Category Archives: Health Care

Bourbon County Commission Plan For Moving Forward

Bourbon County Press Release
For Immediate Release

On March 14, 2020, the Bourbon County Commission declared a state of disaster as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Shortly after on March 26, 2020, the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Department Officer issued an order to stay at home.

Since that time, there has been measurable progress at the county level, building a framework and preparing for when the Governor of Kansas tells Kansans we can reopen.

Bourbon County Commissioners realized the severity of the situation and acted swiftly in declaring an emergency existed.

This resulted in opening doors to federal resources. Bourbon County Emergency Management has worked diligently to keep our frontline healthcare workers safe with the necessary personal protective equipment, PPE. Available relief has been communicated through Facebook, email, radio, webinars, and hosting teleconference meetings with state level government officials such as with David Toland our Secretary of Commerce.

In three weeks, we have spoken to almost one hundred different businesses and organizations on a regular basis. At this time, we have reports of almost $4.6 million in relief to businesses awarded or applied for in our community.

On April 14, Bourbon County Economic Development, Jody Hoener, presented the commission a framework and roadmap with a goal to facilitate an effective path forward.

All three commissioners voiced their full support of the plan in moving forward.

“It’s an educational type of thing” stated Lynne Oharah, Bourbon County Commission Chair and COVID-19 Manager, “Educating the community on the plan. We need to move forward with this. Jody’s done a great job getting the framework in place and now we need to get all the players on board and get it out to the targeted groups.”

Our community has responded to the crisis informed, safely, and appropriately. Our framework, the roadmap to facilitate an effective path forward to reopening, has likewise been informed by experts in their field, researched heavily to ensure safety, and appropriate needs have been identified.

We do not have tima eline, but we know what the triggers are to move to the next phase. Planning for each phase now should begin so the infrastructure is in place when it is time to transition.

Phases are identified in the most well-renowned plan called National Coronavirus Response: A Road Map to Recovery by the American Enterprise Institute.

The phase we are in right now is called “Slow the Spread.” Experts are saying to move on we must see a slowed rate of infection and our healthcare infrastructure must be scaled up to safely manage the outbreak and care for the sick.

This includes using technology available to us, at its full potential, to keep our healthcare workforce, ambulance crews, and law enforcement officers safe.

The next phase is a State by State Reopening and will be determined by Governor Laura Kelly.

However, we anticipate there will continue to be some physical distancing measures and limitations mandated on gathering to prevent another accelerated outbreak.

Phase three is when physical distancing restrictions can be lifted. We can reach this point when we are using technology to screen our vulnerable populations and essential workers and collect data regionally, statewide, and perhaps even nationwide.

Of course, testing, once available, will be a key component. It is so important that it is worth repeating: Planning for each phase now should begin so the infrastructure is in place when it is time to transition.

The County team diligently on the needed infrastructure for when we are allowed to transition out of the current phase of slowing the spread to the next phase and beyond.

For the last three weeks, we have been very intentional and strategic with our efforts with a goal to facilitate an effective path forward.

We have identified our needs in a one page:

These include:

1.Rapid data collection of essential workers
2.Increase communication between public/private healthcare sectors
3.Improve patient communication
4.Promote a consistent message

We have articulated the required inputs to reach our goals in our Quad Chart.

These required inputs include:

1.Access to technology that can be used to tele-triage and screen our healthcare providers, the essential workforce, and the vulnerable populations. This allows for a more targeted approach to containing the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
2. Build many partnerships with experts and essential businesses such as: MRGlobal, Heart to heart International, the healthcare sector, KDHE, public health, emergency management, nursing homes and assisted livings, law enforcement agencies, and major employers.
3. Funding through public/private relationships.
4. Equipment to keep frontline workers safe with needed PPE, a database with software to support the self-reporting tele- screening, collection, entry and analysis of data taken during triage, testing, and recovery, and finally ensure our healthcare providers have increased testing capabilities.

