Category Archives: Opinion

Accident by Patty LaRoche

Should 2020 be your year to do a little bathroom remodeling, here’s a tip: You don’t need a vanity. All you need is a metal T.V. tray.

Just take a gander at the picture I took at the motel where Dave and I stayed on our Christmas trip to spend time with his daughter and her family in Henderson, Nevada. Impressive, right?

At least the motel’s reviews were. (I’m thinking they were made by Bedouin sheepherders who dwell in caves and cliffs, but I’m not sure.) Anyway, when I looked for the room’s coffee pot, Dave, who had checked us in, told me that coffee was available only in the morning in the lobby at 7:00 … the same lobby, as he described it, that doubled as the workout room since it boasted a machine with a belt gizmo that jiggled waist-fat while you waited. Sweet Jesus! What kind of motel had we chosen?

I mean, at home I program my coffee pot the night before so there is no lag time between when I wake up at 5:00 and bolt to the kitchen. My brain is programmed to demand Java before I can function. Two hours without coffee might do me in.

Then, as usual, God got my attention. Hadn’t I just last week written an article about not grumbling? And hadn’t I, while driving just a few hours before, had a visual of what really mattered? The story unfolded earlier when I slowed down for an accident in the highway medium where a man appeared to be doing CPR on a victim whose body hung outside a smoking sports car. Pulling onto the shoulder, Dave and I ran to help, asking if someone had called

9-1-1. They had. By then, two other men joined us and, fearing the car would explode, wielded fire extinguishers aimed at the crushed engine. Time was critical.

As it turned out, the Good Samaritan was not doing CPR. His pumping motion was from a crowbar he used to disengage the woman’s leg from the twisted metal. Immediately, I knelt beside the woman’s head, held her hand and began praying. The engine smoke was overpowering, and the victim’s moans were gut-wrenching. I asked her name. “Angela,” she groaned and then begged for help. As a crowd gathered, I called on Jesus, asking for wisdom for the helpers and comfort for Angela.

With each crank of the crowbar, the victim pleaded for help. Through tears I tried to encourage her, saying that the paramedics were coming, but when her leg finally was freed, I couldn’t believe the damage. Her foot went one direction, her ankle another, and her leg still another. When someone said we needed to move her away from the smoking vehicle, I objected. We had no idea what internal injuries Angela had endured. Instead, I prayed that the fire extinguishers would be sufficient.

If the doctors were able to save her leg, no doubt Angela will struggle. A T.V. tray/vanity substitution or a cup of early morning coffee probably will not be on her list of concerns. Instead, she will long for the day when she can walk to the sink unassisted or to the kitchen to make her morning brew.

Somehow when I awoke that next morning, coffee didn’t matter. As it turned out, praying for Angela was the perfect substitute.

Use Me by Pastor James Collins

Use Me

“…but stand thou still a while, that I may shew thee the word of God.” 1 Samuel 9:27b

I am lonely for your company. For the past few years, you have promised to spend time with me. This year was no different. Why do you let others take your attention away from me?

Most resent being used, but I don’t. I want you to use me.

Use me and I will be many things to you.

When you are weary, I will be your strong staff.

When you sit in darkness, I will be your glorious light.

When you are hurting, I will ease your pain.

Use me.

When you are discouraged, I will whisper messages of hope.

When you are carrying a burden, I will give you rest.

When you are confused, I will offer clear advice.

Use me.

When the storms of life rage around you, I will be your anchor.

When you are alone, I will be your friend.

When you need knowledge, I will be your teacher.

Use me.

When you are afraid, I will calm your soul.

When you are lost, I will help you find your way.

Take hold of me, I will keep you from stumbling.

Use me.

Use me. I am crying out for you to use me. Use me and I will change your life. Use me and I will change the lives of those around you. Use me and I can change the world.

I am the Bible. Long ago, you put me away. Over and over, you have said that you were going to bring me back into your life. Around the beginning of each year, you come back to me. But in no time, something else has your focus and you neglect me. A day becomes a week. A week becomes a month. A month becomes a year. Until I am no longer really a part of your life.

