Fort Scott Area Community Foundation FSACF is offering $25,000 to match community donations to 11 charitable funds today, December 3, during National Day of Giving.
“The support we received from our residents and friends of the community was outstanding last year, and those funds allow the foundation and the participating organizations to make a real impact in important community projects,” said Becky Tourillott, FSACF Chairwoman. “A website —

Match Day is an exciting fundraising campaign to support local nonprofit organizations and the work they do in our region, according to a press release from FSACF.
This year, the Community Foundation, through a generous grant from the Patterson Family Foundation, is offering up to $25,000 in matching funds for contributions made to eligible funds.
“Our first Match Day in 2023 was a wonderful success, and with the matching funds grant, we added a total of $89,551 to our participating funds. We are very excited to have the opportunity to participate again this year, and we invite to the community to give together during Match Day 2024,” said Tourtillott. “The support of our community donors, combined with the match dollars, allows us to grow the endowments and provide ongoing support for our charitable partners. These local organizations and the services they provide are important to Bourbon County and make a true difference.”
Community contributions support each organization’s endowed fund held at FSACF, according to the press release. The funds are invested to produce present and future income, which organizations can use for operations, programs, or special projects.
The $25,000 match pool will be divided among the participating organizations’ endowments in proportion to their share of community contributions, subject to a 20% limit. The full 100% of each donation will be placed in the organization’s endowed fund, and the match amount will be made available to the organization immediately, according to the press release.
Donations for Match Day can be made in three different ways:
- Online at or
- In person, delivered to Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce, 231 E. Wall, on or before Tuesday, December 3 or
- By check, mailed to FSACF, P.O. Box 901, Fort Scott, KS 66701 with a postmark date no later than December 4, 2024. Please make checks payable to: Fort Scott Area Community Foundation
Funds participating in Match Day are: Anna Faye and Robert Gordon Steele Memorial Funds, Care to Share Cancer Support Endowed Fund, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Fort Scott Endowment, Fort Scott Area Chamber Foundation, Fort Scott Area Community Foundation General Endowment Fund, Fort Scott Area Public Parks Endowment, Dr. Pratt & Pauline Irby Endowment, John Valentine & Patricia Jean Neff Health Care Fund, Shepherd Family Endowment Fund, and the Shirley Yeager Animal Friends Foundation.
The Fort Scott Area Community Foundation’s (FSACF) goal is to partner with and be a resource to organizations whose goals are to improve the quality of life in the Fort Scott, Kansas, area. FSACF strives to create connections between donors and a variety of many worthwhile causes, according to its website.
FSACF was launched in August 2007 to meet the needs of Fort Scott and the surrounding area. FSACF encourages philanthropy and provides donors with a variety of giving options. The Foundation assists donors in meeting their charitable goals by creating a giving and granting environment that addresses the immediate and long-term needs of the Fort Scott area.
The current FSACF Board: