Category Archives: Opinion

Taking Care of Business by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom By Carolyn Tucker


Awhile back I was shopping at a thrift store and discovered a piece of jewelry that was quite a find, at least for me. It was a necklace with three letters “TCB” with a lightning bolt nestled between the T and the B. I could hardly believe my eyes! Most people probably wouldn’t have known or cared what they were looking at, but I did. The TCB logo was designed by Priscilla Presley and stands for “Taking Care of Business,” which was Elvis’ personal motto. When he returned to touring in 1969, his musicians were called the “TCB Band.“ Even though Elvis left the building in 1977, Elvis Presley Enterprises is still taking care of business at Graceland in Memphis.


I’m intrigued with the account of Mary and Joseph losing Jesus in Jerusalem when he was twelve years old. When it came time to head back home to Nazareth, Mary and Joseph assumed he was among their relatives and acquaintances. But when the entourage stopped for the evening, they discovered Jesus was nowhere to be found. When they returned to Jerusalem to look for him, “…they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. So when they [Mary and Joseph] saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, ‘Son, why have you done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously‘“ (Luke 2:46-48 NKJV.) Jewish boys reach the age of religious responsibility at the age of twelve, so this incident was a crucial moment in Jesus‘ spiritual development.


“And He [Jesus] said to them, ’Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business’”? (Luke 2:49 NKJV.) Jesus seems to have assumed that His mother understood His mission better than she really did. I think Jesus was surprised to discover that his parents didn’t search for Him in the temple right off the bat. Jesus was taking care of His Father’s business because He understood His mission even as a young man.


As Christ followers, do we really understand our mission? Jesus is our example and He loved, taught, and healed wherever He went. “And He [Jesus] got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little way from the land. And He sat down and began teaching the people from the boat” (Luke 5:3 NASB.) Jesus’ ministry was not confined to the church building; He took advantage of all locations and situations so He could help people everywhere everyday. Jesus told Simon that he would begin fishing for people. Do we realize that catching fish is our mission and cleaning fish is God’s?


How do believers take care of business for the King? We are to walk in love, be generous, and forgive others. Jesus taught the hard straight truth that how we treat others is the same as how we treat Him (ref. Matthew 25:41-45). Christ followers must be careful not to put the business of everyday life ahead of the Father’s business. Jesus was sent to preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God and He “went around doing good“ (Acts 10:38 NLT.) We are preaching to others what we believe simply by how we live. Saint Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the gospel at all times and, if necessary, use words.”


The Key: Taking care of our Father’s business happens everyday everywhere.

The Truth of Truth by Patty LaRoche

I love a healthy debate.  One in which facts prevail with no ad hominem attacks.

As a former high school debate coach, there are few competitions that I remember like one in which Ryan and Ben, juniors, were in the quarter-finals in hopes of winning state.  I sat in on that debate and don’t remember much of what the opponents said except they were “not legalizing marijuana.” So, when it was our team’s turn to speak and Ben spent his entire eight minutes arguing against the legalization of marijuana, I was stunned.  Had our team not heard the affirmative team say that this was not part of their plan?

When it was time for the affirmative to question (cross-ex) Ben, the first thing she said was this: “Did you not hear us say we are not legalizing marijuana?”  Ben said that he did.  “But you spent your entire speech addressing the evils of doing so, correct?”  “Correct,” Ben answered.

I was dumbfounded.  What had just happened?  The debate progressed with much confusion…until it was Ryan’s turn to speak.

“In today’s debate, our opponents have laid out a plan to solve a problem.  They have used one site, one book,  repeatedly to defend their position.  The fact is, I have read that book and its author’s recommendations, but what the affirmative failed to tell you is that their author himself wrote his final chapter on how the only way his plan could work is if marijuana is legalized.”

At that point, Ryan pulled from his stash of evidence that exact quote. He concluded: “The affirmative can’t have it both ways.  If they are to advocate for what this author said, they cannot pick and choose what they tell you is truth.”