The point is: I want you to use me. I’m only asking for a few minutes of your time each day. Start now. I am right where you left me.

Pick me up.

Open me.

Use me.

James Collins is the pastor of Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. You are invited to join him and read through the Bible in a year. For more information visit the website

New Years and Complaining by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

Do everything without grumbling and arguing, (Philippians 2:14 NIV)

Last month at church we were handed a paper leaf. On it, we were to write a list of things for which we are grateful. The elderly lady who handed it to me said that there was a problem. She had so many things to list, they never would fit into such a small space. She needed dozens of leaves. Author Max Lucado would love her outlook. He wrote this: “We live in an art gallery of divine creativity and yet are content to gaze only at the carpet.” Have you noticed that being thankful appears to be in short supply, while griping is plentiful? Grudgery and gratefulness daily compete for the attention of our thoughts, even though developing an attitude of gratitude has the potential to completely change the way our day will go. Picture two glasses, side-by-side. The larger glass is half-full, the smaller glass is full, and an arrow points from the larger to the smaller glass. The adage underneath speaks liters: “If you see your glass as half empty…pour it into a smaller glass and stop whining.” Ann Voskamp would agree. She wrote the book One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, challenging her readers to list 1000 things for which they should be grateful. (I highly recommend her book.) Ann knows that sometimes that is not easy. As a child, she and her mother watched her young sister be crushed under a truck. Her mother ended up in a psychiatric hospital, and her father turned from God. As an adult, Ann stood beside her brother-in-law as he buried his first two sons. In spite of her setbacks, she chose to believe that God is joy, and on that she would rely. So, here’s the New Years’ challenge. At some time during each day, make a list of 10 typically-taken-for-granted things for which you should be grateful. Avoid the obvious like “family,” “health,” “a job,” etc. To make it a little more challenging, make it things from the past hour. Here’s my list, created this morning when I woke up: 1. A working thermostat 2. A morning devotional from my daughter-in-law 3. An indoor bathroom 4. A cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie (no comments necessary) 5. A quiet lake 6. A husband who wakes up and makes me laugh 7. A text from a friend celebrating her weight loss 8. A car that starts 9. Janice Allen organizing Pickleball 10. Buck Run

Let’s take it one step further. The next time you find yourself complaining, look for a blessing instead. For example, while shoveling snow, thank God that you have arms and legs, since many don’t. Thank Him that you have eyes to see the path of your shovel, and thank Him that you have a home with a sidewalk. Thank Him for a warm coat and snow boots and hot cocoa waiting for you inside when your job is finished. And thank Him for you being alive to thank Him. In the meantime, I am giving Him thanks for you readers who (most of the time) encourage me to keep writing. To God be all the glory for giving me this opportunity. May 2020 be filled with an art gallery of blessings for us all!


Such a Strange Way to Save the World by Pastor Jimmy Tucker

The Bottom Line



Our third granddaughter, Vivienne, will celebrate her first Christmas this year. When a newborn baby joins the family, it’s a wonderful celebration. When you think of Jesus’ immaculate conception and birth, it was a rather strange way for Him to arrive on earth. We can’t understand how a virgin could conceive and give birth to the Son of God. It was a miracle…and we just believe it.

Jesus came to earth as a baby, grew up to be a man, lived a holy life, and gave His life to save the world from the penalty of sin. “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). The incarnation of Jesus is defined as “the union of divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ.” This was God’s plan from the beginning.

God provided the solution to our problems through Jesus. The whole world had a sin problem and Jesus was the only One who was qualified to solve it. The only hope for mankind was to make peace with God, so Jesus provided the bridge as man’s Mediator to God. Jesus was equal with God on one hand and identified with mankind on the other.

