Category Archives: Government

Senator Hilderbrand’s Weekly Communication March 22

March 22, 2019∙ Week Ten
·      Preliminary estimates from the Kansas Department of Labor show a seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 3.4 percent in February. This was unchanged from the previous month and down from 3.5 percent in February 2018. (Kansas Department of Labor).
·      Since February 2018, Kansas has gained 8,800 seasonally adjusted total nonfarm jobs and 7,200 private sector jobs (Kansas Department of Labor).
This week in the Senate we were able to recognize Nicole Konoeplko on being named the 2019 Kansas Student Journalist of the Year Award.
Consumer Health Complete covers all areas of health and wellness. Did your doctor prescribe a new medication? Recently diagnosed with a condition? Look it up here. Designed for the everyday consumer, this online database provided by the State Library of Kansas offers popular reference books, medical encyclopedias, fact sheets, and magazine articles. This full text database covers topics such as aging, nutrition, cancer, fitness, drugs and alcohol, even yoga.
If the page above asks for a Kansas Library eCard number, you may get one at any library in Kansas. Most people will be automatically recognized as being in Kansas and will not need this step.  Questions: [email protected] or 785-296-3296.
EXTENDING RURAL OPPORTUNITY ZONE PROGRAM (SB 125): Senate Bill 125 would extend the Rural Opportunity Zone Program by five years. SB 125 extends the deadline for a participant to begin in the student loan repayment portion of the program to July 1, 2026 and the individual income tax credit portion of the program would be extended through tax year 2026. This bill passed the Senate 29-11(This is a bill that I sponsored and voted in favor of).
ADDING CERTAIN COUNTIES TO LIST OF RURAL OPPORTUNITY ZONES (SB 135): Senate Bill 135 would expand the list of eligible counties for participation in the Rural Opportunity Zone (ROZ) Program. SB 135 would add the following counties: Atchison, Cowley, Crawford, Dickinson, Ford, Franklin, Miami, Pottawatomie. This bill passed the Senate 30-8(This is a bill that I sponsored and voted in favor of).
THE KANSAS CLOSED CASE TASK FORCE (SB 102): Senate Bill 102 would create the Kansas Closed Case Task Force. SB 102 requires the task force to create a plan relating to hits on closed cases, including a mechanism to ensure uniform compliance at the local law enforcement agency level. This bill was passed and placed on the Consent Calendar 38-1(I voted in favor of this bill).
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL LICENSES (SB 164): Senate Bill 164 would amend law relating to the issuance of licenses by the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) within the Department of Revenue, by providing license terms commence on the effective date specified on the license. Currently, the license term commences on the date the license is issued by the Director of Alcoholic Beverage Control. SB 164 also provides that licenses for Class B clubs, drinking establishments, public venues, and caterers will be issued for two years commencing on the effective date specified on the license. Current law provides such licenses expire two years after issuance. This bill was passed and placed on the Consent Calendar 39-0.
CALCULATING COST OF KEEPING CIVIL PRISONERS IN COUNTY JAIL (HB 2097): House Bill 2097 amends law relating to the cost of keeping civil prisoners in county jail. HB 2097 changes the amount taxed as costs in an action for keeping a civil defendant imprisoned in county jail from $1.50 per day to an amount equal to that provided by the county for the maintenance of other prisoners. The bill also requires the same provision be made for civil prisoners as made for other county prisoners. This bill was passed and placed on the Consent Calendar 39-0.
AMENDING THE KANSAS NATIONAL GUARD EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (HB 2123): House Bill 2123 would remove the requirement that an eligible Kansas National Guard member have at least one year remaining on such member’s enlistment contract at the beginning of any semester for which the member receives assistance under the Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance Program to participate. This bill was passed and placed on the Consent Calendar 39-0.
ELIMINATING MARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN TRUCKS (HB 2127): House Bill 2127 would remove statutory requirements for lettering to be painted or otherwise durably marked on the sides of a truck or truck tractor with a registered weight of more than 12,000 pounds to identify owner or lessee. HB 2127 also removes requirements for findings by the Division of Vehicles regarding insignia or trademarks on such a vehicle and associated permits. This bill was passed and placed on the Consent Calendar 39-0.
SALES TAX EXEMPTION FOR NONPROFIT INTEGRATED COMMUNITY CARE ORGANIZATIONS (SB 178): Senate Bill 178 would provide a sales tax exemption for purchases made by nonprofit integrated community care organizations. Nonprofit integrated community care organizations would be defined as any entity that is exempt from federal income taxation, certified to participant in Medicare as a hospice focused on providing care to the aging and indigent population across multiple counties, and approved by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services to provide services under the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly. This bill passed the Senate 39-0.
REGULATING USE OF ELECTRIC SCOOTERS (HB 2126): House Bill 2126 regulates the use of electric scooters. HB 2126 prohibits any person from operating an electric scooter on any interstate highway, federal highway, or state highway. The bill also allows the governing body of a city or county to adopt an ordinance or resolution further restricting or prohibiting the use of electric scooters on public highways, streets, or sidewalks within such cities or counties. HB 2126 would apply traffic regulations applicable to bicycles to electric scooters. The bill does not prohibit electric scooters from crossing a federal or state highway. This bill passed the Senate 39-0.
ALLOWING THE BOARD OF REGENTS TO PURCHASE CYBERSECURITY (HB 2209): House Bill 2209 would amend law pertaining to the Committee on Surety Bonds and Insurance to permit the Kansas Board of Regents to purchase cybersecurity as they deem necessary to protect student records, labor information, and other statutorily protected data the Kansas Board of Regents maintains. This bill passed the Senate 39-0.
SENATE BUDGET PACKAGE (Sub SB 75): On Thursday, the Senate passed their budget package on a vote of 21-18(I voted against this bill. In FY 2017 our State General Fund Spending was $6.3 billion, this bill proposes increasing spending to $7.7 billion for FY 2020, while continuing to rob Peter to pay Paul.)
On Thursday, the Senate Commerce Committee voted 6-5 to recommend that the nomination of David Toland as Secretary of Commerce be rejected when his confirmation goes before the full Senate for a vote.
David Toland who was nominated by Governor Laura Kelly to serve as her Secretary of Commerce, is from Iola, Kansas and served as Executive Director for Thrive Allen County, an economic development entity.
Monday –
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Thank You for Engaging
Thank you for all your calls, emails, and letters regarding your thoughts and concerns about happenings in Kansas. Constituent correspondence helps inform my decision-making process and is taken into great consideration when I cast my vote in the Kansas Senate. I hope you’ll continue to engage with me on the issues that matter most to you, your family, and our community. If you are on Twitter or Facebook, I encourage you to follow along with the #ksleg hashtag for real-time updates on legislative happenings in Topeka.
Please know that I am fully committed to addressing the current issues in our state, and I am proud to be your voice in the Kansas Senate.

