Category Archives: Government

Governor: Disaster Assistance

Governor Laura Kelly announces disaster assistance for Kansas businesses and discusses banks, unemployment


Governor Laura Kelly was joined today by David Toland, Secretary of Commerce; Delía García, Secretary of Labor; David Herndon, State Bank Commissioner; and others to discuss what the Kelly Administration is doing to help mitigate the potential impact of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, on the Kansas economy.


U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance Loans


The Governor first announced that under the state’s disaster declaration she issued on March 12th, Kansas has applied for, and expects to receive, disaster assistance loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to supplement small businesses disrupted by the economic fallbacks of COVID-19.


“As Kansans practice social distancing, our restaurants, bars and other event centers will see a decrease in patrons. These loans can be used to help keep Kansas small businesses afloat when they can’t obtain credit elsewhere,” Kelly said. “During this turbulent time, our affected small business owners need support.”


Through the SBA, loans of up to $2 million would be made available to Kansas small businesses in need of assistance. The disaster declaration extends to all 105 Kansas counties, making low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital available for Kansas small businesses across the state.


“SBA’s disaster loans are a powerful tool to help our state’s small businesses weather this temporary storm,” Toland said. “The Department of Commerce is grateful for the SBA’s quick action working to make these resources available and for their commitment to keeping Kansas businesses strong.”


Once approved, Kansas small businesses can begin applying for disaster loan assistance through the SBA at SBA loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills. The interest rate is 3.75 percent for small businesses and 2.75 percent for private non-profit organizations.


Hospitality Industry Relief Emergency (HIRE) Fund


The Governor also announced during Friday’s press conference that her administration has allocated $5 million of state funds to establish the Hospitality Industry Relief Emergency (HIRE) Fund to provide short-term, zero-interest loans for Kansas’ hospitality sector during the pandemic.


“In an effort to make sure all Kansans come through these difficulties together, we are providing much-needed support to businesses dealing with the earliest impacts of this public health crisis,” Kelly said. “There are more than 10,000 hotels, restaurants, bars, event centers and other hospitality establishments in need of our support right now, and we’re doing everything we can see them through this severe, but temporary, downturn.”


The HIRE Fund offers loans up to $20,000 at 0 percent interest for a term of three years to hospitality businesses with fewer than 100 employees.


“The hospitality industry is experiencing some of the most immediate impacts of the COVID-19 crisis with businesses being closed to the public all across Kansas,” Toland said. “HIRE Fund loans are available to help these businesses meet working capital commitments, such as payroll, utilities, commercial loan payments, inventory expenses and more.”


Loan decisions will made within 72 hours of the time an application is submitted, and businesses will receive funds within 48 hours (or the next business day) of an application being approved. The program is administered by NetWork Kansas, a non-profit with a system of small business loan underwriters across 64 Kansas counties.


For more information on the Hospitality Industry Relief Emergency fund, visit


Kansas Department of Labor Updates


García spoke about her agency’s role in supporting Kansans during the current health and economic crisis.


“We are doing everything we can to support Kansas workers and employers,” García said. “As we navigate these unprecedented times, know the Kansas Department of Labor is here for you – and we are ready to support our fellow Kansans.”


To illustrate the gravity of the situation, García said that last week the department received 1,296 unemployment claims. This week, the department has received 11,355 claims – an increase of over 10,000.


 “We are in uncharted waters right now, which underscores the importance of us working together,” García said. “To serve Kansas workers and employers as efficiently as possible, we are encouraging them to utilize our website — — as much as possible.”


Employers and workers can apply for benefits, file by spreadsheet, find answers to frequently asked questions and utilize additional resources online.


Office of the State Bank Commissioner Updates


Herndon shared updates from his office, dispelled false rumors surrounding the impact of COVID-19 on Kansas banks and discussed how the Kansas banking industry is stepping up to help people across the state.