I wanted to stand and cheer.

I’m sure Ryan and Ben were glad I didn’t.

There was nothing left for the affirmative to say.  Our team won that debate and went on to win state.  Their strategy was brilliant.  They had truth on their side.  They had done their homework.                                                                                                              I

I’ve often mentally revisited that debate, especially when I run into people who opt to argue a position for which they have studied only one side.  Take the Bible, for example.  I know people who pick and choose what part of scripture they believe.  They argue that the Bible is full of errors.  Others say that there is no hell.  Some believe that being a good person is enough to go to Heaven; after all, a loving God surely can’t banish someone to eternity without Him.  Some claim that Jesus was a good person, but there is no truth of his resurrection.  And then there’s the predictable argument: Why would a good God allow evil?

Make no mistake.  I don’t claim to be smarter than those who deny the truth of scripture.  What I do know is there was a day when I had denied God’s love for me, when my religion wasn’t enough to carry me through a very sad time in my life, but God never gave up on me.  In 1977, He got my attention.  What happened that day is nothing short of miraculous.  I went from wanting nothing to do with Him to knowing He loved me, saved me, as He opened my eyes to seek Him in ways I never imagined.

Read the Book.  The Bible. Read the entire thing.  Read a commentary on what the Greek and Hebrew words actually mean. Countless testimonies address how simply reading Scripture changed peoples’ lives.

This is no game.  I gain nothing if I am right and those who deny scripture are wrong.    The only winner here is one who cares not that he/she has the smartest answer but that that individual stops arguing about truth and gives God a chance to reveal it.  He did it for me.  I pray you let Him do it for you.


Letter to the Editor by Loreta Jent

Dear Editor:


“Wine promises one thing – delivers another”, a quote from a recovering alcoholic.  “No matter what problem you’re trying to mask or fix…..alcohol will always ensure you end up with MORE of what you don’t want.”


Ethanol, the alcohol that is in all alcoholic beverages and which is burned in engines, is a toxic poison to the body.  The wine industry did a smart move, financially on their part, when it “married” the health industry several years ago.


April’s Alcohol Awareness Month is a good time to be reminded that by volume there is more ethyl  alcohol in wine than in beer.  To explain, each average serving of the following contain the same amount of alcohol,  ½ ounce:  1-2 oz Cocktail; 3-5 oz. Wine; 12 oz. Beer; 12 oz. Wine Cooler.  NO  ALCOHOLIC  DRINK  IS  SAFE!


According to researchers, such as Samuele Bacchiocchi and David R. Brumbelow, the word “wine” in the Bible is a generic word that has several meanings such as fresh grape juice, molasses, raisins, and fermented alcoholic wine.  The meaning of the word must be determined by the context of the scripture.


There is one verse that speaks clearly and is easy to understand from Proverbs 20:1:  “Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is deceived by them is not wise.”




Mrs. Loreta Jent, Education Director

National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union



Just For The Weekend by Carolyn Tucker


I didn’t grow up with the joy of having a sister, but God has blessed me with true-blue   girlfriends all my life. In 1990, one family jokingly adopted me as their sixth daughter. I became known to them as Rhonda #6 and I was happy to be a pseudo sister to the other five girls in that wonderful family. Daughter #4 is a professional woman with  closets full of attractive clothes. Occasionally, I call Deborah to ask if I may borrow a brown skirt, a polka-dot blouse, etc. Even if my request is “off the wall,” she always comes through for me. I guess it’s a sister thing to wear each other’s clothes. When I borrow an article of clothing, it’s usually for a special occasion taking place over the weekend.


Joseph of Arimathea was an upright, wealthy, and generous man who assumed responsibility for the burial of Jesus after His crucifixion. Among the Jews, it was considered a horrible thing for the body of a friend or fellow Jew to remain unburied. “As evening approached, Joseph…who had become a follower of Jesus, went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. And Pilate issued an order to release it to him” (Matthew 27:57-58 NLT). This was the first documented instance where Joseph openly confessed that he was a disciple of the long-awaited Messiah. It took great courage to go to Pilate and ask for the body of Christ.