Legislative Update By State Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson

Legislative Update By State Senator Caryn Tyson

March 22, 2019

There is a spending problem in government, especially Kansas State government.  The Senate passed a budget according to the Chair of Ways and Means that, “is more than the Governor asked for.”  Senate Bill (SB) 75 appropriates $17.2 billion all funds and $7.1 billion of State General Funds (SGF).   Since 2013, State expenditures have increased over $3 billion – a 19% increase in less than 7 years for all funds.  The SGF increased $1 billion in that same time-frame – a 14% increase.  This is not sustainable!  SB 75 had a few good things, but not enough to justify the out-of-control spending.  The vote was 21 Yes to 18 No.  I voted No.

The Senate Tax Committee, which I chair, passed SB 91, an attempt to lighten the tax burden for senior citizens, disabled veterans, and Kansas taxpayers.  SB 91 would freeze property taxes on a home via a tax credit for people over 65 who make less than $30,000 a year, and for disabled veterans.  The bill would also increase the standard deduction for an individual to $3,500, up from $3,000.  Married filing jointly would increase to $8,500.  After the massive spending increases passed in the budget, cutting taxes is an attempt to reel in government growth.

Rural Opportunity Zone (ROZ):  SB 125 would extend the ROZ five more years to 2026.  The program is a state income tax credit for people moving into an approved rural county from out of state.  The bill passed Yes 29 to No 11.  SB 135 would increase the number of counties in the ROZ program by eight: Atchison, Cowley, Crawford, Dickinson, Ford, Franklin, Miami, and Pottawatomie.  There are 73 counties in the program.  If the bill becomes law, the entire Senate District 12 would be included in the ROZ.  SB 135 passed Yes 30 to No 8.  I voted Yes on both bills.