The Office of the State Bank Commissioner regulates banks chartered by Kansas and non-bank consumer credit providers licensed to do business in Kansas. It conducts safety and soundness examinations, regulatory compliance examinations and information technology/cybersecurity exams as mandated by federal and state laws and regulations.


“Kansas banks are safe and they are sound,” Herndon said. “No depositor has ever lost a penny of insured deposits since the FDIC was created in 1933. I urge Kansans to be safe, protect yourself and your funds by leaving them in your account.”


Herndon said bankers across the state are assisting Kansans by making new loans, amending terms and conditions to existing loans and otherwise working with borrowers adversely impacted by the pandemic.


“Kansas bankers and the Kansas banking industry is stepping up to help through this pandemic, and they are here to assist in any way they can for the duration,” Herndon said.


The Governor also thanked Kansas medical professionals, members of the press corps, grocery store and food industry workers, custodial staff, firefighters, police officers, state and local emergency managers, and the 21 state-active duty National guardsmen & women for their hard work.


“I know many of you are working long hours away from your family and that is tough so please know that Kansans all across the state appreciate you and all you are doing,” Kelly said.


Applications now open for the Community Service Tax Credit Program



Topeka, Kan. – The Kansas Department of Commerce announced today that applications are now being accepted for the Community Service Tax Credit Program (CSP).


CSP assists private nonprofit organizations and public health care entities in undertaking major capital campaigns for projects involving:

  • Children and family services
  • Non-governmental crime prevention
  • Youth apprenticeship
  • Youth technical training
  • Health care

Under this program, the state authorizes specially selected nonprofit organizations to offer tax credits to donors making contributions toward approved projects.

This year, CSP has earmarked $1 million for childcare and early childhood development projects for services to those under the age of five. The program will award $4.1 million in total tax credits.

“Community service tax credits are a powerful tool to support the quality of life in communities large and small,” Secretary of Commerce Toland said. “We are particularly pleased that by aligning CSP with Governor Kelly’s early childhood agenda, we can support Kansas non-profits who provide services to kids whose parents are needed in the workforce.”

The proposed projects should be unique or one-time in nature and create a lasting value for charitable organizations (e.g., capital campaign, major equipment purchase, major renovation, capacity building, etc.). Eligible projects must also result in the organization becoming more self-sufficient.

Applicants may request up to $250,000 in tax credits. Applicant organizations in rural areas (less than 15,000 population) are eligible for a 70 percent credit. Applicant organizations in non-rural areas are eligible for a 50 percent credit.

Applications for the Community Service Tax Credit Program will be accepted through May 31, 2020. Awards will be announced July 15.

More information on the program and application process may be found online at

Unemployment/Disaster Allowances Signed By Governor

Governor signs bipartisan bills to help Kansans during COVID-19 Pandemic

Extends unemployment eligibility, education disaster allowances, judicial disaster allowances


Governor Laura Kelly signed three bipartisan bills into law today in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


“I want to thank the Legislature for working together to fast track this critical legislation,” Kelly said. “As COVID-19 continues to spread, our response is constantly evolving. We must have a plan for Kansans who are facing so much uncertainty. The bills will help our state navigate these difficult circumstances. We will get through this together.”


Senate Bill 27:

House Substitute for Senate Bill 27 extends unemployment eligibility for workers who started to file unemployment insurance claims on or after January 1, 2020. These workers would be eligible for a maximum of 26 weeks of benefits, instead of the current effective maximum of 16 weeks.


“The fallout of the aviation industry has been felt all across Kansas, long before the COVID-19 epidemic,” Kelly said. “Now, more than ever, hardworking Kansans need the support necessary to provide for their families.”


Senate Bill 142:

House Substitute for Senate Bill 142 expands education waiver authority during disaster emergencies. Under current law, students are required by statute to attend at least 1,116 school hours per school year. This bill allows local school boards to receive waivers for this requirement under a state of disaster declaration, with the understanding that they will utilize continuous learning for their students during this time. Additionally, the bill codifies legislative intent that school districts continue to pay all hourly employees during a disaster shutdown.