Joseph was part of the Jewish Sanhedrin who called for Jesus to be condemned and crucified. Although a prominent member in good standing, Joseph was opposed to the Council’s decision. With Pilate’s permission, “…Joseph came and took the body away. With him came Nicodemus…. He brought about 75 pounds of perfumed ointment made from myrrh and aloes. …they wrapped Jesus’ body with the spices in long sheets of linen cloth. The place of crucifixion was near a garden, where there was a new tomb, never used before…they laid Jesus there” (John 19:38-42 NLT). The embalming spices were very costly and was enough for the burial of a king…the King of kings.  


“He [the Messiah] had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. But He was buried like a criminal; He was put in a rich man’s grave” (Isaiah 53:9 NLT). Although Jesus was an innocent Man, God’s Holy One, dishonor pursued Him all the way to the tomb. His death was an official Roman execution sanctioned by the Sanhedrin Council. Joseph of Arimathea donated his newly-carved sepulcher for the Savior’s burying place. Jesus had done nothing to deserve such a vicious death and was guilty of nothing more than love in the third degree.


Scripture reveals that Jesus could be trusted to borrow things. He borrowed an unsanitary   manger at his birth. He borrowed a lowly donkey’s colt when he rode into Jerusalem. He borrowed an upstairs guest room for the Last Supper. And he borrowed a fresh tomb at his death. Joseph of Arimathea deeply loved Jesus and gave Him his own tomb, thinking he’d never see the inside of it again. Fortunately, Joseph’s gift of honor was returned after three days because Jesus only needed it for the weekend.


The Key: Jesus borrowed a tomb just for the weekend, but He wants us to live with Him for all eternity.

Letter to the Editor: Deb McCoy


Deb McCoy

Perpetrators: Shared Services of the Bourbon County IT Department that involves both the County Courthouse and the City Hall

Unethical Actions: Wiretapping, and Breach of Privacy that includes County and City Offices of City and county officials and associates.

Timeline: 2022 to present

Victims: Bourbon County/City Citizens, employees, and anyone else who contacts the County or City by telephone or email.

City and County Officials Who Are Aware of this activity:

    – Sitting County Commissioners

– County Counsel and Bourbon County Prosecuting Attorney

– County Officials and County employees

– Sitting City Managers, past, interim and present

– Sitting City Commissioners – Sitting City Attorney

– City Employees

– Citizens who have been involved in observing and taking an interest in the local government activities.

Agencies that have been contacted regarding the unethical activity:

– County Prosecutor

– Local Sheriff

– Kansas State Attorney General’s Office

– Kansas State Ethics Department

– Kansas State Office of Research


 Action that has been taken: – Ongoing

 Consequences of the above unethical behavior:

    – Employees are avoiding City/County email/ phone conversations by using direct employee  communication or private phones.

– Parties calling into the Bourbon County/City Hall are not made aware that their conversations are being recorded and therefore are innocent bystanders in the scheme of the unethical actions.

– Employees are not taking actions due to fear of retaliation and losing their jobs.

– Loss of elected and non elected employees who reported the actions, and became the target for doing so.

– Citizen mistrust, due to the action and inactions of those employees and officials in office.

– Citizen mistrust in employees and officials, who do not want to follow the Rule of Law and State Statutes, Policies, Procedures, Ordinances and Resolutions.

– Citizens in the community who do speak up are publicly shamed.

The Rule of Law does not oppress you. It gives you the Freedom in knowing the boundaries. Where as a community are we going to be, if this unethical behavior continues with our elected officials and city/county employees? 