God took Christ from the holy Trinity in Heaven and placed Him in the womb of a virgin. This is the miracle of what we now call Christmas. When we couldn’t get up to God‘s holiness on our own, He sent Jesus down to our level to bridge the gap. What an awesome, loving, and powerful plan! This Bridge has proven trustworthy and faithful to thousands of witnesses over all these years. Jesus came so that we might be forgiven and eternally reconciled with God the Father. Jesus became human so that we could become holy like Him. He did his part — are you doing yours? Do you believe in Jesus? Are you allowing Him to help you be holy?

Jesus has many wonderful names with significant meanings in the Bible. Before exchanging Christmas gifts, you might consider a new family tradition of reading some of the following scriptures regarding His Name: Exodus 3:14, Psalm 9:10, Psalm 59:16,17, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6,7, Isaiah 44:6, Mark 1:24, Luke 1:31,35, Luke 2:11, Luke 19:34,38, John 1:1,29,41, John 4:42, Acts 10:36, Romans 1:4, 1 Corinthians 2:8, Revelation 5:5, Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:16, Revelation 22:13,16.

Philippians 2:9 NKJV: “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name.” His name shall be called Immanuel, which means “God with us.” After His death and resurrection, Jesus went back to heaven but sent the Holy Spirit to live in us. He’s here, so will you let Him save you from your sins? He will unite with your spirit and live inside you if you’ll invite Him in.

The Bottom Line: God’s plan to save the world might seem strange, but it was perfect. Don’t you just love it when His plan comes together!

Pastor Jimmy Tucker

(620) 223-1483

Diamond Community Church

2591 Jayhawk Road

10:45 a.m. Worship

Don’t Be A Chreaster by Pastor James Collins

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

One of my all-time favorite Christmas presents was a Rubik’s Cube. My folks gave it to me for Christmas when I was in the first grade. Momma ordered the Rubik’s Cube. She didn’t order it online. There was no such thing as “online” when I was a kid. Momma ordered the Rubik’s Cube from the Sears and Roebuck catalog.

Today, with all the technology and video games available to them, a kid would not want something like a Rubik’s Cube. But when I was a little boy, everybody wanted one for Christmas. I was so excited on Christmas morning when I opened that gift. I spent most of the Christmas break learning to work the Rubik’s Cube.

When school started back, I took my Rubik’s Cube to show off to all my friends. At my school, we had a bully. His name was Big Jamie. Big Jamie should have been in the third grade, but he was held back. Being “held back” is a nice way of saying he failed. Big Jamie failed the first grade twice. So, he was two or three years older than the rest of us, and he used to push us around.

I was out on the playground with my Rubik’s Cube when Big Jamie snatched it out of my hand. Someone told me that a bully was just a lot of hot air and bluff. If you stand up to him, he will get scared of you and run. Then you won’t have anymore trouble out of him. That was the worst advice I ever had. I said, “Give me that back or you are going to get it.” Big Jamie hit me in the face. The blow knocked me down. Big Jamie stood over me with my Rubik’s Cube in his hand and laughed.

I heard a voice say, “Give it back to him and leave him alone.” I turned and saw my friend, Joe Ray, standing in front of Big Jamie with his fists raised. The next thing I knew, they were fighting. Joe Ray whipped Big Jamie and handed me my Rubik’s Cube. For the rest of my school years, if I stayed around Joe Ray, I never had to worry about that bully bothering me.

If you try to whip the devil on your own, he will beat you every time. Jesus defeated Satan at Calvary and gave power and authority to His church. You need other people in the church to help you fight your spiritual battles.

Some of you reading this today, will go to church this week for Christmas services. For many of you, this will be the first time since Easter that you have been to church. Some of you only go to church twice a year. If that is you, I use the term “chreasters” to describe you because you only show up for church on Christmas and Easter. When I call you a chreaster, it is not my intent to discourage you from going to church this week. I want you to go. But I also hope that you go next week, and the next week, and so on. I hope that you will find and become a part of a local Bible believing church.

