FS Chamber Coffee Cancelled for Thursday, Feb. 20

Due to inclement weather Chamber Coffee

hosted by


Properties & Auction

has been


The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce’s Chamber Coffee hosted by Trophy Properties and Auction has been canceled due to inclement weather and rescheduled for April 17th at 8am.

The next Chamber Coffee will be on Thursday, February 27th at 8am, hosted by Care to Share Cancer Support Group/The Sharing Bucket. The event will include a Ribbon Cutting to celebrate their new location at 9 E. Wall St.

Contact the Chamber of Commerce at (620) 223-3566 for more information. Visit the Events Calendar and category of Chamber Coffees on fortscott.com for upcoming locations.

Thank you to our Chamber Champion members shown below…
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce

231 E. Wall St., Fort Scott, KS 66701



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Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street | Fort Scott, KS 66701 US

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