Turning Empty Into Full by Patty LaRoche

Two brothers were getting ready to boil some eggs to color for Easter. “I’ll give you ten dollars if you let me break three of these on your head,” said the older one. “Promise?” asked the younger. “Promise!” Enjoying the moment, the older boy broke the first egg over his brother’s head, then another one. The younger brother braced himself for the last egg, but nothing happened. “Ain’t ya gonna break the third egg?” the boy asked. His brother replied, “Nah, if I did that, I’d owe ya ten dollars!”

Life is full of empty promises, isn’t it?  “For better or worse” becomes “Until I find someone else.”  “Best buy on the lot” becomes “A lot of car repairs.”  “I won’t tell anyone” becomes the talk of the town.  “Vote for me and I’ll…” becomes a joke.  “Buy this vitamin and you’ll have renewed energy and perfect health” becomes “Read the fine print.”  Unfortunately, too many of the world’s promises leave us unfulfilled or empty.

I’m so glad God doesn’t work that way.  In fact, He is the master at turning “empty” into “full.”  Full of promise, to be exact.

When I went to Israel several years ago, I toured where Jesus was born, where he walked, where he died and where he was buried, but the image I cherished most was that his grave was empty.  He who had died to pay the debt for every sin committed had exited his burial tomb to be with his Father in Heaven.  In Jesus’ day, no one expected him to be resurrected.  Jesus’ death was the end of their dreams.  Two men, however, did not let that stop them from honoring him.

Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy disciple of Jesus, asked Pilate for permission to bury Jesus in his own tomb.  It was a brave move and a generous gift.  We know little about Joseph except that Mark 15:43 tells us he was “…a prominent member of the Council…” (That’s the Sanhedrin, the supreme judicial authority of Israel who had illegally condemned Jesus to death), and Luke 23:51 says that he was “…a good & upright man, who had not consented to their decision & action.”

Scripture tells us that Joseph was aided by Nicodemus who brought a mixture of myrrh & aloes, about 75 pounds, burial spices for Jesus’ body.  John 19:38 reveals that Nicodemus was not as bold as Joseph.  In fact, he was a disciple, but “secretly.”  Sounds sad, doesn’t it?  Actually, it sounds sort of empty…sort of like the faith of some Christians who keep their relationship with Jesus a secret.

Had Nicodemus known that within three days, that tomb would be empty, I have to believe that he would not have been so hush-hush about being a follower of Christ. Still, he did more than most who ran for the hills when Jesus died.  What I love is that the story was so much grander than Joseph or Nicodemus could ever imagine.  They had gifted the one who conquered death with a final resting place, never realizing that Jesus’ death was just the beginning of a promise to all of us…that we too could join him for eternity if we put our trust in him.  The empty cave assures us of that promise.

We, unlike Joseph or Nicodemus, are assured of the ending. If that confidence doesn’t make us bold in how we share Jesus with others, I don’t know what will.


Letter to the Editor: Pete Allen

Peter Earles, Earles Engineering, left, and Kevin “Skitch”Allen, right in this photo from 2021. Earles has a contract with the City of Fort Scott for engineering and inspection services. He is also  Pittsburg’s City Engineer. Submitted photo and caption by Pete Allen.
Two years ago Earles was chosen by the commission that night to lead us through the infrastructure mess left by previous administrations.
Engineers are employed for their expertise and work ethic and dedication to their clients.
Earles has stepped up to the plate and given us all we could have asked for.
We now have storm sewer work going on, funds being used for their intended use, proper inspection of projects, grants for streets (and as city attorney recently remarked “we even have a brick crew”) and our sanitary sewer plant ready for re-build. With Earles, we have the answer to the ADM issue with billings that have increased tenfold.
The piece of the puzzle, previously missing, is now in place with Earles Engineering. Are they expensive? The answer is NO! I would estimate for every dollar spent with them; we have benefited fourfold or more.

Thanks Peter and Jason and the rest of the Earles organization. Keep up the good work!