The point is: You need a church family, so you don’t face the trials of life alone. Helping each other can strengthen us, but self-reliance makes for weakness. Christianity is not a choose-your-own-path religion. God says you need to go to church more than twice a year.

Don’t be a chreaster.

James Collins is the pastor of Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. You are invited to their community breakfast tomorrow at 9:45 am, followed by their Christmas Sunday service. You are invited back the following Sunday, and the next, and the next. For more information visit the website

Christmas by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

A few years after we were married, Dave and I had a discussion about what makes each other happy. We began by sharing what we thought the other person wanted. My answer was easy. Since Dave eats tacos about 300 days a year, that was the way to his heart.

Not even close. “Patty, that doesn’t make me happy. What makes me happy is when you show me affection. Hold my hand. Hug me. Kiss me for no reason.”

What??? All these years, thinking I was earning wife-points with my Mexican cooking, my focus had been on making sure we never were without chopped lettuce, diced tomatoes, spicy hamburger, grated cheese, tortillas and three kinds of taco sauce? And Dave would rather have had a hug? I asked Dave what he thought I needed from him, a no-brainer in his opinion. It was a squeeze of his hand while we were watching television or a morning kiss to start my day or a long embrace for no reason whatsoever.

WRONG! My husband knew nothing about my love language. And although those were wonderful demonstrations of Dave’s love for me, there were other things that would have, in my opinion, solidified his marriage vows: lend me a hand to rake leaves or weed-eat; offer to come alongside with meal preparation when guests were coming to visit; help write Christmas cards or thank-you notes; you know, basically, be my assistant when needed. (And yes, it does appear that one of us was requiring a lot more than the other.)

You see, we all are wired differently; Dave and I had assumed that what we desired was what our spouse desired. Do you see the problem here? All we needed to do was to ask instead of assume. That conversation, years ago, was central to my husband and me understanding each other better. But it did more than that. Over the years, it has pushed me to question what God’s love language might be. What does He want from me that I withhold because I don’t think it’s all that important? After all, He abounds in grace, so He will be happy with whatever I think is important, right?

I don’t think so. God wants my attitude to reflect the joy He has offered to me. He wants me to be selfless and not selfish. He wants me to be grateful and not grumble. When I rake or am working in the kitchen, God wants me to be thankful to Him that I have arms and legs and a yard and an oven and a clear-thinking mind (well, relatively speaking). He wants me to appreciate the heat pad that I will use on every part of my body the day after raking or weed-eating. He wants me to enjoy autumn and friends and a Christmas season that reflects the Gift He has given in His son. He wants me to be grateful for a husband who has stood beside me for 46 years. He wants me to recognize what a good, good Father He is.

During this Christmas season, I pray we all choose to understand God’s “love language” in a way that reflects what He has done in our lives instead of offering only what is convenient for us.

Merry Christmas, and may your 2020 be filled with opportunities to be the love language that God is to you.

Is Your Tongue On Fire? by Pastor James Collins

Is Your Tongue On Fire?

And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.” James 3:6

One of the difficult things about being a pastor is not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings when it comes to food. At church fellowship meals, I usually take a little bit of everything even if I don’t particularly like it. I am afraid that Miss Edna will watch the buffet line and notice that I didn’t eat any of her butterbeans. Then she will get upset and tell her husband, Deacon Hugo, and I will end up getting fired from the church.

In the past two weeks, I have attended four different church-related Christmas parties. At each of the parties, someone has made spicy dip. Several years ago, I had to have my gallbladder removed. Ever since then, I really can’t eat spicy food. I like food with a little kick, but it doesn’t like me. However, because I didn’t want to offend anyone, I tried the dips.

At the first party, a lady said, “Try this dip. It has an amusing kick.” I scooped up a little with a chip and put it in my mouth. That dip was so flaming hot, you could remove dried paint with it. I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. The lady was offended when I told her that my ears were ringing, and I could no longer focus my eyes.