Kansas Closed Case Task Force would be established with SB 102.  It creates a task force to create and implement a plan for uniform protocols for law enforcement to follow.  The process does need to be identified.  However, what makes legislators the experts in establishing the protocols and procedures relating to data hits in the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS).  SB 102 would have two legislators co-chairing the task force.  It’s just another layer of bureaucracy.  The vote was 39 to 1.  I voted No.

The Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance Program would be updated by House Bill (HB) 2123, removing a requirement that eligible members of the Kansas National Guard have at least one year remaining on their enlistment contract to qualify for education assistance.  HB 2123 would allow Air National Guard members to participate as they can only re-enlist 90 days prior to their end of service.  The bill passed the Senate unanimously.

Kansas sales tax statutes name some exemptions for specific groups, like a Rotary club in Wichita, while all other Rotary clubs in Kansas do not enjoy the same sales tax exemption.  In an attempt to create a fair tax code, SB 178 sets parameters for non-profit community care organizations so that if an organization qualifies they get the sales tax exemption and do not have to go through the legislature to get their name added to the statutes.  During debate on the Senate floor, an amendment was added that would require one sales tax exemption of equal or higher dollar amount to be removed when one is added.  Sales tax exemptions total over $3 billion.  The bill passed unanimously.


It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.



Unclaimed Property Claims Speeded Up

New Technology from the Office of KS State Treasurer Jake LaTurner Speeds Up Unclaimed Property Claims for Hundreds of Kansans

Topeka—Kansas State Treasurer Jake LaTurner launched a new statewide effort making it easier and more convenient to connect Kansans with their unclaimed property and financial assets than ever before. Hundreds of Kansans were sent letters notifying them they have property in the state treasury waiting to be claimed and giving them an easier way to do it. Instructions on the letter allow the person to claim their property simply by entering a code from the letter in to a portal on the state treasurer’s website or by using their smartphone to scan a QR code also printed in the letter.

Treasurer LaTurner wants to make sure Kansans know these letters are a legitimate method for getting back their unclaimed property, and Kansans should feel secure going through the steps in the letter to claim their money.

“This is not a scam. If you received a letter from me with a link to, it means we have real money that belongs to you just waiting to be claimed,” said LaTurner. “We want to make sure no one throws these letters away by accident. Simply go to our website and enter the code in the letter or scan the QR square and get your money back.”

State Treasurer LaTurner has spent his last year and a half as treasurer using technology and efficient business practices to streamline the process for returning unclaimed property, including adding direct deposit as a way to receive payment. In 2018 a record $26.5-million in unclaimed property was returned to Kansans, and the office is on track to break that record in 2019.

Even without receiving a letter, all Kansans interested in finding out whether any of the $350-million in unclaimed property belongs to them can easily search by first and last name on

KDOT hosts webinar on agriculture and drones



The Kansas Department of Transportation’s (KDOT) Division of Aviation will host a webinar, “Drones in Ag: Harvesting Drone Data to Improve Performance,” on Tuesday, March 26, at 10:30 a.m.


The webinar is co-hosted by Kansas Farm Bureau and will feature two presentations – the first from Microsoft FarmBeats hardware researcher Zerina Kapetanovic detailing the FarmBeats system and the artificial intelligence challenges associated with agriculture, and the second from Kansas State University associate professor Ignacio Ciampitti on applications of UAVs in precision agriculture. It will also include a brief overview of the Kansas Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Integration Pilot Program (IPP) from KDOT Director of Aviation Bob Brock.


Individuals or teams interested in participating should RSVP at Space is limited and available on a first come, first serve basis. Participants will receive a link to the webinar upon registration.


The Kansas UAS IPP is led by KDOT Aviation as one of 10 national leaders conducting advanced UAS operations to guide future rule-making that will result in access to new technologies for the nation. IPP will help tackle the most significant challenges to integrating drones into the national airspace and will reduce risks to public safety and security. The Kansas team is focused on efforts in Long Line Linear Infrastructure Inspection (i.e. highways, railroads, energy distribution lines, etc.) and Precision Agriculture.