Fig Cookies and TV by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom

By Carolyn Tucker

My earliest memory of my father occurred in the den of our California home. I was three or four years old and was simply hanging out with my Daddy whom I loved and adored. After supper and before bedtime, he would relax after a hard day’s work at Market Basket. His usual week-night routine was watching TV while eating snacks. One evening I noticed him enjoying a fig cookie, so I asked if I could have one. I’d never eaten one before so I thought I’d give it a shot. I figured if Daddy ate them, then I should too.


Fig trees were abundant in the Holy Land. The smaller immature figs (which can also be eaten) begin to form as soon as the leaf buds appear. The fruit of the fig tree pops out about the same time as the leaves. Therefore, when the leaves are in full bloom it means the tree has also produced mature figs which usually hide under the leaves. I suppose eating an immature fig could be comparable to eating a green tomato. I prefer red ripe ones but, if I was hungry, an immature fried green tomato would keep me from starving.


“The next morning as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. He noticed a fig tree in full leaf a little way off, so He went over to see if He could find any figs. But there were only leaves because it was too early in the season for fruit. Then Jesus said to the tree, ‘May no one ever eat your fruit again!’ And the disciples heard Him say it” (Mark 11:12-14 NLT.)


Some Bible scholars believe that this one particular tree was an exception to the normal season because it was already, at the time of Passover, full of leaves. This fig tree had a form of fruit production, but upon deeper inspection, Jesus found it to be barren and not living up to expectations. Fig trees were not for looks or to provide shade, they were designed to bear fruit. Without any figs, this tree was disappointing and not up to snuff.


Some have thought Jesus was being harsh when He cursed the tree. But considering that Jesus’ earthly ministry was only for three years, He didn’t have time to beat around the bush. He took advantage of this opportunity to actually teach by example. Jesus cursed the tree as a serious sign of God’s displeasure with sham and hypocrisy. The withering of the tree in 24 hours (Mark 11:20) was a vivid warning against having the leaves of false profession, but not bearing the fruit of God’s grace. Professing to be God’s personal ambassador, but denying it with an ungodly attitude and lifestyle, is serious business.


People are supposed to see how God is when they look at His followers. “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making His appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ’Come back to God!’” (2 Corinthians 5:20 NLT.) I don’t want to be a disappointing  exception to the lifestyle of a true Christ follower. I don’t want to look right on the outside and be wrong on the inside. I don’t want to pose as an imposter. God sees right through hypocrisy and, given enough time, so does everyone else. However, God also sees who we can become when we genuinely repent and surrender. My pastor recently shared that, “A moment of surrender is shown in a lifetime of obedience.”


The Key: With God’s help, we can be the real deal and influence others for Christ.

I Am Gomer…and So Are You by Patty LaRoche

Bringing a future spouse home to meet the family can be nerve-wracking. My experience was made even more traumatizing when my two brothers met Dave for the first time and shared with him that they were shocked when someone in high school actually asked me out on a date.  Not stopping there, they showed him a picture of me from my junior high days—right after I had cut my bangs to resemble a crew cut to complement a face full of freckles.

Brothers can be like that, you know.

Still, that event doesn’t come close to what the Biblical prophet Hosea must have encountered when he introduced his bride-to-be to his family.  After all, God had instructed him to marry a prostitute.  Actually, the word “whore” is used in many translations. I doubt this escaped the relatives’ notice, and even though this had been a directive from God, I’m thinking that this didn’t go over well with family members. Let the rumblings begin.

“I’m not sure what god you’re hearing from, but it sure isn’t the Jehovah we serve.”

“With all the sweet, Jewish virgins in town, this is what you choose?”

“Let’s give this relationship a little time—like a few years—and see if you still feel this way about this woman.”

Scripture tells us nothing about how Hosea really felt when he obeyed God and married Gomer (seriously, that’s her name), had three children, and then had her leave him to return to her former lifestyle.  Let the rumblings magnify:

“Too bad somebody didn’t listen!”