At the second party, the host said, “This dip has a slight flavor of jalapeno.” I tried his dip on a cracker. I didn’t taste anything but pain. The dip was blazingly hot. My wife, Amanda, had to give me the Heimlich maneuver. I think I embarrassed Amanda with all the screaming and crying.

At the third party, someone said, “Preacher, try this dip. It has a hint of red peppers.” I put a little of the dip on a potato chip and took a bite. It was so red-hot, it tasted more like Drano than red peppers. I couldn’t think. My brain turned to liquid and ran out of my nose.

At the fourth party, just as I walked in the door, someone suggested, “Taste this dip. It has just a touch of cayenne and my secret ingredient, ghost peppers.” Not learning my lesson, I dipped in a chip and tried it. I felt something scraping across my tongue but was unable to taste it. My lips began to melt. I told Amanda to collect some of the dip in a container and give it to the coroner, so he would know what killed me at the autopsy.

Even worse than inferno dips setting your tongue on fire is having a fiery tongue aimed at you. The Bible says the tongue is “a fire” (James 3:6). That does not mean we have a literal flame in our mouth. It is a word picture to show how a spark started by someone’s tongue can become a raging fire. A false statement made here, a little gossip over there, a vicious remark somewhere else, and people are hurt, relationships are destroyed, and lives are ruined.

However, our words can put out fires instead of starting them. Use your words to encourage someone who is hurting. Speak positively to someone wanting to grow in their faith. Better still, tell someone who is lost about our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The point is: We would all be wise to pray, “Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3). Help me Lord to keep my mouth from scorching others.

Is your tongue on fire?

James Collins is pastor of Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. He would love to come to your Christmas party, but he won’t eat anymore spicy dip. For more information about his ministry, visit the website

Israel and Yani by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

With two days left in Israel, Jeff, Andy, Kristen and I were determined to see as many Christian sites as we could. A friend of Jeff had told him about “Yani”, a tour guide, who could be hired to show us around. After several phone calls, most difficult to understand because of Yani’s dialect, we agreed to meet in Jerusalem. Yani said he would get in our car there, but Jeff explained how tiny our rental car was, so that wouldn’t work. No problem, said Yani. He had a friend who would drive us all around. We just needed to get to the parking lot by the Old Jaffa Gate. Simple enough…except our GPS did not recognize that location. Yani repeatedly phoned us. “Where are you, my friend? I am here and you are not.” Our connections were continually broken, and each time Yani called back, we all were more confused. After entering through gates we had no business entering, driving on sidewalks to get out of said areas, and having dozens of cars and busses honk at us for interfering in their traffic, we finally found the parking lot. Thank you, Jesus.

Sort of. We just didn’t know how to read the Hebrew signs telling us which ramps went where. We ended up at the pay booth where we had to exit. Round and round we go. This was not working out well. Ultimately, we linked up with a very high-energized Yani who did his best to show us what we wanted to see: where Jesus was buried; the Western (Wailing) Wall that at one time supported the Temple; King David’s tomb; the room of the Last Supper; and Bethlehem, where Jesus was born (which would require a 30-minute drive).

Yani was a little nuts. At the age of 13, he had been imprisoned for over a year when he and a group of friends threw rocks at Palestinians, and he had overcome a drug problem (probably explaining his missing and darkened teeth) through AA. Later that day, Yani would take us into his home to meet his mother, a woman he adored. This required me not only to navigate several steps but to climb two ladders on his roof (so we could get the “best view of Jerusalem”). It was important to our new friend that this be an experience we would remember.

Yani talked about last night’s drone strikes, admitting he was concerned. Still, we would press on…in the literal sense. In the tunneled walkways of Jerusalem, Yani had us enter through exits, push our way to the front of lines, and crowd in wherever we could. I was undone by this and told him I wanted to wait in line like everyone else, but somehow all the guards knew Yani and let him (and us) through. Even where people knelt and wept while touching Jesus’ burial stone (one of two possible sites), Yani wanted me to squeeze through the kneelers to do the same. For goodness sakes! Elderly people were sobbing and rubbing the stone with handkerchiefs while a priest walked around, shaking incense over the entire area, and I was to push them out of the way so I could do the same? Not gonna happen.

