Girl Scout Troop 71650 with help from Troop Leader Cynthia Goebel are selling those famous cookies.
But because of the COVID-19 virus, the sale has changed.
“This will be our last cookie booth sale,” Goebel said. ” Due to the coronavirus, we received word that direct sales to the public will end after March 15th. But you can still get your favorite Girl Scout Cookie until March 28th .”
The troop will be outside Walmart from noon till 4 pm on Sunday, March 15.
“We have 17 girls ranging from kindergarten to high school,” Goebel said. “We meet at the First Presbyterian Church on Fridays at 6 pm.”

“Last year the girls were just short of their goal of selling 3000 packages of cookies,” Goebel said. ” They sold 2960 packages. This year the girls hope to make their goal of 3000. Currently, we are at 2,708.”

Locally the troop’s best-sellers are Thin Mints, Caramel Delites, Peanut Butter Patties cookies, she said. “The Thanks-A-Lot cookie is retiring. It is the shortbread cookie with chocolate on the bottom.”

Here is the link for the Girl Scout Cookie Story: https://www.girlscouts.org/en/cookies/all-about-cookies/Cookie-History.html
The funds are used for fees (registration annual fee is $25.00), supplies, camp/day camp is $40 -$50, summer camp fees range up to $400, Goebel said.

The troop has many activities during the year.
“In November we have the nuts and candy sale, ice cream social, roller skating, yoga, swimming, camping and of course the cookie sale,” Goebel said. “This year we have a spring trip planned to Worlds of Fun in June. Last year we went to the Butterfly Palace and Fritz’s Adventures in Branson, day camp is the first week of June at Friendship Fields in Frontenac. Sheriff Bill Martin came to explain and show the girls fingerprinting.”