Governor Applauds Medicaid Expansion

Governor Laura Kelly applauds the passage of Medicaid expansion in the Kansas House


The following statement is from Governor Laura Kelly regarding the passage of Medicaid expansion by the Kansas House of Representatives:


“Today a bipartisan coalition in the Kansas House put politics aside and came together to pass Medicaid expansion. I’m proud of their work – and the work of so many advocates and citizens who worked tirelessly to make their voices heard on this issue.


“Medicaid expansion is one of the most critical issues impacting our state’s future. It will allow up to 150,000 more Kansans access to affordable healthcare, support local hospitals and clinics, and impact our economy for the better.


“Over 70 percent of Kansans support Medicaid expansion. I encourage the Kansas Senate to join me, this bipartisan coalition, business leaders and the overwhelming majority of Kansans in support of Medicaid expansion. The time for blocking progress has long since passed. Now is the time to expand Medicaid.”

Governor Tours Kansas Flood Areas

Governor Kelly tours flood-affected areas with the Kansas National Guard, the Kansas Department of Emergency Management and the Kansas Water Office

Governor Laura Kelly today toured counties damaged by flooding in Kansas and Nebraska with Maj. General Lee Tafanelli from the Kansas National Guard, Deputy Director Angee Morgan from the Kansas Department of Emergency Management and Acting Director Earl Lewis from the Kansas Water Office. They flew by helicopter to Leavenworth and then up the Missouri River Basin surveying the damage and relief efforts.

Kelly signed an executive order yesterday easing motor carrier regulations to expedite emergency relief and restoration. Last week, the governor issued a state of disaster emergency declaration for several counties affected by flooding. Local, state and federal partners will continue to work together to address the needs of communities and rural areas.

Governor Eases Regs To Assist Flood Relief

Governor signs Executive Order easing motor carrier regulations to assist with flood relief


To expedite emergency relief and restoration efforts associated with recent flooding in Kansas and neighboring states, Governor Laura Kelly has issued an executive order.

The order temporarily exempts commercial motor carriers and operators from Parts 390 through 399 of the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations while traveling in Kansas and directly participating in disaster operations.


“Yesterday, I signed an executive order waiving fees and easing regulation on motor carriers to assist with transporting relief to flood affected areas,” Kelly said. “I’m grateful for the work of our emergency management team and the Kansas National Guard during this critical time. It’s important communities in both states receive the aide they need immediately.”


The regulation exemptions include licensing, certification and permitting; fuel tax permits, and other rules that will allow motor carriers to more quickly bring in necessary supplies and equipment to aid in relief efforts.


Heavy rains and spring snow melts are causing moderate flood conditions along the Missouri River in several states, including Kansas, and is expected to increase to major flooding in the next few days. Doniphan, Marshall and Jefferson Counties have issued local disaster declarations and Gov. Kelly signed a state declaration for Doniphan County on March 15. Currently, potential flooding in the state would primarily affect farmland and not residential areas.


The State Emergency Operations Center in Topeka has been activated to a 24/7 level to monitor weather conditions and support local emergency management operations. The governor will tour the area impacted by flooding today with the Kansas National Guard, the Kansas Department of Emergency Management, and the Kansas Water Office.


Bourbon County Attorney’s New Space

The Bourbon County Courthouse, 210 S. National Avenue.

The Bourbon County County Attorney’s Office has moved.

The move took place following the departure of the old jail to the new jail facility last year. The Bourbon County Commissioners then reconfigured the courthouse, 210 S. National, moving most of the offices to the first floor of the facility.

The second floor was then designated as the county attorney’s office and the staff moved in October 2018.

Security is the main reason for the move.

“The second-floor office is for security,” said Judy Hood, senior legal secretary for Bourbon County Attorney Jacqui Spradling. “We had a KBI (Kansas Bureau of Investigation) agent come and talk with the county attorney. He jumped over the counter, to show how vulnerable they were.”

Both the second and third floor of the courthouse have restricted access since the reconfiguration of the building.

The hallways have been blocked with doors to the second floor. One can no longer walk from the first to the second floor of the courthouse, using the main staircase.

In addition, there is faster access to the district courtrooms on the third floor of the Bourbon County Courthouse for the attorneys, Hood said.

There are three attorneys and three secretaries in the Bourbon County Attorney’s Office.

