This week’s Chamber Coffee was held at The Iron Star Antiques & Such at Main and Wall Street. The Iron Star is owned by Barbara Trimbure and is run as a coop with several departments with both old and new items. One of the Iron Star’s specialties is taking old furniture and giving it new life. The upstairs in the building hosts the resale shop and they also have a section of baby gifts.
Barbara said the most people think that stores like the Iron Star get the majority of their sales from tourists, but in reality is it the local customers that keep coming back again and again. To cater to local customers, they are constantly changing things around and bringing in different items to keep the store fresh and interesting.
Barbara said that they will be having an open house on December 20th for last minute Christmas shoppers.
Other news and announcements:
The Gala Committee presented the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation with a check for $16,952. Two thirds of this came from the Gala and the rest came from a 50% matching program.

- The Citizen’s Bank Bowl has selected Trinity Valley Texas and Butler as the two teams for the Bowl game coming up on December 4th. (more details)
- Candlelight Tours at the Fort will be on December 2nd and 3rd. The theme is Fort Scott in 1861.
- The 300th performance of Life In A Jar will take place in Lebanon, MO at 6pm on December 4th.
- The Kiwanis Pancake feed will be on December 8th.
- The Beacon’ Christmas Adopt a Child program will be wrapping up this Friday.
- The Middle School is hosting their VIP Fall Extravaganza on November 21st. It is a “one-stop shopping and dining experience” and a great way to pickup some baked goods for Thanksgiving.