There are two critical components that will be required for our community to move forward:

1. Screening and Data Collection
2. Testing and Test Kits. The Federal Government has yet to bring forth a plan. The most prominent plan widely used is the American Enterprise Institute’s Road Map to Reopening. This report calls for the need to screen and collect data on target populations.

Like many chambers of commerce, cities, counties, and state governments, Bourbon County has created a roadmap and the framework to facilitate an effective path forward.

“We have to have a starting point, and this is our starting point” Lynne Oharah. “This is a long-term process. Our team does an extraordinary amount of data mining and researching expert advice.”

Experts are telling us that to reopen society will require regular testing and a reliable, fast nationwide reporting network.

One of the ways identified to contain the virus is to screen patients. Because the virus is so contagious even those who may have the virus need to be quarantined.

This roadmap has been our guide the last three weeks and we have made progress in our effort to facilitate an effective path forward by obtaining one of the key components.

We have been working with Dr. Roger Harris, past Vice President of MRIGlobal, on an ongoing basis and through this relationship we have been able to gain access to a screening and data collection software, at no cost to the county, through Heart to Heart International and MRIGlobal.

Both organizations are well regarded in their field and have relationships with the Department of Defense. They have experience in responding to pandemics like Ebola with the same type of technology. Dr. Norman himself, our Secretary of KDHE, remarked positively on the two company’s credibility and reputation.

One of the features of the platform is it provides a self-assessment and guides people where to go should they show symptoms of Coronavirus.

An algorithm is used to manage key patients over time.

We have had measurable conversations with Kansas Department of Health and Environment and Bourbon County Emergency Management. Randy Cason, President of Ascension Via Christi and Becky Johnson, Public Health Department Nurse have been engaged. Community Health Centers of Southeast Kansas, our primary health provider, has been a critical component in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and will also be an essential partner moving forward.

Our next steps will be to continue to reach out and engage our essential healthcare providers.

The new technology should be built and available to our community in the next week.


First COVID 19 Death in Bourbon County

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Bourbon County, Kansas



April 7, 2020

It is with our deepest regret that we need to announce the loss of our first resident of Bourbon County, KS (elderly male), due to COVID-19, plus other health conditions. We would like to extend our sympathy to the family and friends of this individual during this difficult time and encourage the public to do the same as his family and friends mourn his loss.

The individual was and had been hospitalized out of state prior to 3/22/20 and was Bourbon County’s first positive COVID-19 case. Bourbon County Health Department’s first step was to contact those people who were a contact of this individual. The contact investigations have been completed. If you have not been contacted, your risk of exposure from this individual is minimal.

The overwhelming opinion of medical professionals across the country is that we MUST all do our part to help reduce the spread of this virus. Even though many will only experience mild symptoms, the higher risk/elderly population and those with underlying health issues could experience more severe symptoms.

In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, it is recommended that everyone stay home if you are able, utilize social distancing, use frequent hand hygiene, cough or sneeze into your sleeve/elbow, work from home if possible, and stay home if you are ill.

If you feel you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) please call your clinic first. If you are experiencing life threatening symptoms, please call 911!

If you have questions, the Bourbon County Health Department will answer your call at (620)223-4464. Due to the volume of calls, we are not answering messages via Facebook or Messenger.

You can also call the COVID-19 hotline at (866)534-3463 OR visit COVID-19 Resource Center at: See KS COVID-19 Case Summary for more details:!/vizhome/COVID-19Data_15851817634470/KSCOVID-19CaseData

You can also visit Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Departments on Facebook for local updates regarding COVID-19.

The Bourbon County Health Department is aware that daily case updates from KDHE may not always align with County case numbers. This may be due to the individual’s location vs. their physical address.

We appreciate everyone’s efforts to decrease the spread of COVID-19. Please continue this effort.

The Public Is Asked to Wear Masks

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, 403 Woodland Hills Blvd.