Jacqie Spradling is the Bourbon County Attorney, Tiana McElroy and Steve Stockard are the assistant county attorneys.

Jacqie Spradling. Submitted photo.
The lawyer’s conference table.

The three secretaries are Hood, Angel Wilson, and Staci Haynes.

The access elevator to the second and third floors of the Bourbon County Courthouse is in the corridor between the courthouse and the north wing of the courthouse.
The stair access to the second and third floor is next to the Bourbon County Clerk’s Office in the north wing.
The Bourbon County Attorney’s Office on the second floor of the courthouse.
The Child In Need Of Care Conference room on the second floor of the courthouse.


Bourbon County Commission Agenda for March 19


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: March 19th, 2019

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason

9:00-9:45-Jim Harris

Consider request from City of Fort Scott to waive landfill fee for the demolition of Stout Building

9:45-10:15-Jeremiah Hill-Hard surface roads

10:30-11:00-Juvenile Placement

11:00-12:00-Justin Meeks

Executive Session- Attorney Client Privilege-15 min.

Executive Session-Personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel-15 min.

11:45-12:00-Ritters-Valuation notices


Legislative Update By State Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson

March 15, 2019

K-12 School Funding, Senate Bill (SB) 142, was a point of controversy on the Senate floor.  The bill is an attempt to satisfy the Kansas Supreme Court in the Gannon lawsuit.  You may ask, “another K-12 funding increase”?  Remember, over one billion dollars has been added to K-12 funding in the past two years.  SB 142 would be another increase of over $90 million.  At first, the plaintiffs agreed to the bill.  Then they decided it wasn’t enough.  They want a $360 million increase, the $90 million plus $270 million more.  According to an article in the Wichita Eagle, John Robb, lead attorney for the school districts, said, “I agree the optics are terrible, but I can’t look the other way on the $270 million for schools because the optics may look bad.”  The optics look terrible and the facts look even worse.

In the past ten years, K-12 funding has increased $1.7 billion!  In the past twenty-five years, the number of full-time students has increased approximately 10%, the number of classroom teachers increased approximately 15%, while the number of managers increased approximate 36%, and other non-teacher positions increased approximately 40%.  We must start looking at how the money is being spent and managed.  Is the money getting to the classroom and the teachers?  With the amount of money we pay for our schools, there should NOT be any teacher paying for supplies.

SB 142 allows the Court to continue appropriating from the bench without concern for our property taxpayers, infrastructure, prisons, and other obligations.  The Kansas Constitution puts sole responsibility of appropriations with the Legislature and I will continue to stand against the Court’s Constitutional overreach.  It was disappointing that more Senators chose to cave to the Court’s overreach.  One Senator said, “this is my final offer”, as he voted Yes.  I’ve heard that before and the schools and Court just keep coming back for more.  The bill passed 32 to 8.  I voted No.

Tax:  SB 22 addresses the state tax increase that is a result of the 2017 the Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  Many states, including Kansas, should change their tax laws in order to avoid a state tax increase.  The Senate passed SB 22 and sent it to the House.  The House added additional tax legislation. The Senate voted 24 Yes and 16 No to accept the House changes.  I voted Yes.  The House additions to SB 22 lowered state sales tax on food by 1% and added an internet sales tax that requires out-of-state vendors to pay Kansas sales tax.  SB 22 is now on the Governor’s desk.  If the bill does not become law, individual taxpayers will have an estimated $50 million increase because they may not be able to itemize deductions and businesses will have an estimated $137 million tax increase if they bring overseas money to Kansas.  Several other states have passed legislation avoiding a state tax increase, including our neighbors to the east – Missouri.


It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.