“Talk about disgrace!  This is disgrace times 100!  I’ll never be able to show my face in the marketplace again.”

“Now, explain to us again who told you to marry this harlot?”

If we read only this part of the story, it makes no sense, but when we realize that we are all Gomers, we can better understand God’s plan.  Judges 2:17 tells us that the Israelites had refused to be obedient to God’s instruction and “prostituted themselves to other gods and worshiped them,” clearly violating the first commandment: “You shall have no other gods besides me.”  God used Hosea to demonstrate the pain He felt when Israel no longer was faithful to Him. Hosea’s obedience proves how desperately he wanted his people to get the message.

After having three children and returning to her former lifestyle of prostitution, Gomer ultimately ending up a slave, and just like God continues to forgive us and woo us back to Him when we sin, so did Hosea with his adulterous wife.  He found her and bought her back for fifteen shekels of silver and thirteen bushels of barley.

Then he said to her, “You shall stay with me for many days.  You shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man; so I will also be toward you.”  Hosea was able to forgive his wife for bringing him incredible shame and hurt…just like God does for us when we choose anything before Him (prosperity, money, success, comfort, safety, recognition, pleasure, etc.).

God used Hosea to model His undying love for His people, the Israelites, a message that is equally relevant to us Christians.  It’s easy to berate Gomer for her infidelity, but that’s not the lesson intended for me.  I just need to look in a mirror, be convicted of whatever it is I place before God…and then be eternally grateful that He hasn’t given up on me.

Don’t Ask a Dum-Dum by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom

By Carolyn Tucker


I heard the following statement years ago and thought it was rather humorous: When God was handing out brains, there were some who misunderstood and thought He said trains, so they politely responded, “No thanks, I’ll take the next one.” Or how about this colloquialism: “He doesn’t know his head from a hole in the ground.” I’ve heard that it’s OK to say stuff like this as long as you conclude it with “bless his heart.“


In the book of Mark, we find King Herod, his wife Herodias, her daughter Salome, and John the Baptist in a showdown. On Herod’s birthday he hosted a stag party and invited  his nobles, military commanders, and the leading men of Galilee. For their entertainment, Salome came in and really cut a rug. All the men were fascinated and greatly pleased with her razzle-dazzle dancing performance. “Ask me for anything you like,” the king said to the girl, “and I will give it to you.” He even vowed, “I will give you whatever you ask, up to half my kingdom!” She went out and asked her mother, “What should I ask for?” Her mother told her, “Ask for the head of John the Baptist!” So the girl hurried back to the king and told him, “I want the head of John the Baptist, right now, on a tray!” (Mark 6:22-25 NLT).


I think it‘s odd that a young girl couldn’t immediately rattle off a dozen or so things she’d like to have. Most women have an internal wish list. I can think of a hundred things she could have asked for — shoes, a lifetime supply of chocolate truffles, her own dance studio, etc. I really don’t think Salome should have asked her mother for advice. Herodias was obviously filled with hatred for John, so her head wasn’t on straight and her heart was like a prune. Because Salome didn’t use her own head, all she got out of the king’s rash vow was a grisly dance trophy to give to her mother. Herodias and Salome were both  guilty of murdering John the Baptist, a good, righteous, and holy man. You can get into more trouble than you can shake a stick at by taking the wrong advice.


Be very careful when you ask for advice. If his/her own life’s a mess, that would be your first clue to take the next train. “If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get His help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought“ (James 1:5,6 MSG). Wisdom doesn’t come from acquiring information, but rather from God Himself as He generously gives practical and spiritual insight for the asking. He doesn’t scold us because we’re sometimes thick headed; instead God kindly enables us to make wise decisions.


