Chamber Coffee Hosted by Presbyterian Village on January 16

Join us for Chamber Coffee

hosted by

Fort Scott

Presbyterian Village

Thursday, January 16th


Fort Scott Presbyterian Village

2401 S. Horton St, Fort Scott, KS

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce invites members and guests to a Chamber Coffee this Thursday, January 16th at 8am hosted by the Fort Scott Presbyterian Village, 2401 S. Horton St. Coffee, juice, and light refreshments will be served along with a giveaway drawing.

Fort Scott Presbyterian Village will be discussing their Angel Tree Appeal Campaign Fundraiser for their Good Samaritan Program. This program is a holiday season fundraising tradition that helps any resident who may have outlived their assets through no fault of their own. Visit the website to donate. You may reach out with questions to Marla Heckman, 620-223-5550 or [email protected] This program will conclude on January 18, 2025.

Fort Scott Presbyterian Village would like to remind the community of their 2025 Art is Ageless competition coming up in February. This event is an art competition that will exhibit all forms of art from drawing, fiber arts, mixed media/crafts, needlework/quilting, painting, photography, sculpture/3D, and more! This contest is open to all artists 65 and older. Amateur and Professional non-juried artists of all ages are welcome to exhibit. The deadline for entry is March 14, 2025. The art will be displayed on exhibit from March 19-April 2, 2025 in the first and second-floor lobby at the Fort Scott Presbyterian Village. The final reception event will be on March 25, 2025, 5:30-7pm in the Presbyterian Village Dining Room where a light dinner will be provided.

Contact the Chamber of Commerce at (620) 223-3566 for more information. Visit the Events Calendar and category of Chamber Coffees on for upcoming locations.

To visit Fort Scott Presbyterian Village’s

Facebook page click HERE!

Click HERE to donate to the Angel Tree!

(Last day to donate is January 18th.)

Contact the Chamber of Commerce at (620) 223-3566 for more information. Visit the Events Calendar and category of Chamber Coffees on for upcoming locations.

Thank you to our Chamber Champion members shown below…
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce

231 E. Wall St., Fort Scott, KS 66701


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Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street | Fort Scott, KS 66701 US

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