Senator Hilderbrand’s Weekly Communication

March 15, 2019∙ Week Nine
·      In January, the unemployment rate increased to 3.4 percent from December’s 3.3 percent. In January 2018, unemployment was at 3.5 percent (Kansas Department of Labor).
·      The Kansas labor force expanded by 1,300 in January. The number of unemployed escalated by 930 (Topeka Capital-Journal).
·      The five-county Topeka and Wichita areas had an unemployment rate in January of 4.1 percent. In Johnson County and four nearby counties, unemployment was at 3.7 percent. The Douglas County and Riley County reports showed an unemployment rate of 3.6 percent (Topeka Capital-Journal).
We had the honor of recognizing the Kansas American Legionnaires at the State Capitol. Thank you Legionnaires Carl and Myra Jowers representing Fort Scott Thompson-Harkey Post 25, for making the trip to Topeka!
Many of us have “learn a new language” on our to-do list. With Mango Languages, you can learn right from your own computer (or smartphone!). This online language learning service provided by the State Library is easy to use. Choose from 71 languages such as Spanish, French, Mandarin, Japanese- even Swahili. Mango uses real life situations and conversations to more effectively teach a new language. Mango also includes 19 English as a second language options. Use as a Guest or register to track your progress (and for smartphone use).
If the page above asks for a Kansas Library eCard number, you may get one at any library in Kansas. Most people will be automatically recognized as being in Kansas and will not need this step. Questions: [email protected] or 785-296-3296. To see all the State Library’s online resources, visit
Congratulations to ArtForms Gallery in Pittsburg for winning the 2019 SBDC PSU Emerging Business award!
Thank you Sue Horner, Janet Lewis, Ruth Miller, and Sylvia Shirley for taking the time to visit with me after the ceremony!
CEMETERY DISTRICT TERRITORY VALLEY CENTER (SB 155): Senate Bill 155 would de-annex all of Valley Center territory within the Hillside Cemetery District, located in Sedgwick and Harvey counties, from the cemetery district, effective June 30, 2020. After July 1, 2020, any territory annexed by the City of Valley Center located within the Hillside Cemetery District would be excluded from the cemetery district upon annexation. This bill was passed and placed on the Consent Calendar 38-0.
SALE OF PROPERTY IN DOUGLAS COUNTY (SB 173): Senate Bill 173 would authorize the State Board of Regents to sell the Old father Studios in Douglas County on behalf of the University of Kansas. The proceeds from the sale deposited to the restricted use account of the University of Kansas to be used for deferred maintenance. The bill would require the deeds, titles, and conveyances be reviewed and approved by the attorney general. This bill was passed and placed on the Consent Calendar 38-0.
STATE USE LAW EXTENTION (HB 2174): House Bill 2174 extends the sunset date for the State Use Law Committee which is organized within the Department of Administration, from July 1, 2019 to July 1, 2024. This bill was passed and placed on the Consent Calendar 38-0.
TEMPORARY PERMITS FOR THE SELLING AND SERVING OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR (SB 70): Senate Bill 70 modifies and consolidates laws concerning temporary permits to serve liquor for consumption on premises. The bill would codify several Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division rules and regulations into statute. The bill would repeal KSA 2018 Supp. 41-347 and KSA2018 Supp. 41-2645 but would retain most of the provisions of these statutes in new law. This bill passed the Senate 38-0.
CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT DELETING REQUIREMENT FOR ADJUSTMENT OF CENSUS DATA (SCR 1605): Senate Concurrent Resolution1605 removes the census adjustment requirement in the Kansas Constitution for military personnel and students. Currently, the state is required to contact every college student and member of the military who resides in Kansas to determine official residence. The census adjustment will ask ‘what is your permanent residence’, then adjusts the official census numbers accordingly based on that answer. This adjustment is only used for reapportionment of Kansas Senate districts, Kansas House of Representatives districts, and State Board of Education districts. During the 2010 adjustment, approximately 13,000 individuals were subtracted from U.S. Census bureau numbers because they told the State of Kansas, they considered themselves to be a resident of another state.