Our guide loved sharing the history of what we were seeing. At the tomb of King David and the Western Wall, men and women were divided into different areas. Jeff and Andy had to wear yamakas. Kristen, Andy’s wife, and I were led to a circular watering area which had tin pitchers spaced around the large bowl. Yani had told us to wash our hands there, so I picked up a pitcher, filled it with water, and poured it over my hands. Not correct. A kind, Jewish woman showed me it was a three-step process. Hold the pitcher in the left hand and pour some water in the right palm; hold the pitcher in the right hand and pour some water in the left palm; and repeat the first step. I thanked her and felt like a fool.

Our next stop would be Bethlehem where Jesus was born. It became obvious Yani had no other driver, as he asked where we were parked and jumped in the passenger seat. Not the only time we would be duped. Andy, Kristen and I squeezed in the back and held on for dear life. If I thought Yani loved to be first in line at historical sites, that was nothing compared to how close we came to being killed with his instructions to Jeff as to how he was to drive.

Get Rid of Your Trip Hazards by Pastor Jimmy Tucker


A few weeks ago my mother was walking across her living room and stubbed her shoe on the magazine rack and fell. She broke the fall with her left arm, which broke her arm. Obviously, the magazine rack was a trip hazard and has now been relocated.

Spiritually speaking, the devil tries to trip us up. He works tirelessly deceiving, lying, stealing, destroying, and killing people everywhere. The Bible says he walks about looking for someone he may devour. But, we don’t have to be ignorant of the devil’s devices to destroy us. “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11 NKJV). We probably don’t use the word “wiles” very much, but it’s the perfect description of Satan‘s tactics. The definition of wiles: devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what he wants.

Our enemy hasn’t changed his strategies since the Old Testament times. “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made” (Genesis 3:1 NKJV). Eve entertained the devil by conversing with him. I don’t think she recognized the serpent for who he was and she was deceived. Satan’s first encounter with Eve resulted in his first deception of the human mind and will. The result was sin and death. He continues to deceive and attack people who don‘t know how to defend themselves against him.

Resist the devil and he will run away from you. If believers will put on all the armor of God and actually use it, the devil will be the one running. We’re instructed to stand our ground in faith. If a Christian tries to resist the devil without his armor, he’ll be stressed out, beat up, deceived by Satan, and led astray by the world.

The Bible is your sword, but if you don’t have it in your heart or know what it says, you can’t really use it. It’s like going deer hunting without a rifle. God’s Word won’t do you any good just lying on the coffee table collecting dust.

When the meteorologist forecasts a blizzard, we prepare for it by making sure we have enough food and supplies for the duration of the storm. Shouldn’t we have enough common sense to be prepared for the devil‘s attacks?

If there’s something in your life that’s pulling you down and away from God, get rid of it. Turn it off, lay it down, walk away, and pick up your Bible. Learn how to resist the devil and be victorious instead of being defeated and depressed. You can’t be strong and healthy if you only eat potato chips and candy bars. So feed your spirit on God’s Word; it never fails.

The Bottom Line: Don’t live your life with one broken arm after another. Get rid of your trip hazards…today.

Pastor Jimmy Tucker

(620) 223-1483

Diamond Community Church

2591 Jayhawk Road

(4 miles east of Hwy 69)

10:45 a.m. Worship

Do You Know The Story? by Pastor James Collins

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:11

There once was a very famous professor of chemistry. This man discovered several industrial chemical compounds, and he wrote many books on chemistry. As a result, he became financially well-off and retired. In his retirement, he became a guest lecturer at colleges and universities.

As the professor got older, he developed poor eye-sight. His poor vision made it difficult to drive. Therefore, he hired a chauffeur. Over the years, the professor and his chauffeur became best friends.