Homemade masks are being advised now for the general public


Robert Poole, Communication and Marketing Director for CHC sent  this information directly from National Public Radios’s web page:

The CDC is now recommending people consider wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain,  because there is increasing evidence that the virus can be spread by presymptomatic and asymptomatic carriers.


To view the way to make homemade face masks from household items,  click below:


These new policies come with the vital plea that people don’t use the medical-grade masks that are in short supply in hospitals right now.


On Community Health Center’s  Facebook page recently, a patient who was a woodworker donated his n95 respirators to CHC for medical personnel.


Poole also responded to the following questions:


What other occupations would have the medical-grade masks?

Poole said he took the following information directly from National Public Radio’s story on masks from their web page.

Construction businesses and contractors

– Woodworking shops

– Manufacturing plants and factories

– Landscapers

– Auto shops/body shops

– Painters: The masks do not protect against paint fumes, but are used as dust masks during sanding.

– Nail salons: The masks do not protect against chemical vapors, but protect against acrylic powder or dust from filing artificial nails.

– Hardware stores and tool retailers: Harbor Freight is donating its entire supply of personal protective equipment.

– Mold remediation companies

– Cleaning companies: However, many cleaning companies are facing intense demand for sanitation services because of the coronavirus crisis and may need their masks to protect their own vulnerable workers.



Where can people take donations if they have them? 

“Any CHC/SEK location will gladly accept donations of N95 masks.”


What about the homemade masks people are making for medical personnel, are they effective?  

” In order to reserve our supplies of medical masks, we have instituted the use of homemade masks in non-patient care areas,” Poole said.


Poole provided the following from the NPR wedsite:

Can public face-coverings prevent the spread of the virus?

The primary benefit of covering your nose and mouth is that you protect others. While there is still much to be learned about the novel coronavirus, it appears that many people who are infected are shedding the virus – through coughs, sneezes and other respiratory droplets – for 48 hours before they start feeling sick. And others who have the virus – up to 25%, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield — may never feel symptoms but may still play a role in transmitting it. That’s why wearing a mask even if you don’t feel sick can be a good idea.


If you cough or sneeze, the mask can catch those respiratory droplets so they don’t land on other people or surfaces. “So it’s not going to protect you, but it is going to protect your neighbor,” says Dr. Daniel Griffin at Columbia University, an expert on infectious diseases. “If your neighbor is wearing a mask and the same thing happens, they’re going to protect you. So masks worn properly have the potential to benefit people.”


If I’m wearing a mask and someone sneezes on me, would the mask offer some protection?

Yes. But only if you use the mask properly and don’t touch it with your hands afterward. Those droplets from a cough or sneeze would hit your mask instead of your mouth and nose — good news. But the next step is to take the mask off by the ear bands and either wash or discard it — without touching the front of it. If you touch the front of the mask, whatever that person coughed or sneezed on it is now on your hands.

One other thing: Ideally you would have eye protection, too, to keep that stranger’s sneeze from getting in. Glasses and sunglasses aren’t perfect but can help.

What about homemade masks?

Some research has shown that cotton T-shirt material and tea towels might help block respiratory droplets emitting from sick people — though it’s not clear how much protection they provide.


How often do I need to wash it?

Griffin says to think of a mask as like underwear: It needs to be washed after each use.  “You don’t take this dirty mask off, put it in your purse and then stick it back on your face,” he says. “It’s something that once you put on, is potentially either touching your coughs, sneezes or the spray of your speech, or protecting you from the coughs, spray, speech of other people. And now it’s dirty. It needs to basically be either discarded or washed.”