“For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory” (Proverbs 24:6 ESV). I put this verse into practice when we were planning,  designing, and decorating for my daughter’s wedding in 2009. I prayed for wisdom and then I chose four girlfriends to help me wage the decorating war and we got it done smoothly and quickly. Mom always said, “Two heads are better than one.” However, it depends on whom the head belongs for that to be actually true. So choose wisely. Salome chose her mother’s head, which caused poor John to lose his.


The Key: Don’t hang out with dum-dums — it‘s just too dangerous.

Letter to the Editor: Deb McCoy

We do have a Comprehensive Plan!


I have asked numerous times if the City had a 5 year or 10 years Comprehensive Plan for the City of Fort Scott. I never received an answer from any City Official, City employee, or City Manager stating YES WE DO! While researching the Fort Scott City Commissioners Agendas and Minutes of the Meetings I came across a City of Fort Scott Comprehensive Plan with survey results that was put together by the Planning Commission Board and presented on March 20th, 2018 at the City Commissioners Meeting. In reviewing the meeting agendas after that meeting, this comprehensive plan was never discussed or implemented. Look at the amount of tax dollars that we have spent on surveys and studies over the past 5 years when we had a comprehensive plan that was completed and introduced by the Planning Commission Board in 2018. Why was this Comprehensive Plan not implemented?

 Let me share some of the characteristics of this Plan:

  1. It is a physical plan that reflects social and economic values and is a guide for the physical development of the community. It translates values into a scheme that describes how, why, when, and where to build, rebuild, or preserve the community.
  2. It has a long range design, covering a period greater than one year to 5 years that expresses current policies that will shape the future rather than show a rigid image of the future itself.
  3. It is comprehensive and covers the entire city geographically, not merely one or more sections, and it covers areas outside of the City, referred to as the Growth Area.
  4. The plan is a state of policy covering community desires as quantity, character, location and rate of growth and how these desires can be achieved.
  5. Finally the plan is a guide to decision making by the Planning Commission, the City Governing body, City Manager and City Staff.

The Chapters in the Comprehensive Plan Include:

  1. Introduction
  2. Community Character
  3. Housing
  4. Economic Development
  5. Recreation and Natural & Historical Resources
  6. Infrastructure and Transportation
  7. Downtown and Fort Scott National Historic Site
  8. Code Enforcement
  9. Land Use/Growth Management


–  A quote from Chapter 4 states – “Without funding for economic development initiatives, without the ability to actively recruit business to Fort Scott, and without the means to extend the infrastructures necessary to accommodate new business growth, the community is vulnerable to economic stagnation and decline.” We also need to ensure that the City’s zoning and related regulations that promote good site design and protect business and commercial development from inappropriate development on neighboring properties. A long term goal would be to attract new industries that complement Fort Scott’s economy and utilize its labor force. This would also include the need to plan for future employment growth by having sites “shovel ready” to develop.

– One of the goals mentioned was to work with Fort Scott Community College to develop trade and labor apprenticeship programs that include heating/air, plumbing, electrical, carpenter and building trades, street and infrastructure maintenance, etc. that would provide qualified employees for local positions. Having a job to sustain a household, and affordable housing to accommodate the employee is another important factor.

– Another Goal from Chapter 4 states – that retaining existing businesses and industries and supporting their expansion is the foundation of our economy and is the source of the greatest percentage of jobs grown in the community. This means we need to develop the means to identify when a local company may be considering relocating or closing, and provide services to address the firm’s business needs and keep it in Fort Scott. Think about the loss of businesses over the past 5 years. Winery, Beaux Art Center, Peerless expanded their production to Iola and Nevada, Mercy Hospital, Dialysis Center, Price Choppers, Shoe Department, and Goody’s, just to name a few.

