A local entrepreneurial farm couple has been planning and planting during this dormant season time planning their new products and services.
1553 Plants & Produce is a local farm started by Kenny and Kerry Wunderly in November 2020. The farm is located at 1555 205th St., Fort Scott, KS 66701.
The couple sells many farm-related services and products that they are willing to deliver.
“This past year our biggest seller for our produce was our variety harvest baskets,” she said. “We featured these on our Facebook page weekly and they sold out very quickly. We delivered these to our customer’s doorstep that day and we will continue this again this year. These will be starting again around late May. We are currently working on a website for ordering but as of now it’s all still through text, call, or Facebook message.”
The phone number is 785-422-5770.
“This year we will have a full line of garden vegetables. Celery, Tomatoes, zucchini, squash, beans, sweet corn, lettuce, broccoli, peppers, radishes, beets, cucumbers, watermelons, and cantaloupe just to name a few,” Kerry said. “We are making these available in weekly harvest baskets in season along with our on-farm u-pick section and on our self-serve veggie trailer. And if you’d like, we’ve entered into a wholesale agreement with a local restaurant, La Hacienda, so you can get them already cooked!”

“We are expanding our herb offering and will have a large variety of fresh herbs, dried herbs, and herb salts,” she said.
They will also be growing winter squash, pumpkins, ornamental corn, sorghum, and cotton, and some ornamental cabbages to use in fall decorative vignettes they create, which they call fall bundles.
“Our fall bundles are delivered the first week of October and consist of straw hay bales, pumpkins, gourds, cornstalks, and ornamental corn ears and mums. This year we will be adding dried cotton plants, sorghum stalks, and ornamental cabbage as available. Mostly grown on our farm, but some items will be locally sourced from other small, family-owned operations.”
“For Christmas this past year we wrapped hay bales in ribbon to look like large presents, made an evergreen basket complete with boughs, berries, and Christmas balls for ornaments, and finished it off with a homemade wooden snowman. Nearly all of these things are upcycled from the farm. We’re going to be doing this again for 2022 with some small changes. These were and will be again, delivered the first week of December. We also do just the wooden snowman for those interested.”
“The wooden Easter bunnies are new this year and we plan to have them ready by mid-March,” she said.
The couple added a hoop house on the property to extend providing products, she said.
They also provide landscaping services.
“We didn’t intend to be in the landscaping business but had the opportunity to work with some great clients,” she said. “We did a lot of flower bed maintenance and rescue and it was awesome to see the look on our client’s faces when they saw the finished product.”

“We built and installed lots of raised flower/vegetable beds and even built a small retaining wall,” Kerry said. “And we picked up a few lawns for mowing. None of these things were on our radar to begin with, but we were happy for the opportunity and will continue to provide those services where needed.”

Next on the Horizon
“We are exploring a couple of “on-farm” experiences for folks that might be interested,” she said. “The first is our Dinner On The Farm (event). We are working to develop a menu that’s been completely produced on our farm. You will be able to bring your family or friends out for dinner cooked by us on the farm. You can see exactly where your chicken was hatched and raised and see the exact bed where your broccoli and tomatoes were grown!”
“We will be building the seating area in the next few months and hopefully will have our first dinner served by late spring,” she said.
They are in the planning phase for a fishing pond on their property.
” Our pond will have a dock for easy access and be stocked for those wanting to (fish),” she said. But if you catch a giant you have to release him…HAHA just kidding, kind of!”
“Kenny has been a hobby photographer for years and has taken thousands of photos on our farm,” Kerry said. “We will be planting a small plot of sunflowers this year and opening our farm up at times for other local photographers to photograph these and all the other flowers we grow.”
“We are also in the planning phase of building some photo blinds in strategically placed spots on the farm,” she said. “These will be sets with a water feature, feeders, and native plants and bushes for bird photography.”
The couple is looking for another source of protein being produced on their farm, and this project is expected to be in place by fall.
They offer free garden consults and build raised beds gardens.
“We will be adding a couple more beds to our community garden section and those are available to rent for the season right now,” she said.