Interim Guidance for Kansas Child Care Facilities

Interim Guidance for Child Care Facilities Licensed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment(KDHE)April 3, 2020
This guidance is based on what is currently known about the spread and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The purpose of the guidance is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among child care facilities, families, and communities. KDHE will provide updated guidance as necessary based on the changing situation.
Please check the CDC website and the KDHE website(COVID-19 Resource Center) periodically for updated information and guidance for a variety of settings as well as public health and health care professionals.
Visit the KDHE Child Care Licensing website for more information about facilities and regulations.
At this time, KDHE supports continuity of operations for child care. KDHE will communicate updates should our recommendations change.
Child care facilities (family child care and center-based care) that are willing and able to continue to operate are providing an important service for parents who must continue to work, particularly those whose jobs are considered essential for the well-being of the community.
Licensed child care, with its emphasis on healthy and safe daily routines, provides a stabilizing and often familiar setting for children while parents are away at work.
Although child care has been identified as an essential business and may operate in all counties, child care licensees may independently decide to temporarily close based on their own situation.
Governor Kelly issued a statewide stay-at-home order effective March 28, 2020,(Executive Order/EO 20-16 in response to the rapidly increasing number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and to increase uniformity in requirements across the state.
The Kansas public health system supports state and local shared responsibility and decision making in response to a public health emergency.
Local health officers have the statutory authority(K.S.A. 65-119, K.S.A. 65-129b, K.S.A. 65-202) to make decisions independently from the state public health officer. Prior to the issuance of EO 20-16, several local health officers exercised this authority and issued local county stay-at-home orders.
However, pursuant to Section 5 of the EO, the order supersedes previously issued local/county orders through April 19, 2020, or until the statewide order is rescinded. Local officials retain the right to issue isolation and quarantine orders. Any local order extending beyond the effective date of the statewide order will go back into effect upon expiration of the statewide order.
KDHE encourages providers to remain in close communication with their local public health department as situations regarding COVID-19 are changing frequently. Local health officials are able to provide community level guidance and recommendations that support the efforts of child careproviders to maintain healthy and safe environments.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

•KDHE Child Care Licensing will not issue blanket exceptions to increase capacity or eliminate other health and safety requirements as part of the COVID-19 response. This includes issuing temporary licenses for an existing facility to operate in an alternate location. We await federal guidance on any waivers for requirements related to background checks and initial health and safety training.

•Existing child care facilities are required to continue to operate within the terms of their licenses and to comply with licensing laws and regulations.

•If a facility’s license is issued for a location that is closed (e.g. school, church, community center), the licensee cannot legally operate at an alternate location because the authorization to care for children only applies to location/address printed on the license

•In the absence of more restrictive guidance from either state or local health officials, new enrollment is permitted in accordance to the terms of the current license (ages of children, group sizes, total capacity, etc.). When enrolling new children, it is critical that health screening happens prior to entry and ongoing for all new and existing children.

NOTE: Screening and monitoring for signs and symptoms of illness have always been a part of maintaining a healthy and safe environment.

Screening should happen prior to entry and on an ongoing basis for all children and staff. Strong exclusion policies and increased sanitation is essential. These provisions are in place in order to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

•Consider prioritizing care to children of health care workers and first responders. If your facility has multiple classrooms/units consider creating a separate classrooms/units just for the children of health care workers and first responders. No additional screening or exclusion policies apply to health care workers’ children or to children living in counties with confirmed cases.•Let your local resource and referral know when you have vacancies and are able to care for children of health care workers and first responders.

•Facilities closing temporarily must submit a timely renewal application to ensure there is no gap in licensure and that the license remains in effect and valid.

•Specific licensing questions should be referred to your local licensing surveyor.For more information about local licensing contacts, visit our website at click on Local County Contacts ( Planning and Preparedness Recommendations for Licensed Child Care Facilities The most important thing that child care facilities can do now is to prepare for the possibility of community-level outbreaks.Licensees should take the followingsteps to help stop or slow the spread of respiratory diseases, including COVID-19:

•Stay informed and know where to go forthe most current information. Sources of accurate information include the CDC, KDHE,and your local county health department.

•Developor update emergency preparednessplans to address possible disruptions in learning and program operations. Your local licensing surveyor is available to provide technical assistance.