“In a time of crisis and uncertainty, our schools need flexibility and support to maximize learning opportunities for students while making sure children, their families and school district employees are safe,” Kelly said.


Senate Bill 102:

House Substitute for Senate Bill 102 expands authority of the judicial branch in time of disaster, permitting the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to issue an order extending statutory deadlines or time limitations on court proceedings and authorizes video conferencing.


“This will allow our court system to continue to function during the crisis while ensuring our court employees and the public are safe and healthy,” Kelly said.


These bills become effective upon publication in the Kansas Register. A special edition has been expedited for publication and printing today by the Legislature and the Secretary of State.


KS Treasurer Operation Plans

State Treasurer Jake LaTurner announces operation plans for Kansas State Treasurer’s Office during government shutdown

Topeka— In response to the Governor’s order that state agencies shut down nonessential operations beginning March 23th and continuing through April 3rd, The Kansas State Treasurer’s Office (STO) will continue to serve in its capacity as the state bank.

“The STO will continue to operate in partnership with the Department of Administration to support other State agencies with mission essential functions,” stated Treasurer LaTurner. “As we learn which essential functions agencies plan to carry out we are responding accordingly.”

At this time, STO has enabled services with its banking partner to allow state agencies to make deposits directly to bank branches via drive-through services and will continue servicing ACH payments and wire transfers.

The STO will also continue to service bonds, making payments to bondholders for any bond payments that occur provided that funds have been remitted to the office from the issuer and, in the event of principal payments, the bond or temporary note certificate has been submitted to the office in accordance with the bond or note documentation.

For municipalities in the State of Kansas, the STO will be sending the regular monthly distribution for sales and compensating use tax, community development, and transportation development district tax early. The payment was previously scheduled to settle on March 30th and will now settle in the accounts on March 25th. Municipalities who receive this distribution will receive email notification of these payments on Friday, March 20th.

The Unclaimed Property division of the STO will offer limited services for the next two weeks. Kansans can search online for claims via the STO website where many claim requests can be submitted online. Claim packets can also be requested via email or postal mail. However, claim processing and payments will be delayed.

The STO will utilize this time to further enhance its teleworking plans so that services may return in full without sacrificing the health and safety of its employees or customers.

Fort Scott Budget Work Session/Commission Meeting/Advisory Boards Postponed

The City of Fort Scott will be postponing the scheduled budget work session that was to be held on Monday, March 23rd, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. and the regularly scheduled City Commission meeting, which was to be held on Tuesday, March 24th, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. All other City of Fort Scott Advisory Board meetings are postponed until further notice.

This is due to the CoronaVirus pandemic and the declaration from the Governor of the State of Kansas. City officials are working diligently to provide meetings open to the public using an online platform.

March 19, 2020 Public Update COVID-19

Situation Overview
For more information:

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kansas Test Results
Updated 3/19/20 at 10 a.m.

Total Positive Cases
Private Labs
Kansas Health and Environmental Lab
Deaths (included in above numbers)
Out-of-State Resident Positive Cases
(not counted in Kansas numbers)

Positive Case Information
Butler County
Cherokee County
Douglas County
Franklin County
Jackson County
Johnson County
Leavenworth County
Linn County
Morris County
Wyandotte County
* Ford and Miami Counties reported positive cases in out-of-state residents. Numbers included in cases home states.

KDHE:new mandates for quarantine and isolation of travelers, close contacts and those being tested

CLARIFICATION: Please note that these mandates do not apply to critical infrastructures needed to continue operations during this pandemic.

Public health, including hospitals, clinics, etc. need to have the staffing resources to continue serving Kansans.

While KDHE strongly recommends these quarantine restrictions for everyone, we do recognize that medical care needs to continue and no healthcare facility should ever be to a point where it would need to close due to staff being quarantined.

We ask facilities to ensure they have updated their Emergency Preparedness Plans and implement protocols to ensure that no employee comes to work symptomatic.