The chauffeur drove the professor to dozens of speaking engagements. He heard the professor give the same speech hundreds of times. One day, on the way to another speaking engagement, the chauffeur said, “Professor, I believe I could give your speech myself; I’ve heard it so often.” The professor said, “I’ll bet you $50 you can’t.” “You’re on,” said the driver.

The chauffeur stopped the car and the two exchanged clothes. They got to the college and they went into the lecture hall. The chauffeur was dressed in a tuxedo. He sat at the head table. The President of the College stood up and introduced him.

The chauffeur stood up and he gave the professor’s speech without missing a word. It was perfect. It was as if the professor gave it himself.

There was a standing ovation when the chauffeur finished. The President of the College got up and said, “You know, we are so fortunate to have such a fine resource with us tonight, and since we have a little extra time, let’s have some questions and answers.”

A student stood up in the back and asked, “Professor, the element, strontium when combined with radioactive isotopes does not produce a normal reaction. Why is this?” The chauffeur just stood there for a moment. He had a nervous look on his face. Finally, he said, “That’s just about the dumbest question I ever heard. In fact, it is so dumb I bet even my driver could answer that question!”

The point is: Sometimes we hear something so many times that we can lose the meaning. How many times have you heard the Christmas story? I’m sure you could stand up in public and tell the story. You have heard it hundreds of times. Even non-Christians know the story of Mary’s unexpected pregnancy, Joseph’s confusion, and the visits by angels. Everyone knows the story of Caesar’s tax, the trip to Bethlehem, and the Christ-child born in a stable. We’ve heard it thousands of times. We even hear Linus tell the story every year on A Charlie Brown Christmas. We all know the story.

Could it be we have heard the story so many times it has lost its meaning. We think we know all there is to know about the Christmas story, but maybe we don’t. Maybe we don’t understand Christmas.

Christmas is God coming to earth in the person of Jesus Christ. Christmas is Jesus being born to save us from our sins. Christmas is the Savior of mankind living with mankind. Christmas is God with us.

I am sure that you know the story, but do you know the Savior. I am sure you know about Christmas, but do you know Christ? The Christmas season brings familiar sights and sounds. Don’t let the familiarity of the season cause you to lose sight of the baby in the manger.

Get to know Him this Christmas.

James Collins serves at First Southern Baptist Church as senior pastor. He is the author of “The Nativity: How The Story Of Christmas Can Change Your Life,” available now on Amazon. He can be reached through the website

Israel-Elijah by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

People regularly ask me how I have so many crazy experiences. I tell them that God wants me to give others an appreciation for their “normal” lives. Other times, I bring it upon myself. One thing is for sure: Those who know me well are used to “unusual” things happening when I’m around. Today, our fourth day in Israel, would be no different.

My two sons, Jeff and Andy, and Andy’s wife Kristen and I were finding Tel Aviv to be mega-expensive. A lunch of sandwiches ran around $100, and breakfast was more than that. Ash trays were found on all restaurant tables, as smokers appeared to be the norm. Fortunately, almost everyone we met spoke some English, and street signs typically were marked in three languages: Hebrew, Greek and English. Our GPS was scattered, and most times the four of us received different signals as to how to navigate the roads. We would pick one and hope for the best. Sometimes, that worked in our favor. Sometimes, not.

Tour guides had suggested we visit Hafai which boasted of exquisite gardens, temples and beaches. Only an hour’s drive away, we would find Bahá’í Gardens, 19 geometric terraces around a shrine located near Mount Carmel, the site where Elijah confronted the false prophets of Baal, and one we wanted to see. Without researching further, we left Tel Aviv around noon, headed towards the Old Testament site. I was excited. As one who had stood against false prophets and Jezebel, brought fire from Heaven and was taken to Heaven alive, Elijah is one of my favorite Old Testament characters.