Determine how to deal with high absentee rates among children and staff.identify critical functions and positions and plan for alternative coverage in the event of staff absences or closure.identify methods to communicate with staff and parents in the event of closure

.•Review your policies for the exclusion of sick children and staff. Caring for Our Children, National Health and Safety Performance Standards ( has information related to managing illnesses, including inclusion/exclusion guidelines. Established exclusion guidelines may need to be updated based on what is known about the symptoms and spread of COVID-19.oMake sure that parents of children in care and staff are aware and follow the policies.

Encourage parents to plan now in the event their child becomes sick. Sick children should not be taken to another child care program or another group setting, even temporarily.

oDevelop flexible sick leave policies that encourage staff to stay home when sick or when caring for sick family members.•Review children’s files and update health assessments and contact information.

•Develop a communication plan with parents and staff in the event of a COVID-19 case occurs in a staff or child.

•Make plans for the isolation and supervision of sick children until their parents can pick them up.

•Implement monitoring systems to track children and staff absences.oUnderstand the usual absenteeism patterns for your facility.oAlert your local health department about large increases in absenteeism due to respiratory illnesses.Recommendations for Preventingthe Introduction of COVID-19 INTO the FacilityPlease review the CDC’s Supplemental Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open

•Plan ahead to ensure adequate supplies to support hand hygiene behaviors and routine cleaning of objects and surfaces. If you have difficulty obtaining thesesupplies contact your local licensing surveyor and/or your local resource and referral agency.

•Post signs outside the entrance restricting entry to anyone with symptoms of illness/respiratory infection.

•Limit outside visitors. NOTE: This does not include the local licensing surveyor or necessary maintenance/repair worker. For those individuals, keep a log including date/time, name, and contact information (phone or email).

•Set up hand hygiene stations at the entrance so that individuals can clean their hands before entering. Keep hand sanitizer out of children’s reach and supervise use.

•Limit parents/guardians to one per child during drop-off and pick-up. Ideally, this should be the same individual each day.

•Work with parents/guardians to stagger drop-off and pick-up times to avoid overcrowding of children and parents/guardians in a confined spaces. If possible,greet parents at the door or outside.

•Screen children and staff daily before admittance for signs and symptoms of illness. Ask questions, observe for signs of illness,and check for fever. When checking temperatures, to the extent that you are able,do the following:oPerform hand hygiene.oWear personal protective equipment (mask, eye protection, gown/coveralls and a single pair of disposable gloves).oBe sure to use a fresh pair of gloves for each individual and that the thermometer is thoroughly cleaned in between each check. If disposable or non-contact thermometers are used and the screener did not have physical contact with an individual, gloves donot need to be changed before each check. In non-contact thermometers are used, they should be cleaned routinely as recommended by the CDC for infection control.

•Individuals who have a fever or other signs of illness should not be admitted.

•Exclude individuals with history of COVID-19 exposure, including travel within the last 14 days in a state, county or country identified as a hot spot for COVID-19,and those showing signs of illness.oChildren who are sick, with the typical reasons kids get sick (vomiting, rash, diarrhea, pink eye etc.) should be excluded in accordance with yourpolicies.oCurrent information about when individuals with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should stay home is available on the COVID-19 Resource Center on the CDC website

•Ensure frequent handwashing ( and cough etiquette(coughing and sneezing into elbow).

•Meticulously follow diaper changing procedures. •Care for children in small stable groups. Children should be kept in the same group with the same provider/staff every day. Ideally, this means groups of the same 10or fewer children/staff, if/when possible.

•Facilities enrolling more than one group/unit are advised to maintain separate rooms for each group/unit. Adults, children, and staff assigned should try to remain in their designated rooms/units(avoid co-mingling or sharing space), including during drop-off/pick-up, indoor/outdoor activities, and mealtimes.

•Avoid over-crowded conditions. Encourage children to spread out during story and circle times.

•Allow as much room as possible between cribs, cots, and sleep mats. At least six feet is recommended. Place cribs, cots, and sleep mats so that children rest “head to toe” rather than “face to face”.