Other examples of critical infrastructures include pharmaceutical and food supply, along with others defined by the Department of Homeland Security.


March 18, 2020 Public Update COVID-19

Situation Overview
KDHE continues to closely monitor an outbreak of a respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19). The outbreak first started in Wuhan, China, but cases have been identified around the world including in the United States. The first case in the United States was announced January 21, 2020. Five new cases announced today.
Please visit our website,, for more information and answers to your FAQs. New information is added daily.

For more information:

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kansas Test Results
Updated 3/18/20 at 10 a.m.

Total Positive Cases
Private Labs
Kansas Health and Environmental Lab
Deaths (included in above numbers)
Out-of-State Resident Positive Cases
(not counted in Kansas numbers)

Positive Case Information
County Number
Butler County
Douglas County
Franklin County
Johnson County
Leavenworth County
Wyandotte County
* Ford and Miami Counties reported positive cases in out-of-state residents. Numbers included in cases home states.

State Hospital Restrictions


KDADS Announces Restrictions for Visitors to State Hospitals in Response to COVID-19
Many State Hospital Activities Also Suspended or Restricted

Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) Secretary Laura Howard today announced that visitation at all four state hospitals has been restricted effective immediately as a measure of precaution to reduce exposure of COVID-19 to residents and staff.

“Restrictions on visitors at state hospitals are a difficult but necessary step in our mission to encourage social distancing and limit exposure to the virus not only for our residents, who are some of the most vulnerable Kansans we serve, but our staff as well,” Secretary Howard said. “To date, there have been no cases of COVID-19 in any of our state hospital facilities and we are making vigilant efforts to continue to provide a safe, healthy environment.”

Consistent with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ guidance recently released for nursing facilities, new restrictions on visitors and non-essential individuals entering the Kansas Neurological Institute, Parsons State Hospital and Training Center, Osawatomie State Hospital and Larned State Hospital are in place:

  • Restricts all visitors, effective immediately, with exceptions for compassionate care, such as end-of-life situations;
    • No one showing signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat is allowed on campus.
    • No one having been in contact with a person with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 is allowed on campus.
    • No one having traveled to countries with sustained community transmission within the last 14 days is allowed on campus. Currently those countries include Italy, Iran, China and South Korea. An updated listing of these countries can be found at
  • Restricts all volunteers and nonessential health care personnel and other personnel (i.e. barbers);
  • Restricts internal and public group activities or appointments;
  • Implements active screening of residents and health care personnel for fever and respiratory symptoms;
  • Suspends the Foster Grandparent Program (unique to KNI) and volunteer programs;
  • Redirects vendors and deliveries to alternate sites on campuses; and
  • Closes facilities on state hospital campuses to the public.

Parents and guardians of residents at state hospitals are being asked not to come to campuses and instead check with hospital administration about alternative ways to communicate with their loved ones. Each hospital will work to accommodate visitors via telephone or video if possible.

In end-of-life cases, visitors will be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks, and the visit will be limited to a specific room only.

“The populations we serve in our state hospitals are in many cases more vulnerable to COVID-19 than others. That, coupled with the rapid spread of COVID-19 in people who are in close proximity to each other on an ongoing basis, make it necessary to restrict, or in some cases suspend, normal day-today activities,” Deputy Secretary of Hospitals and Facilities Scott Brunner said.

For more information on COVID-19 visit the Kansas Department for Health and Environment’s Resource Center at:

You also can call 1-866-534-3463 (1-866-KDHEINF).

Filings for the November 2020 Election in the County

John Horn votes during a 2017 election at the Bourbon County Courthouse.

The election process has begun and  this year the general election date is November 3,

“Filing deadline is noon, June 1st, 2020,” Bourbon County Clerk Kendell Mason said. “Anyone wanting to run for a local office can pick up the filing paperwork from my office.”


The county clerk’s office is located on the first floor of the north wing of the Bourbon County courthouse, 210 S. National Ave.