– Chapter 8 covers Code Enforcement, “which is the City’s use of its legal authority, often referred to as the “police power” to help ensure that the health and safety of residents is not adversely affected by property conditions. This includes poor yard maintenance, storage of items that can be hazardous, and lack of care resulting in property deterioration which directly impacts quality of life in a community. Property values as well as community self image are affected by blight and lack of maintenance. ‘Property Rights’ implies responsibility. No property should be used or maintained in a manner which downgrades its or another’s value, use, enjoyment or safety. This coupled with lack of investment in infrastructure such as improved streets or sidewalks, breeds, an aura of negativism which impeded a desirable ‘community spirit’”


It makes me wonder why this Comprehensive Plan was never implemented. It is obvious that a lot of time and effort was made in putting this plan together. The Plan was built on the past to create the vision for the future and could have easily been implemented into an active plan that would certainly be applicable today.


Why do we keep spending money on all of these studies when we had the Blueprint to a Comprehensive Plan presented 5 years ago just sitting in our files waiting to be implemented? Isn’t it about time we took some action towards a plan well thought out, well written and community oriented so that we as citizens could also participate in?


To get a copy of this Comprehensive Plan to the Fort Scott City website under Government and click on Agenda & Minutes. Pull up the March 20th, 2018 Commissioner Meeting notes. Go to page 57 thru 126.


Deb McCoy


Treasure or Trinket? by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom By Carolyn Tucker



When I’m shopping at a thrift store or flea market and something catches my eye, the first thing I do is look at the price tag. The second thing I do is ask myself if there’s anywhere to put it in my home! In these second-time-around stores, I’ve discovered magnificent old family portraits that should have been displayed in a loved one’s home because they are beautiful treasures. I’m saddened when I see precious family pictures being offered for some stranger to purchase. Why weren’t these photos treated with love, honor and respect and kept in the family? Because the treasure was treated as a trinket of little value.


When Jesus taught His disciples the parable about the hidden treasure a man discovered on a plot of land, He was not implying that we can purchase or work our way into heaven. “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field” (Matthew 13:44 MLT). He was teaching a serious truth that the kingdom of heaven is of such great value that we should be willing to give up all we have in order to gain it. Since there were no banks, treasure was often buried in fields for safekeeping. The supreme value of the hidden treasure (the kingdom of heaven) is worth more than the  sacrifice one can make to acquire it.


It’s worth the cost for believers to follow Christ and live according to His Word. And then when our last breath is drawn, heaven will be worth the price of not compromising our conscience, devotion to God, integrity, reputation, loyalty, and faithfulness. Whatever it costs us to obey God and do the right thing is worth it. Keeping our eyes on The Prize is key. Of course, Christ followers must realize we can’t be so heavenly minded that we’re of no earthly value. Everything we do must be weighed and compared against the individualized assignment God gave us. It’s easy to get sidetracked and bumfuzzled when we ignore our calling, forget the treasure, and go our own way. Being the hands and feet of Jesus is worth the cost of personal sacrifice.


We’re trained for the Kingdom of Heaven while we live on planet earth. Our routine life is the daily battlefield where we get to activate our training. Dad trained for 16 weeks at Camp Fannin, Texas before he was shipped out to the frontlines of Germany in 1944. Army training and spiritual training are similar. If we don’t learn to respect authority, follow instructions, and pay attention to our enemy, we won’t be on the survivor list.


The song, “Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All” was written in 1946 with lyrics by W. Oliver Cooper. I usually share the lyrics of a mentioned song, but in this case the title says it all. We mustn’t think of heaven as a natural occurrence at the end of the rainbow of life. We can’t merely hope, do good deeds, or buy our way into heaven. Nor can we ignore the glorious treasure of it and stuff it into an empty drawer. One day a bystander asked Jesus, “Lord, will only a few have eternal life?” Jesus responded to the crowd, “There is a great cost for anyone to enter through the narrow doorway to God’s kingdom realm. I tell you, there will be many who will want to enter but won’t be able to. For once the head of the house has shut and locked the door, it will be too late” (Luke 13:24,25 TPT). Eternal life is a priceless gift for the child of God, not an earned reward.


The Key: The Kingdom of Heaven is a treasure and not a trinket to be treated lightly.