•Get plenty of fresh air. Children of all ages should have an opportunity for daily outdoor play, weather permitting. Indoor rooms should be well ventilated. To promote air circulation, open windows whenever weather permits or when children are out of the area.

•It is important to comfort crying, sad and/or anxious young children and they often need to be held. To protect themselves providers should consider

oWearing an oversized, button-down, long-sleeved shirt. Keep long hair up off the collar in a ponytail.oWashing their hands, neck and anywhere touched by a child’s secretions.oChanging the child’s clothing if secretions are on the child’s clothing. The provider should then change their button-down shirt, if there are secretions on it, and wash their hands again.

oPlacing contaminated clothes a plastic bag until washing it ina washing machine. Providers, like children in care, should have multiple changes of clothing on hand.

•Intensify cleaning and disinfection routines. Caring for Our Children, National Health and Safety Performance Standards( has nationally recognized standards for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection.

Routinely clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched, especially toys and games. This may also include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily such as doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops, nap pads, desks, chairs, cubbies, and playground structures.

oUse the cleaners typically used at your facility. The CDC has detailed information at A list of EPA products is available at When choosing products be sure to read the label and carefully follow directions

.oPay special attention to cleaning and sanitizing toys.

▪Toys that can’t be cleaned and sanitized should not be used.

▪Set aside toys children have placed in their mouths or otherwise contaminated with bodily fluids until they have been cleaned and sanitized.

▪Machine washable toys should be used by one child at a time or should not be used at all. These toys should be laundered before being used by another child.

•Stock sinks and restrooms with soap and paper towels.

•Place boxes of facial tissues and waste containers for used tissues throughout the child care area and in places readily accessible to children and staff.

Recommendations for Child Care Facilities in Communities with Laboratory-Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Infection

The guidance provided in this section is based on current knowledge of COVID-19. This guidance may be updated as additional information becomes available about the virus, how it spreads, and how severe it is.

If public health officials report that there are cases of COVID-19 in the community, child care facilities may need to take additional steps in response to prevent the spread in the facility. The first step is to talk to local public health officials. Determine if, when, and for how long child care facilities may need to be closed.

•Licensees should work in close collaboration and coordination with local public health officials and the local licensing surveyor to make closure decisions. Facility closures may be recommended for 14 days or longer. The nature of these actions (geographic scope, facility type, and duration) may change as a local outbreak situation evolves.immediately notify the local health department and your local licensing surveyor if someone who is infected (child, staff or resident of family child care home) has been in the facility. The local health department will help determine a course of action for the facility.

oFollowthe instructions of local public health officials to determine when children and staff who are well but are sharing a home with someone with a case of COVID-19, should return to the facility. oWork with local public health officials to communicate about a possible COVID-19 exposure. Communication to parents of children in care and to staff members should align with the facility’s emergency preparedness plan. When communicating information,it is critical to maintain the confidentiality of any ill child orstaff member.

•When child care facilities are temporarily closed, children and staff should stay home—away from gatherings, crowds,andother social settings.

•Identify strategies to support families in continuing their child’s learning in the event of facility closure.

•Understand that the length (duration), criteria, and public health objective of child care facility closures may be re-assessed and changed as the situation evolves. Licensees should follow the advice of KDHE and local public health officials. MoreInformationKDHE Resources

•COVID-19 Resource Center•Information Line1-866-534-3463 (1-866-KDHEINF) Monday –Friday 8 am to 5pmCDC Resources•Coronavirus Disease 2019 website

Bourbon County COVID 19-Four Cases

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Bourbon County, Kansas



April 4, 2020;

A Bourbon County, KS positive COVID-19 test was confirmed this afternoon, making Bourbon County’s total number of cases 4. The testing was confirmed through a reference laboratory that was used. The individual was in a daycare in Bourbon County. This individual is now in isolation at their home, with their family who are now in quarantine. The Bourbon County Public Health Department has contacted the daycare and the provider has been notified and is taking precautions to prevent any spread of COVID-19. The Bourbon County Public Health Department is working diligently to investigate, identify and contact the other individuals who have been exposed.