At the garden entrance, signs warned us that this was a holy place. No gum-chewing, cell phones or loud voices were allowed out of reverence for this place. A dress code was strictly enforced, and since my daughter-in-law Kristin’s shorts did not cover her knees, we were denied entrance. Not to worry. Andy, her husband and my son, had swim trunks in the car. The fact that he is an XL and she is a size-four would not dissuade us from entering. Kristen’s flowery, poofy swim trunks, rolled several times over at the waist, seemed to satisfy the guard.

We hustled towards the temple, expecting to see signs informing us about Elijah’s experience. Once there, we were told the sacred temple was closed. No reason given. We could come back another time when it would reopen.

On our way out of the gate, I asked the attendant to explain what we had just seen. That’s when she shared that we were on holy ground in reverence to the Bahá’í faith. (And that had to do with Elijah…how?) Well, it didn’t. It had to do with a “oneness” religion in which we are all created alike in love. How we had managed to make a day out of this was anyone’s guess! All I knew was that we certainly were not involved in anything that had to do with Christianity or God’s prophet.

So much for listening to the guide who convinced this was a “must see.”

Tomorrow, however, we told each other, we would visit sites related to Jesus and no one else. We just did not anticipate the dangers ahead in making that happen.

Black Friday by Pastor James Collins

 “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.”                  

         1 Chronicles 16:34


    Years ago, my wife, Amanda, talked me into going shopping with her. Shopping with Amanda is dangerous and stressful enough, but, we went shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving. We went shopping on Black Friday.

The name “Black Friday” sounds awful. It brings to mind being blackmailed, the black plague, and the black death. It sounds bad.

Black Friday has always puzzled me. Why is it that on Black Friday Americans are willing to kill over materialistic items just one day after celebrating what they are already thankful for?

I have heard that the term “Black Friday” refers to the pattern of pedestrian and vehicle traffic that hits large cities. However, that is not true. Retailers actually coined the term to describe the day of the year when their shops go from being in the red to going into profit or into the black.

Black Friday has become the largest day of shopping both on the internet and in retail stores. Last year on Black Friday, Americans spent an average of $938.58 per shopper, and Americans spent $655.8 billion overall.

Anyway, years ago, before our children were born, Amanda talked me into going shopping with her on Black Friday. And I went shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving for the first and last time in my life.

At first, I thought it would be fun. I thought it might become a family tradition. I thought we might do a little shopping. Then we would hang out and have breakfast. I thought it would be a nice way to spend time with my wife, but I was wrong.

The day started out okay. We got up early before dawn. We had coffee. Then we went to Walmart at 5 in the morning. I have never seen anything like what I saw that morning. Three-hundred people lined up waiting for Walmart to open. I can’t get three hundred people to get up that early and come see a new believer get baptized. Man! I can’t even get thirty people to get up that early and come see a new believer get baptized. To tell the truth, I can’t even get three people to get up that early and come see a new believer get baptized.

When they opened the doors, I was almost trampled by a wild pack of shoppers. Inside the store wasn’t any better. I made the mistake of standing in front of a door-buster sign. People pushed me out of the way to get to a video game that was on sale.

They wheeled out a blue flashing light. Grown men and women ran from all over the store to the blue light to get a Tickle Me Elmo Toy.

Two women almost got in a fistfight. They were both going after the last coat on a 50% off rack. All over the store people were running, pushing, shoving, fighting, and cussing. I’m telling you, those people were crazy.

The point is: We have lost our way. On that Black Friday, I realized America has become a nation which has slipped away from worshipping God to a nation that worships material things. One day after giving thanks to God for all their blessings, Americans fight over TVs and toasters. On the day that kicks off the Christmas season, Americans act anything but Christ-like.

As we celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday this week, let us pause and give thanks to almighty God for all His blessings. Let us reflect on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as we decorate for Christmas. Let us spend quality time with family and friends. It is okay to go shopping, but don’t let shopping come between you and your relationship with God.

Besides, I have discovered that Black Friday equals Broke Saturday.

James Collins is the pastor of Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. His latest book, “The Nativity” is available on Amazon or by calling (620) 223-2986.