If SCR1605 does not pass, the Secretary of State’s office anticipates needing $834,000 in state general funds to cover the costs of the adjustment as part of the 2020 Census. In addition to state savings, SCR1605 has the benefit of allowing for expedited redistricting. On average, it takes three to six months after official U.S. Census data is provided to Kansas to complete the adjustment and provide redistricting data to the Kansas Legislature. Historically, Kansas has been among the last states to complete its reapportionment requirements and SCR 1605 provides the Legislature with additional time to complete redistricting. This resolution passed the Senate 40-0.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES-RELATED STATUTES (SB 99): Senate Bill 99 creates the designation of inactive certificate, authorizing the Board to issue an inactive certificate to persons currently certified by the Board who make a written application on a Board form and pay the corresponding fee. Such inactive certificates could only be issued to persons who are not directly providing emergency medical services (EMS) in the state and are not presenting themselves to the public as providing EMS. A holder of an inactive certificate would not be allowed to engage in the practice of EMS. Inactive certificate holders could apply for an active certificate by filing a written application on a form prepared by the Board and by paying the corresponding fee. The Board would have the authority to require additional testing, training, or education as deemed necessary to establish the inactive certificate holder’s ability to engage in the provision of EMS with reasonable skill and safety. This bill passed the Senate 36-2(I voted against this bill. I had some concerns with the state mandating fingerprinting, and then making the EMS personnel pay for it.).
This week I had the opportunity to introduce Dr. Jim Triplett, Erin Kruse, Charlie Beetch, and Cecily Stephens in the Senate. They were in the Capitol representing PSU’s Sustainability program. PSU is the only University in the Kansas regents system that offers this 4-year baccalaureate degree.
HOUSE PROTECTIONS FOR VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, SEXUAL ASSAULT, HUMAN TRAFFICKING OR STALKING (SB 150): Senate Bill 150 creates law prohibiting certain actions from being taken against a tenant, lessee, or applicant for a lease because such person has been or is in imminent danger of becoming a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or stalking. A tenant or lessee could not be evicted from the premises or found to be in violation of a rental or lease agreement based on or as a direct result of the circumstances, if the tenant or lessee otherwise qualifies for tenancy or occupancy. A tenant or lessee would not be liable for rent for the period after vacating rented or leased premises if the tenant or lessee is in the circumstances and notifies the landlord or property owner in accordance with provisions set forth in the bill. In an action brought against a tenant or lessee under Kansas law seeking recovery of rent, the tenant or lessee would have an affirmative defense and no liability for rent for the period after vacating the premises if, by preponderance of the evidence, the court finds the tenant or lessee was in the circumstances described above and provided the required notice.
An applicant, tenant, or lessee would qualify for the protections of the bill if the applicant, tenant, or lessee provides a statement regarding the circumstances to the landlord or property owner, who could also request the applicant, tenant, or lessee provide additional documentation specified by the bill. Such documentation could include a document signed by the victim and any one of various specified professionals or providers from whom the victim sought assistance, declaring under penalty of perjury the individual believes the qualifying circumstances exist, or a record pertaining to the alleged qualifying circumstances from a court or federal, state, or local law enforcement agency, including a police report. The submission of false information by an applicant, tenant, or lessee would be a basis for denial of tenancy, eviction, or violation of a rental or lease agreement. A landlord or property owner could impose a reasonable termination fee, not to exceed one month’s rent, on a tenant or lessee requesting termination pursuant to the bill before the expiration date of the lease, but only if such fee is contained in the terms of the rental or lease agreement. This bill passed the Senate 40-0(I was a co-sponsor of this bill).
AUTHORIZING A STUDY OF RETAIL RATES OF KANSAS ELECRIC RATES (Sub SB 69): Substitute for Senate Bill 69 authorizes an independent $1 million study of retail rates charged by public utilities. The bill requires the Legislative Coordinating Council (LCC), a bipartisan group of House and Senate leaders, to select a firm or organization to perform the study which is scheduled to be completed in 2020. The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC), the state’s utility regulator, would have to cooperate with the organization hired to conduct the study. Sub SB 69 requires the study to be paid for by utility companies.
This legislation was created in response to Kansas having some of the highest utility rates in the region and is intended to provide information to the Legislature in order to protect ratepayers.
The initial phase of the study will examine whether the current rate-setting process influenced utility capital investments, balanced utility profits and public-interest objectives, expenditures in transmission and renewable energy resources, and examine the regional competitiveness of Kansas’ rates.
The second phase will explore how electric public utilities accounted for installation of charging stations for electric vehicles, how investment in transmission infrastructure influenced utility rates and the impact of electric rates on economic development. This bill passed the Senate 38-1(I voted in favor of this bill).