The Bourbon County Public Health Department urges the public to continue to take appropriate actions. Everyone should practice good hygiene, stay informed, practice social distancing and limit in-person interactions, and avoid travel whenever possible.


  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of Breath

Please remember if you have the symptoms to:

Call before going to a Clinic, Hospital, ER, or Health Department

Close contact means: 6 foot or less for 10 minutes or more, with a positive case.


  • Call your local clinic/family physician’s office OR 911, where you will receive further instructions.

For more information you may call the SEK Multi-County Health Department: Bourbon: (620)223-4464 Monday-Thursday 7:00am-5:30pm OR the COVID-19 Hotline: (866)534-3463.You may also visit the

COVID-19 Resource Center at: Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Departments on Facebook for local updates.

FSCC Nursing Program donates medical supplies

Fort Scott Community College (FSCC) Department of Nursing has been fortunate enough to be able to give back to people of Fort Scott and the surrounding communities during this time of uncertainty. The FSCC Department of Nursing was able to donate the following to Ascension Via Christi in Fort Scott:

  • 20,000 gloves of various sizes
  • 1,100 ear-loop masks
  • 250 pairs of shoe covers
  • 100+ N95 masks
  • 100+ isolation gowns
  • 7 face shields
  • 12 disposable stethoscopes.

It is a true honor to be in the position that we are able to donate these supplies to those healthcare superheroes so they are adequately able to care for our community,” says Jordan Howard, Director of FSCC.

All of FSCC’s classes have recently moved to an online base learning including the Nursing Program for the remainder of the semester. The technical/hands-on classes such as FSCC Nursing, John Deere, Welding, etc. do have the ability to do simulations online that mimic real-life scenarios. Because of that, the FSCC Nursing Department wanted to put their unused medical supplies to good use.

We definitely want to help keep our frontline ER personnel safe and are more than happy to support our local healthcare needs with the supplies,” says Alysia Johnston, FSCC President.

To view FSCC’s COVID-19 EAP and any other updates, please visit


Where The Bo Co Resident With COVID 19 Frequented

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Bourbon County, Kansas



March 24, 2020;

The Bourbon County, Kansas resident who tested positive for COVID-19, on 3/22/20, had recently frequented Fort Scott’s Walmart store and a local bank. These locations have been notified and are taking precautions to prevent any spread of COVID-19.They also visited the Kansas City, Kansas area and Independence, Kansas, within the last 2 weeks.

This is all the information that will be released on the resident, unless other areas of contact are identified.

The Bourbon County Health Department is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will continue to update the public with current information.

As on previous notices, please continue to follow COVID-19 precautions with social distancing (greater than 6 feet for less than 10 minutes) and proper hygiene practices.

Please contact the Bourbon County Health Department for questions or concerns (620)223-4464. You can also look for updates on the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Dept. Facebook page, the Bourbon County Corona Virus Updates Facebook page. Or you may also contact the COVID-19 hotline at (866)534-3463.

SEK Multi-County Health Department Administrator

Bourbon County Public Health Officer

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kansas Test Results

March 24, 2020 Public Update
For more information:

Updated 3/24/20 at 11 a.m.

Total Positive Cases
Private Labs
Kansas Health and Environmental Lab (KHEL)
Deaths (included in above numbers)
Out-of-State Resident Positive Cases*
(not counted in Kansas numbers)

Total Negative Cases for Kansans

Positive Case Information
County Number

Linn County
Butler County
Cherokee County
Mitchell County**
Morris County
Douglas County**
Reno County
Jackson County
Johnson County
Leavenworth County
*Ford and Miami Counties reported positive cases in out-of-state residents.
**Douglas and Mitchell Counties had incorrect numbers in their updates for 3/23/20. It should have read Douglas County—6; Mitchell County—1 for a collective total of 79 for 3/23/20.



