.”
“I was able to raise $170 for the American Heart Association,” Reel said.