Since the interview, the courthouse has temporarily closed due to COVID 19 prevention measures.


“I am checking my emails on a regular basis,” Mason said on March 17. “if someone needs a packet they can email me with their mailing information and we will mail them a packet.  My email address is [email protected].”



At the county level, there have been some filings for Bourbon County Sheriff and two commission positions, Mason said.


So far this year, three men have applied to run for Bourbon County Sheriff:  Derick Burke, Bill Martin and Craig A. Rice

Fort Scott Police Department Officer Derick Burke. File photo. Burke is running for sheriff.


Bourbon County Sheriff Bill Martin. Submitted photo. Martin is running for sheriff.


Craig Rice. Courtesy photo by Merle Humphrey. Rice is running for sheriff.



Two Bourbon County Commission seats are up for election:

For Commission District #2 – Jeffrey Fischer and Jim Harris

For Commission District #3 – LeRoy “Nick” Ruhl

Jeff Fischer, District 2 Bourbon County Commissioner. He is running for his current position.
Jim Harris, Bourbon County Public Works Director. Harris is running for District 2 Commissioner.
Nick Ruhl, District 3 Bourbon County Commissioner. He is running for his current position.



“Elections in even years are in August and November,” Mason said. “A  law changed the odd-year elections from spring to fall.


As of last week, there are no amendments received to be put on the ballot,  Mason said.


The following is from the Bourbon County website:

Not sure if you’re registered to vote or where to vote?

You may register to vote online, through the Kansas Secretary of State’s website.

Check your voter registration status, the location of your polling place and view a sample ballot at VoterView by the Secretary of State.

Advance Voting is available prior to each election.  You may advance vote in one of two ways:  By mail, by filing an application for a ballot to be mailed to you   OR   in-person, beginning at least one week prior to any election.


Governor: Temporary Eviction/Foreclosure Prohibitions

Governor Kelly announces Executive Order to ­temporarily prohibit evictions and foreclosures


Governor Kelly on Tuesday announced Executive Order #20-06 to temporarily prohibit evictions and foreclosures across the state in an effort to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.


Due to negative economic impacts of COVID-19, Governor Kelly and her administration decided to take steps to support Kansans who may miss mortgage or rent payments as a result of lost wages and other income.


“We understand that this pandemic is creating unprecedented challenges for people across the state,” Kelly said. “Kansas families need our support, and my administration is committed to doing everything it can to make sure Kansans can stay in their homes and businesses. It’s a necessary step to further protect Kansans’ health and safety.”


The Executive Order temporarily prohibits all financial institutions operating in Kansas from initiating any mortgage foreclosure efforts or judicial proceedings, and any commercial or residential eviction efforts or judicial proceedings until May 1, 2020.


This order comes after a State of Disaster Emergency for the State of Kansas was proclaimed by Kelly on March 12, 2020.


Please find Executive Order #20-06 attached.

Continuity of Kansas Ag Industry Remains a Priority



MANHATTAN, Kan. —   With Tuesday’s announcement by Governor Laura Kelly that state agencies will reduce their offices to essential services for a limited time beginning Monday, March 23, 2020, the Kansas Department of Agriculture assures the Kansas agriculture industry that we will continue to provide support across the state for critical services in agriculture. The farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses of Kansas are an integral part of the economic backbone of the state. KDA works on a daily basis to support these stakeholders and this will continue during the upcoming break, while we also take steps to protect the health of KDA employees.


While some components of KDA’s programs will cut back their daily routines, the essential services which ensure a safe food supply, protect natural resources, promote public health and safety, protect animal health, and provide consumer protection will continue from this agency. Many of our program areas are well equipped to work from home and will do so as needed to assist in the continuity of the Kansas agriculture industry.


KDA will continue to make every effort possible to communicate with our stakeholders in a clear manner throughout this time period. Information about the state’s response to this emergency event can be found the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s COVID-19 Resource Center at