Age Range
Age range on patients is 7 to 90 years of age, with a median age of 52.

CHC/SEK Responds to COVID 19

UPDATE 03/24/20

CHC/SEK IS RESPONDING TO COVID-19 The COVID-19 situation is challenging each of us in different ways. For the staff at CHC/SEK, “business as usual” has always meant constantly trying to improve and find new and better ways to care for our patients.

This week we made several procedural changes in response to the virus. You will see tents in front of some of our clinics, and a screening nurse will greet you at all locations.

Nurses will ask you a few questions, and possibly take your temperature before you enter the clinic. The reason is to identify any potential COVID-19 patients before they enter, so we can properly treat them with minimum exposure to other patients and our clinical staff. In some cases, COVID-19 testing may take place in the patient’s vehicle rather than inside the clinic.

Public Health Officials are emphasizing that not everyone can, or needs, to be tested. Potential COVID-19 patients must meet specific guidelines that include specific symptoms and risk actors as directed by the CDC and state health departments. Our Nurse-staffed information line is now open 24-hours a day to answer health questions and screen patients concerned about exposure to the virus. The toll-free number is 866.888.8650.

We also understand that as the virus pandemic continues, we must continue to provide our “normal” health care services with as little interruption as possible.

We are now seeing some patients through eVisits. Patients can be “seen” by their health care provider from home via a smartphone or other device using an internet or data connection. E-visits are a convenient option for patients who are generally in good health, and more routine visits. Call us at your regular clinic number to ask about eVisits.

We’re also shifting appointment times in some locations, with “well” or routine visits in the mornings (or afternoons), and ill, or symptomatic patients on the opposite schedule with the idea of minimalizing exposure risks.

In Pittsburg, we will soon be diverting well-child visits with our pediatricians to our mobile clinic, called the KidCare Connection. We want to keep your healthy child’s examinations and vaccinations on schedule in the safest environment possible. The bus will be parked at 3011 N. Michigan, on the north side of our clinic.

Finally, Apothecare pharmacies at the Pleasanton, Fort Scott, and Pittsburg locations are providing free same-day delivery by vehicle or delivery by mail for prescriptions. CHC/SEK will continue to provide updates as they unfold.

Ascension Via Christi no longer allowing visitation with few exceptions


As of noon today, Ascension Via Christi Hospital will be enacting additional visitation restrictions designed to protect patients and staff as COVID-19 has reached Southeast Kansas and a growing number of surrounding counties.

This includes our Emergency Department in Fort Scott, which is also no longer allowing visitors. Exceptions for the following units, where one visitor will be allowed in:
● Labor and Delivery
● Pediatrics
● Pre- and Post-operative Care

These visitors must meet the screening criteria being employed at the entry points, which for visitors are limited to the main lobby, ER and, at St. Francis, second-floor entrance from the parking garage.

End-of-life visitation needs will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Everyone else is encouraged to lend their support through the use of virtual platforms, such as Facebook or Skype.

“We appreciate the role family plays in the healing process and the importance of the presence of loved ones during family milestones,” said Randy Cason, President of Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Pittsburg. “However, our first priority continues to be protecting our patients and staff and helping slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community.”


About Ascension Via Christi

In Kansas, Ascension Via Christi operates seven hospitals and 75 other sites of care and employs more than 6,000 associates. Across the state, Ascension Via Christi provided more than $33.6 million in community benefit and care of persons living in poverty in fiscal year 2019. Serving Kansas for more than 135 years, Ascension is a faith-based healthcare organization committed to delivering compassionate, personalized care to all, with special attention to persons living in poverty and those most vulnerable. Ascension is one of the leading non-profit and Catholic health systems in the U.S., operating 2,600 sites of care – including 150 hospitals and more than 50 senior living facilities – in 20 states and the District of Columbia. Visit