$90 MILLION SCHOOL FUNDING INFLATION PLAN (SB 142): Senate Bill 142 appropriates funds to the K-12 base aid for FY 2020 and FY 2021. The legislation supplements the state’s $525 million, five-year investment that passed last year, with a series of additional $90 million bonuses during the next four years. SB 142 was crafted to comply with the Kansas Supreme Court’s instructions to add an inflation adjustment. This bill passed the Senate 32-8(I voted in favor of this bill).
ALLOWING KANSANS TO BENEFIT FROM FEDERAL TAX REFORM (SB 22): Senate Bill 22 was originally introduced in response to the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 and the revenue windfall Kansas is expected to receive because of federal tax reform. SB 22 addresses both individual and corporate taxes by decoupling state law from federal tax provisions. The bill will provide individuals with the ability to itemize when using the federal standard deduction on their tax return. SB 22 provides Kansans with the right to deduct interest on their mortgage, property taxes, and health care expenses. The bill also provides incentives for businesses to invest and create jobs in Kansas since it places Kansas on par with surrounding states that have already decoupled from federal law, increasing Kansas’ competitiveness.
If Senate Bill 22 does not get signed into law, businesses are expected to get hit with $137 million in state income taxes and individual taxpayers would pay an extra $50 million to the state.
After SB 22 passed the Senate on a vote of 26-14, it was then sent to the House of Representatives where two amendments were added before it passed the House on a vote of 76-43.
One amendment added by the House provided a one percentage point reduction in the state’s 6.5 percent sales tax on food. The food sales tax reduction is expected to provide a $43 million reduction in sales tax, beginning October 1st. The second amendment was an internet sales tax amendment that requires out-of-state vendors to pay sales tax. Online sales tax is expected to generate about $21 million annually. The Senate voted 24-16 to concur with House amendments(I voted in favor of this bill. I did not like the internet sales tax piece that the House put on this bill, and the fact we were not given a chance to remove it).
We had constituents from Spring River Mental Health and Wellness, as well as from Fort Scott Mental Health at the Capitol promoting mental health awareness in Kansas.
Monday –
·      Hearing on: SB 175, enacting the public employee right to choose act, providing public employees with the right of relief from the obligation to pay union dues through withholding of their wages – [Senate Commerce Committee; March 18 at 8:30 am]
·      Confirmation hearing on: Julie L. Lorenz, Secretary, Department of Transportation – [Senate Transportation Committee; March 18 at 8:30 am]
·      Hearing on: HB 2279, requiring law enforcement officers to provide information about timing of release from custody when an arrest is made following a domestic violence call – [Senate Judiciary Committee; March 18 at 10:30 am]
·      Hearing on: SB 211, requiring the attorney general to appoint a Kansas youth suicide prevention coordinator – [Senate Education Committee; March 18 at 1:30 pm]
Tuesday –
·      Hearing on: HB 2103, amending the revised Kansas code for care of children to provide requirements for placement of a child in a qualified residential treatment program – [Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee; March 19 at 9:30 am]
·      Hearing on: SB 220, licensure of professional occupations allowing certain persons with criminal or civil records that would otherwise disqualify such persons from licensure to receive a license; add state board of education to exempt agencies – [Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee; March 19 at 10:30 am]
·      Hearing on: SB 126, exemption from income tax for certain public utilities – [Senate Utilities Committee; March 19 at 1:30 pm]
Wednesday –
·      Confirmation hearing on: David Toland as Secretary of Kansas Department of Commerce – [Senate Commerce Committee; March 20 at 8:30 am]
·      Hearing on: SB 221, allowing clubs and drinking establishments to sell beer and cereal malt beverages for consumption off the licensed premises – [Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee; March 20 at 10:30 am]
·      Hearing on: HB 2038, revoking spousal inheritance rights upon divorce – [Senate Judiciary Committee; March 20 at 10:30 am]
Thursday –
·      Hearing on: HB 2211, allowing judges to waive or reduce driver’s license reinstatement fees – [Senate Judiciary Committee; March 21 at 10:30 am]
Thank You for Engaging
Thank you for all your calls, emails, and letters regarding your thoughts and concerns about happenings in Kansas. Constituent correspondence helps inform my decision-making process and is taken into great consideration when I cast my vote in the Kansas Senate. I hope you’ll continue to engage with me on the issues that matter most to you, your family, and our community. If you are on Twitter or Facebook, I encourage you to follow along with the #ksleg hashtag for real-time updates on legislative happenings in Topeka.
Please know that I am fully committed to addressing the current issues in our state, and I am proud to be your voice in the Kansas Senate.